To the atheists...

An atheist government enforces private religion

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"science" isn't a person :p It's not like "science" is "running" secular government.
its not clear how theistc ideas are the mainstay either
on a general observation I would say that good ol policies like economic development and industrialism have been uncontested in the hot seat for some time now

Anyway, I'm sure if you visit the hospital you'll take the latest scientific advanced medical treatment over some superstitious mumbo jumbo in a heartbeat.
"utility is the principle" is a notion that inherently deems one a heretic?
I don't see why there can't be room for both.
No? Well, as long as your praying dosen't interfere with my IV ringers lactate, then have at it.

BTW, (and this is a whole other topic that's been beaten to death) why do theists think that beseeching their god to change his plans (i.e. killing you with cancer) by praying makes any sense at all?
I simply took it to mean that the techniques of modern science have gotten us medically to where we are today, not chanting and praying.
does the atmosphere conducive for scientific research owe anything to an established moral conditioning in society at large?
It would pretty hard to even grow a field of wheat, let alone properly utilize a research grant, in an environment socialized around murder, theft and violence
does the atmosphere conducive for scientific research owe anything to an established moral conditioning in society at large?
It would pretty hard to even grow a field of wheat, let alone properly utilize a research grant, in an environment socialized around murder, theft and violence
This falls so far from the intent of my statement as to be safely ignored (and you know it).
Then your mind is warped. Science should indeed run government, as moderated by human compassion and empathy.

I'll say it again. You theists (yes all of you) seem to think you have a stereotypical monopoly on human love and compassion and that atheists are some kind of mechanistic automatons. I have news for you. Every atheist I know makes every theist I know look like a fascist war criminal. So, get over yourselves.

Well all the atheists I know are on mood altering medication.:p
This is where sandy comes in saying she's the epitome of healthiness, and has never steadily relied on (or used, for that matter) prescription/over-the-counter drugs in all her life.
"science" isn't a person :p It's not like "science" is "running" secular government.

Anyway, I'm sure if you visit the hospital you'll take the latest scientific advanced medical treatment over some superstitious mumbo jumbo in a heartbeat.

And I'm sure if you are in soliary confinement in Gitmo for five years, its not science that will keep you sane.
Imagine your country gets, somehow a government that is pro-science, at the same time being pro-atheism.

In order to educate the people better about being areligious, they decide to:

- stop all public display of religion
-change all religious holidays to secular counterparts
-convert all places of worship into historical structures if old, or into alternative institutions if new
-remove all references to God from public documentation
-enforce the idea that religion should be private, through fines and legal measures

What would your position be?

Theists, please comment without voting

Public display of religion: Up to a point. I would not support the State banning people from wearing the hijab, crucifix, etc. I would, however, support the State stopping the individuals who take it upon themselves to stand on a bench in shopping malls screaming out the scripture and singling out individuals, telling them they are going to hell unless they repent... as one example.

Change all religious holidays to secular counterparts: Wouldn't bother me either way to be honest.

Convert all places of worship into historical structures if old, or into alternative institutions if new: No. Theists do need somewhere to worship. I remember watching this news story about a couple who decided to open a church in their garage. Mass was held at night and the neighbours had to put up with screaming and wailing in tongue from the churchgoers.

Remove all references to God from public documentation: Yes. Church and state should always remain separate.

Enforce the idea that religion should be private, through fines and legal measures: Religion should be private and not enter the public sphere. However it should be encouraged. Fines and "legal measures" is taking it a bit too far.

It should be a case of let them be (from an atheist standpoint). As long as they (theists) do not interfere in my life and attempt to force their religion or beliefs on me, I really don't have a problem with it.
Michael's post would have it seem that modern medication is due to atheists.
I beleive that the majority of scientists are atheist or at most deist. But the religous beleif certainly doesn't matter - a main point I made in that thread where someone mentioned "Islamic" science.

My point to you and lightgigantic is that history has shown that some environments are more conducive towards scholastic, artistic, mathematic and scientific achievement - in short: Human scientific/artistic advancement. One of the key ingredients is a solid base in secular institutions. For whatever reasons this just is the case.

Let me give an interesting example. Maybe it will make sense.
I was in Japan at a bar talking bullshit and I said to some colleagues, we (humans) are very close to biological immortality - like 100 years tops IMO. I said, it's too bad Japan doens't invest into this because for sure there is a market and Japan is cutting edge - why not get in on it? And they said: This will never work in Japan. I said Why? Life is only worth living once you accept you will die. I said, Ahhh but you are Buddhists you think you will live again. They said: We are Buddhists but really we know in reality we will die - think again why life is important to live now.

If we have a culture of Religious institutions as part of government then one main important part of Christianity (I'm speaking of the USA) is the concept of Jesus mediated everlasting life together with a strong conviction that serving God's will is in reality the most important pursuit in life and all other religions are wrong and would be much better if they were brought about to see the light of Jesus.

While a Muslim in the ME may think things are tough in the ME because of crap government a Xian will think thinks are bad because they worship a false prophet and atheists will think it's bad because they mix religious with politics.

Get it?
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