Tired of Sex?

I don't like sexual feelings because they're not real feelings, they're not my own feelings. They belong to the body. They are in contradiction to my own will. I am not a body, the body is only a tool I use to express myself in the material world.

As long as a living creature searches for completion from the outside, from the created, visible world, it never finds oneness, because its complementary half is not on the outside, in the revealed, separated from him, but inside himself unrevealed in his subconsciousness.
c7ityi_ said:

i don't know what ascism is.

me:::: not surprised it's spealled wrong. i meanst asceticism. ie., te emphasiing of 'spirit' over needs of body. it also includes the mortification of the flesh


yeah, but it can have other reason also.
i am curious. you say uou dont like sex. what then i your favourite activity?
c7ityi_ said:
yo, duendy... children generally think sex is disgusting. so it must be. children are what they are. they are not yet so aware of their bodies.
that is a massive gerealization first. and personally i was very horny right from as early as i ca remember. also many kids love to experiment erotically...heard of that ol kid's game 'doctors and nurses'?
children, and adults are erotic animals
c7ityi_ said:
I don't like sexual feelings because they're not real feelings, they're not my own feelings.

me:::: ahaaaaaa this reveals your metaphysical premises.
If they aren't YOUR feelings whose then ARE they?? you have psychologically divided 'your' 'mind' from 'your' 'body'!

They belong to the body. They are in contradiction to my own will.

me::: Further, this psychological split goes quite far back in our patriarchal history. Here we are guilted via patriarchal dogma to mistrust ourselves, and then they have us controlled through the propaganda tactic of DIVIDE and CONTROL. ie., your 'mind' is divided from your 'body'--psychologically speaking.

I am not a body, the body is only a tool I use to express myself in the material world.

me:::so we hafe 'I' and we have 'body'. right?
weKNOW for sur we ARE body here in Nature. That we know. the restis conjecture

As long as a living creature searches for completion from the outside, from the created, visible world, it never finds oneness, because its complementary half is not on the outside, in the revealed, separated from him, but inside himself unrevealed in his subconsciousness.
so, come one, what religion do you follow?
Buddhist, Hindu?....i gues it is te psychophysical dualistic beliefs of the EAst?
duendy said:
i am curious. you say uou dont like sex. what then i your favourite activity?

I have no favourite activity. Life is suffering.

I am not a body and I am not a person. The body and person likes things like sex, but not the self. I am formless, shapeless, like water. Put me into a cup, I become the cup. Put me into duendy, I become duendy. Put me into c7ityi_, I become c7ityi_.

that is a massive gerealization first. and personally i was very horny right from as early as i ca remember. also many kids love to experiment erotically...heard of that ol kid's game 'doctors and nurses'?

I'm talking about very small children, who are not yet aware of their bodies, so that they have not become attached.

children, and adults are erotic animals

Humans are humans. The animal is within us, but we are not the animal. We (our bodies) are creatures, just like animals, except that we are more intelligent. But the right definition of a conscious being is not "animal".

I am definitely not a body, that's why we say "my body", my "instrument". There is no outside, there is only an inside. The outside is in the inside.

If they aren't YOUR feelings whose then ARE they??

They belong to the body and person, of course!

you have psychologically divided 'your' 'mind' from 'your' 'body'!

The mind and personalities belong to the body. You do not know what the self is because you are so attached to your body. Even this English language is so earthly!

me:::so we hafe 'I' and we have 'body'. right?
weKNOW for sur we ARE body here in Nature. That we know. the restis conjecture

There is "I", and there is the body and person (mask) of "I".

Because humans today are earthly, they identify themselves with their body, so they become their body. This causes much suffering (teaching). The body is not evil, it is just not as perfect as the self.

This is the "Crucifixion of Christ" (the divine self). We have crucified our divine self on the two beams of space and time (material world). This is what the cross originally means.

so, come one, what religion do you follow?
Buddhist, Hindu?....i gues it is te psychophysical dualistic beliefs of the EAst?

