Tornadoe's and Zero Point Theory

I'd have to find out how much the tectonic plates coincide with earthquake activity, and compare the major weather systems against them.
I would be seriously inclined to believe that if selected historical data for cyclonic type weather [hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones], eathquakes, solar flares, was put through the hoop using a main frame and with the understanding of CCOGs, tension as a way of perspective major co-relationships between for earthquakes, cyclonic weather and even solar flares may be established.


wiki: typhoons
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An idea just came to mind... that if proven/validated, mankind could actually create artificial CCOGS and attract a tracking tornado for example away from municipal areas... thinking out loud...
Just have to wait now for Alphanumeric and Prom to come along and say it is all nonsense and there is no logic to it...and you can be sure it's a winner...[chuckle](shouldn't take long)
I doubt they will comment, it seems this whole thread is so silly it does not really require someone to point it out....
It's amazing what you can pick up once you have another approach...

For example:
All cyclonic weather, appears to be directly related to either subterrainian liquids or ocean water.
Tornado alley in the USA is predominantly "oil country" If I am not mistaken. With significant liquid oil reserves under ground stretching right through the central states of the USA.

All tropical cyclones start over large expanses of ocean water and track towards land [ generally ]

Given that what we are discussing is the formation of a zero point center of gravity due to the culmination of gravitational attractions in a given "zone" the fact that in both the tornado and cyclone cases involve "liquids" I feel is a great precurser for further research. [ And possible validation ]

I guess what I am saying is that once you know what to look for it is amazing what you can find.
Regrading the other thread: you will also note that the pyramids of Egypt were built in an area with significant underground liquid reserves in the form of oil. Edit: LNG Liquid Natural Gas
Note also that most of the inland areas of Australila which most Australian [North Eastern] cyclones tend to track towards have massive subterrainean artesian water resources. [needs research to quanitfy]

*with Cyclone Yasi turning into a massive rain front as it moved inland the area shown in this map of subterainean artesian water could virtually be used to indicate the scale of surface flooding that devastated Queensland at that time [ 75% of queensland declared flooded]

It was recognised by the early 1900s that control over GAB groundwater was inadequate and there was a reduction in water pressure and volume due to the increasing number of free-flowing bores drilled.

Uncontrolled flow from bores and open earth bore drains in the Great Artesian Basin threatens the health of important groundwater-dependant ecosystems and continued access to artesian water by pastoralists. In addition, it has become difficult for new water users in or near the Great Artesian Basin to obtain access to groundwater resources. The waste of water is causing environmental damage through:

Prompts the questions:
  • If the ground water state of tension was increased due to a drop in pressure would this lead to the need for climate to attempt to adjust accordingly.
  • Did tornadoes occur in the USA as frequently prior to the oil boom and the subsequent depletion of oil stocks?

The most record-breaking tornado in recorded history was the Tri-State Tornado, which roared through parts of Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana on March 18, 1925. It was likely an F5, though tornadoes were not ranked on any scale in that era. It holds records for longest path length (219 miles, 352 km), longest duration (about 3.5 hours), and fastest forward speed for a significant tornado (73 mph, 117 km/h) anywhere on Earth. In addition, it is the deadliest single tornado in United States history (695 dead).[20] The tornado was also the second costliest tornado in history at the time, but in the years since has been surpassed by several others if population changes over time are not considered. When costs are normalized for wealth and inflation, it ranks third today.[92]
1925 marked one of Gray County's most important years. When oil was discovered that year, citizens of Gray County had no idea of the vast changes ahead. Pampa soon became home for many oil field hands, promoters, prospectors, and speculators. The third major economic resource had been added - the petroleum industry.
The history of the petroleum industry in the United States goes back to the early 19th century, although the indigenous peoples, like many ancient societies, have used petroleum seeps since prehistoric times; where found, these seeps signaled the growth of the industry from the earliest discoveries to the more recent. Petroleum became a major industry following the oil discovery at Oil Creek Pennsylvania in 1859. For much of the 19th and 20th centuries, the US was the largest oil producing country in the world; it is now the 3rd largest
so can an association with oil exploitation of central USA be found with the contemporary advent of tornadoes?

