To Atheists: How did you come to terms with having no purpose in the world?

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Pointing out ignorance in another does not qualify as ignorance in the person pointing it out. Well, that in of itself could be considered a cognitive bias, but I believe I am justified in pointing out what's wrong with what you said. By the looks of it, a lot people seem to agree.
In general it seems people think I am incapable of understanding their perspective as an atheist. I don't make the assumption of an atheist, it's often just given by evidence. The point I am making is...there's never been a truely atheist society, that is unless you believe the biblical accounts of Amalek.

I'll give you a little lesson on them; they had no idols, gods or beliefs in anything other than what was their contemporary secular thought. When they went into battle they fought like "bees" (which die after they sting). That is to say their self-sacrifice was for the betterment of the whole, they may die in battle but their sacrifice meant nothing because of their 'selflessness'. Star Trek fans could contrast them to a very moderate borg.

A modern incarnation of them is akin to the secularist German or Russian societies during WWII. Russian military philosophy saw no inherent value in life and proceeded to allow millions to die...while German saw no inherent value in the flawed human and instituted extermination of the mentally ill or physically unable.

What separates the modern atheist from this philosophical mindset?

If there was an entire nation of atheists...would they live in total anarchy...or would they live in a world where the weak did not survive? Murder is wrong...but how long does it take for an atheist society to accept new tolerances for murder under "Special circumstances"? In Germany and even the US for a period...killing the mentally ill was accepted. Well...why not expand the "mentally ill" to "the religious" the "those who impose rule of law""It's acceptable",


There has never been a nation of geniuses, either, or PhD scientists, what difference does that make? Humans tend to be superstitious, but only atheists have taken the intellectual step to reject the irrational.

I propose to you that religion developed precisely because of war. You are more likely to sacrifice your life if you think death isn't really death. The Islamist suicide cult is a perfect example of this. Atheists understand this life as the one and only time you exist, so that makes life all the more precious.

(The National Socialists were Christians, among other stranger things)
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If there was an entire nation of atheists...would they live in total anarchy...or would they live in a world where the weak did not survive? Murder is wrong...but how long does it take for an atheist society to accept new tolerances for murder under "Special circumstances"? In Germany and even the US for a period...killing the mentally ill was accepted. Well...why not expand the "mentally ill" to "the religious" the "those who impose rule of law""It's acceptable",

You seem both to be ignorant of history and to believe strongly held religious beliefs deter killing. Actually the opposite tends to be true. Those strong beliefs justify your killing thousands who believe otherwise than you do. Current example would be radical Muslims and Earlier example would be the Christian Crusaders. I don't know much oriental history but feel sure there are examples there in addition the the killing when India and Packestian were separated.

When it comes to killing others, the religious are the leaders - can't be equaled by mere atheists, who have no God to kill for.
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Am I really putting words in their mouths? I made a logical deduction and assumptions from them, I by chance am...human too. You're right...cosmic, if I shouldn't meddle in atheist affairs, maybe you shouldn't meddle in... Israeli, Indian, Iranian, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, or any ones but your own affairs. Right

Yes, you assume way to much for you can never walk in another mans shoes.

I don't meddle in the affairs of other people let alone countries. I find that it only gets me into trouble.
In general it seems people think I am incapable of understanding their perspective as an atheist...............


Cheski,I do not speak directly to you.I do not know you and I do not know which is your faith.
I talk to representatives beliefs.
Assumption that there is a "god" or something is a reasonable assumption.(Like the "Darwinism" assumption).
But everything here until the conclusion described in religions,is a long way,and unacceptable for logical minds.
I get upset easily you go over all crimes done over time,in the name of God.Now come and want to teach us morality.
Entertain me your arrogance, as without you Society would not exist and there is no morality without you.
So they have christened the poor Indians as now limping.
Human society existed before you and he'll be after you.
Do not worry about it.