I have no religious belief, I don't need to limit myself, but I've seen that the Eastern religions match my thoughts.
c7ityi_ said:
I have no favourite activity. Life is suffering.

me::: no. life INCLUDES suffering,but also joy, ecstasy, laughing, etc. the 'life is sufering' is buddhist propaganda

I am not a body and I am not a person.

me::: if there is ONE ting we do know. it is that you right now=body. and that as body you are aparticular person. person--the word--derives from 'persona' which means 'mask'...ie., e all may wear varous masks due to upbringng and various influences, and changes. are you keeping to one mask...? the suffering one? can you see it. picture those old ancient Greek theatre masks actors wore. is yourse the one all miserable and trgic lookin?

The body and person likes things like sex, but not the self.

me::: what is the 'self'? surely this is some idea you have conjured up and abstracted and labelled it the 'self'...also being infuenced by variousEastern beliefs, right.....when you have a good meal and feel contented after, do you say 'aaaah, my body and person enjoyed that meal, but NO mySELF'??

I am formless, shapeless, like water. Put me into a cup, I become the cup. Put me into duendy, I become duendy. Put me into c7ityi_, I become c7ityi_.

me:::what happens when you put yourself into sex?...or any pleasureable activity you desire?

I'm talking about very small children, who are not yet aware of their bodies, so that they have not become attached.

me::to ter bodies? as faar a i am aware even very small children are erotically aware. not as in a focussed lust for sex that adolescents may hve, but are eroticized. forwe ARE erotic animalsas i am saying.

Humans are humans. The animal is within us, but we are not the animal. We (our bodies) are creatures, just like animals, except that we are more intelligent. But the right definition of a conscious being is not "animal".

me::: your ideas have a history. it is typicaly patriarchal. the 'logical' separation of 'intellect/mind--usually MAN'S mind!--from Nature/body/emotions/feelings. from this psychological schism all evil has been unleashed onto thwe world. 'rational men' strutting about imagining they are SO superior. recipe for disaster as it has been surey seen by those aware....in fact you'd HAVE to be blind and without awareness to miss it

I am definitely not a body, that's why we say "my body", my "instrument". There is no outside, there is only an inside. The outside is in the inside.

me::no that is just the semantic construct of thelanguage you have been brought up with, tat needs noun to describe a verb. hence 'I' have a 'body' is just that. and its constant usage from ay one pushesin tis alienating feeling one has wit body and Nature

They belong to the body and person, of course!

The mind and personalities belong to the body. You do not know what the self is because you are so attached to your body. Even this English language is so earthly!

me:::eek:kay you are not meaning 'mind'.....but i presume you meah mind with a capital 'M'?....yu feel that ths Earth is some kind or prison keeping your special 'Self' kinda trapped dont you?......that is So ORphic and Gnostic you know....The ancinet Orphics had this saying 'soma sema', meaning'the body a tomb'....bet you can identify wit that sentiment?

There is "I", and there is the body and person (mask) of "I".

me:::right. so 'I' is what in its esseace then? 'God', 'Oneness', the 'Void'?

Because humans today are earthly, they identify themselves with their body, so they become their body.

me::: or do they more ideniofy with their brain. mind? and tus have no CONNECTIVE feeling of unison between body and environment?

This causes much suffering (teaching). The body is not evil, it is just not as perfect as the self.

me::: the idea that 'SELF' is perfect and 'body/Nature' imperfect, yeah. hence you always look wit disdain at what you now hav raionally abstracted as imperfect. tis is why yer miserable. can you see it??

This is the "Crucifixion of Christ" (the divine self). We have crucified our divine self on the two beams of space and time (material world). This is what the cross originally means.

me:::pleas understand the ROOTS of myth. tis cuts all the crap away. all the life churning confusin that can serously mndfuk.........the whole Jesus myth is rather meaning a sacred psychedelic mushroom........now tis is where it can get complex. in its essence psychedelics OPEN UP yuour orgnism. they in fact undermine all you have said above. they cut throug conditioning that has caused your alienation. BUT some people have used the in a wrong way and have FORTIFIEDtheir sense of alientation by unintelligent interpretation of experince. for example focussin too much on inner experience and dismissinf viseral ecstatic experience. tis is what i feel the Christians did, and then they do away with the vey sacrament, and that alienting symbolism cpntinues. after all mythical Jesus didn't have sex o they say did he?

