UFO News

Both lies.

Physics will be the same. Our understanding of it may change slightly, but it's very doubtfull that c as a universal speed limit will be breached, for instance.

The distances between the stars won't be significantly different to make travel to them any easier!

Oh, and calling me a liar requires more than mere optimism to back it up, an you didn't even use that as your excuse.
ahhhhh my back yard here in good ole Washington state, usa.

Yah think you can stop deceiving ones when the time comes ploger?

How's the old scifoolems doing? :bugeye:

What no skin crawlie here in these posts? :eek:

Sea Yah
Physics will be the same in 1000 years, as will the distances between the stars. The energy required to travel to the stars will be the same.

I agree the stars for all practical matters will be relatively the same distance away. The laws of Physics/Nature will also be the same and can never change. However our understanding of Nature/Physics will continue to advance and our technological progress will reflect that.
The amount of energy needed to travel to any particular star system will be entirely dependent upon the form of travel used.

"For Nature to be commanded, it must first be obeyed/understood".

Let's separate science fact from science fiction, shall we? Some things just are, conservation of energy, speed of light and relativistic effects. You are relying on finding shortcuts I think, and I really don't think there are any. Nature finds the lowest cost path energy wise to achieve things, lightning finds the easiest path to Earth, for instance. If there are shortcuts, we'll see them in nature, and if there are, they aren't happening on a large scale, but on a quantum mechanical one, so it's very doubtful we'll be able to exploit them on a larger scale, one large enough to send craft.

I can understand how you might think I am attempting to look for shortcuts to somehow cheat nature, but I assure you I am doing nothing of the sort...I understand laws are laws. What I'm saying is that the more we understand these laws and discover new ones we will be able to advance in direct proportion to these discoveries and understandings and use them to our advantage.
Again, "For Nature to be commanded, she must first be obeyed".

I respect your opinion Phlog, however I disagree that discoveries at the quantum level can not eventually be emerged or applied to larger practical applications.

That said, if an advanced civilisation were able to do any of this, why would they serially abduct fat lonely Americans and shove things up their ass, or mutilate cattle? The technological advances in physics required imply huge advances in other areas too, and physical exams would be a thing of the past by then, we have non-invasive scanning techniques ourselves already, why wouldn't advanced alien life forms? No room on the space ship, but they do have room for an 'anal intruder'?

Lol, I hear you.
Sarcasm aside, the backdrop as to why circumstances are the way they are is much more involved and "unbelievable" than the challenges of interstellar travel.
It would just be too much to even begin to take in in any remotely serious way right now.
I have been looking into this for quite sometime and it still blows my mind just how deep some of this can go.
Even though I have seen 30-40 mettalic saucer shaped craft myself I still have a somewhat challenging time integrating the possible fact that we are indeed being visited.
I say this because I have not seen firsthand any alien being, I can only give a personal account of probability based on my experience, history, evidence, and reliable witness testimony.

I respect your point of view Pholg and hope we can be friends despite our different views on this matter.
I agree whole heartedly that this is indeed some seriously crazy shit.
ahhhhh my back yard here in good ole Washington state, usa.

Yah think you can stop deceiving ones when the time comes ploger?

How's the old scifoolems doing? :bugeye:

What no skin crawlie here in these posts? :eek:

Sea Yah

Good to see you Crater!
Where are you hanging out lately?
PM me if you want and let me know would ya?
Yah think you can stop deceiving ones when the time comes ploger?

Who am I deceiving, and how?

You are the twister of facts, Norv, with your pseudo-scientific theories and faked papers.

All I'm doing is brining some scientific balance. I know you don't like to let a little reason rain on your pseudo-science/religion hybrid theory, but tough shit. It rains from time to time, deal with it.
While hunting for something completely different I found a little article from Popular Science Magazine (First time I even knew there was mag of that name) Seems to be very similar to the BBC's Focus magazine however I can't suggest the credibility of all its content.


Space agencies have managed to avoid major in-flight catastrophes with protective shielding and deft maneuvering of manned vehicles and satellites. But if we keep launching satellites and do nothing about the mess, the amount of unpredictable debris in orbit will make already-risky manned spaceflight more dangerous.

In short it would be too dangerous for an Alien vessel to enter our atmosphere because of that "Minefield" of space debris. (This is of course not a speculation, nor the topic of the mentioned article, just a statement)
While hunting for something completely different I found a little article from Popular Science Magazine (First time I even knew there was mag of that name) Seems to be very similar to the BBC's Focus magazine however I can't suggest the credibility of all its content.


