We Are All Hindus Now

No, we really don't. Good Christians are fishers of men and get the lost back to Him. Words and lies don't kill people like hijacked planes/Muslims do. Come back and discuss Islam with me when you really get it.


well the word "good" is a dead giveaway. the bible says that not one of us is good, and that we are not saved or redeemed by our works. we are to be a witness, and the only way to do that is to allow god to work in you, and just live your life, and god's light will shine through you, and others will see that. witnessing and "fishing" does not involve an agenda coupled with overt works like bombing the fuck out of another country so you can "play god" and steal their resources. bush orchestrated 911 to justify his desire to go to war, and i think it's pretty clear, when you consider how the rest of the world sees the US right now because of what he's done, all in the name of god, what kind of witness he's been. and words and lies do indeed kill people and are used as a means by which to terrorize many. christians are notorious for this shit, and i know how that misrepresents christ, and how it results in empty fishing nets.

maybe you should run for office sandy.
well the word "good" is a dead giveaway. the bible says that not one of us is good, and that we are not saved or redeemed by our works. we are to be a witness, and the only way to do that is to allow god to work in you, and just live your life, and god's light will shine through you, and others will see that. witnessing and "fishing" does not involve an agenda coupled with overt works like bombing the fuck out of another country so you can "play god" and steal their resources. bush orchestrated 911 to justify his desire to go to war, and i think it's pretty clear, when you consider how the rest of the world sees the US right now because of what he's done, all in the name of god, what kind of witness he's been. and words and lies do indeed kill people and are used as a means by which to terrorize many. christians are notorious for this shit, and i know how that misrepresents christ, and how it results in empty fishing nets.

maybe you should run for office sandy.

I never believed that Bush was a Christian. He was a politician who's party was smart in projecting a christian image to a electoraly significant portion of the population of the usa, the religious one.

I am a Christian. I do not believe in voting in elections. when one votes one takes part in the decisions of the government one elects.

Bush is a skulls and bones man from way back, america is a masonic kingdom and bushes loyalties are with the masons and the masons loyalties are with satan.

Yes 9/11 was an organised event. But it also had a satanic stamp on it. It was carried out too well for it to be just the work of men.

As for the war in iraq it had more to do with the protection of the state of isreal then it had to do with securing oil. Saddam was very willing to sell all the oil he could on the world market. Saddam was not keeping his oil from anyone and you do not spend billions of dollars and make your nation virtually bankrupt (and that is what the bush administration has done) to gain access to the oil of iraq. (that would not pay for the great cost the war has caused the usa anyway)

The modern state of israel was set up by act of the british parliament not by the God of Abraham. Modern day isreal has the stamp of masonic ownership on it. You just have to take a tour of the high court of isreal to see this. So true was the book of Revelation when it declared that in the last days Jerusalem would be spiritually as sodom and egypt.

Any threat to the modern state of isreal (or to be more correct any threat that comes too early for the purpose that this modern state was created for ) will be removed. Saddam made it clear his goal was the recreation of the great empire of the Meda perisa empire. Part of which was Jerusalem and isreal. Such a plan could not be tolerated and his removal was a priority.

It is clear that the removal of saddam ( and the treat he represented) was the main goal. That’s why saddam is dead and osama bin larden ( yeah remember him??) is still alive and well today. Osama and his saudi boys served their purpose in the satanic game, i guess he is enjoying his quiet retirement somewhere in the mountains of northern pakistan. I would not be surprised if bush goes visiting him on occasions to share a joke and a laugh.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I never believed that Bush was a Christian. He was a politician who's party was smart in projecting a christian image to a electoraly significant portion of the population of the usa, the religious one.

I am a Christian. I do not believe in voting in elections. when one votes one takes part in the decisions of the government one elects.

Bush is a skulls and bones man from way back, america is a masonic kingdom and bushes loyalties are with the masons and the masons loyalties are with satan.

Yes 9/11 was an organised event. But it also had a satanic stamp on it. It was carried out too well for it to be just the work of men.

As for the war in iraq it had more to do with the protection of the state of isreal then it had to do with securing oil. Saddam was very willing to sell all the oil he could on the world market. Saddam was not keeping his oil from anyone and you do not spend billions of dollars and make your nation virtually bankrupt (and that is what the bush administration has done) to gain access to the oil of iraq. (that would not pay for the great cost the war has caused the usa anyway)

The modern state of israel was set up by act of the british parliament not by the God of Abraham. Modern day isreal has the stamp of masonic ownership on it. You just have to take a tour of the high court of isreal to see this. So true was the book of Revelation when it declared that in the last days Jerusalem would be spiritually as sodom and egypt.

