Top 10 Misapprehensions about islam...

yes or no, read the threat, and you'll know what's the question

  • yes

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • no

    Votes: 10 76.9%

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Iraq misbehaved VERY badly. Saddam Hussein was the world's worst terrorist killing/torturing more than a million of his own people. He defied UN resolutions more than 16 times, threatened us with his WMD, and was the world's bully. W had the balls to take him out. Mission accomplished. W brought democracy to Iraq, women were free to vote and not be forced to wear hideous black Halloween costumes, and things were going well...Until the vile Muslim terrorists decided to fight back killing ANYONE in their way of takeover. So we stayed, trained the Iraqis, but most of them are so dirty/ vile/violent devout Muslims/terrorists that they are killing each other as well as anything with a pulse. They are despertate. So, what do we do? Stay and help the good, decent, innocent Muslims or leave and let the vile, demonic puke terrorists take over? I'm thisclose to saying "leave". Enough is enough.

Saddam was definitely an asshole and maybe the worst dictator in the world at that time, but he wasn't a terrorist. And, not that I give a shit about the UN, but he wasn't the only one who has violated resolutions.
Israel did not steal the land it was annexed after the British gave it up in 1948 by the UN, but the Palestinians don't like sharing.

So how did jews go from 7% land ownership to like 90% in the course of a year if they didn't steal it?
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Iraq misbehaved VERY badly. Saddam Hussein was the world's worst terrorist killing/torturing more than a million of his own people. He defied UN resolutions more than 16 times, threatened us with his WMD, and was the world's bully. W had the balls to take him out. Mission accomplished. W brought democracy to Iraq, women were free to vote and not be forced to wear hideous black Halloween costumes, and things were going well...Until the vile Muslim terrorists decided to fight back killing ANYONE in their way of takeover. So we stayed, trained the Iraqis, but most of them are so dirty/ vile/violent devout Muslims/terrorists that they are killing each other as well as anything with a pulse. They are despertate. So, what do we do? Stay and help the good, decent, innocent Muslims or leave and let the vile, demonic puke terrorists take over? I'm thisclose to saying "leave". Enough is enough.
he didn't have WMD's he couldn't afford them. that was merely a threat to make the countries around Iraq think it was more powerful than it was so they wouldn't invade.
Um and woman in Iraq didn't were burkas under Saddam, they do now.
Yes, but the Crusades were an obvious response to centuries of attacks and invasions by Muslims against Christian lands.

No they weren't. the pope just wanted control of the holy lands for christindom so they would have control over their trade routes. by the time of the palestinian crusades the muslims were incapable of making any attacks like that.

Israel did not steal the land it was annexed after the British gave it up in 1948 by the UN, but the Palestinians don't like sharing.

and why should it give it's lands?
do you give your house to a strangter? or do you give some rooms from your house to a stranger? why didnt israeil ask for lands from france, or from u.s.a, or from u.k? or maybe china? or maybe, why didn't it make some artificial islands, all the money it wasted on killing people and stealing and occupying lands, could make some islands for it, and make a community with an exelent life style...

Iraq misbehaved VERY badly. Saddam Hussein was the world's worst terrorist killing/torturing more than a million of his own people. He defied UN resolutions more than 16 times, threatened us with his WMD, and was the world's bully. W had the balls to take him out. Mission accomplished. W brought democracy to Iraq, women were free to vote and not be forced to wear hideous black Halloween costumes, and things were going well...Until the vile Muslim terrorists decided to fight back killing ANYONE in their way of takeover. So we stayed, trained the Iraqis, but most of them are so dirty/ vile/violent devout Muslims/terrorists that they are killing each other as well as anything with a pulse. They are despertate. So, what do we do? Stay and help the good, decent, innocent Muslims or leave and let the vile, demonic puke terrorists take over? I'm thisclose to saying "leave". Enough is enough.

are you talking to me?
i didnt talk to you you know

No. And stop sending me threatening PM's. I've had enough.:mad: Typical...:rolleyes:

threating??? what threating.
ok, are you now going to say i'm a terr*** or something? wow, you really impressed me.

