To the atheists...

An atheist government enforces private religion

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In the USA general population 90% can not find Iraq on a globe (nor the USA) and think Muslims is bad.

Are you just making stuff up now? 90% cannot find U.S on a map and think Mislim is bad...where did that come from anyway?

Sounds like someone is angry because they are getting taken to school in this thread.
Ecklund, E. H. and C. P. Scheitle. 2007. Religion among Academic Scientists: Distinctions, Disciplines, and Demographics. Social Problems 54: 289–307.

Gallup, G. Jr. and D. M. Lindsay. 1999. Surveying the Religious Landscape: Trends in U.S. Religious Beliefs. Harrisburg, PA, Morehouse Publishing.

Larson E. Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate Over Science and Religion. (Basic Books, 1997).

Some findings:
- 517 members of the National Academy of Sciences queried:

1) Belief in "personal god":
7% responded in the affirmative
72.2% expressed "personal disbelief"
20.8% expressed "doubt or agnosticism"

2) Belief in the concept of human immortality (life after death):
7.9% accept
76.7% reject

Thanks for the information, but perhaps you can refer me to an internet source (considering I have no access to your given list). Either way, the beliefs of a handful of scientists in a single region does not offer an explanation as to the characteristics of atheists and theists regarding science abroad.

In the USA general population 90% beleive in a personal God.
In the USA general population 90% can not find Iraq on a globe (nor the USA) and think Muslims is bad.

Now atheists are superior in geography?

"Think Muslims are bad"? Why do you say this (not that I disagree)?
I didn't realize Hindus were on such a steep rise. Soon they'll be the second largest beleif system after Xianity.


hinduism is a name coined by the muslims for those who lived over the Sindhu (Indus) river - which got corrupted into a H
Needless to say, there is a vast variety in Hinduism - its kind of like calling Muslims, Jews and Christians "Jordanists"
SAM said:
I find it really strange that all those who advocate pluralistic societies in the west actually mean give up your ways for ours.
I'ts only strange when they are wrong to do so.

Some folks are going to have to give up some of their ways, if they want to live in a pluralistic society.

But I think you mistake many in the West making such demands, SAM - they don't advocate a plurastic society. Especially not the very religious ones.
Are you just making stuff up now? 90% cannot find U.S on a map and think Mislim is bad...where did that come from anyway?

Sounds like someone is angry because they are getting taken to school in this thread.
National Geo graphics: Young Americans Geographically Illiterate

"Nine in ten couldn't find Afghanistan on a map of Asia."

Negative Perception Of Islam Increasing: Poll Numbers in U.S. Higher Than in 2001

The poll found that nearly half of Americans -- 46 percent -- have a negative view of Islam, seven percentage points higher than in the tense months after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, when Muslims were often targeted for violence.
"Think Muslims are bad"? Why do you say this (not that I disagree)?
My guess is primarily because they are Xian and Xians think Mohammad and John Smith were either the Devil himself or tricked by the Devil. Ergo Muslims are damned to hell.

Also, even before 9/11 Muslims were always protrade in Hollywood as nutty suicide bombers trying to nuke the world/USA (see any Arnie movie).

So that's my guess anyway,
My guess is primarily because they are Xian and Xians think Mohammad and John Smith were either the Devil himself or tricked by the Devil. Ergo Muslims are damned to hell.

Also, even before 9/11 Muslims were always protrade in Hollywood as nutty suicide bombers trying to nuke the world/USA (see any Arnie movie).

So that's my guess anyway,

I've noticed (on these forums, anyway) that the people who bash Islam the most are religious (Christian, predominately).

With that in mind, you may be on to something.
National Geo graphics: Young Americans Geographically Illiterate

"Nine in ten couldn't find Afghanistan on a map of Asia."

Negative Perception Of Islam Increasing: Poll Numbers in U.S. Higher Than in 2001

The poll found that nearly half of Americans -- 46 percent -- have a negative view of Islam, seven percentage points higher than in the tense months after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, when Muslims were often targeted for violence.

Your links do not support your post. I have to say S.A.M was absolutely brilliant throughout this thread, except for the unsubstantiated story (link) she posted. But then S.A.M has the courtesy of not being verbally abused or ridiculed due to here demograpraphic. Bravo.
light said:
actually this poet reflects over her atheist period to conclude that poetry was her first prayer
This poet is talking about swooning over Eliot, and referring to her household as "godless", simultaneously ?

Methinks a little revisionist history is happening. Have you ever read Eliot, yourself?
Your links do not support your post. I have to say S.A.M was absolutely brilliant throughout this thread, except for the unsubstantiated story (link) she posted. But then S.A.M has the courtesy of not being verbally abused or ridiculed due to here demograpraphic. Bravo.
Are you referring to the links in regards to science and beleif or the links to USA and geographic incompetence or to the links of USA and intolerance for Muslims or to the statement that suggests the general population in the USA has a higher percentage beleif in a personal God compared with scientists.

I will stand by the following statements:
Scientists from the NAS more often than not reject a personal God.
Americans tend to be geographically illiterate.
Americans tend to beleive in a personal God.
Americans tend to think poorly of Islam.
Come on Mike, now you are a spokseman for Islam?:rolleyes:

Scientists from the NAS more often than not reject a personal God.

:shrug: Mike, was that on a survey they took? give me a break.
WASHINGTON--Despite the barrage of news coverage about the Iraq war since it began in 2003, six in 10 young Americans ages 18 to 24 cannot find Iraq on a map of the Middle East, according to a new National Geographic-Roper Public Affairs 2006 Geographic Literacy Study. Two-thirds do not know that the catastrophic October 2005 earthquake that killed 70,000 people struck in Pakistan. More than four in 10 can't even place Pakistan in Asia.
A personal God is pretty nonsensical. There's little in science, and most rational thought really, to suggest that there's this guy with blue eyes and blonde hair who hangs out in the clouds giving everyone the thumbs up.
This poet is talking about swooning over Eliot, and referring to her household as "godless", simultaneously ?

Methinks a little revisionist history is happening. Have you ever read Eliot, yourself?
a little

needless to say, having a non-godless household certainly didn't strike me as a prerequisite for making his writing intelligible (I lived in a godless household when we were tested on it in school, and I managed to pass without drawing on any theological issues)
(remember we are talking about poetry appreciation here and not PhD lit crit essays)
and Mary Karr seems to say that was her experience also
It looks to me that >80% of respondent atheists would not support the government forcing religion out of the public domain.

What does this suggest?
Hey Uncle or Auntie Sam

Imagine your country gets, somehow a government that is pro-science, at the same time being pro-atheism.

In order to educate the people better about being areligious, they decide to:

- stop all public display of religion
-change all religious holidays to secular counterparts
-convert all places of worship into historical structures if old, or into alternative institutions if new
-remove all references to God from public documentation
-enforce the idea that religion should be private, through fines and legal measures

What would your position be?

Theists, please comment without voting

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS a-------------theism?
OH lullaby, Bye bye Blackbird. Anyway, without theism, what is a-?
Atheism is another profiteering acts of those religious money-faced people. Anyway, not all of these people are bad. But to those who knows the secrets of theism, perchance they are liable of being blinding these a-religious folks.