To Atheists: How did you come to terms with having no purpose in the world?

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Well let's be honest; most of the church goers are essentially atheist or at least agnostic. I don't presume that atheists want to commit suicide any more than religious people, in fact, there's no evidence of increased suicide that I'm aware of. The difference is; the atheist creates his own purpose. But with what does he create his purpose? Pleasure? Learning? Assisting Others? And why are any of those satisfying at all?

It sees that you are young and do not have enough experience, maturity.
No answer to your question applies to everyone.
Many philosophers have searched and now even seeks the answer to your question.
And religions have found the answer in heaven.
Their purpose on earth is to build on their way to heaven.
I have nothing against that.I get upset when they do "good" by force.
Your question will be answered everyone else.
Ask the athlete,lovers,parents,those who have a hobby,sick people.Each will answer differently.
And you'll need to find alone.
Your happiness, your contentment, you have with you,in the backpack.
If you have, you're a happy man, no matter what happens.
If you have not,then you are a unhappy man,an angry man, no matter what happens.

So,you found your purpose?


To Atheists: How did you come to terms with having no purpose in the world?
Pretty much the same as theists, invent one. What purpose do theists serve? They believe they are serving some unknown purpose that their creator designed for them, but ask them what it is and you will receive hundreds of different answers. Ultimately they each invent an idea that makes them feel comfortable as to what their imaginary god has in mind for them. And then of course they worry all the time hoping that what they have decided to do with their lives is what their god intended for them, and of course never knowing for sure since gods generally don't comunicate very well, well in fact; never.

In the meantime theists go about their every day lives just like atheists, all trying to achieve numerous short terms goals, like paying the bills, finding/ending relationships, theiving/murdering or not, giving birth, getting married, buying a new car, achieving some sporting acalade, dying, etc. Pretty much no differences between them. And like most atheists most theists have no substantial goals in life, most people just drift through life, either enjoying it, or being miserable, depending on ones personal outlook.

But what is this theist insistence that there must be purposes? Why must there be a purpose? What's wrong with just enjoying life because it is simply there? There is no inherrent necessity for anything to have a purpose.

That is to say; atheists, by their own decrees have no inherent value, nor do their religious counterparts.
Hmm, value is different to purpose I think. Atheists place tremendous value on their lives, because it is all they have, whereas theists treat life as just an unfortunate temporay state since they expect their best times are in the promised afterlife. This is the main reason why theists love making wars and are quite content to kill each other because they see this life as transient and of little value.

To the atheist the value of a person is self-ascribed...but if the person who's ascribing the value has no value, then there's no credence to that value! It becomes an exercise in masturbatory futility. Obviously, if you have no value and no have no purpose.
You've simply totally confused the differences between value and purpose.

So atheists, let me ask you...why do you keep on living at all?
Because the alternative isn't at all attractive - non existence. But the question is more important for you as a theist. Why the heck don't you kill yourself, or at least not make too much effort to stay alive, since don't you really want to be in the loving arms of your fantasy deity? At least the muslims get that and are quite happy to blow themselves up.

You've simply got everything totally reversed. Life has little value to the theist, its temporary, but to an atheist it is priceless because it is all there is.

- Is it to simply enjoy the next physical sensation in a never ending quest for ambrosia?
- Do you enjoy constructing emotions through intentionally placed ignorances?
- Does the struggle of giving another shmo with no purpose an equal chance to share meaninglessness drive you through life?
- Or are you just afraid to die?
I can't really relate to any of those bizarre sentiments. Looks like some grotesque theistic indoctrination you've been fed.

Those things aside, are you an animal? Or are you an animal uniquely different and elevated above other animals? If you bite me...can I put you to sleep? Why not?

Just in general I'd like to hear from atheists about how they struggle to find a reason to not end their lives when they've already determined internally they have no purpose at all. Or, I would at least like to hear the delusions they use to convince themselves.
Well really there simply is no issue. There is no necessity to have a purpose other than to live.

It is sad that while the atheists recognize the reality of life and the ugliness of death the gullible theists instead delude themselves that when they die they will be magically whisked away to some perfect utopian paradise. We can thank religions throughout time for propagating such a preposterous deception - of course billions of people are going to want paradise instead of non-existence. It's the biggest con in the history of mankind.
...But with what does he create his purpose? Pleasure? Learning? Assisting Others? ...
Anything. Or nothing. Why does life need a purpose? That's a meme perpetrated by religion. You set up the value system in the first place by which you are measuring us.