dn dn dn, it's time to get your pills, don't forget them,
you should thank me cause i reminded you,

oh, just pleas don't hurt me, you are stroong,

No. And stop sending me threatening PM's. I've had enough.:mad: Typical...:rolleyes:

i should stop talking to you, or propably you'll invade my country, and say it's to help us, wow, good luck!! just don't invade us, it's ok we don't need your help, pleas, don't hurt me!!!
what if he killed your family?
Well then we're back to here (your post #181 and my reply #186)
Geeser said:
Shadow1 said:
if he had to, cause he had to when he was defending himself, or he was defending his country from the invaders,
Ok but only in the first instant, after that it is premeditated.
If a person is occupying your land or your home and he is doing you no harm. To kill him to remove him, makes you the evil one.
Show did jews go from 7% land ownership to like 90% in the course of a year if they didn't steal it?
In1947/8 The british were happy to give up the land they had occupied for nearly thirty years to the Israelis and palestinians. The Israeli accepted the annex, (made and agreed by the UN) and were happy to share, but the palestinians were not, they did not want the jews there, so they waged war. Incidentally the palestinians at the time had been occupied for the previous 350 years, and now they were offered lands of there own, next door to the Israelis, when you wage a war, and lose "to the victor goes the spoils".
In1947/8 The british were happy to give up the land they had occupied for nearly thirty years to the Israelis and palestinians. The Israeli accepted the annex, (made and agreed by the UN) and were happy to share, but the palestinians were not, they did not want the jews there, so they waged war. Incidentally the palestinians at the time had been occupied for the previous 350 years, and now they were offered lands of there own, next door to the Israelis, when you wage a war, and lose "to the victor goes the spoils".

there are so many things wrong with that its not funny. first off the UN didn't make nor agree to the annexx it only offered a potential suggestion secondly the jews/israelis weren'y happy to share they had every intention of expanding. thirdly the palestinians didn't wage war the "Israelis" did hence why the Israeli had been stockpiling weapons but the palestinians were not. the palestinian want the same thing they have always wanted to be able to control their own lands and to live in peace. they weren't offered shit. what you call and offere was a demand to give up more than half their land to foriegn jewish people simply because they wanted it.

and I'm not talking about state ownership but personal which shouldn't have changed war or no war.

seems to me you admit they stole but think they should get away with it because of who they are
So how did jews go from 7% land ownership to like 90% in the course of a year if they didn't steal it?

Taken fairly in war. Glass houses, pj.

and the blame firmly rests on christians. first off the seiges of Vienna(there was more than one) were done by the ottamon turks who played no part in the crusades.

I hope indeed that you realize that the Siege of Vienna was hundreds of years - almost a millenium - after the conquest of Palestine by Islam. Whatever your political affiliation, there really is no question that the Crusades were a response to Islamic aggression. Ergo: the blame of the initiation of the Crusades actually cannot rest on Christianity. Strange but true. :shrug:
Taken fairly in war.
says you who lies and distorts history. also their is no proviso in anything says prtivate land can be transfered because of war. the public ownership yes but not private.
Glass houses, pj.that makes no sense in this case but since when has that ever mattered to you?

I hope indeed that you realize that the Siege of Vienna was hundreds of years - almost a millenium - after the conquest of Palestine by Islam.
it also happened roughly 400 years after the first crusade which was my point. it wasn't a cause of the crusades. For some you sifts through hisrtorey so you can distort it maybe you should ta. pay attention to the argument and b get you facts straight. Also how ever it was that Islam reached palestine it was an internal arab manner.
Whatever your political affiliation, there really is no question that the Crusades were a response to Islamic aggression. Ergo: the blame of the initiation of the Crusades actually cannot rest on Christianity. Strange but true. :shrug:
You couldn't be further from the truth but like sandy here you don't care about the facts so long as you can attack Islam. Out side of the outlier of the emirate of sicily muslim expansion had stopped in 750 ad over 400 years before the first crusade. and the invasion of sicily was a product of the wars between the muslim states and the byzintine empire which had been going on since Islam started and which the muslim states had to fight. The blame rests solely on the christians.