US soldier kills puppy, the whole world gets upset


And you are its counterpart by placing a non-human's above yours.
Quote ?

Do I agree that the thought of smashing a squealing brat through glass is orgasmic? Absolutely- there's no shame in misanthropy and I hate you all.

But to believe that a mother grizzly, her fangs dripping with blood, the heat of fresh kill evaporating in the bitter frost of a barren Tundra that every morning hisses an icy menace of Death- that this animal gives a fuck about what I think of her, that by 'respecting' this animal and prostituting my human ideals on her territory is doing anything other than getting in the way is me being that hypocrite.

And this sounds like you.
....You've just given me a great idea for a thread.

Your respect means nothing; a mere luxury item among sapiens.

Here's a passage from Allen Andrew's "Castle Crispin", the conversation here is between Lulu the hare and Rupert the beagle:

LULU: What is a knight?

RUPERT:Among the mandrakes, a lord will call a man a knight, install him and tell him it's a great honour. It really means that hte knight must spend heavily on horses and weaponry and turn up with a few followers to fight for the lord on demand.

LULU:What do they fight for? Food?

RUPERT: No, Honour. The lord's honour. Sometimes he gives a knight a bit, too.

LULU: What is honour? Very good food?

Its the most hilarious mockery of human arrogance, in my opinion. In other words, Enmos, that you feel a puppy is worth your respect is a narcissism of the worst order.
Its not only silly, but it has that Homeric tragedy of uselessness, that of Timothy Treadwell ~spiritually connecting~ with a mound of grizzly manure.

He got mauled, you know.

And if you knew I've had to crush live rats to feed White Naped Storks, Kori bustards and Frogmouths?


Unfortunately, no.

Wish we did though.

Understood, but your statement concerned being powerless.

We're not- we're just lazy, intellectually sterile, pathetically disposable consumers more interested in who sired Nicole's spawn than showing up to at least vote.

We are feminine, eager to please, embracing a status quo that is destroying this country the way a mother embraces her sweet, useless moron merely because its her son.
This is what we, like good quiet mothers who assume we cannot do anything but continue as slaves, have done to our country:

Price of gas is close to 4 dollars here and not a peep. We, like a good respectable Christian mothers who can barely verbalize protest let alone think it, show up at the pump every week, roll over and take it in the asshole.

You don’t see it- we are his boss. It is only American sloth that keeps it in theory.

But its a puppy!!!

Shut up.. (two words you are very familiar with)
A puppy is as much entitled to life as any human is.
How about cows? Ants? Dust mites? Bacteria? Viruses?

What about them ? They are too.

In that case, quit killing the dust mites and the flu virus. Simply curl up in a corner and die like every buddhist extremist. That's the end of discussion. Na-ah, you're killing bacteria as you type and their life is worth more than your yapping.
In that case, quit killing the dust mites and the flu virus. Simply curl up in a corner and die like every buddhist extremist. That's the end of discussion. Na-ah, you're killing bacteria as you type and their life is worth more than your yapping.

That's not what I'm saying. But I don't want to bore you..
Most of the time, Enmos, you haven't the faintest idea what you are saying.

Do you take vaccinations? Use bug spray? Anti-bacterial soaps?
Sam, I thought you had a memory :)

I do, Which is why I expect to hear the answer no, you do not use vaccinations etc, because it would give you an unfair advantage over those with an equal right to life.

So, may I hear it?
I do, Which is why I expect to hear the answer no, you do not use vaccinations etc, because it would give you an unfair advantage over those with an equal right to life.

So, may I hear it?

Dig deeper.
In the following video an US soldier in Iraq throws a puppy off the cliffs:

This got almost 7000 diggs, which is a lot and by reading the comments, one can see that the readers are all upset. Of course killing an innocent puppy this way is wrong, but US soldiers also killed about 100K Iraqis and probably a decent % of them innocent. Not many people got upset about that.

So I figure, if we want to make the US leave Iraq, we just have to make them accidentally bomb an animal shelter....

Edit: Can a moderator correct the threadtitle? Thanks...

They carpet-bombed neighborhoods because Saddam might be there according to "intelligence." Should I even have to explain what is wrong with that?
They carpet-bombed neighborhoods because Saddam might be there according to "intelligence." Should I even have to explain what is wrong with that?

No, that's horrible. So is killing a puppy they way they did it.