In short it would be too dangerous for an Alien vessel to enter our atmosphere because of that "Minefield" of space debris. (This is of course not a speculation, nor the topic of the mentioned article, just a statement)

Radar can track blobs, but when the blobs out weigh you not just in volume but vectors, your going to need more shields.

thicker shielding means greater mass, meaning higher need for power for propulsion etc.

Have been in retirement for the past couple years, just working on the boat / home.
Most forums are over run by the bad ET's trying to keep people from finding out they are here. :eek:
Disinformation, misinformation, misdirection, all the same tactics as usual I still see.

Now about spacecraft running into debris, , , hog wash and bull shits.
Space is a mighty big place, lots of room, and not to forget that most of that debris WILL
soon become small things burning up in our atmosphere. That is inevitable. Duh.
Just more misdirection.
Stryder, just found out about Popular Science Magazine?
What was that planet your from?

"Radar can track blobs, but when the blobs out weigh you not just in volume but vectors, your going to need more shields.

thicker shielding means greater mass, meaning higher need for power for propulsion etc."

yeppers , , , just keep em in the box of false information , ,
What kinds of space craft are you considering? :D

And not being able to break the (so called) light barrier is like saying we couldn't break the sound barrier, , :rolleyes:

, , , thus why I don't post in these forums any more, , , take care all.

? :D

And not being able to break the (so called) light barrier is like saying we couldn't break the sound barrier, ,

Odd then that enough people believed the sound barrier could be broken, and they got money and made planes to try it and succeeded.

Oh yes, they were scientists. Just like scientists say that an object with mass cannot reach the speed of light.

Typically woowoo tactic Norv 'They said we couldn't,...' without specifying who 'They' were, and implying that you would have held the contrary opinion and been proven right in the long term. Hindsight is 20/20, and it's a dishonest tactic to say you would have been right at the time.
Most forums are over run by the bad ET's trying to keep people from finding out they are here. :eek:
Evidence? zero. Speculation/Imagination = plenty.

Disinformation, misinformation, misdirection
you're the kingpin.

Now about spacecraft running into debris, , , hog wash and bull shits.
Space is a mighty big place, lots of room, and not to forget that most of that debris WILL soon become small things burning up in our atmosphere. That is inevitable. Duh.
You have no clue do you, if a ship is sent up and passes debris, do you think it's thurster's have no impact on the debris vector? You should know if your boat moves at a few knots to say the least that you create "wake" behind you as you travel and this can cause any floating objects to bob or move from their previous vector.

Just more misdirection.
Repetition doesn't prove something's correct in regards to circular arguements.

Stryder, just found out about Popular Science Magazine?
What was that planet your from?
The magazine is outside of my scope being I'm in a different country, also they are "Pop Science" mags (as the name says) which means they tend to report alot of fringe material..

"Radar can track blobs, but when the blobs out weigh you not just in volume but vectors, your going to need more shields.

thicker shielding means greater mass, meaning higher need for power for propulsion etc."

yeppers , , , just keep em in the box of false information , ,
What kinds of space craft are you considering?
There's no false information there, they are observations which you of course would see if you were identifying with the real world rather than living in a comic book fantasy.

And not being able to break the (so called) light barrier is like saying we couldn't break the sound barrier, , :rolleyes:

, , , thus why I don't post in these forums any more, , , take care all.


The sound barrier is far different from light. I mean if you haven't noticed rocket propulsion does not output a plasma faster than light, it's within the perimeters of the universes physics, otherwise the jet from it's tail would have some rather bizarre effects to be observed. The other point is that if you did reach the velocity to break lightspeed, the universe would cease to exist to you and you to it. at that point you wouldn't be able to go faster or slow down, you would be in your own separate space. (of course this is speculation, however it identifies we can't break that barrier, at least like that)

All I can say Norval is keep looking for your Crater messages, perhaps one day your Bad ET's will leave you a message telling you to "Step off!" in big atomic bomb created craters, you know just like you believe they created. :rolleyes:

Have been in retirement for the past couple years, just working on the boat / home.
Most forums are over run by the bad ET's trying to keep people from finding out they are here. :eek:
Disinformation, misinformation, misdirection, all the same tactics as usual I still see.