Thank you,but I do not want your world.
I prefer a world without God and Satan,than a world with God and Satan.
I prefer a world without heaven and hell, than a world with heaven and hell.(By the way, who created Satan?)
In your world no honor.You respect the moral principles because you fear or you will be rewarded and not because of honor.
You have no respect for anything, but fear of your God.
Say that a man who has confessed,receive God's forgiveness.So,you can to do bad things,provided you confessed.Deeply immoral for me.(By the way for those who or confession,what point of that doomsday?)
You claim: who does not believe in your god (most people in the world) deserves to go to hell.Deeply immoral for me.

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I gather from most of the angry responses with few exceptions (Stryder for example), it's not nice to single out a group of people and ask them of their beliefs.
Actually, you didn't ask people about their beliefs. You presented your belief of how atheists view themselves - as having no purpose, no place no value - then asked questions based on your belief.

In the process, you made it abundantly clear, through phrases such as:

masturbatory futility
intentionally placed ignorances?
giving another shmo with no purpose an equal chance to share meaninglessness
are you an animal?
If you bite me...can I put you to sleep?
delusions they use to convince themselves​

... that your idea of how atheists see themselves is far from being a "logical deduction" but rather a figment of your imagination born of contempt, with your "evidence" being no more than personal interpretation in light of that contempt.

The end result is an opening post that's insult disguised as inquiry, with no real value or purpose beyond whatever gratification it gives you to vent your contempt, and flame.

You're then surprised, in all innocence, at the "angry responses." Your contempt is so obvious there's no need to play innocent - you were undoubtedly aware it would read as contemptuously as it was written.

The good news is, we do have your promise:

Thanks kernl sanders, I'll learn to be more tolerant like you. I'll try to tolerate people who have different opinions than myself, and not say hateful things about their organizational structures. I'll also try not to make assumptions about things I am not actively involved with.
Is it trolling to ask atheists why they want to continue living? If they do, they should be able to explain it succinctly.
It's trolling when you start an obviously inflammatory thread with tainted questions and non-sequiturs revolving around poor attempts at veiled insults. Perhaps if you'd approached the topic with an open mind instead of your own ignorant bias you'd have got some serious answers. But it's painfully obvious you didn't want to do that and were less than sincere in your attempt.
To Atheists: How did you come to terms with having no purpose in the world?
To the atheist the value of a person is self-ascribed...but if the person who's ascribing the value has no value, then there's no credence to that value!
So atheists, let me ask you...why do you keep on living at all?
- Do you enjoy constructing emotions through intentionally placed ignorances?
- Does the struggle of giving another shmo with no purpose an equal chance to share meaninglessness drive you through life?
- Or are you just afraid to die?
If you bite me...can I put you to sleep? Why not?
Just in general I'd like to hear from atheists about how they struggle to find a reason to not end their lives when they've already determined internally they have no purpose at all.
Or, I would at least like to hear the delusions they use to convince themselves.

How gracious and humble you were in your questioning. I bet god's so proud of you. :rolleyes:
I usually rely on a never-ending round of illicit drugs and alcohol. Interspersed with mindless sex and the occasional bouts of murder, rape and arson.
Oh, and responding to ridiculous questions on the internet.

Shouldn't you be out sacrificing a goat and bathing in the blood of a thousand virgins? Or is that only on the sabbath? ;)
That is to say; atheists, by their own decrees have no inherent value
Ummmm... Says who? You? That's a joke, right?

nor do their religious counterparts
Again, according to whom? Do you think atheists assign no value to theists' lives? You are deluded, aren't you?

To the atheist the value of a person is self-ascribed...
Is it? Solely? Think hard...

the person who's ascribing the value has no value, then there's no credence to that value!
Lovely tautology. Is that the best you can do? Pitiful...

It becomes an exercise in masturbatory futility.
Actually I find masturbation anything but futile. Are you nuts? Oh, I think I understand - you never get one, so you wouldn't know... :rolleyes:

Obviously, if you have no value and no have no purpose.
Tautologies abound...

