Top 10 Misapprehensions about islam...

yes or no, read the threat, and you'll know what's the question

  • yes

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • no

    Votes: 10 76.9%

  • Total voters
You got owned too, he counted all this with his reply to pjdude. one question, how was Israel even a country in 1945. according to the links supplied by Mustafha the British occupied Palestine, until it was annexed by the UN, and I don't see mind-reading, I see informed guesses given the evidence, I suggest you read the links supplied, you may then realise who are the people who got owned.

P;ease quit embaressing your self. first you say the evidence(which yes his twisted version of history does support him but not the real version) and than you get basic historical facts mind numbingly wrong the UN never annexed palestine.
P;ease quit embaressing your self. first you say the evidence(which yes his twisted version of history does support him but not the real version) and than you get basic historical facts mind numbingly wrong the UN never annexed palestine.
Lol, Well you are welcome to posit up your "Real" version, of "Factual" history, which you are yet to do. Stop doing a strawman and show us the evidence, put up or shut up.

Do i have to remind you that this threat is not about politics of history, if you want to discuss about this, go make another threat.
hellooo!!! anybody here me??
Do i have to remind you that this threat is not about politics of history, if you want to discuss about this, go make another threat.
hellooo!!! anybody here me??
As mustafha stated you brought it up, or do you now think that they Palestine problem is not a misapprehension about Islam.

As mustafha stated you brought it up, or do you now think that they Palestine problem is not a misapprehension about Islam.

ooook, this is not a politics or history threat, think what you want to think.

How much hatefull you people can be??? oh my god.
c'est vraiment nule!!! vraiment sans commentaire, qu'elle honte, vraiment, qu'elle honte!!!

maintenant je croit que la honte est une marque international! pfff....
We are not hateful. We post facts about Islam. We had firsthand experience with the "Religion of Peace" years ago, and on 911, and have been fighting to keep Muslim terrorists OUT of our country for years. We have suffered at least 67 deadly Muslim terrorist attacks against innocent Americans. Muslim terrorists have killed at least 3,314 innocent American citizens. Muslim terrorists have committed at least 15,328 deadly terrorist attacks around the world SINCE 911. We will NOT shut up and honor Islam. It is a religion of death, violence, and destruction. No, it is not pc to say so, but I don't care. We will NOT sit here in silence while Muslim terrorists plot our demise right under our noses.:mad:

We are not hateful. We post facts about Islam. We had firsthand experience with the "Religion of Peace" years ago, and on 911, and have been fighting to keep Muslim terrorists OUT of our country for years. We have suffered at least 67 deadly Muslim terrorist attacks against innocent Americans. Muslim terrorists have killed at least 3,314 innocent American citizens. Muslim terrorists have committed at least 15,328 deadly terrorist attacks around the world SINCE 911. We will NOT shut up and honor Islam. It is a religion of death, violence, and destruction. No, it is not pc to say so, but I don't care. We will NOT sit here in silence while Muslim terrorists plot our demise right under our noses.:mad:

how more decent can you be??? do i have to report you to all the moderators of this section to make you stay away of starting proganada nas copying the same sayings, or what? what do you want, tell me? what do you want? can't you at least hold you're honor, or you just like to guess what's the word, anyway, i'll report all the moderators later, but i have things to do in real life, have a happy day dea sandy

oh, got a question
how more fanatic can you be? damn, i never thoght you'll just keep... oh forget it, it's useless to talk to you, also i know that you hate me, and you wish me dead cause i'm muslim, also i know you wish all to die. good, and have a happy day, oh, but just don't tell your goverment to invade us, pleas, try to invade another country from europe or asia now, or maybe the continet america, pick a new one, byebye
ooook, this is not a politics or history threat, think what you want to think.

How much hatefull you people can be??? oh my god.
c'est vraiment nule!!! vraiment sans commentaire, qu'elle honte, vraiment, qu'elle honte!!!

maintenant je croit que la honte est une marque international! pfff....
So you think it's a shame, ok but that does not answer the question.
Also is this not a thread for discussion.
paulmarcos said:
You got owned too, he counted all this with his reply to pjdude. one question, how was Israel even a country in 1945.
? I don't think you are following the discussion.
paulmarcos said:
according to the links supplied by Mustafha the British occupied Palestine, until it was annexed by the UN, and I don't see mind-reading, I see informed guesses given the evidence,
Given what evidence? - and the guesses seem informed by bigotry more than anything else.

