US soldier kills puppy, the whole world gets upset

Enmos, you're the sites most vocal animal lover/human hater. Would you still be arguing if it were a human being.

If the killing was unrelated to the normal warfare, yes.
If that was a baby in his hands I would be just as pissed off.

Edit: I don't hate.
:confused: What ? How is that related ?

in the larger scheme of things it is related but beyond the scope of this thread.

how you, can tell the dog is real or alive is beyond my own ability. still, in some countries millions of dogs are eaten every day and if a dog is being a pest they think nothing of killing the animal.:shrug:
in the larger scheme of things it is related but beyond the scope of this thread.

how you, Enmos, can tell the dog is real or alive is beyond my ability. still, in some countries millions of dogs are eaten every day and if a dog is being a pest they think nothing of killing the animal.:shrug:

Agreed. Keeping dogs as a food source seems weird to us but is in essence no different from us keeping cows and the likes for food.
The point here is that the animal was killed for fun, or at the very least it was a 'necessary' killing which they enjoyed in a disgusting way.

In the larger scheme of things nothing really matters. But we keep to our morals don't we ? They are the building blocks of society.
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I don't know that I'm right. I never said "I'm right, you're wrong" I entered a discussion, not an argument. Are they the same to you?
Agreed. Keeping dogs as a food source seems weird to us but is in essence no different from us keeping cows and the likes for food.
The point here is that the animals was killed for fun, or at the very least it was a 'necessary' killing which they enjoyed in a disgusting way.

In the larger scheme of things nothing really matter. But we keep to our morals don't we ? They are the building blocks of society.

Well i am just pointing out that it is hard to say with any degree of certainty that the dog was alive or even real. Stuffed animals are very common and also very realistic, the sounds could easily be added in by anyone with a computer. But the truth is that many people dont view dogs or any animals being killed as that big of a deal. Does it really make all that much of a difference than someone taking a gun and shooting a rabbit or a squirrel? For me i cant even look at pictures of dogs hung up in markets and people eating them but to many people it is just common.
In all fairness that guy is a real cocksucker, but there are much much ...mcuh worse things occuring in Iraq and afghanistan every day. If this makes people sick then I dont see how the hell we can even be over there at all.
I don't know that I'm right. I never said "I'm right, you're wrong" I entered a discussion, not an argument. Are they the same to you?

I think you are confused as to what sort of 'argument' I was referring to.
Argument: a statement, reason, or fact for or against a point: This is a strong argument in favor of her theory.
Also, on closer examination (not justifying) the initial release of the animal and force exerted would have produced an initial loud yelping sound. This was not present in the video and the yelping sound level remains constant, in essence this is not consistent with Doppler effect.

Finally, the dog flew pretty far and the force exhibited by the marine was such that looks inconsistent with the weight of a real puppy.
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Well i am just pointing out that it is hard to say with any degree of certainty that the dog was alive or even real. Stuffed animals are very common and also very realistic, the sounds could easily be added in by anyone with a computer.
I'm assuming it's real. All my statements have to be viewed in that light.
If it's a hoax it's just a sick joke, nothing more.

But the truth is that many people dont view dogs or any animals being killed as that big of a deal. Does it really make all that much of a difference than someone taking a gun and shooting a rabbit or a squirrel? For me i cant even look at pictures of dogs hung up in markets and people eating them but to many people it is just common.
There is no difference. I'm not upset because it happens to be an animal that people keep as a pet.
And that truth is an awful truth. It's one of the biggest flaws of humanity.
I thought the same thing cuz it went sailing. I instantly thought ' Wow that guys must be really strong to throw a 10-20lb dog what appears to be 30 ft at least"
I thought the same thing cuz it went sailing. I instantly thought ' Wow that guys must be really strong to throw a 10-20lb dog what appears to be 30 ft at least"
My cat is bigger than that dog and it only weighs 11 pounds, if i wanted to I could hurl my cat pretty damn far without that much effort, also if the dog is flying off a cliff the distance may be somewhat distored.
Also, on closer examination (not justifying) the initial release of the animal and force exerted would have produced an initial loud yelping sound. This was not present in the video and the yelping sound level remains constant, in essence this is not consistent with Doppler effect.

