Top 10 Misapprehensions about islam...

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geoff said:
So how did jews go from 7% land ownership to like 90% in the course of a year if they didn't steal it?

Taken fairly in war.
That was supposed to have been banned by the UN.

It was, come to think of it. Witness Kuwait in 92. But none of the several UN resolutions mandating Israel's return to civilized behavior have managed to attract enforcement or backing.

The Palestinians seem to be without avenues for obtaining justice.
That was supposed to have been banned by the UN.

It was, come to think of it. Witness Kuwait in 92. But none of the several UN resolutions mandating Israel's return to civilized behavior have managed to attract enforcement or backing.

The Palestinians seem to be without avenues for obtaining justice.

actually I believe that idea was a product born out of the franco-prussian war but i may be mistaken.
there are so many things wrong with that its not funny. first off the UN didn't make nor agree to the annexx it only offered a potential suggestion
The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine or United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 (II) Future Government of Palestine was a resolution adopted by the General Assembly. It was approved on 29 November 1947, by a vote of 33 to 13, with 10 abstentions
pjdude said:
secondly the jews/israelis weren'y happy to share they had every intention of expanding.
Wrong again, the israelis had all ready agreed and settled, look at the land the Palestinians could have had if they hadn't gone to war.
Instead it now looks like this.
It does make you wonder why the israelis didn't take all the land, concidering they weren't the instigators of the conflict. it just goes to show that they were trying to adhere to the UN charter.
pjdude said:
thirdly the palestinians didn't wage war the "Israelis" did hence why the Israeli had been stockpiling weapons but the palestinians were not.
Wrong! yet again the Palestinians had aid from the surrrounding arab states, that incidently didn't attack the previous occupiers of the land of Cannan, it was only the israelis they didn't like.
The war commenced upon the termination of the British Mandate of Palestine in mid-May 1948 following a previous phase of civil war in 1947–1948. After the Arab rejection of the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine (UN General Assembly Resolution 181) that would have created an Arab state and a Jewish state side by side, five Arab states invaded the territory of the former British Mandate of Palestine.

Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria attacked the state of Israel
pjdude said:
the palestinian want the same thing they have always wanted to be able to control their own lands and to live in peace. they weren't offered shit. what you call and offere was a demand to give up more than half their land to foriegn jewish people simply because they wanted it.
The palestinians had lived under an occupying force for over 350 years, Now they were offered land, not all the land merited, Are the Palestinians ancestors of the Canaanites? or simply Arab squatters? The lands the Palestinians call home, was never declared theirs until 1948. they wanted it all, they just didn't want Israel as neighbours.
pjdude said:
and I'm not talking about state ownership but personal which shouldn't have changed war or no war.
seems to me you admit they stole but think they should get away with it because of who they are
Sorry they stole nothing they simple reoccupied the land that was stated was theirs in their bible.
Oh I'm an Arab by the way.
I just hold no hatred toward any colour, creed, religious affliation or nationality of humanity.
The truth often hurts.
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No they weren't. the pope just wanted control of the holy lands for christindom so they would have control over their trade routes. by the time of the palestinian crusades the muslims were incapable of making any attacks like that.

I meant the original Crusade, to be specific. The later Crusades were basically just pissing contests between Christian extremists and Islamic ones.
That was supposed to have been banned by the UN.
Not in 1948 it wasn't.
iceaura said:
It was, come to think of it. Witness Kuwait in 92. But none of the several UN resolutions mandating Israel's return to civilized behavior have managed to attract enforcement or backing.
Well do you wonder at it, Palestine won't accept anything but israel out, totally.
So they continue to attack Israel, when they start to act peacefully they will get, the full backing of the UN and the force/forces that go with it.
But sadly that is not in the muslim mind set, they need to put aside the Qu'ran, and work toward peace, once achieved they can go back to the prayer mats and hatred of anything non-muslim.
iceaura said:
The Palestinians seem to be without avenues for obtaining justice.
Mainly because justice is not what they want.
I meant the original Crusade, to be specific. The later Crusades were basically just pissing contests between Christian extremists and Islamic ones.

the original palestinian crusade or the first crusadey thing?
Wrong! again, the israelis had all ready agreed and settled, look at the land the Palestinians could have had if they hadn't gone to war.
Instead it now looks like this.
It does make you wonder why the israelis didn't take all the land, concidering they weren't the instigators of the conflict. it just goes to show that they were trying to adhere to the UN charter.Wrong! yet again the Palestinians had aid from the surrrounding arab states, that incidently didn't attack the previous occupiers of the land of Cannan, it was only the israelis they didn't like. palestinians had lived under an occupying force for over 350 years, Now they were offered land, not all the land merited, Are the Palestinians ancestors of the Canaanites? or simply Arab squatters? The lands the Palestinians call home, was never declared theirs until 1948. they wanted it all, they just didn't want Israel as neighbours.Sorry they stole nothing they simple reoccupied the land that was stated was theirs in their bible.
Oh I'm an Arab by the way.
I just hold no hatred toward any colour, creed, religious affliation or nationality of humanity.
The truth often hurts.

the palestinians didn't go to war the Israelis/jews did. but since you have clearly accepted the Israeli version I'm just going to ignore you.
Ice, pj: as a neutral observer, I have to say that he gotchaed the both of you. It gives me no pleasure to say so, however.

helloooo! i said, this topic is not about israeil-palastine case, also not about politics, if it is not off-topic you tell me..
says you who lies and distorts history. also their is no proviso in anything says prtivate land can be transfered because of war. the public ownership yes but not private.