This crap about the "Muslim mindset" justifying mistreatment of Muslims would be garbage if there were a "Muslim mindset" as alleged, let alone offered as a defense of Israel's forty five years of expansion and occupation and oppression.

The Christians in Ramallah - did they share that "Muslim mindset"? This one, say:
? I don't think you are following the discussion.
Given what evidence? - and the guesses seem informed by bigotry more than anything else.
Strawman. The evidence is via the links he supplied and I see no bigotry, just links with evidence. it seem your not following the discussion and your acting like a bigot.
iceaura said:
This crap about the "Muslim mindset" justifying mistreatment of Muslims would be garbage if there were a "Muslim mindset" as alleged, let alone offered as a defense of Israel's forty five years of expansion and occupation and oppression.

The Christians in Ramallah - did they share that "Muslim mindset"? This one, say:
What crap did he even suggest about the Muslim mindset,, you brought that up.
He just stated informed conclusions from the links he supplied.
Your welcome to posit up your own facts. Which you also have failed to do.
as I said to pj put up or shut up.
Lol, Well you are welcome to posit up your "Real" version, of "Factual" history, which you are yet to do. Stop doing a strawman and show us the evidence, put up or shut up.

It wouldn't matter when people like you believe utter falsehoods that are so obviously bs its unlikely you'd be convinced. I mean you agree with someone who thinks the UN has annexed land from people. any evidence I give would only reinforce your crackpot beliefs.
Trolling the troll (not you, Ice)

You are not a neutral observer in this matter, and Mustapha is dealing unsupported and implausible assertions, with a rank odor of bigotry to them where they are not simply false.

Very well: then I am a fair observer. I'm sorry if you disagree with this, but it simply is so.

As of 1945, it was. And Israel has been expanding by force of arms ever since, regardless.

All right, I'd be interested in seeing that.

do you not know how to read. how is mention a specific seige of Vienna not mention a specfic conflict?

More personal insults. I couldn't quite follow what you meant through the atrociously written English, unfortunately. In an aside, the Siege of Vienna was part of the overall campaign of ethnic cleansing by the Ottomans, but again, I think the name of the site confused you.

Could be argued that those religions were forced upon them by the resptive empires that controlled those.

Excepting, of course, that such an argument would be mind-bogglingly stupid. It is a foregone conclusion that you have no basis whatsoever on which to base such an astoundingly biased and bigotted assumption. Iceaura, I sincerely hope you've read young pj's post here. I'm going to PM the link just to be sure.

No it wouldn't because they still stole land through force. and I'm not a hypocrite.

So, then, in parallel, you would be ok with the idea of the Crusades rolling back the border of Islam to the Middle East? A simple little question, pj. I'm fascinated to see how you do with it. Clearly, then, the Crusades were essentially defensive.
Please point out what I posted about any religion that is not factual.

Well, posting from hate sites for one thing. They tend to not be very accurate.

You also seem to be confusing Islam and Muslims with terrorists. Now, do you think all Muslims are terrorists, Sandy?

iceaura said:
You are not a neutral observer in this matter, and Mustapha is dealing unsupported and implausible assertions, with a rank odor of bigotry to them where they are not simply false.
He can't be neutral because he is as much a bigot against the religion as Sandy is. You'll have a better time bashing your head with a brick than trying to get him to understand that. Trust me. I speak from experience.:)
pavlo said:
This crap about the "Muslim mindset" justifying mistreatment of Muslims would be garbage if there were a "Muslim mindset" as alleged, let alone offered as a defense of Israel's forty five years of expansion and occupation and oppression.

The Christians in Ramallah - did they share that "Muslim mindset"? This one, say:

What crap did he even suggest about the Muslim mindset,, you brought that up.
No, I didn't. He did, in the course of setting out illegitimate and unsupported assertions that happen to align with the standard anti-Islamic bigotry of the most familiar kind - complete with bizarre assertions about the "Muslim mind set" and what the Palestinians want according to their oppressors.

