UFO Lights Filmed Descending Into Woods In India

Well, I'm interested, anyway. I don't know about flares - looked kind of flat - but it could easily have been faked.

same here geoff.. normall CSS posts stuff thats far out there but i wonder what skeptics will say about this one! clearly not flares not airplanes. this one did perk my interest thank you CSS
Ah, but then Pope is a shithead.

This sort of discordia suggests that a Pope poo'd in your woods and didn't clean his shit up. (Which answers and old age question)

Is there any personal reason for your iteration of him "Being a shithead" or is it you just don't like intellectually dishonest people in general?
This sort of discordia suggests that a Pope poo'd in your woods and didn't clean his shit up. (Which answers and old age question)

My father and several of my friend's fathers, were in the RAF. Pope brings the services into disrepute.

Is there any personal reason for your iteration of him "Being a shithead" or is it you just don't like intellectually dishonest people in general?

Yes, because he is intellectually dishonest, and also because he uses his MOD credentials as some sort of appeal to authority, which is a fallacious technique, and brings the MOD into disrepute.

We watch the skies, and the Earth, for various different reasons, using various different methods, from Astronomy, Earth Observation, and Military Surveillance. I've worked with people and supported IT projects for each of those functions. We never saw a UFO. Not one. We did detect a secret nuclear reactor once, but that's another story.

Pope dishonestly fails to mention the HUGE array of instruments constantly looking upwards and downwards, and the terabytes of data gathered. He fails to mention our surveillance capability, and that not one aircraft takes off of lands, without that being recorded, and it's IR trail being monitored. He creates ambiguity, and then uses that to spin a 'what if' scenario, like there are unknowns here. There aren't. There's secret stuff, and misidentified stuff, and perceptual freakouts, but there are no alien craft. None.
..but there are no alien craft. None.
But that's not what I'm getting at, is it? What about the glow-in-the-dark night vulture hypothesis? i.e. Unknown flying cryptids being responsible for the UFO lights seen descending into the woods in India? Or are you just as certain about there being none of these as well??
But that's not what I'm getting at, is it? What about the glow-in-the-dark night vulture hypothesis? i.e. Unknown flying cryptids being responsible for the UFO lights seen descending into the woods in India? Or are you just as certain about there being none of these as well??

That's a different story, but still, I really doubt a large, unknown creature as you describe exists. Especially as they glow in the dark, allegedly.
That's a different story, but still, I really doubt a large, unknown creature as you describe exists. Especially as they glow in the dark, allegedly.
It doesn't need to be physically large to be able to produce a large glowing orb effect though, does it? BTW you're really showing your ignorance now if you haven't noticed the large increase in reports of colored lights acting in a strange UFO fashion in the past couple of years.

Here's the audio recording of the initial UFO discovery The "Halt tape" has been in the public domain since the mid-eighties and is not copyrighted. You can listen to these MP3s on your PC, they could be burned to CD etc.
I recommend just downloading Section where UFOs are spotted [high quality MP3] [3.40mb]

One of the most important points about the tape, which has been over-looked many times, is that the animals in the forest and on a nearby farm go into a 'frenzy' only seconds before the UFO is spotted. In my opinion, this is too much of a coincidence. I had previously said, "of course the forest's animals would have been disturbed - there were numerous men running around the forest, they were shouting had bright flashlights."However now I think I was wrong to say this. Here is the section of the tape in question:

Lt. Colonel Halt: 01.48. We're hearing some strange sounds out of the farmers...
Sgt. Nevilles: Twenty eight....seven... (still operating the geiger counter)
Lt. Colonel Halt: barnyard animals. They're very, very active and making an awful lot of noise.
Sgt. Nevilles: definite pigmentation.
(Lt Englund spotted the light first, he shouts to Halt)
Lt. Colonel Halt: You saw a light? Slow down. Where, where?
Sgt. Nevilles (spots UFO too): Right on this position here. Straight ahead in between the trees.
There is no break in the tape. There are only seconds between the point where the animals are heard going into a 'frenzy' and the point where the UFO is spotted.
Is this evidence of a UFO physically interacting with the surrounding environment?
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It doesn't need to be physically large to be able to produce a large glowing orb effect though, does it? BTW you're really showing your ignorance now if you haven't noticed the large increase in reports of colored lights acting in a strange UFO fashion in the past couple of years.

YOU said this creature had a six metre wingspan.

What I have noticed, is the increased popularity of Chinese Lanterns.
“ Originally Posted by phlogistician
The perpetrators of that hoax owned up. ....... ”
“ Originally Posted by Dywyddyr


Well, could be wrong, but they may be talking about the guy who claimed to be driving around with some flashing patrol car lights or something, in which case it would only be perpetrator, singular.

That's the only "hoax" related to this case I can think of.

Phlogistician and/or Dywyddyr: care to explain?
If anyone had bothered to actually read the post where I said "yup" they would (should) have noticed that it was a reply to Phlog's previous post re radar coverage.
Hence my specific mention of RAF Cottesmore, and this was acknowledged by Phlog's reply directly afterwards.

But to answer the question... How about this?

As for perpetratorS, ask Phlog.

Pope dishonestly fails to mention the HUGE array of instruments constantly looking upwards and downwards, and the terabytes of data gathered. He fails to mention our surveillance capability, and that not one aircraft takes off of lands, without that being recorded, and it's IR trail being monitored. He creates ambiguity, and then uses that to spin a 'what if' scenario, like there are unknowns here. There aren't. There's secret stuff, and misidentified stuff, and perceptual freakouts, but there are no alien craft. None.

While I agree that Pope picks and chooses things to fit his belief and ignores anything that threatens that belief. I would not and do not accept anything he or any ufo true believer claims as evidence for ET.

And while I agree with being skeptical and to scrutinize the details of any of these so called events.

You can not say there are no alien craft. Your claim that we are looking at and constantly monitoring the skies is true, but then you have to consider those that monitor the skies and have seen something. Which you are essentially denying. Stating that you have never seen one doesn't make it a fact that others have not seen one.


Many of these sightings are of unidentified. That's it. That doesn't mean that it is ET but since they are unidentified then we have to leave it at that.

Here is my problem with your statement of fact.

What would a ET spacecraft or more likely an ET probe of an million year advanced society look like. Now I realize that is the big assumption, that there is such a species. But considering the numbers, most would consider this a very real possibility.

So what if they have sent out nano-scale probes. Since we are nearing the ability ourselves and in many other fields such as stealth and even cloaking.

How can you ever know this ?

Now, if you say there is no evidence ( being extrodinary ) to prove the existence of ET then I would agree. But to say there are none is not the same.

We don't have all of the answers.

We are either alone, or not alone but not known to any others, or maybe we are known to them.

There are many reasons for them to not want to be known, and many reasons why they wouldn't care.

There could also be a situation where there are more than one. Different tactics and approach to information gathering.

We are proof that someone is exploring the cosmos, sending out our probes etc to learn more about the universe.

If there is an advanced species out there, it is absurd to think they will not do the same.

Also, considering the time factor. They could have sent a probe here that landed a million years ago.

Maybe we will find such an item at some point.

Saying there are none, is premature IMO.
Look: enough with the unsubstantiated allegations, here.

The Pope does not poo in the woods.
