We Are All Hindus Now

Your point is interesting. It would be very a convenient line of thought that there is no god for those who want to commit crimes. I would like to know what percentage of criminals are atheists, I do not know if there is such a statistics?

Have you ever heard of the God father. Some of the Mafia acknowledge god and it doesn't stop them.
This is the belief concerning sin and sickness in the Christian community.
Disease entered the world through sin. Without sin, there would be no sickness. Sickness exists because sin exists. http://www.tbm.org/healingatonement.htm

Illness caused by sin says Vatican official

A person born blind is because of adam and eve's sin or because of the child's parent's sin. The child is born into sin and guilty as charged according to Adstar when he said mankind is guilty as charged.
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Few days ago in the US the police arrested a man who was distributing Christian religious fliers . It turned out that this man is a very dangerous pedophile and a rapist . He raped a women and he abducted an 11 years old girl and kept her as his sex slave for 18 years . What a religious man indeed and indeed !!!.

That goes to show you about how much room for hipocrisy religions can have! These criminals only need to say the right cliches and they are in! Really! it seems religions now are becoming a cover up for many criminal acts. Religious people beware!
You can find Adstar making known his belief in the thread “Reporting on Gods Visit” post #471

Originally Posted by earth
You should be defending humankind, instead. You don't understand justice.

Originally Posted by Adstar
Defend humankind? Humankind is guilty as charged.

All it has as an option is to accept the mercy of the court.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Pity the guilt ridden people of the past and nowadays because of religion and it peddlers.
This is the belief concerning sin and sickness in the Christian community.
Disease entered the world through sin. Without sin, there would be no sickness. Sickness exists because sin exists. http://www.tbm.org/healingatonement.htm

Illness caused by sin says Vatican official

A person born blind is because of adam and eve's sin or because of the child's parent's sin. The child is born into sin and guilty as charged according to Adstar when he said mankind is guilty as charged.

If you believe in all this non sense then how can anyone reason with you let alone convince you........:shrug::shrug:.
Have you ever heard of the God father. Some of the Mafia acknowledge god and it doesn't stop them.

Yes, it is just amazing! What I have heard is now in prisson many inmates are becoming muslims, some said this is because they have more advantages, special treatment there, who knows!:confused:
If you believe in all this non sense then how can anyone reason with you let alone convince you........:shrug::shrug:.

That is just the point Mike47, I don't believe it, you do!!!!!!!

Now where is that damn God you believe in, I'm going to kick his damn ass if you show me where he is.

You've lied you liar and made the whole thing up just to make honest people feel guilty about making a mistake.

I can say this about that God you believe in and nobody can find is he's a mealy mouth coward hiding out somewhere afraid of his own shadow.

That chicken shit God is placing you up front to take the brunt of it while his cowardice causes him to tremble and quiver behind you. And you're willing to do it because you know it pleases the despot.
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Yes, it is just amazing! What I have heard is now in prisson many inmates are becoming muslims, some said this is because they have more advantages, special treatment there, who knows!:confused:

More advantages, special treatments in a Christian country ?.
I do not think so .
Like what ?. Any example ?.
Who is using the sin belief as an excuse to condemn?
who's trying to erase the concept of sin to free humans from the concept of guilt, and substitute it with inevitable naturalistic progression?

oh, and what's wrong with condemning?
Your point is interesting. It would be very a convenient line of thought that there is no god for those who want to commit crimes. I would like to know what percentage of criminals are atheists, I do not know if there is such a statistics?
theistic criminals think atheistically when committing crimes, that is a fact.

if their belief in god's existence was as if he was next to them, and their belief in hell was as real as bathing in kerosene while playing with flints, they wouldn't have done their crimes.
More advantages, special treatments in a Christian country ?.
I do not think so .
Like what ?. Any example ?.

I am not sure I need to ask, I know they are given special time alone for their daily prayers, so if they work in the prisson they have to be given that time off from work. They also can demand food with no pork, and things like that. Other inmates do not have these privileges, and these rights while in prisson.
who's trying to erase the concept of sin to free humans from the concept of guilt, and substitute it with inevitable naturalistic progression?

oh, and what's wrong with condemning?

theistic criminals think atheistically when committing crimes, that is a fact.

if their belief in god's existence was as if he was next to them, and their belief in hell was as real as bathing in kerosene while playing with flints, they wouldn't have done their crimes.

You got any evidence I'm a criminal if not then stop implying I am!!! Calling or implying a person a sinner is just another way of saying he/she is a criminal.