Are we supposed to assume the alignment of our poster's assertions with standard bigotry is a coincidence?

Since you seem to have overlooked his actual posting, I quote it again:
mustapha said:
Not in 1948 it wasn't.
- - - -
Well do you wonder at it, Palestine won't accept anything but israel out, totally.
So they continue to attack Israel, when they start to act peacefully they will get, the full backing of the UN and the force/forces that go with it.
But sadly that is not in the muslim mind set, they need to put aside the Qu'ran, and work toward peace, once achieved they can go back to the prayer mats and hatred of anything non-muslim.
- - -
Mainly because justice is not what they want.
A couple of falsehoods ( conquest and annexation of another country's territory was forbidden by the UN in 1945, and certainly well established in principle by 1967. Israel's continuing behavior was the issue - the attempt to restrict things to 1948 was a rhetorical trick).

So this:
pavlos said:
He just stated informed conclusions from the links he supplied.
is false. Those aren't informed conclusions - the one about the UN backing a peaceful Palestinian resistance against further Israeli expansion is contradicted by many years of evidence, for starters,
pavlo said:
Your welcome to posit up your own facts. Which you also have failed to do.
Israel continues to expand, and occupy new territory it has taken by force and holds by force. It continues to restrict and shrink and blockade the territory of the Palestinians, and seriously mistreats them in various ways. Do you actually not accept these plain observations as "facts"?

I pointed out that Israel has treated Christian Palestinians in the same manner as Muslim ones, and linked to the reaction from at least some of them. Do you continue to credit Mustapha's assertion that the "Muslim mind set" is to blame for Israeli bad behavior?
Lets face facts the todays Muslims have a higher propensity toward terrorism then all people on average, just as Americans far right do with stunts like the oklahoma city bombing and the IRS building kamikaze thing, heck Americans have a very high propensity towards military conquest these days, but that does not count as its out of the terrorist category.
Very well: then I am a fair observer. I'm sorry if you disagree with this, but it simply is so.
your not a fair observer sorry no matter how much you try and spin it it still won't be true. you have shown yourself to be positively prejudiced against Islam and prejudiced in favor of jewish people with no regard to histry in its proper context.

More personal insults.
No a statement based on your ignoring of what was said for your own personal delusions
I couldn't quite follow what you meant through the atrociously written English, unfortunately.
more baseless whining trying to absolve your self of your hypocrisy.
In an aside, the Siege of Vienna was part of the overall campaign of ethnic cleansing by the Ottomans, but again, I think the name of the site confused you.
Still the same old Geoff. IT was a part of expansion not ethnic cleansing. and I'm not confused.

Excepting, of course, that such an argument would be mind-bogglingly stupid.[/QUOTE] Says the person who treats history to whatever anachronistic twisting needed to make it fit his bigotry .
It is a foregone conclusion that you have no basis whatsoever on which to base such an astoundingly biased and bigotted assumption.
Neither the Byzantium Empire nor the late Persian empires were known for their religious tolerance.
Iceaura, I sincerely hope you've read young pj's post here. I'm going to PM the link just to be sure.
please do I'm sure he'll be delighted by your personal attacks.

So, then, in parallel, you would be ok with the idea of the Crusades rolling back the border of Islam to the Middle East?
No. the expansion of Islam is rooted in a defensive need being in between to empires as it was.
A simple little question, pj.
Nothing with you is simple. One all ways has to worry what twisting and dishonesty you will use on it to slander the poster.
I'm fascinated to see how you do with it.
I'm sure you are. watching people respond to your trolling is something you get off on.
Clearly, then, the Crusades were essentially defensive.
only in your mind. to people that actually understand history it was an offensive campaign.
Lets face facts the todays Muslims have a higher propensity toward terrorism then all people on average, just as Americans far right do with stunts like the oklahoma city bombing and the IRS building kamikaze thing, heck Americans have a very high propensity towards military conquest these days, but that does not count as its out of the terrorist category.

Untrue. its impossible to say that. their are any number of factors that could be the cause and none of them have been isolated.