UFO Lights Filmed Descending Into Woods In India

Duh! It's simple: ZERO is the number of aliens we know of.

I dont know much, but would like top hear your defence about the Bible (code?) and its references to the Anunnaki and the Nephilim. Are they not reptile forms of humans resembling 'Gremlins' who created Adam from dust on the 7th day that came from a so called 10th/12th planet? I think the 12th planet is a theory, but I'm looking for solid data about these beings being referenced in the Bible. Is it all theory from some kind of code? Or are they really mentioned as beings who also believed in a creator of all being? I also read there are many tablets found from Mesopotamia mapping the constellations giving proof to their existence.
too much info, i think, i dunno
I dont know much, but would like top hear your defence about the Bible (code?)
If by "Bible Code" you're referring to the so-called predictions encoded in the text there's no way I'm going to defend it. :D It's rubbish, and was even denounced by the guy who did the actual work on it.

and its references to the Anunnaki and the Nephilim. Are they not reptile forms of humans resembling 'Gremlins' who created Adam from dust on the 7th day that came from a so called 10th/12th planet? I think the 12th planet is a theory, but I'm looking for solid data about these beings being referenced in the Bible. Is it all theory from some kind of code? Or are they really mentioned as beings who also believed in a creator of all being? I also read there are many tablets found from Mesopotamia mapping the constellations giving proof to their existence.
too much info, i think, i dunno
As far as the "12th planet" is concerned, that, too, is rubbish. You may want to Google for Zecharia Sitchin and his crackpot "theories".
Sitchin is in the mould of Velikovsky, Hapgood &c: more concerned with MAKING* fact fit legend, rather than actually discovering the truth.

* Even to the extent of inventing their own "data".
Whoa, after reading what that crackpot had to say, I agree it does sound like a bunch of unsubstantiated crap of just theories.

But what I wanna know is...Are those 'aliens' mentioned in the Bible by those names?
Duh! It's simple: ZERO is the number of aliens we know of.

I dont know your religious nature. But I'm going to state that with evidence pointed out in the Bible, we 'know' now there is existence of other lifeforms non-resident to Earth. Therefore proving your statement wrong? :D

ps. dont kill me

Annunaki in the Bible Codes- Genesis 25:32
Also known as Jedi, or Nephilim ”

Jedi? JEDI!!??!

LOFL. This is so classic.

Why does everyone try to create or make up answers to questions that we can't answer yet.

I don't understand how people can delude themselves to this degree. The ones who peddle it for money aren't as scary IMO. Just because they most likely don't believe it either.

I am interested in what the evidence is for advanced ET and truly hope we find some. I keep an open mind and have found somethings that are very interesting and truly UFO but also can't be only considered ET, fact is nobody knows.

So don't just make up crap.

You go from being ignorant to having a mental illness.
I dont know your religious nature. But I'm going to state that with evidence pointed out in the Bible, we 'know' now there is existence of other lifeforms non-resident to Earth. Therefore proving your statement wrong? :D

ps. dont kill me
I don't have a religious nature. :p
And no, even with the bible we don't know, it's a belief (by definition), i.e. we're only taking someone else's word for it. :)
how about the discovered tablets than in ancient Mesopotamia? Are they theory too? Or just their interpretations are theory. Who made them?

What about the tablets proves the existence of advanced ET ?
there's the sirians, the pleiadians, the annunnaki... there's countless aliens. my least favorite are the greys.
Hmm, let's see.
I take you don't mean the people from Syria? No? Ok, in which case we don't know that they actually exist.
Pleiadians? Again no evidence of their existence.
Annunaki? Again, no evidence.
Greys? Guess. Go on. It'll be fun. - No evidence.

We don't KNOW of the existence of ANY aliens. The ones listed above are the products of fevered minds, drugs, drunkenness, crackpots or money-grabbing fantasists. (Or a combination of those things listed).
Hmm, let's see.
I take you don't mean the people from Syria? No? Ok, in which case we don't know that they actually exist.
Pleiadians? Again no evidence of their existence.
Annunaki? Again, no evidence.
Greys? Guess. Go on. It'll be fun. - No evidence.

We don't KNOW of the existence of ANY aliens. The ones listed above are the products of fevered minds, drugs, drunkenness, crackpots or money-grabbing fantasists. (Or a combination of those things listed).

there's plenty of evidence. plus i've been on a sirian ship. it was awesome. :zzz:

you gotta open your mind. then they'll take you aboard. :rolleyes: