We Are All Hindus Now

I admit that I like the basic concept of reincarnation and karma as it might explain some of the inequalities we see in the world. My problem with budhism is that they seem to consider women to be at an inferior level of evolution than that of men's? I believe either gender have specific challenges and advantages that put us on different learning pathways, I believe a soul needs the knowledge of both alternatives.

I hope there is a hindu person around to give me some anwers....

Note for the trollers: these are my beliefs, no certainties, and I am happy to believe this as I am happy to believe my boyfriend is not cheating on me, can I prove it? Not at all!!!
Hindus have many Gods so take your pick .
It is a well known fact that Hinduism is a man made way of life .
None is better than any other; all are equal[...I wonder, of the religious people here at Sciforms, how many would agree with the above sentiment?

Yes. In fact, that's one of the founding points of my own religion. When it was laid down in the 1940's, the whole basis of it was a mystery religion; so, inherently, it's "not for everyone" and acknowledges that it is not the only valid faith. Now, gradually, Wicca has shed its restrictive bonds of being entirely a mystery cult; it is largely public domain, though initiatory traditions still thrive of course. In addition, my religion also holds reincarnation as a core belief on life after death; and it has an ethical system similar to the Karmic ethics of many Hindu sects. This is not be unexpected; early Wicca was influenced by Hinduism and Eastern Mysticism just as much as it was by Western Esoterica and occult traditions.

I might not believe that the god of the Abrahamic religions exists, and I might disagree with their doctrines. But that should not prevent me from being tolerant and respectful of their beliefs and liberties.
To Hapsburg:
I do not know anythng about religion, but since you believe in reincarnation and karma I wanted to ask you some questions you may be able to give me an opinion:
Do you think people (our souls) cause our diseases when we need to be more spiritual? So by interfering with our bodies this interferes with our everyday mundane lives and our attention by default is focused on our spirit? It there any other learning involved with sickness??
Do you think people (our souls) cause our diseases when we need to be more spiritual?..Is there any other learning involved with sickness??

That makes no sense whatsoever. Sickness and disease is a physiological thing.
That makes no sense whatsoever. Sickness and disease is a physiological thing.

OH OK! So when we are sick, the spirit does not have anything to do with it. I read somewhere that disease starts in the spirit, like energy blocks due to anger, unresolved pain, etc. causes disease in the physical body. I thought it is an interesting concept since the spirit aparently is electromagnetic energy. I am trying to put it together with the evolution of the spirit.Thank you very much for the info!:)
It begins with sin. The belief is sin causes sickness. We know that's not true however in the christian community they believe it. The belief is sin can be passed down from parent to child thereby providing for the reason why some children are born with defects.
It begins with sin. The belief is sin causes sickness. We know that's not true however in the christian community they believe it. The belief is sin can be passed down from parent to child thereby providing for the reason why some children are born with defects.

Jesus said:

John 9
1 Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. 2 And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
3 Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him.

Actually when you look into it, it is a belief of hindisim that a person born like the man above is reincarnated that way as a punishment for their sins in a former life. For a hindu a child born blind deserves no pity, indeed they can rightly be shunned.


The concept of Kharma was invented to account for and to justify the caste system. Naturally, those artificially excluded from social privilege or economic opportunity would point out that they were not inferior, either morally or mentally. To crush such sedition, the Brahmanas devised the doctrine of metempsychosis, or soul-transmigration, according to which all living creatures had an eternal generation, have already been born over and over, and will be born again and again. A soul inhabits every insect, fish, bird, animal, and human being; according to the Gainas, lichens, plants, trees, and particles of air or fire also possessed souls. The condition under which each soul re-enters the world is predetermined by its Kharma, that is, by the quantity of virtue or wickedness, merit or demerit, which it has accumulated during former incarnations. Sudras are simply being punished for sins so perpetrated and Brahmanas rewarded for merits so earned; each may enjoy his privileges, or must endure his punishment in patience and resignation, for it is the decree of Brahman.