I have no religious belief, I don't need to limit myself, but I've seen that the Eastern religions match my thoughts.

maybe maybe not, but your ideas are commensurate wit them
Whether you like sex, or enjoy or not, either way its instinctive and necessary for reproduction, so without sex we'd be extinct. It is a necessity for survival.
Well actually, women enjoy sex only through evolutionary accident. The female clitoris serves as much function, biologically, as the male nipple.

So sex really only has to be enjoyable for half the specie.
duendy said:
me::: if there is ONE ting we do know. it is that you right now=body.

I know you say you are, but I am not.

are you keeping to one mask...? the suffering one?

I do not have a choice. I know that suffering is not the real face and I know it's a mask. The real face is like the face of a cat. Have you ever seen a cat in the eyes? THAT is the real face, that is the self. If you can see a cat in the eyes without feeling guilty, you are God.

when you have a good meal and feel contented after, do you say 'aaaah, my body and person enjoyed that meal, but NO mySELF'??

In my language we only say "this was an enjoyable meal". The self is not always mentioned, and there are no words for he and she either. Such things are not necessary.

It is as if they had completely forgotten that they are in reality free minds and the fact that the body is only a tool to reveal oneself. They identify themselves with their body so they live in the view they are only bodies. If the body wishes food, they believe that They want to eat, that They are hungry. They act in such a way, as if they themselves ate, and not, as if they were not only the observers of their body.

I let my body also eat with good appetite, I let the body soak the valuable forces of the food, but how could I identify with it? My "self" can not be hungry, it is not made of matter, it is the lord of matter.

Indeed, my consciousness takes the message of the body, the fact that it needs food, and I take it as a feeling of hunger. But this "I" in me does not drink and does not eat; how coul I even for moment forget that these functions are necessary only to keep the body healthy?

The self only controls and watches what the body takes up, and it pays attention that the teeth and tongue do the work properly. I can never understand people, who after eating their food say: "This tasted to me!" - it tasted to Him? - Does he not know that it only tasted to his mouth? Oh these poor People, they are the slaves of their physical desires... we do not understand each other.

But Ptahhotep says that the humanity is still undeveloped and that one may not judge them according to their graduation.

me:::what happens when you put yourself into sex?...or any pleasureable activity you desire?

Then I become a body (matter)

me::: your ideas have a history. it is typicaly patriarchal. the 'logical' separation of 'intellect/mind--usually MAN'S mind!--from Nature/body/emotions/feelings.

The self thinks nothing, feels nothing... only the body needs such things, so that the self can express itself in the material world. The "self" does not come from the body, the body comes from the "self".

Separating nature and the "mind"-- the observer and the observed-- is illogical. Nature is in the "mind".

from this psychological schism all evil has been unleashed onto thwe world.

Evil comes from the fact that people think they are merely a body/person. They cannot separate the self from the body/person, so they must follow earthly laws like evolution and do bodily things, which include "evil".

But evil is not "evil". It is the Good in another form.

and its constant usage from ay one pushesin tis alienating feeling one has wit body and Nature

What's so alienating about nature and the body?

yu feel that ths Earth is some kind or prison keeping your special 'Self' kinda trapped dont you?

This wasn't the "purpose". This world was not meant to be a prison, but people have imprisoned themselves in this world because they loved the world and the body more than the self. Balance should have been kept. The self created the body only as an instrument for itself to use.

We also create machines as instruments for us. Maybe they will also turn against us.

me:::right. so 'I' is what in its esseace then? 'God', 'Oneness', the 'Void'?

Yes, something like that.

me::: or do they more ideniofy with their brain. mind? and tus have no CONNECTIVE feeling of unison between body and environment?

