Tornadoe's and Zero Point Theory

The picture with the bubble wrap is a model of the invisible forces on earth. Each one of those bubbles is about 17 miles across and about 3000 ft high.
The punch hole cloud is caused by those forces which are increased over most mountains, even if they are below sea level. Punch hole clouds can appear over other areas besides mountains. The other image (which did not turn out?) was one of clouds forming around these zones.
If you are keen on observations you will find that lightning will also track according to this model. I did not mean to test or scare you at all.
I did not mean to test or scare you at all.
Maybe it is just awkward synchronicity or coincidence but those images are indeed scarey to some who have delved a little too deeply into their deeper subconscious states.
The "Plug hole" image if I recall properly was used in psychiatric testing in the late 60's when the notion of "Ink Blot" testing was in vogue. Of course psychiatric therapy and other more malicious methods of hypnosis and subliminal undermining, moved forward considerally since then. It was the bubble image though that was most curious to me as I was not expecting to see it used in a public forum. There are other images that are very similar making the rounds on the net as joke type mail but they do have extreme potential to be quite harmful.
Your use and explanation of both images still is far from complete especially the choice of colour and border highlighting in the bubbe image.

Where did you get it from?

Please excuse my reaction...
Can you explain how those forces would be applied using that "bubble" image?

The bubbles is where the background force causes matter to release its energy. For eg, above mountains, if active, will cause mountain lights.
They generally cause clouds to loose their biilowing shape and flatten out. If heavy clouds pass over an active zone it will rain, or cause the cloud to sink.
The edges of the bubbles causes matter to retain its energy, causing clouds to gain shape and height.

Back to tornadoes, a cloud enters one bubble after the next, the air looses more energy each time, which increases the air pressure until the heat can be lost or absorbed, then it begins to sink, and when it comes into contact with the edge, the molecules are forced to retain the little energy they have left. The air pressure drops dramatically, but it will also tend to demand a particular position or place where that activity is centred. When the pressure drops, it is like pulling the plug in the bath tub, everything begins to spin around into the vortex, we call a tornado.

Lightning tends to strike on the same edges, and if it does during a tornado, the tornado will be temperarily slowed down or even stopped, because the lightning, especially with a ground hit, causes much of that backgound force on the edges to settle down. In other words, if you are in a tornado. hope that there is a lot of rain and lightning, which dispells these forces.
The bubbles is where the background force causes matter to release its energy. For eg, above mountains, if active, will cause mountain lights.
They generally cause clouds to loose their biilowing shape and flatten out. If heavy clouds pass over an active zone it will rain, or cause the cloud to sink.
The edges of the bubbles causes matter to retain its energy, causing clouds to gain shape and height.

Back to tornadoes, a cloud enters one bubble after the next, the air looses more energy each time, which increases the air pressure until the heat can be lost or absorbed, then it begins to sink, and when it comes into contact with the edge, the molecules are forced to retain the little energy they have left. The air pressure drops dramatically, but it will also tend to demand a particular position or place where that activity is centred. When the pressure drops, it is like pulling the plug in the bath tub, everything begins to spin around into the vortex, we call a tornado.

Lightning tends to strike on the same edges, and if it does during a tornado, the tornado will be temperarily slowed down or even stopped, because the lightning, especially with a ground hit, causes much of that backgound force on the edges to settle down. In other words, if you are in a tornado. hope that there is a lot of rain and lightning, which dispells these forces.
but are you referring to only a few types of cloud formations and those that are at a particular altitude?
Example : there are many occassions where the "cell" type formation of clouds or weather is not present.
Maybe it is just awkward synchronicity or coincidence but those images are indeed scarey to some who have delved a little too deeply into their deeper subconscious states.
The "Plug hole" image Your use and explanation of both images still is far from complete especially the choice of colour and border highlighting in the bubbe image.
Where did you get it from?
Please excuse my reaction...

I made that image on a computer, based on ancient texts.

If the energy coming up out of the mountain is moderately active, it will cause the molecules in the atmosphere or clouds to vibrate and separate, causing them to loose energy - often as heat, this breaks up the cloud structure often causing the cloud to disappear, but with air high in moisture, it will cause the water droplets to collect, forming rain. When the molecules are energised they develop some polarity that governs their size, orientation and distribution.

The reason I posted this picture is because common science says that these holes above mountains and islands are caused by the air being forced to go over the object. This is not true whatsoever. As the islands and mountains below sea level produce the same effect.

The atmosphere does not generally go over a mountain, but around it. The lack of knowledge on this point has caused many pilots to make mistakes in negotiating this terrain. The other factors of the background forces can also bring in conditions that defy normal aerodynamics.
One of the problems of science or should I say the scientific mind that we all have to some degree is the nature of logical reductionism. What this means essentialy is : "the deeper you go the more logic you will discover." or " everything has a logic and there is a logic to everything"
So the scientific mind is generally on this "merry go round" of extreme adventure seeking to rationalise everything with out first getting the initial premise correct.
Conventional science is about just that, attempting to get the premise of their next adventure correct and rational with the use of the scientific method. It is awful hard work and painfuly slow but it has granted society a degree of sanity/order in the process as it moved from "superstition" to a more grounded state.
So IMO the first step a person should take any time they work towards an understanding is ask a few hard questions:
What presumptions of validity am I making?
What calls to authority am I presuming are correct?
For example my research in the Yogic tradition right through to Brahma-ism have shown that whilst the "Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali" were incrediby concise and apparently relevant to the human condition they also where lacking in the understanding of the root/founding premises.
As with Buddhistic thought and so to with mainstream Western science.