In other words, the proposition, if one looks at the liquid state of the subterranean ground masses or the below sea level masses... such as oceans etc one could find even further associations to aid in understanding of how and where these weather systems form and why they move the way they do.
And it is only with the understanding of Zero Point Theory, and applying compatible scientific beliefs that provides the direction to look in.
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As a matter of interest:
copy of letter sent to ABOM:
Dear Sirs,
I have been and are currently researching the possible link between seismic activity/tectonic plates and the location of Australian Cyclone formation/initiation historically.
The main focus of this research requires the longitude/latitude co-ordinates for what is considered as the formation point of a cyclone.
The data needs to include as many years historically as possible.
I intend to superimpose these "initiation" points over tectonic plate and seismic historical data.
This is a preliminary research project that if demonstrating evidence of value will proceed to further research.
Please advise as to the cost associated with this request and as to the time required to deliver said data.

Summary of data requirements:
Cyclone initiation points : longitude and Latitude.
Time: Date of initiation. [start point of cyclone formation]
Span: As much historical data as available.
Alternatively the data may be freely available at a web based resource that you may be able to refer me to.
automated response:
Thank you for your enquiry to Australia’s national meteorological service, the Bureau of Meteorology.

Your enquiry has been received by the Climate Data Services team and is currently being attended to.

We will endeavour to respond to your request within 5 working days; however it could take up to 10 working days during busy periods.
We are committed to providing as much free data as possible via Climate Data Online. However where data requirements fall outside the Basic Product Set, cost recovery charges are applied. These charges are set according to the Australian Government Cost Recovery Guidelines. More information on our charging policy is available at

If your request is urgent, it may be possible to obtain a priority listing. Please note that priority listings are subject to an additional charge.
Jobs costing less than $350 incur a $160 fee. For jobs in excess of $350, the fee is 40% of the total cost of the job.
I have managed to install the initiation points onto a google map and then edited the image placing the tectonic data...
unfortunately results are not as conclusive as anticipated...



Data includes all recorded cyclones formation [initiation] points between the years 1956 and current 2012
Mind you... A limitation of the formation point data, would be the moment when the BOM declared the weather to be a cyclone. Prior to this moment there is no easy acces to data.
Earthquake data c/o
includes the recent Philipines Earthquake
data source:


[ large font text added by myself]
with another 4 months of stats/data collection to go for the year 2012, it's pretty obvious what the trend is...



A new phase of activity has started at Krakatau volcano. A large explosion occurred early today September 3, 2012 (01:32 UTC) and produced an ash plume that reached 14,000 ft (4.2 km) according to Darwin VAAC.

Volcanic ash from the increasingly active Anak Krakatau has reached a number of areas in Lampung, prompting officials to issue a warning for local residents and tourists. According to state news agency Antara, the ash was carried by wind from the southeast to the south, reaching Bandarlampung, about 130 kilometers away from Krakatau.

“It is rather unusual for the dust to be this thick,” said Juniardi, a resident of Bandarlampung who complained that the falling dust was also hampering visibility. (Jakarta Globe)

A report from the volcanology office in Bandung shows that the activities of Anak Krakatau has been on the rise over the past few days, reaching almost 90 eruptions per day.
src of feed:
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An interesting and possibly tragic event is currently evolving near Japan.

Sanba has rapidly intensified over the past 24 hours. Typhoon Sanba has strengthened into a super typhoon, the equivalent of a Category 5 hurricane, according to The Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC), which brings Sanba to the strongest tropical cyclone of the season status. Winds of 270 km/h (170 mph) are gusting within this storm as it moves north. It is expected to hit Okinawa as Category 3 storm.