I'm condemning you right now because of your beliefs condemning humans. Because of your religion beliefs you're another one who has partnered up with the most evil ever known. That damn God nobody can find or evidence it exists.
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I am not sure I need to ask, I know they are given special time alone for their daily prayers, so if they work in the prisson they have to be given that time off from work. They also can demand food with no pork, and things like that. Other inmates do not have these privileges, and these rights while in prisson.
Non Muslims love pork so what is the problem when others do not eat it ?.
I am just curious because jails in the west do not prefer Muslims to non Muslims . They are Christian jails .
For all you believers, here is the thought. I can say anything I want about that stupid God because according to you I was condemned before I was ever born, so what's the diff. That viewpoint and belief of condemning everyone ever born because of your religious mindset is the most unfair and unjustified and undignified one can become.

You can't put me on some phony guilt trip, instead I'll rip your ass.
Non Muslims love pork so what is the problem when others do not eat it ?.
I am just curious because jails in the west do not prefer Muslims to non Muslims . They are Christian jails .

I had the chance to observe people in jail for a while. Prissoners have no rights at all, there is no dignity or pride there, and they prey on each other. They can not talk, eat, sleep, bathe, dress, choose who they want to be with or complain as they want.

Anything that can give them power makes a big difference in their lives, the very fact that they can demand a particular food the guards must respect puts them in a position of power and they will abuse this right as a way to get back at the system. All of them want to have this kind of power.
Is an interesting psychology there.
To mike47
I forgot to tell you:
They have libraries at the prissons, this is the way they get to know about religions, is not that they are oficially indoctrinated or anything like that. Religious freedom is one of the very few freedoms thy have.
Probably some want the power, others probably want to be a group that hopefully wont rent out their arse to the other gangs? also a Christian gang would probably be a bunch of whoosies, maybe a Muslim gang would be more kick arse?

prison - a look at humanity and human psychology 2000 years ago - kill or be killed?
.... at least those of us in the Americas (and probably most of Europe and Australasia) .

This is a positive thread with some really encouraging news :)

We Are All Hindus Now

"Truth is One, but the sages speak of it by many names." A Hindu believes there are many paths to God. Jesus is one way, the Qur'an is another, yoga practice is a third. None is better than any other; all are equal.
The part you put in coloured bold is not a "hindu" principle.

Rather, the argument of the radical homogeneous is but one approach to it.
Even the gita establishes hierarchical principles within henological discussion.

eg BG 5.2 The Personality of Godhead replied: The renunciation of work and work in devotion are both good for liberation. But, of the two, work in devotional service is better than renunciation of work.

Also the several verses following 12.8 clearly indicate something other than "none is better than any other"

Actually moving towards an impersonal perspective is the default position of religious principles when the personal notion of god becomes untenable.

You can find examples of this outside of hinduism. Of course it is a popular notion within hinduism, but that is mostly due to the british adopting the commentaries of sankaracharya as the singular authority in defining the vedas (which of course happened to suit their agenda of cultural domination at the time ... but that's a whole different story .....). So hinduism + academia always tend to = radical monism in western dialogue.

I wonder, of the religious people here at Sciforms, how many would agree with the above sentiment?
Radically homogenizing religiousity is one approach to henological discourse but it is not something I agree with (which of course isn't to say that I reject all henological discourse).

In short, the the main problem is that it renders progressive spiritual life impotent (and impotent progresive spiritual life is just another means of granting a materialistic agenda the default position).

IOW it stabilizes practitioners in an unsatisfactory level of performance.

I'm not religious, but I like the direction Americans are heading in. IF we have to be superstitious (or at least a sizable percentage of the population) THEN we should teach tolerance in our beliefs.

Some positive news:

Some other interesting news:
I think this is a good direction because it eliminates a "Hell" concept. We never really needed a Hell concept, we did find with Hades. So, it's good people are moving on and maturing in their beliefs.
Hell is also part of reincarnation.

Kind of like the place to go when you have a backlog of bad karma that's inhibiting the path forward.

So, that's great. Religious Fundamentalism is really the biggest enemy of our times so it's good to see people are, by their good nature, moving away from it.

Biggest enemies of our time?

Don't understand how "rampant consumerism in a culture of ever-increasing greed" slipped your radar ....
If your last post quoting John 9 is your belief then how is it you believe humankind is guilty as charged?

The quoted scriptures show that the disciples believed that there was a specific sin done by the mans parents that had caused him to be born blind from birth. Jesus answer was specific to that belief. That it was not any specific sin that caused the man to be born blind.

Jesus was not saying that the mans parents where sinless. But that it was not any specific sin that caused their son to be born blind.

BUT, after humans came to the knowledge of good and evil all people invariably end up sinning. A side effect of a fallen world is pain and suffering and imperfection leading to children being born blind.

So there is no contradiction between what Jesus said and what i believe. All men are guilty of Sin, all men fall short of perfection. So therefore all men are reliant on the grace/mercy/forgiveness of God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days