The human can be divided into 3 essential parts:

1. the self
2. the reflection of the self (body)
3. the reflection of the body (person)

me::: the idea that 'SELF' is perfect and 'body/Nature' imperfect, yeah. hence you always look wit disdain at what you now hav raionally abstracted as imperfect. tis is why yer miserable. can you see it??

No. The "imperfect" is not worse than the "perfect". Maybe these are wrong words to use, but I know no better words. Plato talked about the idea and the ideal. Like a circle. In our mind, we can imagine a perfect ideal circle, and we can copy that circle to the visible world, but it will not become absolutely perfect, since it is a copy. My body is not perfect either due to natural laws. It is only as perfect as it can get according to natural laws. I cannot express myself completely with my body, so the body is not me. For example, I cannot bend my hands in every way I want, but only according to which the bones and muscles allow me to do.

That my life is miserable is not "worse" than "not-miserable". It just means that I have something to learn, that's why I suffer. Infact, I suffer because I loved "the world", and the world did not love me. The self makes me suffer and it wants me to make the body only an instrument again...

they cut throug conditioning that has caused your alienation.

What alienation?

after all mythical Jesus didn't have sex o they say did he?

Whether his body had sex or not, what has that to do with anything?

maybe maybe not, but your ideas are commensurate wit them

Yes. I live in a "Christian" country, but still I believe in things like reincarnation and karma. My mom says that it may only be explained by reincarnation. I have never "understood" the Christian religion. Before I was very interrested in science, but later I became very interrested in religions. I found out that the eastern religions match my beliefs very good. I have not read much, because I don't like to read. It takes such time and effort. It is easier to just empty my cup and wait for the information to come to me.

valich said:
Whether you like sex, or enjoy or not, either way its instinctive and necessary for reproduction, so without sex we'd be extinct.

For the body, the purpose in this world is to reproduce. But the divine is always the opposite: it is to not reproduce, so that we can leave the material world.

When you have lived for aeons, through countless bodies, you will want this eternal circle to end.

Roman said:
Well actually, women enjoy sex only through evolutionary accident.

It is not an accident. Accident is a word which is used by those who do not understand everything yet. There are no accidents.
Roman said:
Well actually, women enjoy sex only through evolutionary accident. The female clitoris serves as much function, biologically, as the male nipple.

So sex really only has to be enjoyable for half the specie.
a load of patriarchal crap, and speaks volumes about your character
c7ityi_ said:
I know you say you are, but I am not.

me::: haha hi Yorda. and if you aint , you'd sure get on!

I do not have a choice. I know that suffering is not the real face and I know it's a mask. The real face is like the face of a cat. Have you ever seen a cat in the eyes? THAT is the real face, that is the self. If you can see a cat in the eyes without feeling guilty, you are God.

me:::when you suffer, you=suffering. it is a whole process not two entities,one 'looking' AT suffering. we have been led t believe tis is so via cultural brainbashin, nd semantic language which demands a noun describe a verb, example 'I' am 'suffering'....which suggest an 'I' separate from PROCESS
as for cats eyes. cats communicate with their eyes. when cat sits it its. when it gets up it gets up. when it sufferfs it suffers and when itplays it plays, etc

In my language we only say "this was an enjoyable meal". The self is not always mentioned, and there are no words for he and she either. Such things are not necessary.

me:::whatis your language?

It is as if they had completely forgotten that they are in reality free minds and the fact that the body is only a tool to reveal oneself. They identify themselves with their body so they live in the view they are only bodies. If the body wishes food, they believe that They want to eat, that They are hungry. They act in such a way, as if they themselves ate, and not, as if they were not only the observers of their body.

me::: stop slaggin off yer body. the whole reason of you i being body. when was he last time you wasn't a body. whathve you got against your body?

I let my body also eat with good appetite, I let the body soak the valuable forces of the food, but how could I identify with it? My "self" can not be hungry, it is not made of matter, it is the lord of matter.

me:::total idealism that idea. that 'spirit' is superior/lords it over 'matter'. as i siad, much evil has com from tis idea.
now tings have 'changed'--the power elite have done away with 'spirit' and all now is 'matter'.........wit all te life taken out!!!!!!!!