So atheists, let me ask you...why do you keep on living at all?
- Is it to simply enjoy the next physical sensation in a never ending quest for ambrosia?

- Do you enjoy constructing emotions through intentionally placed ignorances?
Fail - false dilemma - try again.

- Does the struggle of giving another shmo with no purpose an equal chance to share meaninglessness drive you through life?
Perhaps - if one strips the inane rhetoric from the question.

- Or are you just afraid to die?

Those things aside, are you an animal?
As opposed to plant or mineral? I guess I'd say yes...

Or are you an animal uniquely different and elevated above other animals?
Unique? Everything is unique - do you disagree?

If you bite me...can I put you to sleep?
Only if you tuck me in and kiss me gently...

I give up. Why not?

Just in general I'd like to hear from atheists about how they struggle to find a reason to not end their lives when they've already determined internally they have no purpose at all
Again - asserting facts not in evidence. Why do you struggle to survive? For the sake of your sky-fairy? Again, delusions abound...

Or, I would at least like to hear the delusions they use to convince themselves.
I think I have addressed at least some of your more blatant delusions, although I fear it would take more time than allotted me on this Earth to root them all out. Peace be with you... :p
In general it seems people think I am incapable of understanding their perspective as an atheist. ...
No, we think you presumed to know the perspective of an atheist. Then challenged atheist to support your false assumption.

Read post 12 again. (or any of several later that pointed out the false foundation for your question again).

SUMMARY: You are either a troll to continue or to ignorant to know when your silliness has been demonstrated many times over.

Moderator please close this thread.
That is to say; atheists, by their own decrees have no inherent value, nor do their religious counterparts. To the atheist the value of a person is self-ascribed...but if the person who's ascribing the value has no value, then there's no credence to that value! It becomes an exercise in masturbatory futility. Obviously, if you have no value and no have no purpose.

So atheists, let me ask you...why do you keep on living at all?
- Is it to simply enjoy the next physical sensation in a never ending quest for ambrosia?
- Do you enjoy constructing emotions through intentionally placed ignorances?
- Does the struggle of giving another shmo with no purpose an equal chance to share meaninglessness drive you through life?
- Or are you just afraid to die?

Those things aside, are you an animal? Or are you an animal uniquely different and elevated above other animals? If you bite me...can I put you to sleep? Why not?

Just in general I'd like to hear from atheists about how they struggle to find a reason to not end their lives when they've already determined internally they have no purpose at all. Or, I would at least like to hear the delusions they use to convince themselves.

Of course, Christians don't have the monopoly of Kreating Konflict. All religious believers will tell you how to live your life by obeying and worshiping their god, and if you don't, you'll fry, heathen.

So, here we have a serious dilemma that the believer will not acknowledge as they tell you how to live, the fact that there are many gods who will fry your ass if you don't worship and obey them. Here's the catch though, you are only allowed to pick one of them. The rest will still fry your ass, but that doesn't mean anything to the believer who will duly ignore this little item and will continue telling you how to live, or fry.

Oh yes, and then they'll tell you to "live and let live" - hilarious. :bravo:
emil said:
Cheski,I do not speak directly to you.I do not know you and I do not know which is your faith.

Our trolling friend in this thread CheskiChips is Jewish. A young lad that inadvertently gave us all a pointer to some of his private unsecured computer files, personal photos and full name (from another thread). Silly man.
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All religious believers will tell you how to live your life by obeying and worshiping their god, and if you don't, you'll fry, heathen.

Possibly, but Christianity says you must be born again. One is born again not by any effort of one's own, but by the deliberate choice and action of God. Unless this has occured, one has neither the ability nor the inclination/will to obey even their own conscience/standards of right and wrong, let alone those of God.

