Translation & Muslims

I thought America was under God? Obvious Christian terrorism.

Not to mention Christian on Christian terrorism (WWI WWII), Christian on Muslim terrorism (Iraq I, II, III, Afghanistan, Palestine, Pakistan, Iran), Christian on Jewish terrorism (Holocaust)

Millions dead.
Don't be silly, I'm not going to waste my time on you. :p

No SAM, you're "wasting" a lot of time here. There's another reason. And since that seems to be the only attempt here to take things in context, I figure you would jump at it.
No SAM, you're "wasting" a lot of time here. There's another reason. And since that seems to be the only attempt here to take things in context, I figure you would jump at it.

No reason, See my post count? I argue only with people I like to argue with. Idoits and the brain dead are on ignore.:p
No reason, See my post count? I argue only with people I like to argue with. Idoits and the brain dead are on ignore.:p

ooooh ouch! Getting a bit testy are we SAM? People don't resort to name calling until after they have lost the logic arguments.

So I will assume I am correct in my interpretation of Sura 5. You've been very helpful.
I am not going to go blind here Michael, if you cannot communicate in balck and white.
basically the NI "version" said the person "will die" not that God would kill them or that you should kill them.

My guess is this version has been re-interpreted to be less violent.
"Mind not the atheists for they are delusional fools, who lack faith, pity them instead, for God loves those who show mercy to the afflicted"

you would have felt it a more objective analysis?:p
You're getting there:

"Mind not the people who have a beleif different then yours for you can never know if they, or you, are the delusional fools. They may lack your faith but retain their own, talk with them instead, for your own logic is much better for you than anything you could read in this book"
You're getting there:

"Mind not the people who have a beleif different then yours for you can never know if they, or you, are the delusional fools. They may lack your faith but retain their own, talk with them instead, for your own logic is much better for you than anything you could read in this book"

I think this covers it much more objectively :)

"[The infidels] say, 'It is only our life in this world, we die and we live, and naught destroys us but time!'"
basically the NI "version" said the person "will die" not that God would kill them or that you should kill them.

My guess is this version has been re-interpreted to be less violent.

Does it matter? I doubt even if it said kill, people would go out and start killing.

People only kill for 3 reasons: zar, zan and zameen.

Other things are just excuses. :p
Kadark - your response is: I really really really really do beleive in God and I really really really do believe that Mohammad was special to this God.

Of course this is what I believe, but it is also the answer to your question. To be a genuine Muslim, you must profess the shahadah and make distinction between the role of Allah, and the role of His messengers.

There is no argument - yes I agree you really do beleive that's the case. But, that being the case I wonder what you would think if you saw a lot of people that really really really did beleive in Lrrr of the Planet Omicron Persei 8? Because you may not know it, and you may not beleive it, but there as much evidence for Lrrr as there is that Mohammad was a Prophet to a God - which is to say ZERO, ZILCH, NADDA.

That’s fine, Michael. There is no enforcement of religion upon anyone, as that would be insincere. If Islam is the path I (or a billion and a half others) chose to select, then that is my choice; likewise, others are free to believe any other prophet without ostrasization. As the verse has been quoted time and again, “To you be your way, and to me be mine”.

So what to do?
Well we could go in circles...
Or.... one would expect that if there was a really God and a real messenger - that the message would be special. But it's not special to anyone that is not Muslim. Unlike Plato or Aristotle or Kent, whose ideas and wittings are indeed revered by people from secular modern day Chinese to Muslims living in Malaysia, the Qur'an simply doens't have that appeal. Ask you're self Why Kadark?

Why does Islam have to be a special way of life? This is a common misunderstanding, and I can’t say I blame you for regurgitating this lame argument. Islam is a practical, simple way of life; it reiterates the religions of Abraham that came before it. At this point, with your thoughtless referral to entire nations, I can safely say you are unfairly generalizing and stereotyping on a massive level. China has a large (and growing) Muslim population, and some nations near it (Indonesia, for example) have enormous Muslim populations. Besides, using this dull logic, I could simply reverse the situation upon you and your lack of belief: why does atheism have very little appeal worldwide? Considering only a minute (being generous) percent of the human population would ascribe themselves as atheists, what is it about a lack of belief that is so repulsive to the overwhelming majority of mankind? Ask yourself why, Michael.