Indeed, my consciousness takes the message of the body, the fact that it needs food, and I take it as a feeling of hunger. But this "I" in me does not drink and does not eat; how coul I even for moment forget that these functions are necessary only to keep the body healthy?

me:::you/i are in conflict wit you/body. tis is a problem created by patriarchal propaganda which demonized Nature/Goddess/Woman/ Feeling/Ecstasy

The self only controls and watches what the body takes up, and it pays attention that the teeth and tongue do the work properly. I can never understand people, who after eating their food say: "This tasted to me!" - it tasted to Him? - Does he not know that it only tasted to his mouth? Oh these poor People, they are the slaves of their physical desires... we do not understand each other.

me::::hmmmm me thinks you live in a world which looks wit disdain at natrual earthynessness. shame, causing you are missin getting that eart between your toes and wind in yer hair

But Ptahhotep says that the humanity is still undeveloped and that one may not judge them according to their graduation.

me::: ohhhhhh that old chestnut. first guilt them, nd make them think they are kids, and then i can be mr big stuff and fuk wid them. tis is a strategy for CONTROL....seeeee hrough it!

Then I become a body (matter)

The self thinks nothing, feels nothing... only the body needs such things, so that the self can express itself in the material world. The "self" does not come from the body, the body comes from the "self".

me::: exactly...Idealism. the idea that'matter' emnates from the 'One'. tus te latter is superior and the body inferior. instead of litning to that whatis name ....do some research about Idealistic philosophy. checkit out....mpuld it, fold it, turn it inside and out. it wont bite. you wll see it is just a patriarchal idea whose premise is the division/conflict between 'spirit' and 'matter'. just that. in reality, they are never apart. consciousnss is always with matter. it is how matter feels. matter/energy is active Intelligence

Separating nature and the "mind"-- the observer and the observed-- is illogical. Nature is in the "mind".

me:::and mind is in Nature. your philosophy denigrates the Mother Nature. be careful of it. it's like a vampire. it suck out the joy in you'll. it is killjoy supreme that silly idea---ism. it is from aristocratic old farts, who couldn't accept Nature-as-it-is, in all its many wonderul changing vistas. that mindset deified what IT believed was the static unchagning hevens, and believed it superior to ever-changing Nature....bla bla

Evil comes from the fact that people think they are merely a body/person. They cannot separate the self from the body/person, so they must follow earthly laws like evolution and do bodily things, which include "evil".

me:::eveil coms from the psychological conflict between two made up astracts, 'spirit' and 'matter'.......you can have either side being deified....idealsim andmaterialism. both sides create evil in their own way, when the whole's not realized!

But evil is not "evil". It is the Good in another form.
me:::so if i drag your child away and take her to a house, gang rape her then disembowel here for my pleasure that is 'good' is it?

What's so alienating about nature and the body?

me:::when it rfuses to accept the aliveness of reality

This wasn't the "purpose". This world was not meant to be a prison, but people have imprisoned themselves in this world because they loved the world and the body more than the self. Balance should have been kept. The self created the body only as an instrument for itself to use.

me:::we have ben throug this. Nature isn't the prison, it is conceptual thinking that creates the prison when concocting such tales as 'nature and bodes are prisons'

We also create machines as instruments for us. Maybe they will also turn against us.

me::wellwe have said the body is a machine and that's turned aginst us innit?

Yes, something like that.

The human can be divided into 3 essential parts:

1. the self
2. the reflection of the self (body)
3. the reflection of the body (person)

No. The "imperfect" is not worse than the "perfect". Maybe these are wrong words to use, but I know no better words. Plato talked about the idea and the ideal. Like a circle. In our mind, we can imagine a perfect ideal circle, and we can copy that circle to the visible world, but it will not become absolutely perfect, since it is a copy. My body is not perfect either due to natural laws. It is only as perfect as it can get according to natural laws. I cannot express myself completely with my body, so the body is not me. For example, I cannot bend my hands in every way I want, but only according to which the bones and muscles allow me to do.

