Unanswered Questions

Originally posted by TheVisitor
You think I'm an idiot, and I think you're an idiot

I never said you were an idiot, see....
But I thought you said you were through speaking to me... and then here you are right back again.
I just have to wonder with you, maybe there's something there under all that anger....
Maybe you do have some "unanswered questions" you need answered..
I know you didn't start this thread, but you seem to hang around here like it's your adopted home so.....
like I said, I never called you an idiot. I say the Bible's true you say it's not...
Prove it.

And you said you weren't a novice. Wow.

(if you claim the truth, the burdon of proof is on YOU, k?)

Oh, and I DID prove it, but you ignored me... okay, well, I gave evidence. Good stuff too if you can wrap your head around it. Maybe you're just waiting to lower the boom on me.

Hehe, you're trying to psychoanalyze me too? wow.. you've got some set of balls on you.

I know you didn't say I was an idiot, but I could tell that's what you were thinking... maybe I was wrong. pardon.

Oh, and now I'm just kind of in it to antagonize you because you're talking shit that you can't back up. Put up or shut up. Let's keep it civil, clean and thorough. Point for point, no ignoring what you don't have the ammunition to back up. Be civil and concede if you have no valid input. First of all, why don't you try addressing my prior post about babylon and whatnot... point for point. If you can, I'll be impressed and we'll move on... otherwise I'll likely keep butting in every time you post until you ignore me. Honestly.. I suspect from your weak posts thus far that you have nothing to counter my somewhat reasonable argument with. Am I wrong?
One of these things is NOT like the other...

Ok, I don't mean to butt into the middle of this thread with an off-subject topic but since this IS "Unanswered Questions," maybe someone can shed some light on a question that was addressed by means of the media...

Hinduism, Mythology, Christianity, Judiasm, the Islamic Religion (sorry, I don't know the correct terminology), Catholisism... bleh, bleh, bleh...who is to say what is right? All religions seem to think that their way of worship is correct and others lead to doom. How is someone who seeks a joyful afterlife to know which path to follow?

And... uh... shibby.
Just to answer one of your contridictions, A day with god is a thousand years........thats scripture.
Adam lived 930 years.
Methusela lived 969 years...He was the oldest.
No one lived to be one thousand years old.
The day they sinned, WAS the day they died......
No contradiction in the scriptures, but you've got to read them all first guys, to know whats there before you start talking about errors.

Question for Visitor

Visitor, do you beleive in an afterlife? If so, what feelings do you have that one exsists? I am just curious but I mean you no disrespect by this question. Thanks for your help.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Just to answer one of your contridictions, A day with god is a thousand years........thats scripture.
Adam lived 930 years.
Methusela lived 969 years...He was the oldest.
No one lived to be one thousand years old.
The day they sinned, WAS the day they died......
No contradiction in the scriptures, but you've got to read them all first guys, to know whats there before you start talking about errors.


You sound like the victim of a cult. From a different cultural perspective you sound like a hari krishna likely sounds to you. You can't tell that? You're using "spooky language" like "god", "scripture" and "sin". You claim your "scripture" to be valid based on what? The fact that millions of others think the same thing? Some BS story you somehow mistake for "truth"? I'm probably going to "burn in hell" for turning my back on your vengefull, invisible sadist in the sky? The mayans might have said something similar. Would you agree with them too? I wish I could remember exactly how ConsequentAthiest put it... in the form of a question: By what criteria do you discern the validity of one deity's truth over all others? That's probably a poor paraphrase, but I think it's close. I don't believe there is a methodology that can be used to promote one over the others... the set in question being god or god(s) I believe.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Just to answer one of your contridictions, A day with god is a thousand years........thats scripture.
Perhaps you could point this out.

Adam lived 930 years.

how many days were in these years? And how long was each 'day'?

The day they sinned, WAS the day they died......

Now are you talking spirtual death, or physical? Wouldn't you consider Adam&Eve's disobeying of God a sin?

No contradiction in the scriptures

Maybe you could address the rest of the issues listed.

but you've got to read them all first guys

Many of us have.
Originally posted by wesmorris
And you said you weren't a novice. Wow.

(if you claim the truth, the burdon of proof is on YOU, k?)