Personal insults aside, mustahafa just nailed you. Now I take pleasure in saying it.

it also happened roughly 400 years after the first crusade which was my point. it wasn't a cause of the crusades

Oy vey: you realize that was just the name of the site, really, and that sandy was talking about a trend, not a specific conflict in that trend?

Also how ever it was that Islam reached palestine it was an internal arab manner.

Haw! I love it! An internal Arab matter. Of course, of course! And it couldn't be an "external Christian/non-Christian" matter? No, no, of course not, what are you saying, Geoff?? How about the geographical issue of the fact that the Arabs all through the Assyrian and Manichean world were also Christians, and Zoroastrians, and Judaists, and a dozen other religions?

OMG. That was too perfect. I'd been waiting for that one, and it was just right. Thanks. "Internal matter": you absurd little clown. Yes, yes: the expansion stopped in 750. Except for Spain and the Balkans and the rest. And why would that be important anyway? Let's say Israel halts on the West Bank; no more settlements. I assume that would be good enough for you then, you useless hypocrite?
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the palestinians didn't go to war the Israelis/jews did. but since you have clearly accepted the Israeli version I'm just going to ignore you.
Wow! man you get Owned, and your response is to do the childish thing and put them on ignore, that says a lot about you.
geoff said:
Ice, pj: as a neutral observer, I have to say that he gotchaed the both of you
You are not a neutral observer in this matter, and Mustapha is dealing unsupported and implausible assertions, with a rank odor of bigotry to them where they are not simply false. Here they are, in response to my post:
mustapha said:
That was supposed to have been banned by the UN.

Not in 1948 it wasn't.
As of 1945, it was. And Israel has been expanding by force of arms ever since, regardless.

mustapha said:
Well do you wonder at it, Palestine won't accept anything but israel out, totally.
Mindreading not backed by evidence. The other Islamic forces involved have at least verbally accepted Israel's existence in some form, and so has every governing body of Palestine to date.
mustapha said:
So they continue to attack Israel, when they start to act peacefully they will get, the full backing of the UN and the force/forces that go with it.
No evidence of that. Israel appears to be the aggressor, and the Palestinians have received no such cooperation from the US in return for their various ceasefires etc.
mustapha said:
But sadly that is not in the muslim mind set, they need to put aside the Qu'ran, and work toward peace, once achieved they can go back to the prayer mats and hatred of anything non-muslim.
And we get a look under the rock, for the mindset behind these assertions.
mustapha said:
The Palestinians seem to be without avenues for obtaining justice.

Mainly because justice is not what they want.
Mindreading again - this time of all Palestinians collectively.

Denying opportunity for justice because the perpetrator claims the victim doesn't want it is hardly a plausible approach. If you are so confident that the Palestinians will reject just settlement of their issues, why not arrange it? - that rejection would be far better justification for the current Israeli behavior than anything we see now.
Wow! man you get Owned, and your response is to do the childish thing and put them on ignore, that says a lot about you.

first off I didn't get owned for that to have happened they would have had to been right secondly I didn't put them on ignore I'm just ignoring them.
Personal insults aside, mustahafa just nailed you. Now I take pleasure in saying it.[/QOUTE] of course you do you take great p[leasure in your trolling and like it when people follow your distorted veiw.

[pQUOTE]Oy vey: you realize that was just the name of the site, really, and that sandy was talking about a trend, not a specific conflict in that trend?
do you not know how to read. how is mention a specific seige of Vienna not mention a specfic conflict?

Haw! I love it! An internal Arab matter. Of course, of course! And it couldn't be an "external Christian/non-Christian" matter? No, no, of course not, what are you saying, Geoff?? How about the geographical issue of the fact that the Arabs all through the Assyrian and Manichean world were also Christians, and Zoroastrians, and Judaists, and a dozen other religions?
Could be argued that those religions were forced upon them by the resptive empires that controlled those.

OMG. That was too perfect. I'd been waiting for that one, and it was just right. Thanks. "Internal matter": you absurd little clown.
ITs nice to know your incapable of being civil.
Yes, yes: the expansion stopped in 750. Except for Spain and the Balkans and the rest. And why would that be important anyway?
no including them. once again dishonety. [QUITE] Let's say Israel halts on the West Bank; no more settlements. I assume that would be good enough for you then, you useless hypocrite?[/QUOTE] No it wouldn't because they still stole land through force. and I'm not a hypocrite.
first off I didn't get owned for that to have happened they would have had to been right secondly I didn't put them on ignore I'm just ignoring them.
Yea right, the evidence is on his side, I'd go back to the drawing board if I were you, if you really don't think you got owned, your simply kidding yourself.
You are not a neutral observer in this matter, and Mustapha is dealing unsupported and implausible assertions, with a rank odor of bigotry to them where they are not simply false. Here they are, in response to my post:
As of 1945, it was. And Israel has been expanding by force of arms ever since, regardless.

Mindreading not backed by evidence. The other Islamic forces involved have at least verbally accepted Israel's existence in some form, and so has every governing body of Palestine to date.
No evidence of that. Israel appears to be the aggressor, and the Palestinians have received no such cooperation from the US in return for their various ceasefires etc.
And we get a look under the rock, for the mindset behind these assertions.
Mindreading again - this time of all Palestinians collectively.

Denying opportunity for justice because the perpetrator claims the victim doesn't want it is hardly a plausible approach. If you are so confident that the Palestinians will reject just settlement of their issues, why not arrange it? - that rejection would be far better justification for the current Israeli behavior than anything we see now.
You got owned too, he counted all this with his reply to pjdude. one question, how was Israel even a country in 1945. according to the links supplied by Mustafha the British occupied Palestine, until it was annexed by the UN, and I don't see mind-reading, I see informed guesses given the evidence, I suggest you read the links supplied, you may then realise who are the people who got owned.