UFO News

These have already been debunked. Basically dust/debris exists outside of the portal as the thrusters fire you get changes in the speed of the ship (They aren't actually stationary when they film out the portal, they are moving. You won't see any difference to the horizon line because the Earth is pretty big compared to one little spaceship.)

Of course people automatically want to think it an Alien controlled spaceship off the starboard bow Jim!.

Lol, yep and there are people who automatically think it's dust/debris...what's your point?
Just incredible Stryder, please explain to me how space debris suddenly learned how to avoid incoming objects?
Show me proof that the video of the object making a sudden switch in its projectory path is fake, and don't show me some pablum you have heard from some scientist or from some othe reputable person and simply repeat what you've learned.
I believe that's how you previously stated it.

Let's see, you get spoon fed the views of Top scholar's and Scientists and when someone asks you that question you just return what you've learnt.

Close enough.
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Heres another good clip of multiple pulsating 4 mile wide pieces of space debris from the "thrusters"...lmao
It's like a jedi mind trick on some of you guys...a wave of the hand and "it's only space debris" and there you go, never mind what your lying eyes are telling you...just incredible.
If you chase Shadows, then you will see shadows all the time. I mean look at your post, it identifies you are Pro-Alien conspiracy, it's not that you are interested in the truth because it could walk right up to you and slap you in the face and you'd call it a lie.

No. I am not "Pro-Alien"....that is too easy, too well promoted by too many sources.
Where did I mention "aliens"?
I think the truth lies much deeper than that.
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Stryder, if you chase Shadows, then you will see shadows all the time. I mean look at your posts, it identifies you are Pro-Status Quo, it's not that you are interested in the truth because it could walk right up to you and slap you in the face and you'd call it a lie.
These have already been debunked. Basically dust/debris exists outside of the portal as the thrusters fire you get changes in the speed of the ship

You do realize this video clearly shows REACTION to an incoming object? The path the projectile takes passes straight through where the object used to be.
This video shows intent, sudden direction change (NOT SPACE JUNK), and reaction to incoming threat.

Wheres phlogistician I told him there are some people that just dont believe in UFOs and theres somebody right here.
Hebrews 13:2 "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

Websters defines a "stranger" as;

1: one who is strange: as a (1): foreigner (2): a resident alien (b): one in the house of another as a guest, visitor, or intruder.

Maybe not from so far "out there"....after all.
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You do realize this video clearly shows REACTION to an incoming object? The path the projectile takes passes straight through where the object used to be.
This video shows intent, sudden direction change (NOT SPACE JUNK), and reaction to incoming threat.

Wheres phlogistician I told him there are some people that just dont believe in UFOs and theres somebody right here.
(This is in regards to your more recent URL addition)

The video looks to me like it's doctored. You get some footage about STS 75, a shot of the tether coiling up from the vessel. Then supposedly it goes to Satellite's viewing the tether from 70 miles away. To me it sounds like the Audio might have been genuine, but the video is what you would see if you looked at water under a microscope. All those things moving about would be lifeforms, however not in Space... more an inner space.

Unless you can find pictures of this video direct from NASA (As opposed to on Youtube) it's footage that can not be relied upon as evidence.
Unless you can find pictures of this video direct from NASA (As opposed to on Youtube) it's footage that can not be relied upon as evidence.

Hahaha, thats funny considering NASA is the biggest force behind the coverup. Let me go find information they dont want me to have from them! Good idea!

And these STS videos were ORIGINALLY from NASA, soo...
Phlog, I don't understand it.
You seem like an intelligent guy, how is it you can not comprehend how it would be possible for another civilization to overcome vast distances?
Where and what do you think "our" technology will be capable of in another hundred years,...1000 years,...1 million years, 100 million years, etc.?

Seriously, at the exponential rate our technology is accelerating at right now where could we be in another million years?

The possibililty of another race having 1 million to a Billion year head start on us is entirely possible is it not?

Yes, just so we can buzz other planets with intelligent life to play hide and seek. :rolleyes:

Reducing the mass of an object is currently the suggested method/theory for travelling faster than light, because E=MC 2 is true...so mass must be reduced and in fact completely negated in order for such speeds to happen.
Whether that is by changing the frequency/vibration of the objects in question or not I am not sure, but that is for the ongoing progress of science to figure out.
(It is quite probable that this is why many crafts are seen as becoming or being "light" as their vibration takes on the characteristics of "light". ).
Also, beyond the atomic level we are all made of light.
Anyways, just throwing some stuff you "might" find interesting.

I apologize if I am coming across as "pushing" my ideas on you, that is not my intent.