Those who earn a higher place in the next birth are, upon death, rewarded with a temporary sojourn in heaven, after which they are reborn in a higher caste; those guilty of sins and crimes, go to hell, where they are tortured for an appropriate period, after which they become reincarnated in the form and condition they deserve: a lower caste, a beast of burden, a rat, an insect, or a plant. In addition to a miserable status, they will also often be marked by various diseases and deformities, the criminal will have leprosy; the drunkard, black teeth; the violator of a Guru's bed, skin disease; the malignant informer, stinking breath; the food thief, dyspepsia; the incendiary, madness (Inst. of Vishnu, XLV, 2-17). Thus, metempsychosis and the caste-system complemented each other. Not only did they account for evil and suffering in the world: they perfumed all human misery and injustice with the odor of sanctity.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If your last post quoting John 9 is your belief then how is it you believe humankind is guilty as charged?
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WOW, is that true? Is amazing how much harm this kind of twisted interpretation can cause. Imagine you are is sick and on top of that you have to find out why god is punishing you, so you add guilt to sickness. That is what I call evil undercover as a religion.
The interpretation I would give is (and please don't quote me on this, it I am aware it sounds really crazy or delusional to use the favorite word of our trollers Swarm and Q): perhaps the soul of that child needed to learn about vulnerability and to be dependent on others. That soul choses to be born in a group that needs to learn about having to take care of a being with disadvantages, they need to learn, for instance, patience, compassion, giving, etc. If all of these souls agree, the child is born there. Of course this agreement would all be at an spiritual level, they will not aware of this on a physical or consious level. I know it sounds crazy, I am just exploring this subject and since I have been unable to find these answers from the literature, I have no choice but to try to do it myself.
I do not want to accept that there are no answers there for this kind of things, we just need to find them :)
Sorry post 32 was in anser to post 29 by earth!:)

yasmin your thinking is correct. It is brutally cruel to cause guilt because of a defect one is born with. Religion has been using sin to place people on a guilt trip. Religion is applying evil psychology manipulating children and adults consciences in a most despicable method all the way back through time. Sin starts with the creation story and man's fall from grace and getting expelled from the garden of eden. The thing about it is the creation story is a made up lie which makes the whole religious thing even worse. According to religion adam and eve commited the first sin and because of them sin is passed down from generation to generation. A never ending passing on of sin from parent to child as long as humans exist according to peddlers of religion. A baby a mother holds in her arms is a guilty as adam and eve according to Adstar and worthy of an eternity in hell. Adstar has said in a previous post in another thread mankind is guilty as charged.
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does that make atheism trying to make people feel all right with their evil and make them accept it as part of their nature?
does that make atheism trying to make people feel all right with their evil and make them accept it as part of their nature?

Who is using the sin belief as an excuse to condemn?
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@ Adstar:
Thank you for the information.
The way I want to believe this universe is organized goes like this, and I've got these ideas after I read Shakty Gwain,Krishnamurty and others. We have free will, our spirit chooses its way to evolution. Some souls can choose to have fewer challenges in the next life, or many challenges so they would evolve faster and it does not have to come back too many times. Some may choose not to incarnate and continue evolving on the spiritual level by being around a soul that is in the physical level.
Every individual has challenges we have seen how even those rich and famous commit suicide sometimes, or end up in drugs and other bad things happen to them, life's quality can not be judged in terms of material possesions or other mundane parameters such as fame.
Your point is interesting. It would be very a convenient line of thought that there is no god for those who want to commit crimes. I would like to know what percentage of criminals are atheists, I do not know if there is such a statistics?
Your point is interesting. It would be very a convenient line of thought that there is no god for those who want to commit crimes. I would like to know what percentage of criminals are atheists, I do not know if there is such a statistics?

Few days ago in the US the police arrested a man who was distributing Christian religious fliers . It turned out that this man is a very dangerous pedophile and a rapist . He raped a women and he abducted an 11 years old girl and kept her as his sex slave for 18 years . What a religious man indeed and indeed !!!.