US soldier kills puppy, the whole world gets upset

The only way to get a perspective on the distance from a video is to determine the time time it take for the object to land. The fact it is a small cliff (very small) doesnt have any bearing on the distance. Like i said, to me it looks more like a very light object considering how far it went and all he does is bring his arm back like he is throwing a small ball.

I find it hard to believe that a puppy would just stay ibn the same position for the entire duration. No movement of legs, mouth or eyes pretty much is not how a living creature would react. I am just saying that to me it doesnt look right, not defending this person in any way.

That is exactly how puppies 'hang' when picked up by their mother. They relax and go limp.

Its precisely becuase they cannot that they are perfect for battle.
A soldier's ignorance is the most powerful weapon we have.
I have to agree there.. but still, if they can't differentiate between an enemy and a friendly they should not be in battle imo.

Of course its our place!

$200 billion dollars we've spent on Iraq and Afghanistan, close to 60% of our tax dollars going for defense and you think you've no say in it?

You'd equate euthenasia with this man throwing a helpless pup off a cliff?

And enjoying it?
You're not as bad as I thought ;)
Yeah, a little carbon dioxide, a small guillotine and its done. Beheading comes natural to me. :D


Dead Muslimz always bring such happiness, such a glow to the face!


Interesting letter from her:

Sabrina Harman

Is it worse to kill a Muslim than it is to kill a non-Muslim ? Is it worse to kill a soldier than it is to kill a helpless dog ?
Besides, they'll go to Firdaws-Pardis right ?
Is it worse to kill a Muslim than it is to kill a non-Muslim ? Is it worse to kill a soldier than it is to kill a helpless dog ?
Besides, they'll go to Firdaws-Pardis right ?

Why don't you ask that guys family what they think?

In the larger context of destroying a whole country and killing and torturing people by the thousands, I fail to see the relevance of the brouhaha over a puppy. These are guys who shoot one year old kids and get away with it. Rape and burn teenagers, shoot 5 year olds in the face and get away with it. Whats a puppy?
Why don't you ask that guys family what they think?

In the larger context of destroying a whole country and killing and torturing people by the thousands, I fail to see the relevance of the brouhaha over a puppy. These are guys who shoot one year old kids and get away with it. Rape and burn teenagers, shoot 5 year olds in the face and get away with it. Whats a puppy?

What is a puppy !? :bugeye:

A puppy is as much entitled to life as any human is. Do you actually say that it's worse if it would have been a baby instead of a puppy ?
What does that have to do with anything ?

What if my dad died right now and I'll go ask those people what is worse.. what would they say ?

No if your dad was treated like this:

As Harman entered the shower room, she snapped a picture of a black rubber body bag lying along the far wall. Then she and Graner, their hands sheathed in turquoise latex surgical gloves, unzipped the bag. “We just checked him out and took photos of him—kind of realized right away that there was no way he died of a heart attack because of all the cuts and blood coming out of his nose,” she said

“I just started taking photos of everything I saw that was wrong, every little bruise and cut,” Harman said. “His knees were bruised, his thighs were bruised by his genitals. He had restraint marks on his wrists. You had to look close. I mean, they did a really good job cleaning him up.” She said, “The gauze on his eye was put there after he died to make it look like he had medical treatment, because he didn’t when he came into the prison.” She said, “There were so many things around the bandage, like the blood coming out of his nose and his ears. And his tooth was chipped—I didn’t know if that happened there or before—his lip was split open, and it looked like somebody had either butt-stocked him or really got him good or hit him against the wall. It was a pretty good-sized gash. I took a photo of that as well.” “This guy did not die of a heart attack. Look at all these other existing injuries that they tried to cover up.”

The next morning, after nearly thirty hours in the shower, the corpse was removed from the tier disguised as a sick prisoner: draped with a blanket, taped to an I.V., and rolled away on a gurney.

And not a single interrogator is held responsible (or even identified).

Whats a puppy?
What is a puppy !? :bugeye:

A puppy is as much entitled to life as any human is. Do you actually say that it's worse if it would have been a baby instead of a puppy ?

Of course. I see dead puppies on the road that someone has run over and not bothered to even put aside, so they keep getting run over by unknowing drivers that follow. I don't see any babies. Do you?
No if your dad was treated like this:

And not a single interrogator is held responsible (or even identified).

Whats a puppy?

No ? They would say that my dad dying is worse then their whatever dying ? Sure, sam..

What's a puppy ? A living being for which I have a whole lot more respect than I have for most humans.
Of course. I see dead puppies on the road that someone has run over and not bothered to even put aside, so they keep getting run over by unknowing drivers that follow. I don't see any babies. Do you?

And that somehow proves that humans are worth more than animals ?
I think it proves something else..
And that somehow proves that humans are worth more than animals ?
I think it proves something else..

Yeah, it proves that the people who are getting excited over the puppy but cant be bothered to keep up with what their troops are doing otherwise are hypocrites.
Yeah, it proves that the people who are getting excited over the puppy but cant be bothered to keep up with what their troops are doing otherwise are hypocrites.

First of all, says who ?
Second of all, humans are killing off their own.. that should tell you enough.

Pets apart, animals are worth much more in this world than humans ever will.

You are the hypocrite for placing yourself above all other life just because you can.
First of all, says who ?
Second of all, humans are killing of their own.. that should tell you enough.

Pets apart, animals are worth much more in this world than humans ever will.

You are the hypocrite for placing yourself above all other life just because you can.

Depends on who you ask. As for me, if you are sending a bunch of people somewhere to kill, its unreasonable to expect the script will come with a disclaimer: no animals were harmed during the making of this mess.
Depends on who you ask. As for me, if you are sending a bunch of people somewhere to kill, its unreasonable to expect the script will come with a disclaimer: no animals were harmed during the making of this mess.

You are stuck somehow.
I never said I don't care for those people being killed.. I just can't believe people think it's no biggie to kill a puppy, just because there are people being killed in the background.. :bugeye:
You are stuck somehow.
I never said I don't care for those people being killed.. I just can't believe people think it's no biggie to kill a puppy, just because there are people being killed in the background.. :bugeye:

Thats not the point. The point is they are excited over a dead puppy. Its like wading in dead bodies, spilled guts, arms legs, spattered blood and brains and noticing that there is a dead puppy there. Look around you, what do you think these people are doing there?
Thats not the point. The point is they are excited over a dead puppy. Its like wading in dead bodies, spilled guts, arms legs, spattered blood and brains and noticing that there is a dead puppy there. Look around you, what do you think these people are doing there?

Maybe they feel the need to counterbalance the idiots that think that animal life is worthless.
Maybe they feel the need to counterbalance the idiots that think that animal life is worthless.

By singling out the one puppy in the hundreds of thousands of people killed?

Sounds quite the reverse to me.

Christ SAM.. What do YOU think about the way this puppy was killed ? What does it tell you about those people ?
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