Pushing ideas based on fantasy does in fact appear to be your intent, or else you would take the time to understand physics before bleating nonsense.
Here is another clip showing space debris making sharp changes in their path and speed.....
At the 19 seccond mark watch this debris suddenly flash into appearance towards the right hand side about an inch from the edge and a few inches up from the bottom...easy to see.
Then watch it make an extreme change in it's path....pretty cool.
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Yes, just so we can buzz other planets with intelligent life to play hide and seek. :rolleyes:

Are you not cappable of understanding that there may be reasons beyond our current ways of thinking to accord for their motives?
Your inability or lack of willingness to attempt to comprehend what their motives are beyond your own "current" understanding is...typical.
I'm sure if you actually put in the effort you could understand that perhaps there may be deeper issues at hand.

Pushing ideas based on fantasy does in fact appear to be your intent, or else you would take the time to understand physics before bleating nonsense.

Lmao, tell me where I have failed to undertsand physics anywhere in this conversation.

Include any derogatory remarks and our conversation is over.
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We are observing something in the skies. We detect them everyday on radar, some are witnessed by first hand shooters, and others will be documented in governmental files. If they are of a natural phenom, then why is there no natural explanation known to physics? Logic would presume it is something we have created, and if this is true, then it cannot be something we can hide forever.

I personally believe we have been visited, so long as i take into account that:

A) ''They'' don't live too far away


B) ''They'' have had more time to develop than we have

A) is an advantage, so that if they are more technologically-advanced, then we aren't asking something too brilliant for us to reconcile. And B) is useful, because if they where entangled into creation earlier than us, this has then given ''them'' enough evolutionary time to get smart in how to travel, which we would consider, very long journeys.
No, infact, the example you gave on the "locals spreading the news" is quite accurate to how it used to be. Also, the government was much more open and was quoted in newspapers about what they believed to be alien craft.

If that were true, I'd expect far more historical, anecdotal tales having been told by grandparents, but that just has never been the case.

These days I would expect the proliferation of digital cameras, and ubiquitous camera phones, to distribute a huge number of pictures using the WWW. Something which could not be stifled. This is also not the case.

The claims just don't stack against reality, either now, or previously, sorry.
Phlog, I don't understand it.
You seem like an intelligent guy, how is it you can not comprehend how it would be possible for another civilization to overcome vast distances?
Where and what do you think "our" technology will be capable of in another hundred years,...1000 years,...1 million years, 100 million years, etc.?.

Physics will be the same in 1000 years, as will the distances between the stars. The energy required to travel to the stars will be the same.

Let's separate science fact from science fiction, shall we? Some things just are, conservation of energy, speed of light and relativistic effects. You are relying on finding shortcuts I think, and I really don't think there are any. Nature finds the lowest cost path energy wise to achieve things, lightning finds the easiest path to Earth, for instance. If there are shortcuts, we'll see them in nature, and if there are, they aren't happening on a large scale, but on a quantum mechanical one, so it's very doubtful we'll be able to exploit them on a larger scale, one large enough to send craft.

That said, if an advanced civilisation were able to do any of this, why would they serially abduct fat lonely Americans and shove things up their ass, or mutilate cattle? The technological advances in physics required imply huge advances in other areas too, and physical exams would be a thing of the past by then, we have non-invasive scanning techniques ourselves already, why wouldn't advanced alien life forms? No room on the space ship, but they do have room for an 'anal intruder'?
Both lies.

Hardly, the suggestion is that Physics is a Constant, Current "Science" might not understand all the constants yet (As they did back 1000 years ago when they didn't understand an even greater amount of physics) however eventually all Constants will eventually be known.

These Constants will not be Dynamic and can not be reshaped.

There is interesting points in regards to Observer theory where our physics might mirror characteristics caused by our reasoning through Causality. The interesting point is that if the universe we are in is defined by the physics we perceive, then it might mean that other observers might observe different physics and therefore exist in different universes outside of our own. However this is more "Philosophy" related than "Science" because of the lack of proof.
Current "Science" might not understand all the constants yet (As they did back 1000 years ago when they didn't understand an even greater amount of physics)

Right... so physics (and therefore our understanding of reality) WILL be different once we know and understand more constants, and maybe make some changes to some existing ones, who knows, do you?.:cool:
Well you have to understand that current physics is more Fractal based. There might be a posed mathematical constant that formula's have been written for, however some of those axioms (components within the formula) although Theorised to exist still haven't been "Proven".

It doesn't mean if a new subatomic particle was discovered it would change the function of an atom, it still does what an atom is known to do just with more information on that subatomic particle. (Fictional example)