Top 10 Misapprehensions about islam...

yes or no, read the threat, and you'll know what's the question

  • yes

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • no

    Votes: 10 76.9%

  • Total voters
oh wait, did i talk to you? i think not, but i forgot to say "hey listen every budy exept sandy" hmm, sorry for forgetting it, so, are you talking to me? hmm, interresting, impressive too, oh wait, i forgot, you still in coma :(, i'm just waiting when are you going to wake up, :(


You need to drop these fights with Sandy.
Comments like those above aren't worth reading.
If the Mods had the time they should really remove them.
They are repetitive and juvenile.

As for Sandy, nobody pays attention to her religious and political rants.
Just ignore her.
actually, not arab jews and arab muslims and christians,
the jews that went to israeil, are from around the world, went to a country they heard that it's 100% jews, where jews make an ethic cleaning for it during there invation, also, we have jews in Tunisia, also Judhaism have many similarities with islam, also if you know it or not, we beleive that jews were allah's best people, also we know alot of good things about there relegion, also they eat meat just like us, the halal meat, also when to get the animal the knife should be very very (don't know the word, but strong so the animal don't feel much pain) and shouldn'tsee any other animal killed in front of him or show him the knife, etc... also others good thing, but it's not a problem of jews-arabs with (christians/muslims)-arabs, in tunisia, we have alot of tunisian jews, and they have cousing that are muslims, and everything is fine.!
Religion is the underlying problem not necessarily other cultural aspects.

I downloaded the BBC's Generation Jihad and was watching the first episode the other night. Weak father figures, insular communities, religion and English racism all help to promulgate Islamic Terrorism. I'd personally like to see a cross sample comparison with Islamic Terrorists from other countries such as Russia, China, India, Philippines, Thailand, to help further dissect out the reasons for Muslim Terrorism. But, all in all, it's a two way street.
I still don't know what the question was.

The question was: Are these 10 statements misrepresentations of Islam. Even if there is some truth in any one statement, to some degree they are all overly simplified. They're also all a bit strawman-ish.

How's that? :)

You need to drop these fights with Sandy.
Comments like those above aren't worth reading.
If the Mods had the time they should really remove them.
They are repetitive and juvenile.

As for Sandy, nobody pays attention to her religious and political rants.
Just ignore her.

ok. :) that seems better, but i just like to mock h*r, lol, ok i'll drop it

Religion is the underlying problem not necessarily other cultural aspects.

I downloaded the BBC's Generation Jihad and was watching the first episode the other night. Weak father figures, insular communities, religion and English racism all help to promulgate Islamic Terrorism. I'd personally like to see a cross sample comparison with Islamic Terrorists from other countries such as Russia, China, India, Philippines, Thailand, to help further dissect out the reasons for Muslim Terrorism. But, all in all, it's a two way street.

as for my understanding, there's two kinds of terrorism,

first, to be clear, i don't consinder the palastinians or the iraqiq or the others who fight the invader in their countries terrorists, i consider them as in any other war, victims, chouhadae=means who fight to save his country/to learn and discover/ to help people/to do good things like fixing lands and cities and stuff. etc... in this case chahid is who dies when he's fighting the invaders

now, the first kind of terrorism, the terrorism with a reason: for example, in iraq, u.s.a invaded them, killed their families, their friends, destroyed their cities, etc... people, will get dessepred when all their family dies, so, they just say, what will i lose if i bombed my self and killed some army troops, at least i'll help to save my country, that how he'll think, cause he lost everything, and he have nothing left to loose, or, to fight to protect his family, and his people, as an example, imagine, a country invaded your country, your country have no army, and very weak, the invader is stealing lands, killing people, etc etc etc... what would you do, aren't you going to think about fighting? well, here, terrorism, is not the fighting in side the country, so, when those people get desepered and etc... and their hearts get felled with hate for the invader, as i explained, they will go to attack the invader's country in the heart, and he wan't consider any children or any women, cause he became desepered, also he'll say "hey, they killed my family, they killed my firends,they killed my people, they killed innocent, why shouldn't i do the same for them, let them taste how does it feal" personally, i dont consider this pure terrorism, (for islam war laws, you must never kill women, children or old people, should never destroy a building, destroy lands, or even destroy a tree, or kill an animal for no reason [but if it was a military base, it's not a problem to destroy it and it's troops)]

now about the real terrorsim, the first cause, is you, not you, i mean u.s.a, it started war, secong those groups, are not doing it to defend their country as a primary mission, but to try cause fear, revenge, also they have their own good for that, like trying to win money and steal it, just like mafia, or a criminal groups that try to get money and have other purpuces with illegal ways, but those terrorists are just a higher degree than mafias, they are more agressive, and do what they do by the name of relegion and (Allah/God)(who created every thing)

The poll is this: Do you think that these 10 statements misrepresent Islam overall?

the poll is, do you think that islam is missunderstood?