Any threat to the modern state of isreal (or to be more correct any threat that comes too early for the purpose that this modern state was created for ) will be removed. Saddam made it clear his goal was the recreation of the great empire of the Meda perisa empire. Part of which was Jerusalem and isreal. Such a plan could not be tolerated and his removal was a priority.

It is clear that the removal of saddam ( and the treat he represented) was the main goal. That’s why saddam is dead and osama bin larden ( yeah remember him??) is still alive and well today. Osama and his saudi boys served their purpose in the satanic game, i guess he is enjoying his quiet retirement somewhere in the mountains of northern pakistan. I would not be surprised if bush goes visiting him on occasions to share a joke and a laugh.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days


what is it the bible says about the nation of israel being re-established and it relating to end times prophecy? are you saying that you don't think that has happened yet? could it be the bible is referring to some future congregation?
The real Promised Land will be established on the return of the Messiah Jesus when He sends his angles out to gather His elect from all over the world to bring them to Jerusalem upon His return.

The current isreal is a fake creation of those who are preparing the way of the anti-christ. It is part of a great deception. I feel sorrow for the Jews who have been sucked into this final concentration camp thinking it is a refuge. It is not.

But there is hope for their little ones of whom i believe 144,000 will be saved as the remnant spoken of in both the OT and the book of Revelation.

Jerusalem is being prepared as the seat of the anti-christ. have a look at the High Court of Israel built by the true founders of today’s isreal. This is the seat of the Rule of Law and it is satanic in construction. You will see who is the real power behind the creation of the modern state of Israel. Have a look at this synagogue of satan.


Revelation 2
9“I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of satan.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Er...yes. Seljuk raiders, only a generation removed from their native Turkic religion, attacked pilgrimage routes along the Levant, prompting military intervention. The leaders of the First Crusade used religion as a motivating factor, for themselves and their men, but the initial crisis was regarding Muslim Seljuk raids on Christian pilgrims.

I do not believe in voting in elections. when one votes one takes part in the decisions of the government one elects.
No shit, Sherlock. That's how representative democracy works.

america is a masonic kingdom
No, it's a democratic federal republic. A flawed one, but it is not run by some retarded cabal of secret societies. Especially not the Freemasons. Any such assertions are patently ridiculous.

bushes loyalties are with the masons
Considering that the connections between the S&B and the Freemasons are non-existent, I don't know how you made that assumption.

and the masons loyalties are with satan.
Not really. Freemasons are required to express a belief in a supreme being, and most masons are Christians. Esoteric Christians, much like Rosicrucians, but Christians none-the-less.

Yes 9/11 was an organised event. But it also had a satanic stamp on it. It was carried out too well for it to be just the work of men.
What the fuck is this shit? It was just a well-planned terrorist attack by a well-funded, tightly-organised international terrorist group.
There is no satanic/masonic/government conspiracy. Get over it and move on with your life.

As for the war in iraq it had more to do with the protection of the state of isreal then it had to do with securing oil.
You mean besides the fact that Iraq was barely a threat to Israel at all?
.... at least those of us in the Americas (and probably most of Europe and Australasia) .

This is a positive thread with some really encouraging news :)

We Are All Hindus Now

"Truth is One, but the sages speak of it by many names." A Hindu believes there are many paths to God. Jesus is one way, the Qur'an is another, yoga practice is a third. None is better than any other; all are equal. The most traditional, conservative Christians have not been taught to think like this. They learn in Sunday school that their religion is true, and others are false. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me."

I wonder, of the religious people here at Sciforms, how many would agree with the above sentiment?

I'm not religious, but I like the direction Americans are heading in. IF we have to be superstitious (or at least a sizable percentage of the population) THEN we should teach tolerance in our beliefs.

Some positive news:

Some other interesting news:
I think this is a good direction because it eliminates a "Hell" concept. We never really needed a Hell concept, we did find with Hades. So, it's good people are moving on and maturing in their beliefs.

So, that's great. Religious Fundamentalism is really the biggest enemy of our times so it's good to see people are, by their good nature, moving away from it.

Nice article, and I agree.
While the specifics of different beliefs and cultures still vary greatly, the direction in general is that of accommodativeness and tolerance, which have always been the core of Hinduism. It is not about everyone converting to Hinduism, but of thinking closer to what Hinduism has always had.

I hope to see a day when the more fanatical cultures and sects also get tempered to reasonableness.
er...yes. Seljuk raiders, only a generation removed from their native turkic religion, attacked pilgrimage routes along the levant, prompting military intervention. The leaders of the first crusade used religion as a motivating factor, for themselves and their men, but the initial crisis was regarding muslim seljuk raids on christian pilgrims.
q e d. ;)