It appears that Samba has suddenly increased in strength from a tropical storm to a Cat 5 Hurricane over a 24 hour period as it moves along the fault line.

As proposed by the hypothesis described in this thead, the sudden growth of the storm into a Cat 5 Hurricane is due to tension build up in the fault line with a intense CCOG [culminate center of gravity] at the point where the cyclone suddenly gathered strength.


If the hypothesis of siemic causation for hurricanes is valid we should see at least one very strong earthquake >9M with in the next 30 days [ similar to the scenario suggested with Cyclone Yasi and Fukushima/Christchurch]
We should also experience massive and extraodinary solar activity with in the next 60 days or sooner.

This prediction is in line with >7+ Earthquake trends for the years leading up to now and the end of this year... [ anticipation of at least 1 major earthquake event in excess of 8M for the year 2012]



note: the graph does not include a completed year for this year 2012... 4 months to go..
Super Typhoon Jelawat in the Western Pacific is forecast to curve across Okinawa and the Japan mainland, bringing flooding rain, monstrous waves and damaging winds. The islands can be subject to damaging winds in excess of 120 km/h (75 mph), dangerous surf and seas and torrential rain and flooding. Jelawat is the second storm to reach the equivalent of a Category 5 hurricane in the Western Pacific this season.

second super typhoon of the season. Appears to be tracking towards Mt Fuji Japan, which is under intense siesmic pressure at the moment. Might prove interesting.
Hypothetically Mt Fuji's magma chamber tension levels is attracting the typhoon(s). The general siesmic tension of the local tectonic plate system generating the typhoon to begin with.
Hypothetically Mt Fuji's magma chamber tension levels is attracting the typhoon(s). The general siesmic tension of the local tectonic plate system generating the typhoon to begin with.

Well, at least your always good for a laugh.:D Thanks.
Well, at least your always good for a laugh.:D Thanks.
well I ask you "origin", to look at the rational and ask whether it is a reasonable enquiry or not.

We have two unusual super typhoons [cat 5] in a very short time undergoing "Explosive" intensification at approximately the same spot on a tectonic plate fault line. [off the coast of the Philipines.]
You also have at the same time warnings being issued about the possibility of Mt Fuji erupting due to a signficiant increase in magma chamber pressure/tension. Both Typhoons have or are tracking towards the Japanese mainland. This latest one is predicted to pass over Mt Fuji.
It has been discussed earlier in this thead that there may be a relationship between tornado's and other cyclonic weather and siesmic activity generating Culminant Centre of Gravitation, points of tension that the weather attempts to stabilise by it's behaviour.

Mt Fuji is one such significant tension point....

It will be interesting to see what happens regarding what the latest Super Typhoon does, relative to Mt Fuji.

Origin , do you see a problem with this line of enquiry? If so in what way?

to say that Volcanos don't hold tension would be a mistake IMO as demonstrated by this video of volcanic lightening.
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well I ask you "origin", to look at the rational and ask whether it is a reasonable enquiry or not.


We have two unusual super typhoons [cat 5] in a very short time undergoing "Explosive" intensification at approximately the same spot on a tectonic plate fault line. [off the coast of the Philipines.]

Yep that is what we have, it is unusual two have to storms of this magnitude. The location of formation and intensification makes sense based on the wind paterns, humidity and sea temperatures, though.

You also have at the same time warnings being issued about the possibility of Mt Fuji erupting due to a signficiant increase in magma chamber pressure/tension

Kind of changed topics there a bit, didn't you. Well it is a bit of an over statement to say there is a warning of Mt Fuji erupting, but I did see that a study showed an increase in the magma chamber pressure.

Both Typhoons have or are tracking towards the Japanese mainland. This latest one is predicted to pass over Mt Fuji.

Ah, back to typhoons. Yes, I see that the super typhoon is tracking towards Japan luckily it is forecasted to decrease in intensity - let's hope so!

