UFO News

You're wrong. It only qualifies as a real UFO after it's been scrutinized by experts (usually private and public organizations) and still fails to be explained.
And, of course, if it were found to be an Alien craft, it would fail to be a UFO, for it would then have an identification.

No, people claim to have seen a UFO as soon as they have seen something, they don't wait for scrutineers to arrive. Sorry, but you definitions do not override human nature.

That is the problem, too many people claiming to have seen too many things, an embellishing the stories, and no har proof of anything, and a bunch of amateurs trying to sift something from the huge piles of BS.
So are you saying that ET visits have conveniently only been happening since the World Govts have been willing and able to conspire?

No, infact, the example you gave on the "locals spreading the news" is quite accurate to how it used to be. Also, the government was much more open and was quoted in newspapers about what they believed to be alien craft.

no less a personage than General Douglas MacArthur would warn only a year after (a nationally acknowledged sighting) "all countries on Earth will have to unite to ... make a common front against attack by people on other planets."
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I think it's unlikely that there aren't alien life forms out there somewhere.

What I think is less likely, is that they have conquered the immense scientific and engineering problems required to travel such vast distances in space, to land on Earth, and abduct fat americans and probe their assholes.

Phlog, I don't understand it.
You seem like an intelligent guy, how is it you can not comprehend how it would be possible for another civilization to overcome vast distances?
Where and what do you think "our" technology will be capable of in another hundred years,...1000 years,...1 million years, 100 million years, etc.?

Seriously, at the exponential rate our technology is accelerating at right now where could we be in another million years?

The possibililty of another race having 1 million to a Billion year head start on us is entirely possible is it not?

You are aware that you are limiting your possibility of what is not only possible, but entirely probable based soley on your current level of thinking right?
I can't help but think that you would be one of the same people who would not have believed in the light bulb, that would have not believed in flight, a trip to the moon, communication over great distances without wires, etc.

Too many examples of seemingly impossible feats have come to pass.

Reducing the mass of an object is currently the suggested method/theory for travelling faster than light, because E=MC 2 is true...so mass must be reduced and in fact completely negated in order for such speeds to happen.
Whether that is by changing the frequency/vibration of the objects in question or not I am not sure, but that is for the ongoing progress of science to figure out.
(It is quite probable that this is why many crafts are seen as becoming or being "light" as their vibration takes on the characteristics of "light". ).
Also, beyond the atomic level we are all made of light.
Anyways, just throwing some stuff you "might" find interesting.

I apologize if I am coming across as "pushing" my ideas on you, that is not my intent.
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You should note that MacArthur also tried to single handedly invade China against the wishes of his superiors (causing his dismissal).

Not the best reference for quotes in honesty.

Just to get a few things straight UFO means Unidentified Flying Object.
It does not mean Extraterrestrials, it just means someone couldn't identify something they saw.

What Phlog tried to touch upon is that people hype Unidentified Flying Objects to be much more than just something that couldn't be identified and presume them to be Extraterrestrial in Origin. These people do this not because "The truth is out there" they do it because it's Popular Fiction/Belief that people lap up. After all if people weren't interested in it either because they have a belief or just know people are full of shit, then they wouldn't bother reading/watching articles on it.
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Good to see you are of like mind that "peak oil" is a hoax.
[From blog URL that can be found in User Profile]

Oil is infinite. Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe and carbon is the fourth most common element in the universe.
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Oil is infinite. Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe and carbon is the fourth most common element in the universe.

Carbon and Hydrogen does not make oil alone. Chemistry requires more than just the appearance of elements.
Let's see, you get spoon fed the views of Top scholar's and Scientists that suggest that there is every chance of life elsewhere in the universe and when someone asks you that question you just return what you've learnt.

It's easy to generate an opinion that there is life elsewhere in the universe, however there is NO PROOF that it's ever been to Earth and this has been stated over an over again. No matter the red tape or denial, if their was proof to be had it would of leaked because nobody would gain from keeping people in the dark. (There will be some say that it would be kept secret for profiteering, but our Technology advances although accelerated from Centuries previously are still following a "Trend" that suggests natural progress.)

So by all means point at people in power and media celebrities over the years, no matter how balmy their idea's but just remember without proof their word means nothing but "Their personal opinion".
if their was proof to be had it would of leaked".

