To the atheists...

An atheist government enforces private religion

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On a more serious note, it really is funny to me just how quiet and humble most atheists are in real life as compared to most theists.
I'd take offense at that but I completely understand the dogma-based lack of perceptiveness inherent in most theists.

Well the only thing they can come up with to support their beliefs is more gods. Sad, really.
Hmm so the first verse revelation was meant only for the ulema? What if what the ulema are doing is not leading to common good? :p

I think common intuition will tell you that to preach about something, you generally should have some knowledge on the topic, considering the high probablity that questions will arise. If you invite others to your religion but don't truly know what your religion really is, then perhaps you should focus more on yourself than others. If the ulema's decisions stray from the path of common good, then it may be wise to educate yourself and counter their claims.

Not this month.:)

Ah, but how could I forget! You're too busy around the holidays preparing for pagan celebrations. Grand mistake on my part, really. :p
I think common intuition will tell you that to preach about something, you generally should have some accurate knowledge on the topic


Ah, but how could I forget! You're too busy around the holidays preparing for pagan celebrations. Grand mistake on my part, really. :p