Tired of Sex?

I don't care enough to respond to your crap.

You don't care, you're too depressed and weak, or... you're actually wrong and aren't man enough to admit it?

You two, among others, are some of the least intelligent people I have ever known.

Hard to believe. I mean, you live in Texas AND went to a military academy. I'll admit my own ignorance. I'm not that bright. But don't knock Bells. She has consistantly very solid arguments and excellent points. She's a very bright woman, and I'd wish she'd post around here with a little more regularity. I don't even know if I agree with her views or whatever, she just says things very well. And that's nice. Too bad you are angry because she mocked you. Caveman.

Don't you understand that it is this particular trait about you that causes me to want to simply revert to a caveman mentality? You act like you "know" something, then you jump all over me because you don't think I understand some of the shit you say.

You genuinely were calling Bells an uptight Christian broad. Don't deny it. And you have an anger problem. I think blaming us for your anger issues is hardly fair. It's your flaw, not ours.

Us pretending to know everything.... Maybe her. I just think you're a little thick.

When, in actuality, I understand it too well, and thus don't care to respond to your childish, immature behavior in an intellectual or reasonable way.

Are you kidding me? After about 400 posts, your posting quality rapidly deteriorated. You went from mediocre, but friendly posts, to quite hostile ones and infantile ones. When you post all the curse words and exclamation marks, do you shout at the computer? I can see you flinging poop and pulling your beard and making grunting noises.

While I see you are capable of discussion, you don't engage in anything but name calling. You've done this for quite some time. You enter a discussion shouting obscenities. They're not funny, constructive, or even ironic.

Get a grip, morons. You both are weak.

You first, mister "I'd kill myself but I'm a pussy" depressed apeman who couldn't function after leaving your parents.

Hmmmmm.... Somehow I think the problem here is you, not us. Maybe if you had something to say, we'd listen? But you stopped communicating in anything other than insults since June, I think.

Found this little gem:

When I watch the news or hear something political, I get very irritated, then angry, then depressed.

Well, if you can't handle watching the news, maybe you should stop visiting these forums and throwing hissy fits when people disagree with you?
Cottontop3000 said:
Bells, Roman, I don't care enough to respond to your crap. You two, among others, are some of the least intelligent people I have ever known.
And you remind me of the typical bully. When someone actually stands up to you, you turn tail and run back to mummy. You don't care to respond because maybe... hopefully... you've realised that you misinterpreted and misread what was actually said. As Roman said, whether you are 'man' enough to admit it is another thing altogether.

Our intelligence has nothing to do with your actions. You have shown time and again that when you miscomprehend something or if someone disagrees with you, you can only resort to threats and abusive language. That to me shows an individual that is weak minded and frankly lacking and possibly someone who is off their meds and has had a tad too much alcohol, but even something like that is no excuse for how you have behaved on here.

As your fellow Texan President acts like a bully and can't cope with any form of criticism or opposition, you follow along the same lines. I guess sometimes one can say that one is the product of one's environment. You have shown that quite clearly.

Don't you understand that it is this particular trait about you that causes me to want to simply revert to a caveman mentality?
What trait is that? Writing in whole sentences and not resorting to threats of violence or abusing others? Being able to actually understand what is written and being able to structure an argument if another opposes our views? Is that what annoys you?

You act like you "know" something, then you jump all over me because you don't think I understand some of the shit you say.
Shall I point out to you the example of you failing to 'understand' the difference between prolonging the act and prolonging actually doing the act? That's just one example. I can probably list many more where you've resorted to abuse and threats because you've simply failed to understand what someone has said.

When, in actuality, I understand it too well, and thus don't care to respond to your childish, immature behavior in an intellectual or reasonable way.
So you think that NOT abusing someone with vulgarity that frankly demeans even you and not resorting to threats of violence is akin to childishness, immaturity, being unintellectual and unreasonable?


Maybe you should go back and read through some of your posts to see how you have responded to others who took a different position to your own or whom you failed to understand. You have rarely responded to anything on these forums. You have merely always acted like a boorish and gormless Texan.

Get a grip, morons. You both are weak.
Hey, at least we can handle criticism and opposition without resorting to your lack of or 'style' of argument and to your actions and behaviour.
So, the two of you actually think that you have some kind of glorified "style?" You make me laugh. You are human. You are weak. You have no idea what the word "intelligent" means. Glad you have each other. Seems like each of you need someone else to have any sense of self-worth whatsoever. I applaud you. Idiots.
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Cottontop3000 said:
Is anyone else tired of sex? I am. It's lost its charm.

bang someone else for a change. read a book called the bride stripped bare, it will make you doubt the validity and sincerity of all relationships and then you wont feel bad anymore and youll probably have more fun.

oh, and if you dont do something to change your situation, then why complain about it.

Charles, I have no problem with my situation. In fact, I feel mostly liberated now that I am free of my need for "sex." "Sex" is not all it's cracked up to be.
Cotton, most young people can't relate to such things ...they're too fuckin' young! ...LOL! But I understand you ...well, on this particular topic, not on anything else I've ever seen you post.

Baron Max
Barren, I don't want you to agree with me on anything. If you do agree with me on something, then that is only to your benefit.
Cottontop3000 said:
Charles, I have no problem with my situation. In fact, I feel mostly liberated now that I am free of my need for "sex." "Sex" is not all it's cracked up to be.
DENIAL! :eek:

Just joking... :D

Yaba Daba :m:
Sex, drugs, and the physical sensations are overrated. Mental clarity is underrated.
well the short answer is no
and the long answer is no

im not tired of it atall and neither is my wife we have sex atleast 2 times per day and it hasnt lost any excitement.
no offence but maybe you or your partner just arent natural lovers lol... some people got it some people dont
my advice is experiment with toys ,positions, porn, enviroments, get freaky try shit you havent done before if you cant think of anything or say "ive tried everything" thats bullcrap theres always something else to try

or simply maybe your boring in bed that would kill it for ya!

no dissrespect
seriously you guys thats really quite sad in my opinion <--- remember (opinion)
watching porn on your own is better than sex?
DAMN you really really havent had good sex then

enough said
making your own porn with your wife is alot!!!!!!!! more fun than watching regular porn

trust me people it is alot of fun especially watching it afterwards while having sex
I've found that skydiving and racing motorcycles is now more exciting to me than having sex.
No. I am very sincere. There is someone that I still love and because of that love, I have no interest in having sex with anyone else. I guess you would call that commitment.
haha...rally like Cotton....he is very real

about le subshect of SEXXXXX.....i see it as a spectrum:

we have te utter raw passion of anonymous sex........ooooooooo

also te lust sage of a reltationship when yer fairly new to each other and passion is hot

we hav e porno type sex, where here iws a kin of freedom to explore all srts of pervy stuff....hehe...with multifarious people.....mix ands match

and lets us not forget cyber sex......

then thee is sex where two people form a real deep intimacy........i feel many of us really want that

i wonder if you can combine that wit freedom to also explore other forms of sex. what you think?...are te two incompatable....is the idea of ongoing deep intimacy + sex a romantic dream. it sure takes TWO to tango....and it suuuuuure aint all roses