Describe the type of proof and medium you're looking for. A body? What officials would you believe? If they came out said they had they had physical evidence today, I don't know what I would think.
Anyway it also brings forth the very new underground news outlet called the internet where every aspiring artist can fake video and try to pass it off as real. Interesting times, for sure.
there is NO PROOF that it's ever been to Earth
So by all means point at people in power and media celebrities over the years, no matter how balmy their idea's but just remember without proof their word means nothing but "Their personal opinion".

Cannon mentioned the Eisenhower speech, so that's been covered.
Let's don't forget the Reagan speech(s)....
One in particular was interesting aimed at a response from Gorbechev.
What is curious is the way Gorbechev answered.

To paraphrase; Reagan asked if the USSR would join forces with the USA if faced with an outside threat....remember?

Gorbechev said; I think it is a little bit early yet to worry about such maters.


They knew something....something planned to happen at a pre-set time.

We have all been thinking too one dimensional.
There are other worlds "out there" separated by vast expanses of space.

But there are also other worlds "in here" separated by vast expanses of time.
Existing right inside of the same space, but at a different vibrational ratio in it's very atoms.

Our "Visitors" may not be from somewhere "out there".
"Heaven" is a lot closer than you think.
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Here's a clip of us attempting to shoot down some swamp gas out of space...

I like this one too, there is so much activity going on out there they can't even pick out their own space station, lol.
How many objects can you count moving or suddenly showing up out of nowhere or flashing or glowing...especially when they zoom in
Suuuure, could just be space debree but how long would any satelite last out there if that were the case.
Oh yea I love those STS videos.

That flash of light and the beam you see fly past is supposedly Tesla's death ray in which fires high energy plasma at very fast speeds.
Dont ask me to prove it, I cant.
Cannon mentioned the Eisenhower speech, so that's been covered.
Let's don't forget the Reagan speech(s)....
One in particular was interesting aimed at a response from Gorbechev.
What is curious is the way Gorbechev answered.

To paraphrase; Reagan asked if the USSR would join forces with the USA if faced with an outside threat....remember?

Gorbechev said; I think it is a little bit early yet to worry about such maters.

Have you not thought it was said because Foreign Policy and Politics between two countries that opposed each other for many years seemed "Alien". To suggest some form of unification was more than likely an effort to try and get some sort of Political movement towards lessening the cold war and in some respects I don't think it was necessarily a complete failure. However people tend to read their own conclusions into the matter (Especially if they are "Pro-Extraterrestrial are being covered up")

They knew something....something planned to happen at a pre-set time.
Rubbish, Gorbechev didn't believe him that's why he gave that statement. He probably thought he was either pulling his leg, losing the plot or had some sneaky CIA guys give him some words of wisdom to undermine his position.

We have all been thinking too one dimensional.
There are other worlds out there separated by vast expanses of space.

But there are also other worlds out there separated by vast expanses of time.
Existing right inside of the same space, but at a different vibrational ratio in it's very atoms.

The real threat may not be from somewhere "out there".
It's a lot closer than you think.

If you chase Shadows, then you will see shadows all the time. I mean look at your post, it identifies you are Pro-Alien conspiracy, it's not that you are interested in the truth because it could walk right up to you and slap you in the face and you'd call it a lie.
Describe the type of proof and medium you're looking for. A body? What officials would you believe? If they came out said they had they had physical evidence today, I don't know what I would think.
Anyway it also brings forth the very new underground news outlet called the internet where every aspiring artist can fake video and try to pass it off as real. Interesting times, for sure.

Well the proof of a conspiracy to cover up the information that anything alien ever existed. Yes I know you'll quote about Roswell or a few other "Supposed" cases, however you only know of these "Cases" because of the "Media" and they have a history of pulling people chains.
Here's a clip of us attempting to shoot down some swamp gas out of space...

I like this one too, there is so much activity going on out there they can't even pick out their own space station, lol.
How many objects can you count moving or suddenly showing up out of nowhere or flashing or glowing...especially when they zoom in
Suuuure, could just be space debree but how long would any satelite last out there if that were the case.

These have already been debunked. Basically dust/debris exists outside of the portal as the thrusters fire you get changes in the speed of the ship (They aren't actually stationary when they film out the portal, they are moving. You won't see any difference to the horizon line because the Earth is pretty big compared to one little spaceship.)

Of course people automatically want to think it an Alien controlled spaceship off the starboard bow Jim!.