Oh, and I DID prove it, but you ignored me... okay, well, I gave evidence. Good stuff too if you can wrap your head around it. Maybe you're just waiting to lower the boom on me.

Hehe, you're trying to psychoanalyze me too? wow.. you've got some set of balls on you.

I know you didn't say I was an idiot, but I could tell that's what you were thinking... maybe I was wrong. pardon.

Oh, and now I'm just kind of in it to antagonize you because you're talking shit that you can't back up. Put up or shut up. Let's keep it civil, clean and thorough. Point for point, no ignoring what you don't have the ammunition to back up. Be civil and concede if you have no valid input. First of all, why don't you try addressing my prior post about babylon and whatnot... point for point. If you can, I'll be impressed and we'll move on... otherwise I'll likely keep butting in every time you post until you ignore me. Honestly.. I suspect from your weak posts thus far that you have nothing to counter my somewhat reasonable argument with. Am I wrong?

I looked over the thread and I don't see ANY of your posts dealing with the refutation of the bible, Wes. Are you sure you did?
Originally posted by Zack_Kinney
I looked over the thread and I don't see ANY of your posts dealing with the refutation of the bible, Wes. Are you sure you did?

My apologies... I did not mean in this thread... I meant in all of my posts and gazillions of personal conversations regarding the topic. It gets old after a while.. I should keep a better collection of hyperlinks to my thoughts but you know.. I have a hard enough time just getting them out of my head... :)
Originally posted by wesmorris
My apologies... I did not mean in this thread... I meant in all of my posts and gazillions of personal conversations regarding the topic. It gets old after a while.. I should keep a better collection of hyperlinks to my thoughts but you know.. I have a hard enough time just getting them out of my head... :)

Point well taken. :)
Oh wait, did you mean this?:

Oh, and I DID prove it, but you ignored me... okay, well, I gave evidence. Good stuff too if you can wrap your head around it. Maybe you're just waiting to lower the boom on me.

Oh, well that was referring to this:

Yes, it had EVERYTHING to do with their understanding of the world at the time. Did you know that the earth is the center of the universe? Did you know that to have this converstation is blasphemy worthy of a death sentence? Did you know that having sex with little boys is the everday thing (ancient greece). What about that other languages were created by god to punish people for idolitry (is that right? something like that). Did it occur to you that there are a bunch of languages because uh... people evolved in different places and made up their own ways to communicate? What do you think it would be like for an isolated jewish scribe to come upon Babylon for the first time? While the scribe had been isolated, the city was already multi-cultural. To the scribe who has never conceived of such a thing, well... just about any crazy assed explanation would work, especially one that happened to jive with his personal history with the jewishness and the business.

Try the anthropological approach when trying to understand history. It's pretty interesting. Oh wait, you can't because your mind is sick. I wish I could help you, but YOU are the only one who can help you.

You know, a turkey baster and a supply of sperm can impregnate a virgin on any given day. Why would you find it to be true? Wow, maybe jesus was the first resultant of artificial insemination. Maybe Mary was raped in her sleep. Maybe it was aliens. Maybe she was a liar. Maybe a lot of things eh? Oh, but what a bunch of naive people wrote in a book about jesus's mom's virginity MUST be the truth. What kind of SUCKER are you? Gawd. Okay, believe it if you must... but please.. leave people who are in search of truth as far away from your simplistic interpretation of reality as you can.

Okay, well.. I thought it was a pretty good eye opener. Maybe I'm a little weak on that on eh? Oh man, now I have to formulate a point by point refutation of the bible? I just can't do it, I don't have that kind of time. To me, a continuation of the reasonable train of thought I've framed above is a much more powerfull argument than "It is scripture." but maybe I'm off there? Ya think?
Just to answer one of your contridictions, A day with god is a thousand years........thats scripture.
Perhaps you could point this out.

(2 Peter 3:8 - But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.)

Adam lived 930 years.
how many days were in these years? And how long was each 'day'?

( They were years same as now, the only difference was the
earth was in a perfect balance, before the caticlisim, that caused the flood. a perfect circle is 360%, old Jewish calenders have 360 days in a year12- 30 day months. Now it's 365and 1/4.
Not much diff. It was real years, these same old arguments just keep going round and round......)