The One Who emerges (from the new birth) is catagorically a whole new class of Human Being who, in some way (unknown presently) is nevertheless part and parcel of the Trinity Themselves.
Possibly, but Christianity says you must be born again. One is born again not by any effort of one's own, but by the deliberate choice and action of God. Unless this has occured, one has neither the ability nor the inclination/will to obey even their own conscience/standards of right and wrong, let alone those of God.

The One Who emerges (from the new birth) is catagorically a whole new class of Human Being who, in some way (unknown presently) is nevertheless part and parcel of the Trinity Themselves.
Exactly what, if anything at all, does this even remotely have to do with the OP? Did you read it? Are you capable of comprehending the sheer volume of fallacies contained therein?

Show me you have, and can - reply cogently to the questions raised...
You've already been shown more than most people ever 'see'.
I understand... But what about our brethren? Do they not deserve every ounce of persuasion that you can muster? Elaborate for them, not for me - for I have already seen what needs to be seen. Give others the same opportunity, I beg thee...
Our trolling friend in this thread CheskiChips is Jewish. A young lad that inadvertently gave us all a pointer to some of his private unsecured computer files, personal photos and full name (from another thread). Silly man.

So I mock an anti-Christian thread and its atheist progenitors and I become target to your apparent superior hacking skills. :rolleyes: I tell you what, I'm serving an HTTP/SSH/FTP server from my home, it has a simple port knock to access my personal files. Good luck!

As for my hosted files, that's a genED shared server

By Chance...what is my name?
After 37 responses not one person has responded explaining what their "purpose" or goal in life was, what they wanted to get out of life. Really? None of you can figure it out? A few of you responded with something similar to Spidergoat, who said roughtly; "What does it mean do have a purpose, I go on life the same reason anything else does". And a few which I consider legitimate responses stating roughly "they lived because they were living, and they appreciated the opportunity". That being said...their life goals were not expounded upon.

Actually..their life goals were not even explained...their purpose is still null. I would still like to hear from one atheist what they feel their purpose in life is. My four examples were by no means comprehensive...but let's pair responses with propositions.
- Is it to simply enjoy the next physical sensation in a never ending quest for ambrosia? Visceral_instinct, Spidergoat, Dywyddyr
- Do you enjoy constructing emotions through intentionally placed ignorances? Votorx,Spidergoat
- Does the struggle of giving another shmo with no purpose an equal chance to share meaninglessness drive you through life? Billy T
- Or are you just afraid to die?
And I'm not going to list the people who thought they were the most clever thing since bread by picking out my post line by line in order create comedic effect. Good job guys.
After 37 responses not one person has responded explaining what their "purpose" or goal in life was, what they wanted to get out of life. ...
Still have not read:
{post 12}...Most people do have a reason to live / a purpose - perhaps to gain status or money, or to "save the whales", or give their children an advantage, etc. Many just find the process interesting. I like to learn - get a lot of pleasure when I do.
You must just be trolling, not wanting to discus.

Your OP start with the false assumption that only the religious have a purpose, so atheist must struggle to find reason not to kill them selves.

Then you ask us to explain why atheists do not kill themselves? - A question based ONLY on your false starting assumption - as many have pointed out to you - but as are a troll, you don't bother to read replies, or are too dumb to understand them? - can't tell which.
Still have not read:
You must just be trolling, not wanting to discus.

Your OP start with the false assumption that only the religious have a purpose, so atheist must struggle to find reason not to kill them selves.

Then you ask us to explain why atheists do not kill themselves? - A question based ONLY on your false starting assumption - as many have pointed out to you - but as are a troll, you don't bother to read replies, or are too dumb to understand them? - can't tell which.

Well let's be honest; most of the church goers are essentially atheist or at least agnostic. I don't presume that atheists want to commit suicide any more than religious people, in fact, there's no evidence of increased suicide that I'm aware of. The difference is; the atheist creates his own purpose. But with what does he create his purpose? Pleasure? Learning? Assisting Others? And why are any of those satisfying at all?
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