Finally, the dog flew pretty far and the force exhibited by the marine was such that looks inconsistent with the weight of a real puppy.

I really don't see or hear anything unnatural in the video, look real to me.
Also the dog doesn't fly that far, is falling off a cliff. He threw the puppy maybe 10m.
The only way to get a perspective on the distance from a video is to determine the time time it take for the object to land. The fact it is a small cliff (very small) doesnt have any bearing on the distance. Like i said, to me it looks more like a very light object considering how far it went and all he does is bring his arm back like he is throwing a small ball.

I find it hard to believe that a puppy would just stay ibn the same position for the entire duration. No movement of legs, mouth or eyes pretty much is not how a living creature would react. I am just saying that to me it doesnt look right, not defending this person in any way.
Suck it up. Are you defending that kind of behavior ?

I recognise that it is not our place to judge actions of soldiers. That is reserved for military courts, which are conducted by military officials for a reason.

Puppies are killed in animal shelters in your city all the time. Kittens, too. I strongly doubt that you care.
If they can't make that distinction they are not fit for battle
Its precisely becuase they cannot that they are perfect for battle.
A soldier's ignorance is the most powerful weapon we have.


This thread ended last month.
There is only one reason for you to post in it, and only one reason I knew you had.
Is one of them a bored cat playing with her milk?

All else is crafted dross.
Like you claiming to be a ~masochist narcissist~?




As to the rat, you kill them yourself?
Babushka! (Whitewolf):
I recognise that it is not our place to judge actions of soldiers. That is reserved for military courts, which are conducted by military officials for a reason.

Of course its our place!

$200 billion dollars we've spent on Iraq and Afghanistan, close to 60% of our tax dollars going for defense and you think you've no say in it?

Puppies are killed in animal shelters in your city all the time. Kittens, too. I strongly doubt that you care.
You'd equate euthenasia with this man throwing a helpless pup off a cliff?

And enjoying it?

As to the rat, you kill them yourself?

Yeah, a little carbon dioxide, a small guillotine and its done. Beheading comes natural to me. :D


Dead Muslimz always bring such happiness, such a glow to the face!

The photograph was obtained by ABC News, which identified the dead Iraqi as Manadel al-Jamadi.

Harman, 26, is leaning over the corpse which is packed in ice. The man’s mouth is slightly opened and a small patch of blood can be seen on his right temple. His eyes are sealed closed with tape.

According to evidence from Specialist Jason Kenner, obtained by ABC News, the man was brought to the prison by US Navy Seals in good health.

Spc Kenner said he saw extensive bruising on the man’s body when he was brought out of the showers dead.


Interesting letter from her:

I walk down stairs after blowing the whistle and beating on the cells with an asp to find “the taxicab driver” handcuffed backwards to his window naked with his underwear over his head and face. He looked like Jesus Christ. At first I had to laugh so I went on and grabbed the camera and took a picture. One of the guys took my asp and started “poking” at his dick. Again I thought, okay that’s funny then it hit me, that’s a form of molestation. You can’t do that. I took more pictures now to “record” what is going on. They started talking to this man and at first he was talking “I’m just a taxicab driver, I did nothing.” He claims he’d never try to hurt US soldiers that he picked up the wrong people. Then he stopped talking. They turned the lights out and slammed the door and left him there while they went down to cell #4. This man had been so fucked that when they grabbed his foot through the cell bars he began screaming and crying. After praying to Allah he moans a constant short Ah, Ah every few seconds for the rest of the night. I don’t know what they did to this guy. The first one remained handcuffed for maybe 1 ½-2 hours until he started yelling for Allah. So they went back in and handcuffed him to the top bunk on either side of the bed while he stood on the side. He was there for a little over an hour when he started yelling again for Allah. Not many people know this shit goes on. The only reason I want to be there is to get the pictures and prove that the US is not what they think. But I don’t know if I can take it mentally. What if that was me in their shoes. These people will be our future terrorist. Kelly, its awful and you know how fucked I am in the head. Both sides of me think its wrong. I thought I could handle anything. I was wrong.

Sabrina Harman
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