We Are All Hindus Now

There are very good reasons in India for considering the cow to be sacred. They clean up garbage on the streets, cow patties are an important source of cooking fuels, and if farmers killed their cows for meat, everyone would starve the next year when they couldn't plow the fields. (Christians have been responsible for a number of terror attacks on US abortion doctors)
:D Born-agan Christians don't terrorize anyone. I don't know about the rest of them.

Same old sandy...
IRA/ sectarian violence?
I said since 911. And the Muslims started the trouble/crusades.

OMG.sandy hon...911 was an inside job. W is more of a terrorist than any muslim could ever pray to be. and all in the name of god...of course. :rolleyes:
Lori, hon, I *KNOW* W and he did NOT do anything wrong. He was the BEST.PRESIDENT.EVER.
the muslims started the crusades???? holy shit!:roflmao:
Well duh! Of course they did.
Behind-the-scenes Illuminati-led manipulation.
It just seems like Urban II and Alexius I did it the plotting...
Well duh! Of course they did.
Behind-the-scenes Illuminati-led manipulation.
It just seems like Urban II and Alexius I did it the plotting...

the illuminati are muslim??? wow, i'm learning all kinds of things today! :D
the illuminati are muslim???
No silly.
Don't tell anyone, but they're really 7 foot-tall lizardmen from another star system.
They just wear turbans to fool people into thinking they're muslim.
the muslims started the crusades???? holy shit!:roflmao:

At the siege of Vienna in 1683 Islam seemed poised to overrun Christian Europe. We are in a new phase of a very old war.
It was the truth of Christianity against the demonic face of Islam.

As the Turks were ruling the lands of Syria and Palestine, they inflicted injuries on Christians who went to pray in Jerusalem, beat them, pillaged them, levied the poll tax at the gate of the town and also at Golgotha and the [Holy] Sepulchre; and in addition, every time they saw a caravan of Christians, particularly of those from Rome and the lands of Italy, they made every effort to cause their death in diverse ways. And when countless people had perished as a result, the kings and counts were seized with [religious] zeal and left Rome; troops from all these countries joined them, and they came by sea to Constantinople [First Crusade (1096-99)].
At the siege of Vienna in 1683 Islam seemed poised to overrun Christian Europe.
Um, First Crusade 11th Century - as given in your own quote! How does that tie in with 1683?

It was the truth of Christianity against the demonic face of Islam.
Truth of Christianity?
The Roman Catholic Church is very short on truths.
Demonic face of Islam? Because they were winning?
Um, First Crusade 11th Century - as given in your own quote! How does that tie in with 1683?
Truth of Christianity?
The Roman Catholic Church is very short on truths.
Demonic face of Islam? Because they were winning?
I was making a point. It's basically the same thing now: Muslims against Christians and Jews. The Koran COMMANDS Muslims to kill non-believers. Muslims take their orders seriously. I don't care about the Roman Catholic Church. It is a corrupt org as far as I'm concerned. It protects disgusting pedophile priests and has paid out millions (billions?) in hush money. The face of Isalm is demonic. Islam is a vile/disgusting religion of death and destruction.


Some things never change.
Wow Sandy, you are completely running counter the the whole point of this thread. That's your provocative. Yeah, probably for some Muslims they see an endless war and a struggle to turn the world into one big fracking Caliph. But, then again, what Christian doesn't think that world would be better all Christian? Two side of the same coin to me.
Wow Sandy, you are completely running counter the the whole point of this thread. That's your provocative. Yeah, probably for some Muslims they see an endless war and a struggle to turn the world into one big fracking Caliph. But, then again, what Christian doesn't think that world would be better all Christian? Two side of the same coin to me.

The main difference is we do it with love. They do forced conversions, saw innocents' heads off, kill, and destroy.

Sandy, W is a perfect example of how christians are not always on the defense.

I had an odd experience at st. Marks. While we were waiting in line to tour, my brother told me that much of what made the cathedral was stolen from the byzantine empire.

It was so beautiful, and I felt so sad. I was getting misty next to the fucking souvenier booth.

Opulence, wealth, theft, corruption, all in the name of god.

Christians do more than their fair share of misrepresenting god.

There is more than one way to terrorize people. If you follow your own doctrine you know that things like words and lies are just as deadly as a highjacked plane.
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...Christians do more than their fare share of misrepresenting god.There is more than one way to terrorize people. If you follow your own doctrine you know that things like words and lies are just as deadly as a highjacked plane.
No, we really don't. Good Christians are fishers of men and get the lost back to Him. Words and lies don't kill people like hijacked planes/terrorists do. Come back and discuss Islam with me when you really get it.

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No, we really don't. Good Christians are fishers of men and get the lost back to Him. Words and lies don't kill people like hijacked planes/Muslims do. Come back and discuss Islam with me when you really get it.

The word Good is the giveaway.

You are arguing that cookies are better than M&Ms by saying that
good cookies are better than M&Ms.