Tornadoe's and Zero Point Theory

Its hard for me to keep up with you, because you have many ideas going on at once. That's not bad, but slow down please and take one point at a time, and resist the urge to smack politics or whatever.

For instance your thread in energy jumps into dark matter. All subjects are related and you have the advantage of jumping, but you are like a loose hose in the back yard, water going in all directions... you know what I mean? I do the same sometimes, it comes from the fear of not being understood, or not really knowing what you want to understand.

In a sense it is good to be curtailed by the ones who don't see it our way. It demands a better approach.
You are of course totally correct however there is urgency behind my work which I try to restrain. To be honest, for example I have just made certain realisations as this "saga" evolves, that have almost crippled me, emotionally and being able to maintain a course or direction at the moment is difficult.
But you are right it does demand a better approach given the nature and urgency of the task.
In regards to this zero point going below the surface of the ground, it does and intensifies the deeper you go. But the atmosphere is also divided into both horizontal layers and circular ground patterns that create differences in molecular behaviour and orientation. You may get a strong layer which will 'statisfy' the tornado and cause it to cease. The forces that generate these changes, go right through the earth in specific patterns, and the atmosphere responds to them.
this is a rather astute way of puting it and it is the reality of such that has started to dawn as the "mind" starts to realise just how fortunate/lucky we as a world are.
The forces that generate these changes, go right through the earth in specific patterns, and the atmosphere responds to them.
You are obviously very conversant with the general idea and your word usage implicitly implies a wealth of insight behind them.
If so then you will already know why I have been momentarilly put off balance by certain realisations.
And in saying so, it may be better to cease, this public thread all together as wisdom beckons...
You've probably noticed that the tornado usually begins on the edge of a cloud, rather than the middle where many say are the strongest winds, but they happen where and when the cloud seems to drop or loose its buoyancy and even its strong winds.
However the tornado is a strong updraught, and a very powerful increase in wind, an interesting reaction in those circumstances.

The background forces in nature, tend to store or withhold energy or cause molecules to give off energy, ie heat. The difference only has to be extremely small, yet the combined effect of billions of particles produces changes in all weather conditions, both local and global.

When the cloud drops it is giving off energy, and by the same reaction unable to hold water as effectively, (because they only rain about 15 % of their capacity).
The molecules under these conditions, without sunlight, are deficient in energy and begin to conserve it. in that mode, they will tend to cling to and seek the nearest source of energy - like other molecules and a source such as the background force.

On the edge of this area is just such a force present, this is your point zero, and the molecules are forced to conserve energy, of which they have very little.

So they accelerate in the process of seeking that source of equilibrium. By doing that in a small area they begin spinning according to the direction of the background force - the direction of spin is not caused by angular momentum.

Since they are now withholding energy they are lighter and are driven upwards as well.

The subtle but combined and continuous orientation of each molecule begins a tornado.

All wind and weather dynamics are caused by the same processes.

The attraction of a tornado is the edge of an area usually 17 miles across, and the force that surrounds this area, is the same force that is involved in gravity. Pincho Paxton seems to indicate that the gravitational force is masked by (electro) magnetism, which would be correct.

Thanks for your thoughts and illustrations which have helped me visualise what is happening, and also added the concept that the weather is not caused by only what is above ground.
@ GK
Before I continue a little test if i may.
If you owned a regular load stone magnet of any particular strength you will notice that both poles are equal and that no leaverage can be gained by one pole being weaker than the other. After all this would lead to pseudo perptual motion machines over night. So normally we are stuck with out the innate ability to use offset magnetism where the poles are not equal in strength.

The question [ if I may ]:

What would your reaction be if you discovered, upon waking up one morning, that your equal pole magnet and every magnet you come across is suddenly exhibiting signs of a small offset? [ One pole being stronger than the other.]
What would that mean to you even though you do not know what causes the polarisation of the load stone , other than that which is common scientific knowledge.?
example 0 = +1 + (-)1 is now 0= +1 + (-)1.0023
what would it mean on a universal scale?
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My answer is simple: "Deep shit!" That's what it would mean... we would be in really deep shit, big time!
Fortunately, nature demonstrates reliability and consistency.
hence this statement:
QQ said:
it is the reality of such that has started to dawn as the "mind" starts to realise just how fortunate/lucky we as a world are.
Zero Point Theory when formalised will show that the vacant space between particles is actually zero dimensional expanded to infinite volume. That the distance between masses is in fact only existant because of mass, therefore distance is a "product" of mass. [the distance between here and the sun for example is zero except for objects of mass.]

There for time is absolute at t=0 [duration] but relative if t= > 0 duration.
Zero being the COG and the universal constant that generates the effect of gravity [ which is in effect dimensional collapse from 4 to zero ] which can be extrapolated to suggest that all space is in a state of relatively stable culminant gravitational tension.