and why you can't beleive that list, because you are filled with hate of islam and muslims, and for what the real terrorists did for your country by the name of islam, but that's not how things works, that's not islam, you realyl don't know islam, also i studied the relegion islam in school and hight-schol,(effcorse simplified studies) just like anyother subject like geograpgy or history, and what i studied, and from quranic proofs, and i know how much great is islam, and how peacefull it is(the relegion is peacefull, but not the people, the people i mean the terrorism groups in middle-east) , but not people, if all muslims, really applied islam, i mean, really, no one will ever make a crime, no one will ever force anyone, no one will yell, no one will be hatefull and angry, no one will cheat, etc... (if you want, i can find quranic verses, for every mater in islam, that you think about, like terrorism, and kill kill, etc... and are direct proofs, that those thoghts are not true, and it's not about relegion, it's about politics and people, etc...
the poll is, do you think that islam is missunderstood?

and why you can't beleive that list, because you are filled with hate of islam and muslims, and for what the real terrorists did for your country by the name of islam, but that's not how things works, that's not islam, you realyl don't know islam, also i studied the relegion islam in school and hight-schol,(effcorse simplified studies) just like anyother subject like geograpgy or history, and what i studied, and from quranic proofs, and i know how much great is islam, and how peacefull it is(the relegion is peacefull, but not the people, the people i mean the terrorism groups in middle-east) , but not people, if all muslims, really applied islam, i mean, really, no one will ever make a crime, no one will ever force anyone, no one will yell, no one will be hatefull and angry, no one will cheat, etc... (if you want, i can find quranic verses, for every mater in islam, that you think about, like terrorism, and kill kill, etc... and are direct proofs, that those thoghts are not true, and it's not about relegion, it's about politics and people, etc...
I'm a muslim too.(was muslim) You however have only been given the cleansed version of the Qu'ran, it's message is one of hate, and death, (as is the bible for that matter)Anyhow, your cant say Islam is peace as it's Infrastructure is held up by the Qu'ran which is evil throughout. it incites it's adherent to do evil things under the guise of good. (as does the bible) I've not come across a religion that is purely about love. They all think they are better than the other guy.

Saying the religion is peaceful but not the people, is like scolding a dog for attacking people, once you trained it to attack. If the Qu'ran were peaceful then there would not be any evil muslims.
Weak father figures, insular communities, religion and English racism all help to promulgate Islamic Terrorism...

Agreed, along with the Koran--the main cause. It commands Muslims to kill infidels. about the real terrorsim, the first cause, is you, not you, i mean u.s.a, it started war...

No, the first cause is the Koran. It commands Muslims to kill Christians/Jews/
infidels. Many Muslims are taught from infancy to hate the infidel. The USA did not start this war. Muslim terrorists did on 911. We will finish it.
No, the first cause is the Koran. It commands Muslims to kill Christians/Jews/
infidels. Many Muslims are taught from infancy to hate the infidel. The USA did not start this war. Muslim terrorists did on 911. We will finish it.

hahaha, ok, that's what you site syas, and now you say muslim started war, on u.s.a. in 911? lol, and war started since 911? hahahah, ok

the infidels are not christian, and jews, infidels are the inbilleivers that try to heart people, and the people who spread big lies around the globe to make problems, the murders, etc...

hmm, again, why are you talking to me? are you talking to me? if you are, get lost!
Saying the religion is peaceful but not the people, is like scolding a dog for attacking people, once you trained it to attack. If the Qu'ran were peaceful then there would not be any evil muslims.

Mustafa, that's a bridge too far. You could argue some level of predisposition, but not outright all-or-nothing extremism. The majority of Muslims are very moral people.

(That I'm announcing the obvious may be attributable to Bells, for whom no statement unsaid can possibly be true.)
sandy said:
The USA did not start this war. Muslim terrorists did on 911.
One of the central difficulties in any discussion about this stuff is the number of Americans who think 9/11 was the "start" of it.
Mustafa, that's a bridge too far. You could argue some level of predisposition, but not outright all-or-nothing extremism. The majority of Muslims are very moral people.
I did not mention the people, But the religion/Qur'an is an incitement to violence, and as such can make it's adherents do evil. However even the moral ones would find it hard not to kill for their god, As they would believe it to be for righteous reasons.
Shadow1 said:
i actually doubt that you even ben muslim, or at least never actually studied about it or searched about it
Under what criteria do you make that assessment, I can only assume that you are a Muslim, and as such you are biased towards me because I'm now what you would call an apostate.
However I can assure you I studied my Qur'an every-night, and when I became rational, I studied it extensively for 5 years, just not with blinkers on.
My father, I haven't seen him for several years, Not since I married the man I love, rather then the one he had chose, my eldest brother has threatened my life so I keep well away from them, I miss my mum though. I had always believed my father to be a good and moral man, it's seems I was wrong.
What's sad is, he's never going to see his grandchildren. Foolish foolish man.
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Under what criteria do you make that assessment, I can only assume that you are a Muslim, and as such you are biased towards me because I'm now what you would call an apostate. now you think i hate you or i'm agressive to you kinda cause you're have opposite opinions and thoght? pleas,

However I can assure you I studied my Qur'an every-night, and when I became rational, I studied it extensively for 5 years, just not with blinkers on.
My father, I haven't seen him for several years, Not since I married the man I love, rather then the one he had chose, my eldest brother has threatened my life so I keep well away from them, I miss my mum though. I had always believed my father to be a good and moral man, it's seems I was wrong.
What's sad is, he's never going to see his grandchildren. Foolish foolish man.

ok.ok!! why are you angry, and what a hell do i have to do about your life! why are you so angry, and agressive, It's not my problem that you have a miserebal life!!