That my life is miserable is not "worse" than "not-miserable". It just means that I have something to learn, that's why I suffer.
OOOO(((((((sorry. got bored)))))))))
duendy said:
whathve you got against your body?

Nothing. It makes me suffer, but I still have nothing against it, because suffering is just evolution. It is "good". It is the body which has made me realize that the body is not me, and that it is only a tool for me to use.

I think suffering and evil was born from thinking that we are a body.

me::::hmmmm me thinks you live in a world which looks wit disdain at natrual earthynessness.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with earthly things. There are no evil powers or qualities, it all depends on how you use them. When the spirit/life is put into matter, the evil is born, but when matter stays as matter, it is good.

your philosophy denigrates the Mother Nature.

In what way?

~ fs32lgb
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c7ityi_ said:
Nothing. It makes me suffer, but I still have nothing against it, because suffering is just evolution. It is "good". It is the body which has made me realize that the body is not me, and that it is only a tool for me to use.

I think suffering and evil was born from thinking that we are a body.

m:::well YEs, IF we leave it at that. for example the pradgim we are currently in, is that of mechansitic science which asserts we are mere biological machines, orlike a computer. mainly a machine anaology right?....from tis presumption-which isn't proved cmes all forms of evil. drugging people if they are seen not to be 'functioning' right...forcing people to live like machines, to sacrifice themselves to the war mchine etc etc. all tis is we are 'just matter'......but the othe side 'we are just spirit' also has their evils. a good example is India with its terrible poverty. which is accepted cause of their idealistic notion of 'karma'.......

There is absolutely nothing wrong with earthly things. There are no evil powers or qualities, it all depends on how you use them. When the spirit/life is put into matter, the evil is born, but when matter stays as matter, it is good.

me::::eek:hhhhhh theres no gettin through to you....follow what ya want. it's your life

In what way?

~ fs32lgb
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....i went that way
duendy said:
m:::well YEs, IF we leave it at that. for example the pradgim we are currently in, is that of mechansitic science which asserts we are mere biological machines, orlike a computer.

It's not like I really believe the things I say, I just say them.

a good example is India with its terrible poverty. which is accepted cause of their idealistic notion of 'karma'.......

India has bad karma and poverty because they have denied the material life too much and only believed in the spiritual life. But I think the western spiritual poverty is a lot worse.
Nope. Can't say I have ever tired of it or thought 'nah not tonight'. My partner and I have so little 'free time' together that when we are able to be close and affirm our love for eachother, we see little point in doing that by halves. Full on sex satisfies both of us and helps to keep it all together. We both get pretty moody beyond a week of 'not being able to' though circumstances or whatever. Over the years (10 so far) it has become even more enjoyable because inhibition washes away leaving only erotic desires to be fulfilled and the human capicity for erotic desires seems to be fairly limitless in my experience.


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sex is just like anything else. too much of it and u get tired of it. it's almost like drugs. the first few times u light up are for the feeling...and then after that it's just routine cause u don't know what the hell else to do. if it's getting that boring either reassess your partner, or abstain for a while. who knows.
sex is great, but i have blood lust. i like razor blades and tie-ing girls up... toys, talking filthy. What makes it great is that when you meet her, you pretend to be this innocent being.... tie her up and ask her if she trusts you and that it is all for pleasure. Then have at it. Gag her so the neighbors wont hear, and you'll probably never see her again

WEEEEEEEEE....i love the city
I have not read the entire thread but I'll give you guys my take on this "tired of sex" thing. My partner can bring me to multiple orgasms in one night. He knows many sexual positions and he is great at sex. I am somewhat lethargic in bed. By the time it somes to having sex, I am usually tired. It's not my boyfriend's fault. He is a great lover. I have my on and off nights. I do get tired of being tired during sex. I never seem to get tired of having sex but sometimes it is repetitive. You can only kiss someone in so many ways and feel them up for so long. Even in the 3-hour marathon sex evenings, I tend to let my mind wander and lose my state of arousal. Sex feels great but it it severely overrated. I am also saying this from the perspective of a young person who hasn't actually had that much sex...