Top 10 Misapprehensions about islam...

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partially true it mean struggle. inner struggle or the struggle of the heart would be jihad bil qalb/nafs

also not only to defend the country from the invaders inside the country, but also struggle for knwoledge and science, means to study hard, and do the best, to find out the truth and discover, also strugle to make a difference, a positif diffrence

it is. the hadiths and quran in places say that to take life is a sin. it promotes the use of diplomacy.

inless that life was a killer, who killed an innocent life, (according to some islam laws, who kill a person, is like he killed the entire humanity, he killed one of his kind, also, if he killed someone, (but if he had to, cause he had to when he was defending himself, or he was defending his country from the invaders, or he didnt mean to means it was an accident etc...) so who kills an innocent, must be killed by law, that's he's punishment
and who steel, for the third time, his hand must be cutted, (inless he had to steel food for example, or money, so he can live, or so he can feed his family, or he couldnt fun anyone to help him, and he was soo poor and he cna't afford anything, and he stole, it's ok, cause he had to, but if he was satesfied, and he have everything that allows him and his family to live, he musnt steel, ...and the other hard cases and hard situations when a person really had to steel)
You may have thought be-headings were done with a big sword, well I warn you this is a bit graphic, But what was the reason they did this, it certainly wasn't a rational one.
Sandy don't watch it will taint you.
Yes Islam lovely. (sarcasm)
pbuh (Piss be upon him)
Nothing can taint me. I've seen video of Muslim terrorists sawing innocent people's heads off with butter knives. I've seen it all.

sandy:please quote chapter and verse or withdraw that comment.Evidence?How's that coming along for them, do you think? Doing well? Or is Good Ol' Obama stopping them? Your favourite President ever!

There are over 100 verses calling Muslims to war with non-believers in the Koran. Many are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Would you like me to post all 109verses?
Here are a few:

Muslim terrorists have committed almost 15,500 deadly terror attacks since 911. Here are a few:

It's coming along very well for them. They have Muslims in our CONgress, Senate, and the White House. Obama has appointed many Muslims to his cabinet. They have taken over cities and are trying to get Jesus Christ out and Allah in. A Muslim(with terrorist connections) just won Miss USA. They build mosques (where they plan our demise) all over our country. Obama is doing nothing. He won't even let us call them "terrorists". Why do you think we have been hit/nearly hit 6 times(!!) since he flubbed his oath? Our pathetic politicians are too weak/corrupt to stop them.
Sandy said:
It's coming along very well for them. They have Muslims in our CONgress, Senate, and the White House. Obama has appointed many Muslims to his cabinet. They have taken over cities and are trying to get Jesus Christ out and Allah in. A Muslim(with terrorist connections) just won Miss USA. They build mosques (where they plan our demise) all over our country. Obama is doing nothing. He won't even let us call them "terrorists". Why do you think we have been hit/nearly hit 6 times(!!) since he flubbed his oath? Our pathetic politicians are too weak/corrupt to stop them.
Paranoid much?
if he had to, cause he had to when he was defending himself, or he was defending his country from the invaders,
Ok but only in the first instant, after that it is premeditated.
If a person is occupying your land or your home and he is doing you no harm. To kill him to remove him, makes you the evil one.
Ok but only in the first instant, after that it is premeditated.
If a person is occupying your land or your home and he is doing you no harm. To kill him to remove him, makes you the evil one.
You must live in a bizarre neighborhood. Do people frequently break in and move in to your home? When you hear them breaking and entering do you make a cup of tea?

Ok but only in the first instant, after that it is premeditated.
If a person is occupying your land or your home and he is doing you no harm. To kill him to remove him, makes you the evil one.

it's ok, it's like going to another country, buy a peace of land, and make a home, or a mall, or something, but stealing, is not one of the good things, liek invading a country, killing it's people, stealing lands, colonizing it, like israeil to palastine, like u.s.a to iraq, so what you mean is not called invading, or stealing, or even occupying, occupying, means to steel a country, steel it's lands, it is invading, you can't occupuye a country without harming it, also, occupying it, is the same thing steeling a land means, but doing no harm, like building a small village on a peace of land you boght, it's ok, but that's not applied on israeil of u.s.a that are invading countries, u.s.a invaded vietnam, japan, iraq, etc...

You must live in a bizarre neighborhood. Do people frequently break in and move in to your home? When you hear them breaking and entering do you make a cup of tea?

lol, xD, nooo, he leave his house, and tell him, here you go, it's all your's, :D

Its actually a lot better than what I used to see four years ago. ;)

There used to be a whole gang of hyenas just waiting for the unsuspecting Muslim to drop in. :D

oh, great then, just keep it with a cold blood, and ignoring, :D that will work very good esspecially with sandy, wow, she's sick, i bet her parents fell her on her head when she was a baby, and they had to replace her mind with a jumping frog.
oh, great then, just keep it with a cold blood, and ignoring, :D that will work very good esspecially with sandy, wow, she's sick, i bet her parents fell her on her head when she was a baby, and they had to replace her mind with a jumping frog.

Just think of Jesus: Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. :eek:

Nope, not at all. I fear nothing. Absolutely nothing. I am VERY realistic and watching what these Muslim terrorist pukes are doing around the world makes me disgusted.

hmm, that explain it,

but you should FEEAARR MEE!!!
oh sorry, i forgot, you're SOOO STRROOONGG, and i'm weak as you said.
Pleas don't heart me, pleaass!!! don't heearrtt meee!! :bawl:

it's ok, it's like going to another country, buy a peace of land, and make a home, or a mall, or something, but stealing, is not one of the good things, liek invading a country, killing it's people, stealing lands, colonizing it, like israeil to palastine,
Israel did not steal the land it was annexed after the British gave it up in 1948 by the UN, but the Palestinians don't like sharing.
it's ok, it's like going to another country, buy a peace of land, and make a home, or a mall, or something, but stealing, is not one of the good things, liek invading a country, killing it's people, stealing lands, colonizing it, like israeil to palastine, like u.s.a to iraq, so what you mean is not called invading, or stealing, or even occupying, occupying, means to steel a country, steel it's lands, it is invading, you can't occupuye a country without harming it, also, occupying it, is the same thing steeling a land means, but doing no harm, like building a small village on a peace of land you boght, it's ok, but that's not applied on israeil of u.s.a that are invading countries, u.s.a invaded vietnam, japan, iraq, etc...

Iraq misbehaved VERY badly. Saddam Hussein was the world's worst terrorist killing/torturing more than a million of his own people. He defied UN resolutions more than 16 times, threatened us with his WMD, and was the world's bully. W had the balls to take him out. Mission accomplished. W brought democracy to Iraq, women were free to vote and not be forced to wear hideous black Halloween costumes, and things were going well...Until the vile Muslim terrorists decided to fight back killing ANYONE in their way of takeover. So we stayed, trained the Iraqis, but most of them are so dirty/ vile/violent devout Muslims/terrorists that they are killing each other as well as anything with a pulse. They are despertate. So, what do we do? Stay and help the good, decent, innocent Muslims or leave and let the vile, demonic puke terrorists take over? I'm thisclose to saying "leave". Enough is enough.