The space the mass of the Earth and the universe as a whole, fills is actually what I refer to as zero space [ zero volume expanded to 4 dimensions due to the paraodx of zero which can be empirically evidenced . see here. ]. That said there is no, and can be no aether at all.
The events demonstrated by the Yasi cyclone and earthquakes and the solar flare on 11 of June 2011 indictate "tension" build ups with in that zero space with their associated Culminant COG's therefore underpinning those events in a way that is suggestive of a "background force" as you call it, at work.

The tensions emmitted from seismic actvity have permiated into the atmospheric zero space generating the COG for cyclone Yasi to form. In this instance the extrordinary nature of Cyclone Yasi gave an indication of severe seismic tension build up which the subsequent earthquakes provided the planet relief from.

Not unlike a Tesla Coil and how it generates a spark of electricity upon collapse [relief] of the tension that has been built up in the magnetic field.

The solar flare mentioned in the other thread appears to be a part of that "system" tension build up. Events here on Earth acting as a sort of signal as to the tension build up in the sun.
sequence of events.
Cyclone Yasi, Australia: 11/01/2011
Christchurch New Zealand 22/02/2011
Fukushima, Japan: 11/04/2011
Massive and very rare Solar flare: 11/06/2011

All in all it is very suggestive, certainly to me, that those events indicate a significant build up or "building" of spacial tension with in mass which can be extrapolated due to Zero Point Theory on a universal scale.
Which is why I posed that rather dramatic question about 0 = +1 + (-)1.023 and what that would mean universally if magnetic fields became offset in their relative strengths [ N to S ]
And due to the the nature of the universal constant Zero must always equal +1 + (-)1 and if it doesn't, we have a fundamental universal structure anomaly
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View attachment 5652View attachment 5653I get your second last post, to some extent, but I cannot handle too much info at once. I thought you might like to see something. The first picture is a model of the invisible or background forces. The circular zones represent one side of the force, the white fillings the other. The white parts are your Zero zones or fillaments, these cause clouds to build up among a dozen other things. The circular blobs are 17 miles across on average. The second pic, is a satellite photo, can you see what is happening?
View attachment 5652View attachment 5653I get your second last post, to some extent, but I cannot handle too much info at once. I thought you might like to see something. The first picture is a model of the invisible or background forces. The circular zones represent one side of the force, the white fillings the other. The white parts are your Zero zones or fillaments, these cause clouds to build up among a dozen other things. The circular blobs are 17 miles across on average. The second pic, is a satellite photo, can you see what is happening?

unfortunately the satelite image is too small for me to see properly. Can you upload a larger resolution?
View attachment 5654
unfortunately the satelite image is too small for me to see properly. Can you upload a larger resolution?
No the forum won't accept any larger I think. Try this one. It should show a ring of clouds, about 15 miles across.
The clouds in the centre of that ring are diffused and the cloud on the edge built up, to create this bowl. This happens all the time, all over the world, and the things that cause it are always working, whether there are clouds about or not. The atmosphere is divided up like the first picture.
View attachment 5654
No the forum won't accept any larger I think. Try this one. It should show a ring of clouds, about 15 miles across.
The clouds in the centre of that ring are diffused and the cloud on the edge built up, to create this bowl. This happens all the time, all over the world, and the things that cause it are always working, whether there are clouds about or not. The atmosphere is divided up like the first picture.
I think what you are alluding to is what I would call "gravitational harmonics" but not sure if I am reading you right...
you could also reference :
The dark flow is controversial because the distribution of matter in the observed universe cannot account for it. Its existence suggests that some structure beyond the visible universe -- outside our "horizon" -- is pulling on matter in our vicinity. 2010
and ask similar questions to the when 0= +1 + (-)1.023
if you wish we can take this discussion to a private forum at one of my web sites.
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Could you briefly explain, unless you have in other posts, the implications that you feel this equation has?
I think I was quite clear in a preceeding post #44 and subsequent posts, as far as being brief would entail.
The actual numbers are completely for example purposes only and have no validity beyond such.
I am not sure what direction to take with you. You show an image that you knew I would find disturbing as if fishing for a reaction. Yet you are not aware that there are much more disturbing things to witness and consider than punch holes. Like for instance the propogation of the baffelling Nodding disease in the Southern Sudan/Uganda regions of Africa. The problem of over 300 "dead" spots in the worlds oceans and a whole host of tragic currently unexplainable situations that, when armed with the right understanding make perfect sense.
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Possibly you could explain these images a bit more. Your current idea that they represent some sort of atmospheric modelling doesn't seem to work.
The images have a deliberate hypnotic effect and have a definite potential to inspire paranoia. in fact if I research it properly I would probababy find them in some psychiatrists file some where especially those of a, let us say "military persuasion"
What you may not know though is why the images have that effect what deep subconscious possibly DNA orientated memories are invoked by such things. Maybe one day you may wish to learn about them a bit more... there are others similar and yo may bump into them on the net at any time these days as people play silly games with out realising the potential consequences [ example: the third image - to the right - the one you can't see]

Now this one is a classic for interrogation purposes! You have to ask yourself why am I still talking to you? Think about it...
Try these words:
There was also a short press book published years ago that was a strictly limited release edition titled
"The Sacred Language of RA" Maybe you have read it?
....have fun
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