Now about spacecraft running into debris, , , hog wash and bull shits.
Space is a mighty big place, lots of room, and not to forget that most of that debris WILL
soon become small things burning up in our atmosphere. That is inevitable. Duh.
Just more misdirection.
Stryder, just found out about Popular Science Magazine?
What was that planet your from?

"Radar can track blobs, but when the blobs out weigh you not just in volume but vectors, your going to need more shields.

thicker shielding means greater mass, meaning higher need for power for propulsion etc."

yeppers , , , just keep em in the box of false information , ,
What kinds of space craft are you considering? :D

And not being able to break the (so called) light barrier is like saying we couldn't break the sound barrier, , :rolleyes:

, , , thus why I don't post in these forums any more, , , take care all.


You are correct. There are some REAL idiots that claim to be intelligent life forms in these here parts. Oliy for one. If all of science and the concepts of scientific exploration were left up to morons like these, we would all still be dieing from the common cold. My advise is write them off as trolls. It's them that desperately want for attention. None of them actually have anything factual to contribute. Just more book learned and memorized "popular science" explanations for things they can't duplicate themselves. It's like they have this perceived life threatened instinctual reaction to be in the same tree fort or something. Just like secret agent thruster above. What a joke! Like that was not the very first thing that the analysts ruled out with respect to reactive debris and/or ice particles in the NASA. That's just plain stupid. That or a sincere hope that others listening are just plain stupid. Either way it's just nonsense.
U.S. Air Force pilot had orders to shoot down UFO
Story By: Tom Llamas
Source: NBC

Kendall, Florida Published 17 hour(s) ago
He was told to keep a government secret or lose his job as an Air Force fighter pilot. Now the secret is out, and a South Florida man is talking about the night he was ordered to shoot down a UFO.

The incident happened more than 40 years ago, when Milton Torres said he had a close encounter that all started with a command from superiors to "scramble." Torres, jumped into his F-86 Sabre jet. "Within two minutes we were airborne, Torres said.

He flew from an airfield in Kent, England, and headed for a target over East Anglia. "They also said this was an active fire mission -- that I would be firing 24 rockets," Torres said.

When Torres looked down into his radar, he was approaching what look like an aircraft carrier in the sky. "It was a big blip," Torres said. "I locked on; I had an overtake speed; everything was going fine." Then, with about 20 seconds to go, the blip started shrinking. "The next thing I know, it was gone," Torres said. "He just disappeared. He just took off."

Torres estimated that the unknown aircraft had to be traveling at about mach 10, or about 5,000 mph. In 1957, nothing went that fast.

Back at the base, his commanders had no answers. "They told me, 'We don't know what happened. We know he went off the scope completely.'"

Torres said it was a cloudy day, but there is no way the U.S. military was stuck in the Twilight Zone that night. "My wingman's radar, my radar, and the ground radar together. Three different radars, no," Torres said.

The incident was recently declassified by the British Ministry of Defense and posted online. The documents only tell Torres' version of the story, sent to the department in 1988. The retired airman, who holds three degrees and taught engineering, never heard back.

The day after the mission, he was debriefed by a U.S. civilian at the airfield who told him the mission was considered highly classified, and if he ever mentioned it again, he would not be flying airplanes anymore.

To this day, Torres said he absolutely believes it was a UFO.

Along the Ohio River, at the nexus of the borders of Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania, a huge object said to be "about the size of a large shopping mall and parking lot" was reportedly sighted in the early morning hours of Friday, Oct. 24, by a military veteran who worked in the helicopter aviation field while in the military.

According to a report by Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter and author Linda Moulton Howe on her Web site Earthfiles.com, truck driver Tim Comstock was on Route 7 north of the town of Empire, Ohio, at 3:45 a.m. The area is in Jefferson County (named after Thomas Jefferson).

After first seeing a brightly lit object the size of a large pickup truck apparently slowly rising above the tree line, Comstock noticed a much larger dark object that included three bluish lights in a triangular pattern. The bright object seemed to be rising toward the larger object, Comstock told Howe.

Comstock said he took three photos with his cell phone camera that caught both the brightly-lit object and the three bluish lights in the triangular formation. The photos are posted on Earthfiles.com.

The encounter started as Comstock was driving and saw other cars pulled over on the side of the road.
Howe quoted Comstock as saying, "As I was driving along the route, I noticed there were a couple of cars alongside the road with their lights still on. People were standing outside their car and that peaked my curiosity about what was going on. I looked in the direction that they were looking, which was toward the top of a rather large hill."