Why is it that the most perfect book ever is not appreciated by the majority of people - outside of Islam. And honestly, if it's perfect then why Kadark, do Muslims that become Atheist think it's not worth the paper it's written on? Why? It seems even an atheist, if logical, WILL HAVE TO agree to the tenets if the arguments are well made. One could only imagine a Book with GOD as the author would match Aristotle - but it doesn't.

There are a lot of ways to tackle your proposition, Michael. I could do it in sheer numbers, global influence, and/or modern day application. There are many more Muslims than those revered by the writings of Aristotle; Muhammad, Allah’s messenger, is arguably the most influential man is history, easily surpassing Aristotle (see Michael Hart’s [non-Muslim] list). Also, how many non-Muslims worldwide have actually read the Qur’an and have made a concerted effort to discover the religion’s teachings? In all likelihood, very few. Even the people today who know of Islam and criticize/reject it cannot say with complete honesty that they’ve read the book from cover to cover. I may be generalizing myself here, but what are the chances that most people today who disagree/insult Islam only read hate sites and nitpick at out-of-context verses? Where is the objectivity in that, Michael? It is only logical to me that if everyone was given a formal teaching of the religion, the Islamic population would be substantially greater.

I asked those Japaneses (well it may as well have just been Toshi). And from his reading of this translation the Sura9 passage instructed people to commit murder. It doesn't just talk about people who committed murder for God (like the Bible or Torah) it tells people to actually go out and kill other people. This is what he called "extreme version of Bible". This was his reading, I didn't do anything other than ask him to read it and tell me what it says.

Well, it’s a shame Toshi was only given a few isolated verses of a single Surah with no background information or contextual understanding. Perhaps if you enlightened Toshi on the Surah’s revelation (as in timing), along with the actual environment/setting at the time, perhaps he would change is opinion. It’s remarkable how you can shape a person’s view on such a large religion on the basis of a few singled-out verses. What you’re doing isn’t fair to Islam as a religion, nor to Toshi as a person, along with the uneducated people Toshi socializes with (and whose minds he influences).

So sure Kadark you may really really really really really beleive in God but that doesn't change the fact that people are killing other people because they really really really think the Qur'an is telling them to really really really go kill people for NOT really really really believing the Qur'an.

This is more of a political argument, but I’m willing to indulge. Under the assumption that we’re referring to modern day happenings, what events, I ask you, correspond with Muslims killing in the name of religion? The hotspots for Muslim violence are Palestine and Iraq, yet it doesn’t take the sharpest knife in the drawer to realize these particular hostilities are not due to religion, but rather land/governmental/foreign-intervention related conflict. There may be an iota of Muslims who kill for religion, although they obviously don’t reflect the majority with their dysfunctional and uncommon characteristics.

Again for thr sake of a circle:
Academically Communism works great.
Practically Communism is an utter failure.
Who is to blame - the system or the people?

There are some immediate flaws I see with this “argument”, one being that communism is a specific system of state, whereas Islam is first and foremost a religion. Along with that, Islam is not of communist nature, completely blowing out the fire (assuming ever existent) of your illogical argument. You have tried this in the past, Michael, and it really hasn’t solved anything: you cannot compare communism to Islam.

You opt for people - well fine, I can't logically argue with your opinion as it's just that - an opinion.

As is yours.

Logically which is more perfect a Book that inspires all that read it to adhere to peace or a Book that inspires some people to commit murder in it's name?

This is under the erroneous assumption that the Qur’an inspires its adherents to commit murder in its name. If you can find such a verse, immediately notify me. Let me predict (no, I’m not a psychic): you’re going to quote Surah 9, right? Before you quote isolated verses from a Surah, please ensure me that you will read the whole Surah (not just a single or few verses), and you will study (at least to some degree) the background. What predicament did Muhammad and Islam’s followers face during the revelation? What injustices had been committed beforehand? These are just some guidelines to consider when you study the inspiration of a Surah.

