Tornadoe's and Zero Point Theory

Would you agree that the trend would be suggestive of at least 1 possibly 2, 8(9)+mag. eathquake(s) any time now?

The trend of earthquakes could lead one to say that - but predicting earthquakes is very shaky (pun intended).
Based on the hypothesis the formation of two super typhoons Sanba and Jelewat are indicating serious/significant tension build up in the Philipines plate. Mt Fuji's current pressure/tension state is also indicating similar.

But the hypothesis is hopelessly flawed! There is absolutely no causal relationship between the two phenomena. Your comments around the center of gravitational are nonsensical - and you must know it.
There is absolutely no causal relationship between the two phenomena.
Coming from a person with some sceintific background and knowing what you do , I find this sort of statement utterly riduculous!
To state with out question and in absolute terms that there is NO CAUSAL relationship between two planetary events with in close proximity of each other is quite bizzare!

Mind you , you are not the only one,, the scientists and planners that helped build the Power plant at Fukushima Japan, thought a large earthquake 9+M was absolutely impossible too...even though they built the bloody thing in the worst possible spot..
But the fact that they did build it there and that an eathquake 9+M occured is very telling of the "mind set" of those involved. [ We don't have any precedents to set the scale to allow for a 10,11,12+ M quake so we think that they are impossible? Totally daft..presumptions. ]
Now we have a strata volcano primed [Fuji] and ready to blow less than 100 kms from Tokyo with a population of 30 million and a damaged Nuclear Powerplant all part of the anticipated track of a super typhoon [Jelewat]...and you are prepared to state in absolute terms there is NO CAUSAL relationship with tectonic tensions and weather patterns.....

I suppose you with your attitude would build a super high grade, 6* reactor nuclear power plant at Fukushima too ......yes?

But the hypothesis is hopelessly flawed!
Of course it is if one subscibes to the ridiculous nature of your absolute statement.

And you need to understand the hypothesis first before you can be critical of it.

You have not demonstrated an understanding nor the desire to understand....yet you are prepared to condemn it...
Fortunately there are others who do understand and are patiently waiting to see if "Climate change evidence" including earthquake trends data substantiate and support the hypothesis.

You gotta realise that Eathquake trends are not caused by human activity.

That "climate change phenonema" is most likely caused by tectonic and siesmic changes to our planet and changes to our sun.
The data is easily seen and very clear at this stage...

I can only hope that the actual events of the future will defy statistical trends and prove me wrong.

On Sunday, Jelawat became the second super typhoon to pass over the region in two weeks: Sanba was just there on September 13-14. While the western Pacific is no stranger to frequent typhoons, it is quite rare to have two consecutive super typhoons (a “super typhoon” is a tropical cyclone with maximum sustained winds of 150 mph or greater).
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Coming from a person with some sceintific background and knowing what you do , I find this sort of statement utterly riduculous!
To state with out question and in absolute terms that there is NO CAUSAL relationship between two planetary events with in close proximity of each other is quite bizzare!

I am sure that this seems bizzare to you but that is your problem. My job is to determine interactions in processes - I am pretty good at it actually. The fact that 2 different phenomena are in close proximity to each other is meaningless.

Mind you , you are not the only one,, the scientists and planners that helped build the Power plant at Fukushima Japan, thought a large earthquake 9+M was absolutely impossible too...even though they built the bloody thing in the worst possible spot..

The Nuclear plant survived the earthquake, it was the tsunami that caused the problem because the onsite generators were destroyed.

But the fact that they did build it there and that an eathquake 9+M occured is very telling of the "mind set" of those involved. [ We don't have any precedents to set the scale to allow for a 10,11,12+ M quake so we think that they are impossible? Totally daft..presumptions. ]
Now we have a strata volcano primed [Fuji] and ready to blow less than 100 kms from Tokyo with a population of 30 million and a damaged Nuclear Powerplant all part of the anticipated track of a super typhoon [Jelewat]...and you are prepared to state in absolute terms there is NO CAUSAL relationship with tectonic tensions and weather patterns.....

That is correct there is zero causal relationship between the tectonics and typhoons - it is all in your head.
You do realize we have a pretty good understanding of what causes hurricanes and earthquakes don't you?

I suppose you with your attitude would build a super high grade, 6* reactor nuclear power plant at Fukushima too ......yes?

I just happened to work in nuclear power in the Navy and based on that and what I have read - I am against using fission as a source of electrical power.

Of course it is if one subscibes to the ridiculous nature of your absolute statement.