Comstock told Howe, "I looked up and there was a very bright object just above the tree level. I can't really say for sure what it was because I've never seen anything like it."

"It seemed self-luminescent. It was about the size of a large pickup truck and it was very bright whenever I looked at it. That's really what caught my attention."

"Five or six cars" were pulled over, Comstock stated. "The people standing there looked like they were stuck, just transfixed watching the objects. They weren't moving. They were just standing almost completely still."

"They were pretty awestruck. And it was extremely close to the small town of Empire, Ohio. I don't know if people there saw it. Maybe it was too late at night."


"It didn't look like anything mechanical by any means. To me, it looked like a cocoon," Comstock told Howe.

"When I saw it, I was trying to take everything in and that's immediately what I thought when I saw it – that it was organic. That's the feeling that I got. I didn't think it could be anything else. It just came across as something organic."

Comstock said that as the object rose, he was able to see the larger object from the light given off by the smaller ascending object. The larger object with the bluish lights seemed to be basically stationary, Comstock said.

"As long as I had it [brightly-lit smaller object] in my field of vision, it seemed like it might have risen from above the tree line, I would say a couple thousand feet."

"It was a white light with a little bit of orange inside of it. It had a little bit of red and the shape just seemed so strange to me because it seemed like a biological shape. As I watched that shape, it was rising upward," Comstock stated.

"As I looked above that, I saw a pattern of three bluish-colored lights. They weren't flickering like a star. They were in some kind of sequence, but they were all in tune with each other. They were very large lights. They were definitely not stars."

"I'm judging this because I was in the military and worked on helicopters, so I can tell this was pretty low because a couple of thousand feet seems like a lot, but it's really not," he said.

"It seemed like it rose a few thousand feet and then the craft – by the time I lost sight of it – it seems like it might have been maybe 500 feet from whatever the object was above it. So it was definitely getting closer to the triangular craft that was drawing it in," Comstock told Howe.

"As the large white-orange object was rising up, it looked like it was going into the center of the triangle of blue lights. At first glance when I saw the triangle of lights and rising, glowing object, I could not process what was going on."

"As the white-orange object got closer to the triangle of lights, I could see from reflected light that the underside of the inside of the triangle pattern of blue lights was one object – one very, very large object. When I saw it with my naked eye, I saw the bottom of the craft and it looked like it was very flat."

Comstock described the color of the larger craft above to Howe as being dark gray or black. He said he thought it had a crystalline type of surface that reminded him of a "cracked open piece of coal."

"It was big. About the size of a large shopping mall and parking lot."


"As I was driving, I actually slowed down to about 2 mph and there was no safe place on the side of the road. I slowed down almost to a stop and I was able to get a really good look the whole time everything was happening just above my head. I was able to slow down enough to hold the phone outside my window and still have a view inside the window frame and I was able to take the three pictures there."

But Comstock's feelings about the encounter are puzzling even to himself.

Comstock told Howe, "I gave the photos to a couple of my friends to look at. I still have the photos on my phone. I sent them to my wife. I went home this week and I would not look at them on the computer. My friends were telling me about how amazing they are to look at in the larger size and I just can't bring myself to look at them."

"I don't think I'm afraid of it. It's something that is such an awesome thing that I just can't wrap my head around it. It's one of those things that if I see it again – whatever I saw, I started trembling and the hair on my arms stood up and I knew I was in the presence of something beautiful and much larger than I could possibly fathom. It was just the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

"It's a very strange feeling. I don't know. I can't explain it 100%. I can't really fathom why I would feel this way about it, but it was something that struck me as beautiful and awesome at the same time," Comstock said.

"I suppose that once I've calmed down on the inside, I'll be able to look at them, but like I told you earlier, when you called this morning, I've even had trouble looking up at the stars because, as you said, it's a paradigm shift. It's something that completely changes the way I think about life and the universe – completely!" Howe reported Comstock as saying.

"If this, indeed, is something that's not from Earth, it's definitely something of great significance."
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"UFO News" was founded in 2006 in Republic of Bulgaria. The Agency considers the reason of its existence as of its good purpose to provide actively a systematic presence of news, related to the Ufology in the main worldwide information flows. Its cardinal ambition is to acquaint in time with the latest facts about the activity of UFOs phenomenon in different Earth sectors and about the Ufologists achievements all over the World. To realize this ambition the Agency will count mostly on the awarded sense of mission among the Ufologists and Ufological Organizations of different countries.