And why are any of those satisfying at all?
Who says life has to be satisfying, all wrapped up in a neat easy to understand package? Sometimes it's satisfying, sometimes it's not. That's the way things are.
Nope, I'm just mocking you all.
How does that differ from trolling? - More reason to close this thread, which started with false assumption, made another with idea that atheist societies would have more murders, start more wars etc. (When history and current events show that most religious movements are very willing to kill non-believers for their god.)
How does that differ from trolling? - More reason to close this thread, which started with false assumption, made another with idea that atheist societies would have more murders, start more wars etc. (When history and current events show that most religious movements are very willing to kill non-believers for their god.)

Nah, I still believe that. Look at our examples...brutal. I never said they would start wars, they wouldn't ever dare start one. They would only kill those they see unfit to live INTERNALLY. Because why not? There's nothing inherently wrong with killing, is there? I mean..the animal kingdom does it all the time. What makes you, a human different?
How dare you call insinuate atheists as murderers.

You use the name of an idiotic god to release your self from guilt. You should be ashamed to be associated with such horrors. Child killers hang your heads in shame...
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The One Who emerges (from the new birth) is catagorically a whole new class of Human Being who, in some way (unknown presently) is nevertheless part and parcel of the Trinity Themselves.

The concept behind a discussion is to try not to inject psychotic beliefs as reasoning for a cause, unless of course, you're just trying to be witty. Are you?
Nope, I'm just mocking you all.

Fair enough. I would agree and support your freedom to mock atheists. There is absolutely nothing wrong with presenting and admitting to fallacy. You have every right to justify presenting one and being honest enough to stand by it, no matter what.

Kudos! :bravo:
What makes you, a human different?

If we are human, what are you? :rolleyes:

Not many, just as you do not want to admit.
The basic principle of morality is:"What you do not like,you do not do another"
Religion was invented for people about which you speak.They have no own moral.
They respect the moral principles of fear or hope of reward in heaven.
That is one difference between atheist and theist.
In theistic man is master over nature.
To "atheists" man is a part of nature, which admires and respects.
In theistic only "soul" and "intellect" matter.
Try the following experiment:
With your "super truper" intelligence to coordinate:beating hearts,breathe, growth, hormones, digestion, transport of oxygen through blood transport of nutrient substances in cells, the immune system etc.
If you manage to coordinate your body wisely,you have my admiration. :D


For people like you,is difficult to explain, morality, honor and respect.
It's easier to say, that is a God and that will beat your ass,if you do not respect these principles.
Who the hell thought,so as you board these principles "in the name of God". :wallbang:
... To "atheists" man is a part of nature, which admires and respects. In theistic only "soul" and "intellect" matter....
Yes the religious are slaves to the demands of their God* not like William Ernest Henley who wrote


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

* actually slaves of the priest / religious authorities / who tell the average person what is "God's will" (and often, many religions, use their position of power to get sexual gratification.)
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I was really pleased with myself yesterday for improving my grades...

Oh, wait.

Wanting to improve academically is not a purpose. Because I'm an atheist, and if you don't have an invisible friend in the sky, you can't possibly have purpose.

Because why not? There's nothing inherently wrong with killing, is there? I mean..the animal kingdom does it all the time. What makes you, a human different?
The ability to reason. This is why we have built cities and a civilization where animals have not. We don't kill others because it is not in our best interests. Our society, support systems, medical care, manufacturing industries, agriculture, etc, are all built on mutually beneficial products and services that we have all come to need and depend on. Our freedom to experience a high quality of life depends on a cooperative society. There is no profit or advantage to anyone by going on a killing spree. That's why it doesn't occur, except for those who are mentally deranged.

It is still a matter of survival and we are fully able to reason that our best hope for survival, as individuals is to have a social and cooperative society. The comparison with animals does not apply, they cannot reason above their primeval instincts.

Religions add nothing to our moral code that we cannot already reason for ourselves. But worse, religions tend to insist on stagnated values based on outdated lifestyles from thousands of years ago.
why would having faith or not having faith mean that someone has a purpose or not in life, I mean last I checked Atheists still have jobs, still contribute to the economy, still have kids and parthers..

To say that any life has no meaning, can only come from a morons mouth.
So if I offend anyone with them remarks, it's just how I feel.
Purpose in the world comes from being in the world. We make our own meanings.

Mine is to be as happy as possible, which in my case also necessarily means:

  • Making others happy as well;
  • Having a career in a helping profession, which both thrills me intrinsically and also allows me to help others;
  • Helping to support my own extended family;
  • Keeping healthy and strong as long as I can and as much as I can;
  • Aiding/fostering my own inner child (playing and having an icecream once in a while!), my inner adult (being responsible) and inner parent (assisting others as they learn).
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