By accepting a presumption as a truth the merry go round of curiocity and adventure can and does for some drive you nuts.
but are you referring to only a few types of cloud formations and those that are at a particular altitude?
Example : there are many occassions where the "cell" type formation of clouds or weather is not present.

The bubble model does not represent cloud shapes, because they are too large, 10 to 20 miles across, clouds are small by comparison. A dozen clouds can form around a zone. The affect of these forces is generally not arbitary, but always involved. Two things have to be considered the natural dynamics of the atmosphere and the supernatural influences.

In regards to layering, there are specific heights and layers of clouds. The layering in the atmosphere has to do with the fact that the background force produces gravity, because it forms a gradient, of which gravity is but a shadow.

That gradient means that a difference of energy occurs between high up and low down. Instead of forming a smooth gradient of energy, nature tends to divide it into highs and lows, or standing waves, forming layers of the force, like layers of an onion, around the entire globe. The clouds prefer these layers, which affect temperature, pressure etc.

The whole system of layers and bubbles is not static, it moves and changes according to the position of the sun moon, planets and times of the year. Can you see why the ancients were such keen astronomers and astrologers?

The movement and behaviour of these forces is predictable to within one hour, which is extremely accurate and helpful in predicting the weather.

Once you understand what is happening you can see it working, anywhere you can observe the sky.
One of the problems of science or should I say the scientific mind that we all have to some degree is the nature of logical reductionism. What this means essentialy is : "the deeper you go the more logic you will discover." or " everything has a logic and there is a logic to everything"
So the scientific mind is generally on this "merry go round" of extreme adventure seeking to rationalise everything with out first getting the initial premise correct.
Conventional science is about just that, attempting to get the premise of their next adventure correct and rational with the use of the scientific method. It is awful hard work and painfuly slow but it has granted society a degree of sanity/order in the process as it moved from "superstition" to a more grounded state.
So IMO the first step a person should take any time they work towards an understanding is ask a few hard questions:
What presumptions of validity am I making?
What calls to authority am I presuming are correct?
For example my research in the Yogic tradition right through to Brahma-ism have shown that whilst the "Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali" were incrediby concise and apparently relevant to the human condition they also where lacking in the understanding of the root/founding premises.
As with Buddhistic thought and so to with mainstream Western science.

By accepting a presumption as a truth the merry go round of curiocity and adventure can and does for some drive you nuts.

Nature is built on a few principles not found on a black board.
hmmm possibly another thread and another time. At present I see no reason to delve any further into it as this thread is primarilly about exploring the co-relationship of gravity COGS and vortex type weather pattern forrmation. I take it on board that there are always other influences acting and this I completely accept.
hmmm possibly another thread and another time. At present I see no reason to delve any further into it as this thread is primarilly about exploring the co-relationship of gravity COGS and vortex type weather pattern forrmation. I take it on board that there are always other influences acting and this I completely accept.

Your posts opened more than I had before.
After now considering the threads topic over a longer period of time and with added insight given by various other inputs I feel that a point of possibility has been established for the future use of tornadoes, or cyclonic weather to aid in the prediction capacity of Zero Point Theory. This will not be for me to further promote as the technical resourse are well beyond my reach to do so.
ZPT in this case, works primarilly on the notion of spacial tension forming around a culminant COGS, which may form in various locations due to possibly thermal shifts in mass denisty and or stress points along the plate edges...
the following is an image with both Cyclones tracking and siesmic hot zones. An obvious correlationship can be drawn. Actual Earthquakes occuring is not essential but tension build up is especially how this tension may exist in the ambient atmosphere exuding from sub terranian siesmic tensions.
The image only includes data from the years: 1923-1927 and is only a preliminary to a more comprehensive study.

The faded red line shown, is an indication of Tetonic Plate activity and has been extrapolated "casually" from the following image.

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Another extrapolation from the years 1974 -1976 including Cyclone Tracy that wiped out the capital city Darwin 1975-04-06/8


If we were able to measure the tension of a given area we should be able to predict the onset of a cylone or tornado.
Maybe we should just use trained dogs or birds as they seem quite capable of detecting shifts in tension.
"the quiet before the storm"
The tension in the EYE of a cyclone for example
I haven't looked at this thread for a while, and really appreciate the maps, QQ. When you study the patterns of weather on a larger scale as, here, even satellite pics, there are repetitions, that make it somewhat predictable. And I am fairly certain that the shape of the earth, the sun and typical weather analysis accounts for it, but not all.
I'd have to find out how much the tectonic plates coincide with earthquake activity, and compare the major weather systems against them.
I am trying to get the start point data lat/long info from the bureau currently but am having difficulty.. I want to plug the data into a graphing program so we don't get all the tracks and only the inception points.
This one I posted for fun indicates 1950-2006

The equatorial trough has much to do with it I feel as well.
I would imagine that if an appropriate way of measuring the ambient tension surrounding the evolved CCOG there could be a way of predicting the onset of a cyclone and location and in severe cases possibly even earthquakes could be predicted using the weather as a sign of inherent tensions. as possibly demonstrated in cyclone Yasi's case, with Fukashima and Christchurch and even the solar flare.
Note: the measurement of tension is not currently done nor available. Only pressure is used [ in this context ]