Which? Assuming God can make both books: Which is more perfect? Of course you'll pick the latter, but one would think the former would be more Perfect - that is if you like the idea of peace.

Again, you are referring to the Qur’an as a book that demands the killing of disbelievers in its name. This is not so. How many times must you read [109:6] to comprehend its message and teachings?

So where do we go? back to - opt for blaming the people - they misinterpret. Well fine, I can't logically argue with an opinion as it's just that - an opinion. Funny that the Japanese guy got that EXACT SAME misinterpretation? Don't you agree.

It would certainly be funny if it weren’t so deceptive. Since your Japanese friend is seemingly clueless (perhaps in a vegetative state, from my readings), I cannot take his judgement on Islam (well, anything for that matter) with any merit. As I’ve said to you, I will say directly to your friend: educate yourself on more than a lone verse. Instead of working your way from the Surah outward, focus on the broader issues first and then work your way through the individual verses. Teach your friend about Islam first - you know, the basics (such as the five pillars). Afterwards, read the Qur’an, and before starting each Surah, briefly go over a summary on its timing and setting. Then, after you’ve made the effort to truly educate yourself on Islam in a neutral fashion, I will listen carefully to your criticisms. Until then, your friend’s view on Islam is simply an opinion, and as we all know, opinions are formed from facts. If you don’t know the facts, then there’s no basis to your opinion. Also, as a side note, your using of friends to further your argument is not very legitimate. For argument’s sake, I could create a few imaginary friends, claiming they were atheist until I gave them the Qur’an to read. As you can see, such tests are ridiculously flawed and laughable when (attempted to be) used as evidence.

We demonstrated that art and math and science slows, stagnates and eventually comes to a grinding halt under any religious theocracy. Including Xiantiy including Islam including Buddhism etc... but no no no Michael, Islam is "perfect" ergo it's the people's fault again. Or better yet, who needs some art?!?!??! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT LAST STATEMENT??? Whio needs so art?

This truly is desperation, Michael. Mocking me, using deflated, countered arguments as if they’re original - what’s new with you? Not much, it seems. Read the flourishing of math and sciences (upon many other subjects) under the Abbasids. You are taught to believe that only secularism encourages and produces results in the different fields of knowledge, whereas religion stagnates such subjects. The reality is quite contrary to this, and one need look no further than a history book, the comments of historians, or anything else of that nature. Go and find out where our modern scientific endeavours and methods originated from, before making such unsupported, asinine comments in the foreseeable future.
Islam (which means "surrender") demands total control of it's believers on all matters. It has nothing to do with democracy or freedom and were it not a religion, islam would be roundly condemned by all right thinking people and the quran burnt as a book openly promoting evil.
Besides, using this dull logic, I could simply reverse the situation upon you and your lack of belief: why does atheism have very little appeal worldwide? Considering only a minute (being generous) percent of the human population would ascribe themselves as atheists, what is it about a lack of belief that is so repulsive to the overwhelming majority of mankind? Ask yourself why, Michael.
Great question. I suppose until we nail down the DNA sequence we can just agree that Religion offered a survival benefit to populations of humans that practiced.

I'd never say total atheism is suited for most of humanity. That said I know a lot of Japanese that are atheists and a lot of Chinese as well as many Europeans. Of course I know ex-Muslims that are atheist too.

I think that the lack of beleif is repulsive because people don't like the idea of dieing AND that being the complete and utter end of their consciousness. I don't blame them - I don't like the idea one bit either! I'd be more than happy to have more life, but alas that's simply not the case.
Well, it’s a shame Toshi was only given a few isolated verses of a single Surah with no background information or contextual understanding. Perhaps if you enlightened Toshi on the Surah’s revelation (as in timing), along with the actual environment/setting at the time, perhaps he would change is opinion. It’s remarkable how you can shape a person’s view on such a large religion on the basis of a few singled-out verses. What you’re doing isn’t fair to Islam as a religion, nor to Toshi as a person, along with the uneducated people Toshi socializes with (and whose minds he influences).
Fair enough - although I think Toshi is Atheist? I'll ask him next time. Also, I will explain that the Sura was isolated and if taken in a fuller context it wasn't really meant to be taken in such an extreme manner.