The day they sinned, WAS the day they died......
Now are you talking spirtual death, or physical? Wouldn't you consider Adam&Eve's disobeying of God a sin?

(Physical - the sons of God are part of God, ONLY God has eternal life. Names one the Lambs book before the foundation of the world........Adam and Eve were sons and daughters of god.
Eve wasn't part of the original creation , but a by-product of Adam created later - thats how she could even be deceived.
Adam wasn't deceived, he took her back after her sexual relationship with the serpent.....to save her and marry her anyway...
A type of Christ dying as the sin of man to save His Bride..
types and shadow all through the scriptures.)..

No contradiction in the scriptures
Maybe you could address the rest of the issues listed.

(simple rehashing of events, or differnces in eye-witness perspectives. Mat., mark, luke and John are not word for word the same accounts of the same events....
they were from different perspectives. No big deal...
I read the others .....nothing of substance to any of it.....)

but you've got to read them all first guys
Many of us have.

(Your own ideas or mine....they both come up short
God is his own interpreter.......and His words of no private interpretation)
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Originally posted by TheVisitor
Just to answer one of your contridictions, A day with god is a thousand years........thats scripture.

So it took 6 days for creation and on the 7th day God rested. 7 x 1000 = 7000 years! Then add the days of Adam till the days of Jesus and then add the days afterward till present day: 7000+4000+2000 = 13,000 years. Correct? But Catholics and fundies swear by the 6000yr age of the universe.
I think what that verse is saying is that God doesn't have to live by earth years. NOT that He counts 1-one thousand 2-one thousand... 1 year!. What Genesis is saying is that God wanted us to know a seven day period, with one day rest: He set the example. God did not need to rest, but He did not expect us to do something He wouldn't. I thought it was nice of Him. And personally, I have no problem with the billions of years theory either... Some programme once showed how, if you saw the whole history of the earth as a one year period, humanity only arrived in the last week of December.
Wesmorris, here's where I agree with you on the tower of Babel...

The story goes, or so I'm told...

"And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. " - Genesis 11

Perhaps, I'm misinterpreting the story; however, IMO, it seems as though the LORD punished the children of men by striking their tongues with the use of various, confusing languages and the LORD scattered them around the Earth for the ridiculous act of trying to build a tower high enough to reach the Heavens...? Yes, I agree that it seems as though there was no explanation, at the time that this chapter was written, as to the races of men and so this chapter contained the only explanation that could be reasoned at that time. But if this were true, why this type of punishment when other stories in the Bible told of much harsher punishments?

Anyone explain?
The story of the Tower of Babel still doesn't explain the various races or ethnicities we have today. It just says that the people were spread out across the world. So how did we get black, asian, latinos, white, etc?
So it took 6 days for creation and on the 7th day God rested. 7 x 1000 = 7000 years! Then add the days of Adam till the days of Jesus and then add the days afterward till present day: 7000+4000+2000 = 13,000 years. Correct? But Catholics and fundies swear by the 6000yr age of the universe.


Please try to get your facts straight before you make accusations of someone elses claims -

Fundamental christians claim theres been six-thousand years since the fall of man in the garden..........

Their not such idiots that they would claim something contrary to their own data...........please

I think what that verse is saying is that God doesn't have to live by earth years. NOT that He counts 1-one thousand 2-one thousand... 1 year!. What Genesis is saying is that God wanted us to know a seven day period, with one day rest: He set the example. God did not need to rest, but He did not expect us to do something He wouldn't. I thought it was nice of Him. And personally, I have no problem with the billions of years theory either... Some programme once showed how, if you saw the whole history of the earth as a one year period, humanity only arrived in the last week of December.


A day is a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day....

I get the overall jest of what your saying and I somewhat agree with it, but God was setting a rigid pattern also..........

No man lived more than one thousand years on the earth.....
If that would have happened it would have broken Gods word, if even a shadow of His word .....and that can't happen.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
No man lived more than one thousand years on the earth..... If that would have happened it would have broken Gods word, if even a shadow of His word .....and that can't happen.
A mind like a steal trap ... unhinged. :cool: