Top 10 Misapprehensions about islam...

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    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • no

    Votes: 10 76.9%

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So, personal attacks are all you have, huh? Weak...

You admitted it was all true..

And now you claim it's a personal attack?

Here's a thing about personal attacks Sandy. You can't claim it's true and then realise what you've done and claim personal attack. It doesn't work that way.


There there dear. It's alright.

are you asking me or her, and about what? :D :D

It may well be that the predecessors of Islam worshipped the Moon, and that fragments were incorporated into Islam.
The Moon is beautiful and mysterious, and surely these are qualities of God too.

But to worship money? That has nothing of God in it.
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I don't think anyone with the spelling/English skills of a three year-old should be mocking anyone. Serious or not.
I don't think anyone with the spelling/English skills of a three year-old should be mocking anyone. Serious or not.

So you've only got personal attacks as well huh?

To quote you..


I mean at least his is funny. Yours is just not funny. Making fun of a non-English speaker's english.. It's like making fun of people in wheelchairs. Not funny. Just makes you look like a tool, to be honest.
So you've only got personal attacks as well huh?

To quote you..


I mean at least his is funny. Yours is just not funny. Making fun of a non-English speaker's english.. It's like making fun of people in wheelchairs. Not funny. Just makes you look like a tool, to be honest.

You started personal attacking me the day I got here. You get away with it. I will not buy into your attacks because I am the one who gets banned for defending myself, not you. You goad me, condescend, and talk to me like a stupid 2 year-old. Either discuss/debate the topic or stay out of it. Personal attacks are annoying.
My expertise is more with security than the actual religion although I do know a great deal about both.
Tell me what on the list is incorrect.

um how about the fact that islamic countries did facilitate the scientific revolution by keeping the knowledge of greeks alive and well?
You started personal attacking me the day I got here.
Maybe if you acted like the supposed Christian you claim to be, instead of being vain, racist, hateful, bigotted, etc, I wouldn't treat you like the hypocrite you are.

You get away with it.

I will not buy into your attacks because I am the one who gets banned for defending myself, not you.
You defend yourself by being more vain, racist, hateful, bigotted, etc. That's what gets you banned.

You goad me, condescend, and talk to me like a stupid 2 year-old.
Maybe if you didn't come across like a stupid 2 year old, I'd treat you differently. The sad fact is that 2 year old's aren't stupid. They just don't know any better. You, on the other hand, are old enough to know better.

Either discuss/debate the topic or stay out of it. Personal attacks are annoying.

Considering you spend the greater majority of your time on this forum personally attacking everyone you write about, with a few exceptions, you'll understand our annoyance and frustration.


It may well be that the predecessors of Islam worshipped the Moon, and that fragments were incorporated into Islam.
The Moon is beautiful and mysterious, and surely these are qualities of God too.

But to worship money? That has nothing of God in it.

well, actually, we don't worship moon, moon is just like the sun for the calender, we use moon for the calender, and god, or allah to us, is who created everything, every everything, and not like for christian god is in a form of human that they could kill him, so it means that they can kill their god, anyway, allah to islam, or god to islam, is the creater, we don't know how allah looks, or is, we just know allah exist,

worshiping money? lol, don't take what she says seriously, she's mad and angry, she need a psycologic doctor.
Considering you spend the greater majority of your time on this forum personally attacking everyone you write about, with a few exceptions, you'll understand our annoyance and frustration.

well tell me about it! try to see any topic of myne where sandy is, finally the topic get closed because sandy got in, lol, she's like a blocker cirus, at least when i want a topic closed i'll inviter her there, :D :D
um how about the fact that islamic countries did facilitate the scientific revolution by keeping the knowledge of greeks alive and well?

Not true.

There are four basic reasons why Islam has little true claim to scientific achievement:

First, the Muslim world benefited greatly from the Greek sciences, which were translated for them by Christians and Jews. To their credit, Muslims did a better job of preserving Greek text than did the Europeans of the time, and this became the foundation for their own knowledge. (One large reason for this, however, was that access by Christians to this part of their world was cut off by Muslim slave ships and coastal raids that dominated the Mediterranean during this period).

Secondly, many of the scientific advances credited to Islam were actually “borrowed” from other cultures conquered by the Muslims. The algebraic concept of “zero”, for example, is erroneously attributed to Islam, but it was, in fact, a Hindu discovery that was merely introduced to the West by Muslims.

In fact, conquered populations contributed greatly to the history of “Muslim science” until gradually being decimated by conversion to Islam (under the pressures of dhimmitude). The Muslim concentration within a population is directly proportional to the decline of scientific achievement. It is no accident that the Muslim world has had little to show for itself in the last 600 years or so, since running out of new civilizations to cannibalize.

Third, even the great Muslim scientists and icons were often considered heretics in their time, sometimes for good reason. One of the greatest achievers to come out of the Muslim world was the Persian scientist and philosopher, al-Razi. His impressive works are often held up today as “proof” of Muslim accomplishment. But what the apologists often leave out is that al-Razi was denounced as a blasphemer, since he followed his own religious beliefs – which were in obvious contradiction to traditional Islam.

Fourth, even the contributions that are attributed to Islam (often inaccurately) are not terribly dramatic. There is the invention of certain words, such as alchemy and elixir, but not much else that survives in modern technology that is of any practical significance. Neither is there any reason to believe that such discoveries would not have easily been made by the West following the cultural awakening triggered by the Reformation.

Not true.

There are four basic reasons why Islam has little true claim to scientific achievement:

First, the Muslim world benefited greatly from the Greek sciences, which were translated for them by Christians and Jews. To their credit, Muslims did a better job of preserving Greek text than did the Europeans of the time, and this became the foundation for their own knowledge. (One large reason for this, however, was that access by Christians to this part of their world was cut off by Muslim slave ships and coastal raids that dominated the Mediterranean during this period).

Secondly, many of the scientific advances credited to Islam were actually “borrowed” from other cultures conquered by the Muslims. The algebraic concept of “zero”, for example, is erroneously attributed to Islam, but it was, in fact, a Hindu discovery that was merely introduced to the West by Muslims.

In fact, conquered populations contributed greatly to the history of “Muslim science” until gradually being decimated by conversion to Islam (under the pressures of dhimmitude). The Muslim concentration within a population is directly proportional to the decline of scientific achievement. It is no accident that the Muslim world has had little to show for itself in the last 600 years or so, since running out of new civilizations to cannibalize.

Third, even the great Muslim scientists and icons were often considered heretics in their time, sometimes for good reason. One of the greatest achievers to come out of the Muslim world was the Persian scientist and philosopher, al-Razi. His impressive works are often held up today as “proof” of Muslim accomplishment. But what the apologists often leave out is that al-Razi was denounced as a blasphemer, since he followed his own religious beliefs – which were in obvious contradiction to traditional Islam.

Fourth, even the contributions that are attributed to Islam (often inaccurately) are not terribly dramatic. There is the invention of certain words, such as alchemy and elixir, but not much else that survives in modern technology that is of any practical significance. Neither is there any reason to believe that such discoveries would not have easily been made by the West following the cultural awakening triggered by the Reformation.

what is wrong with you?
first, science is not christian, muslim, or jew, second, what do you sugest, to come up of everything from zero? they took from the knoledge around the world, and they added to it, and they developed it, also as you did after the christian crusades, so, it's all science for all humanity, not for muslims or christians, ook, you know what? i know that you are STRROOONNNGG, so i think i'll just leave you in your coma, ok? don't forget your medecins!

just a question, don't you have anything in your lfie to do it, besides youre presious site "therelegionofpeace" and your proganada?