Also I need to remember to ask him about bushido.

Japanese are funny. He is definitely a Japanese guy. Really pro-Japan and Japanese history and food and culture. Which is fine. But he's always like: Japanese music, girls, food, x x x x x is sooo great. It's like Japan is Japanese's religion?!?! God it's almost as bad as Americans ;)

It would certainly be funny if it weren’t so deceptive. Since your Japanese friend is seemingly clueless (perhaps in a vegetative state, from my readings), I cannot take his judgement on Islam (well, anything for that matter) with any merit. As I’ve said to you, I will say directly to your friend: educate yourself on more than a lone verse. Instead of working your way from the Surah outward, focus on the broader issues first and then work your way through the individual verses. Teach your friend about Islam first - you know, the basics (such as the five pillars). Afterwards, read the Qur’an, and before starting each Surah, briefly go over a summary on its timing and setting. Then, after you’ve made the effort to truly educate yourself on Islam in a neutral fashion, I will listen carefully to your criticisms. Until then, your friend’s view on Islam is simply an opinion, and as we all know, opinions are formed from facts. If you don’t know the facts, then there’s no basis to your opinion. Also, as a side note, your using of friends to further your argument is not very legitimate. For argument’s sake, I could create a few imaginary friends, claiming they were atheist until I gave them the Qur’an to read. As you can see, such tests are ridiculously flawed and laughable when (attempted to be) used as evidence.
I think that we can compare Communism with Islam. We can compare Communism with Buddhism if we want to. We can compare Islam and Buddhism or Chrsitianity and Feudalism.

There will be some similarity and some dissimilarities.

One thing is that Communism as an idea didn't work. Historically this is true. Also Historically true is that Islam didn't produce an egalitarian society. That is also true. We must agree to this Kadark - it's a historically fact. Perhaps in 200 years people will look back and say: Boy that Secular Republic idea was f*cked! We'll have to wait and see. As for now it has unleashed more human potential than any other system that came before it. I mean God, we went from thinking ether held stuff together to splitting the atom and traveling to the moon - in ONE generation.


As for the Qur'an inspiring people to commit murder - well some people are and do. They are by the Bible too - don't get me wrong. They are by atheist writings as well. My question was more of possibilities. IF God can do anything then he can make any book. IF books can be classified as Perfect then some are more so than others. IF a Qur'an can be written that is impossible to interpret to commit murder IS it better than a book than can not even be possible to commit murder. As God can make either (he can do "anything") then which is more perfect?

(note: I'm note sure if I wrote the well but I have to get going it busy around here until the end of the week)

That aside,
What do you think abou this - because really bugs me and I have brought this up before. My buddy Reza lived in Japan 10 years ago. Way pre-911, pre-Iraq gulfwarII etc... Why in Hell would some Japanese numb-nut go to a Mosque in Tokyo and in a matter of months want to go on a Jihad and kill infidels??? That's bloody crazy. Now I'm sure this wouldn't be a Wahabi cult because Reza was Shia.


I mean come on - if the shoe fits as they say.

It's hard to tell me Islam is great when my buddy's mom wouldn't shake my hand because that would be touching an infidel or whatever. It's hard to say Islam is great when we see woman covered tip to toe or sentenced to 200 lashes for being with a man.

I know these are isolated situations but they do add up and give a really bad impression.

If we look at the society as a whole it just doens't seem to be working.

Oh, and for the record, Islam has never even come close to inspiring the massive attrocities that the Europeans committed in the name of Christianity. Those guys were sick. SICK. They slaved, they killed, the murdered, they obliterated whole peoples and entire civilization and cultures vanished under they Christian onslaught.

The common ground:
I'm sure that Islam been good for many people. To this I agree. As a matter of fact I know it's a fact.

Do you agree that atheism has been good for many an ex-Muslims?