It is a simple and accurate statement to say there is no causal relationship between tectonic activity and hurricanes.

And you need to understand the hypothesis first before you can be critical of it.

I did read your hypothesis and all I can say is [chuckle]

You have not demonstrated an understanding nor the desire to understand....yet you are prepared to condemn it...

I understood what you wrote and dismissed it for what it was - bat-shit crazy, arm waving, nonscientific, seemingly drug induced, half-assed conjecture,

Fortunately there are others who do understand and are patiently waiting to see if "Climate change evidence" including earthquake trends data substantiate and support the hypothesis.

You, and who else - quant?:rolleyes:

You gotta realise that Eathquake trends are not caused by human activity.

Gee, do ya think? What a gutsy idea. :D

That "climate change phenonema" is most likely caused by tectonic and siesmic changes to our planet and changes to our sun.
The data is easily seen and very clear at this stage...

Give me a break - The woo woo train is pulling in.
Maybe do some research before you wooh wooh the idea entirely.
At the 2011 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Shimon Wdowinski announced a temporal connection between tropical cyclones and earthquakes.
Some recent research has found a correlation between a sudden relative spike in atmospheric temperate 2-5 days before an earthquake. It is speculated that this rise is caused by the movement of ions within the earth's crust, related to the oncoming earthquake. However, in this case the atmospheric changes are caused by the earthquake, rather than causing it. Furthermore, this relative change would not cause any single recognizable weather pattern that could be labelled "earthquake weather".
Note that there is resistance to the idea but it is being looked at seriously by many in the field...
I believe there is some serious research underway in Hawaii regarding "Eathquake weather" patterns. [If I can find the link again I will post it here]

Also in a more general vain, I do not believe that the event of climate change, warming oceans etc can be treated in isolation to the obvious trends displayed regarding earthquake frequency.

Two major environmental/planetary issues coinciding at the same time seems to be too much to ignore.....

The major difference between my view and that of Shimon Wdowinski is that he feels cyclonic weather can trigger earthquakes, where as I feel that cyclonic weather can indicate siesmic tensions which may lead to eathquake events.
Neither of the of those 2 comments support your conjecture. The first is discussing that rain induced landslides could trigger a fault slip - not even in the relm of what you were talking about.

What is the souce of your second comment.

Two major environmental/planetary issues coinciding at the same time seems to be too much to ignore.....

Why??? There is no reason to assume they are related.
Neither of the of those 2 comments support your conjecture. The first is discussing that rain induced landslides could trigger a fault slip - not even in the relm of what you were talking about.

What is the souce of your second comment.

Why??? There is no reason to assume they are related.
why wouldn't you see the potential for a relationship?

since 1985/86 global warning has been on the agenda. [ as has many various massive issues facing mankind - including atmospheric ozone depletion etc]
see this earth quake trend graph...



Note the dip in 1985/86/87 and the climb since 1992

get similar graphs for global climate change [ which I might add are virtually impossible to get which is rather strange ] and compare....
it is a "no brainer" to see the co-relationship between Global climate change and Siesmic activity....

of course the major players in this, do not wish the world to know that Climate change is NOT man made... for obvious reasons...
"If it is man made then we have a hope of fixing it... if it is a naturally derived phenonema we have no hope of fixing it"
ask you self when you see the eathquake trend graphs... "Why hasn't the global media published accordingly?"
It is pretty obvious what they mean if the trends continue...
I know if I was in the media industry, say a major newspaper/tv network and I saw these graphs I would be very tempted to run a story or two.
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Strong and shallow earthquake M6.2 occurred on October 1 at 22:21:45 UTC off the east coast of Honshu, Japan. The epicenter was located 97 km (60 miles) ENE of Miyako (39.853°N, 143.047°E) at depth of 9.7 km (6.0 miles). JMA Japan reports a M6.3 at a depth of 10 km, USGS registered M6.2 at the same depth while EMSC registered M5.7 at depth of 30 km. The earthquake was felt all over northern Honshu and at the east and south coast of Hokkaido.
Effects on human population - minor.



Just after Super Typhoon Jelewat passed over the area.
as shown in this tracking map [30th Sept to 1st Oct, 2012]:
News published via the here in Australia, 13-10-2012:

Scientist warns of Fuji eruption chaos
A Japanese scientist has warned Mount Fuji is due for a "big-scale explosive eruption" that could affect millions of people and cause billions of dollars worth of damage.

Last month a study found the magma chamber under the mountain has come under immense pressure, which could even trigger a volcanic eruption.
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