It has been discussed earlier in this thead that there may be a relationship between tornado's and other cyclonic weather and siesmic activity generating Culminant Centre of Gravitation, points of tension that the weather attempts to stabilise by it's behaviour.

Well sure but that was just made up stuff. I mean nobody is actually going to take that seriously! You might as well say that the radiation from the wrecked nuclear reactor in Japan is pulling in the typhoon (it is going to go right over the reactor!).

Mt Fuji is one such significant tension point....

Oh, come on. You are just being silly, I don’t think you believe that .

It will be interesting to see what happens regarding what the latest Super Typhoon does, relative to Mt Fuji.

I am more interested in seeing what happens in relation to the damaged reactor – golly it is so exciting.

Origin , do you see a problem with this line of enquiry? If so in what way?

Yes, I believe it is retarded. It is retarded in just about every conceivable way.

to say that Volcanos don't hold tension would be a mistake IMO as demonstrated by this video of volcanic lightening.

IMO (and anyone with a lick of sense) it would be retarded to consider that a volcano has any relationship to typhoons.
What is the lightening from the ash cloud suppose to show besides the effect of a static electricity build up in the ash cloud?
Yep that is what we have, it is unusual two have to storms of this magnitude. The location of formation and intensification makes sense based on the wind paterns, humidity and sea temperatures, though.
yep just one factor may be missing...

Kind of changed topics there a bit, didn't you
the topic is the issue of siesmic activity [tension] relational to the generation of significant weather it is right on topic...
Ah, back to typhoons. Yes, I see that the super typhoon is tracking towards Japan luckily it is forecasted to decrease in intensity - let's hope so!
never left the topic, see above...

Well sure but that was just made up stuff. I mean nobody is actually going to take that seriously!
well sure ... that what hypotheisis is...and if proven to be the case will be taken seriously...duh!
I am more interested in seeing what happens in relation to the damaged reactor – golly it is so exciting.
If Fuji Blows in a big way then the reactor issue becomes uhm... rather moot don't you think?


Also the earthquake trends indicate a possible 9+ quake any time now...which is what this thread is monitoring...[ The advent of significant weather [cat 5 Typhoon x2 is deemed significant] being used as an indicator for serious seismic tension build up. Re: Cyclone Yasi , Christchruch and Fukushima quakes. [& subsequent sola flare]

There is actualy much debate on the nature of volcanic there appears to be some emminating from with in the volcanos and not just the clouds. Indicating an extreme spacial tension build up inside the volcano which is released during a eruption by way of lightening being evidenced. And of course it is static electricity...what else could it be...
see graph below:



Would you agree that the trend would be suggestive of at least 1 possibly 2, 8(9)+mag. eathquake(s) any time now?
As a matter of interest I put together a quick image with the Philipines plate displayed along with both super typhoons.
The image also shows Mt Fuji located on or very near a convergent fault line.


It appears My Fuji is located right on the convergence between a subduction and convergent boundary as is near by Tokyo.. [35 million people]
The nuclear power plant at Fukushima is not that far from this convergent boundary. [Why they built the thing there of all places is any ones guess]

wiki said:
In plate tectonics, a convergent boundary, also known as a destructive plate boundary (because of subduction), is an actively deforming region where two (or more) tectonic plates or fragments of lithosphere move toward one another and collide. As a result of pressure, friction, and plate material melting in the mantle, earthquakes and volcanoes are common near convergent boundaries. When two plates move towards one another, they form either a subduction zone or a continental collision. This depends on the nature of the plates involved. In a subduction zone, the subducting plate, which is normally a plate with oceanic crust, moves beneath the other plate, which can be made of either oceanic or continental crust. During collisions between two continental plates, large mountain ranges, such as the Himalayas are formed.
Based on the hypothesis the formation of two super typhoons Sanba and Jelewat are indicating serious/significant tension build up in the Philipines plate. Mt Fuji's current pressure/tension state is also indicating similar.