My buddy Reza seems to think it has been really great for him, he says he's much much happier atheist than as Muslim.

Well? Do you agree?

PS: Kadark you're a nice person, don't take my literary attack as a personal attack. I seriously have nothing against you or SAM or anyone. And while I don't like monotheism I don't single Islam out as any worse than Christianity :D
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You mean like this?

You must kill those who worship another god. Exodus 22:20

Kill any friends or family that worship a god that is different than your own. Deuteronomy 13:6-10

Kill all the inhabitants of any city where you find people that worship differently than you. Deuteronomy 13:12-16

Kill everyone who has religious views that are different than your own. Deuteronomy 17:2-7

Kill anyone who refuses to listen to a priest. Deuteronomy 17:12-13

Kill any false prophets. Deuteronomy 18:20

All Laws given to the Jews. Not to Christians. Jesus put an end to us carrying out wrath for God.

Any city that doesn’t receive the followers of Jesus will be destroyed in a manner even more savage than that of Sodom and Gomorrah. Mark 6:11

A prophecy of the end time destruction that will be brought upon those who have rejected the Messiah Jesus in the wrath that will happen upon His return . This destruction will not be carried out by Christians.

Jude reminds us that God destroys those who don’t believe in him. Jude 5

Yes GOD does it Not Christians.

Don’t associate with non-Christians. Don’t receive them into your house or even exchange greeting with them. 2 John 1:10

This is not referring to people who have a different religion this is referring to people who bring a false Gospel, it is referring to false preachers.

2 John 1
0 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him; 11 for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds.

Shun those who disagree with your religious views. Romans 16:17

This is referring to people within Christianity who teach a doctrine country to the Gospel.

Romans 16
17 Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. 18 For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus[d] Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple.

Paul, knowing that their faith would crumble if subjected to free and critical inquiry, tells his followers to avoid philosophy. Colossians 2:8

The wisdom of God is greater than the Wisdom of man and philosophy is all about the wisdom of man, So if people rely on philosophy they will be relying on wisdom that cannot save.

Whoever denies “that Jesus is the Christ” is a liar and an anti-Christ. 1 John 2:22

Absolutely correct.

Christians are “of God;” everyone else is wicked. 1 John 5:19

All those who reject the Love of the Truth are wicked. Yep.

The non-Christian is “a deceiver and an anti-Christ” 2 John 1:7

This is referring to people who claimed that Jesus came as a Spirit and did not have physical form.

2 John 1
7 For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. 8 Look to yourselves, that we do not lose those things we worked for, but that we may receive a full reward.

So yes those who claim that Jesus did not come in a flesh body are deceivers and anti-christs.

Anyone who doesn’t share Paul’s beliefs has “an evil heart.” Hebrews 3:12

This verse is a verse to Christians who depart from belief. One would have to first believe and then depart from belief to be what Paul is referring to here.

Hebrews 3
12 Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God;

And again this verse has nothing to do with violence.

False Jews are members of “the synagogue of Satan.” Revelations 2:9, 3:9

Yep that’s true.

Everyone will have to worship Jesus -- whether they want to or not. Philippians 2:10

This is a prophecy referring to the future. Once again Christians will not be doing the forcing.

A Christian can not be accused of any wrongdoing. Romans 8:33

Romans 8
33 Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. 34 Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

This is not stating that at all. It is saying when we are justified by Jesus on the day of Judgement no one will be able to lay an accusation against those who God forgiven and made good.


Its easy enough to selectively cut ans paste anything to prove a point.

Cut and pasting does nothing when the one cutting and pasting does not read or understand the context of what they are quoting.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Moderator's Note: This is a topic about translation with regard to the Koran, please keep it on that topic and avoid the temptation to turn it into a battle between mythical dogmas or it will be closed.
Geoff, firstly, if people followed their Abrahamic religion by-the-book, the world would be pure chaos.

And secondly, there is more chaos in the book of Genesis than the entire Koran.

Possibly so: but what I need is fair treatment among everyone. In fairness, there are parts of the OT and NT that I think should be expunged; I have no reason to conclude that the people who decided on the elements included therein were any more rightly guided I at least try to be. Similarly, there are elements of the Quran that should at least be dismissed, if not removed outright. The situations are in parallel.

If anyone wants to know the Islamic attitude to unbelievers, there is a whole sura called, believe it or not, The Unbelievers Sura 109. Look it up.

Yes. There is also another, called Sura 9.

Like it says in the Quran, the signs are all there for those who care to see.

But its interesting that people refer to verse such and such and ignore the rest that precede or follow it. e.g. Kadark gave several verses that showed that not all the people who are Jews or Christians are disbelievers, and to beware of those who have empty words on their lips and no faith in their hearts, which clearly separates religion from righteousness.

What exact verses before or after exculpate Sura 9's verses on making unbelievers to feel oppressed?

Well, this is beyond me now but I have a humble suggestion: focus on patriotism! I am FAR more patriotic than religious and would pick Syria over Islam anyday. Religion and Government......bad combo.

So...let's promote Patriotism!

Agreed. This would be a better thing.

Considering it was the Jews who broke the treaty of Hudaibiya, not at all.

Was their butchery also required? Why is God spreading His message again by war? The whole Jesus thing was a misfire?

Do you know, animals have no apparent religion. Perhaps the ones without religion are the ones going back to the trees. Ever think about that?

I know this was to Michael, :bugeye:

The last sentence is incorrectly translated

It should read, to you be your way and to me be mine.

And no everyone is not my brother father mother or sister, there are serial killers and pedophiles and torturers out there

This isn't the spirit in which Michael intends the passage, as you well know.

Why don't you look in the mirror Michael

The ones most obsessed with religion here - yourself, Geoff and (Q)- all such bastions of rationality and tolerance - but only in theory. :rolleyes:

The really rational, tolerant ones -spurious, Bells, James- you should take a few lessons from them.

Wrong. As usual. Sorry.

I prefer - no, demand - that religion get its affairs out of the persecution of its nonadherents. It's a simple concept. Those who don't want to belong to you: leave them alone. A proviso: preach to them, if you must or want. This is fine. But your right to inhibit their lives ends at their nose and their belongings. This is not presently the case in any islamic country worldwide, with marginal exceptions for Syria and Turkey. And there is an undercurrent of conservative interpretation in every one of these countries against the dhimmi, whether legal or not. Hell, the Maldives just suspended citizenship for all non-muslims. Can one even imagine the secular democracies of the West doing such a thing? How could it be possible? And yet there it is: the same kind of intolerance and disregard accorded an insect is given to non-muslims in many, many of these countries.

Can it all be laid at the feet of the West? Certainly not; it is absurd to pretend that the continuation of the ancient policies towards non-believers - safely ensconced in a literal reading of the Quran, and a liberal application of the concept therein - represents some kind of sea change that the US, or George Bush, or even George Washington, are ultimately responsible for. Yet the argument gets made - quite baselessly - again and again: "it's all your fault. You are responsible for our outrages. You are the ones to be blamed." Antisemitism rises. Hatred rises. Pogroms of the other occur. The Barbary pirates, well prior to any American diplomacy, raid American shipping on the basis that their religion permits it, even demands it, independent of other factors. Is this, too, the fault of those eternal obstinates, the unbelievers?

Something is wrong. Something needs fixing. The claims of the Golden past need to be lived up to in the present. The intolerance of other religions by islamic societies - not everywhere and not all, but pervasively and generally and frequently - needs to be admitted to; it is one thing whether one country or another exploits other nations, but this is a problem common to all international diplomacy. It is quite another whether they also persecute their own members for decisions of harmless conscience.

Al-Kafiroon means He who rejects the faith (could be atheist, agnostic or of a different faith)

In a religious book, any religious book, have you seen a similar chapter on those who reject the teachings?

"Kuffar" is an offensive term, Sam, because of the context in which it's used to justify oppression. I know you don't think anything of it, because it doesn't affect you, but it's equivalent to the "n-word", frankly. Please don't use it. Thanks.