Tired of Sex?

kazakhan said:
I think you've been missing out. If anything is better than sex than you're doing it wrong IMO.

Why is it that people feel compelled to say something like that? Is it the innate principle that "I'm right, and you're wrong!"? If someone doesn't like something, why do others have to make that disparaging remark? For one thing, how could they possibly know? ...and yet they say it as if they do.

Baron Max
I for one am not ashamed to say that I need it every other day. Love and almost worship it. As a matter of fact that's the one thing I will miss the most when I die (the climax).
Baron_Max said:
Why is it that people feel compelled to say something like that? Is it the innate principle that "I'm right, and you're wrong!"? If someone doesn't like something, why do others have to make that disparaging remark? For one thing, how could they possibly know? ...and yet they say it as if they do.

I do believe that's the most ironic thing Baron's ever said.
Roman said:
Wow. I do believe that's the most ironic thing Baron's ever said.

You mean "I do believe that's the most ironic thing Baron's ever asked."

Then again, can questions be ironic?????

spidergoat said:
Tired of sex? I wish I had that problem.

Oh, don't worry ...it'll get around to you, too. As you age, sex takes on a whole different aspect, so get it and enjoy it while you can!

Baron Max
MetaKron said:
Not tired of sex. Tired of being fucked with.

I think that's a big part of my problem. I'm tired of all the bullshit that comes along with the sex. Too many god-damned issues, beyond the sex itself, to deal with.
Oh Baron, despite you being a crazy, old hypocritical Texan, I thoroughly enjoy your discourse.

Too many god-damned issues, beyond the sex itself, to deal with.
I know what you mean. I think in a decade, if I had the money, I'd seriously consider investing in prostitutes.
Roman said:
Oh Baron, despite you being a crazy, old hypocritical Texan, I thoroughly enjoy your discourse.
I think he may be mellowing a little.

I know what you mean. I think in a decade, if I had the money, I'd seriously consider investing in prostitutes.
What, you thinking about becoming a shareholding pimp too? :)
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Cottontop3000 said:
Is anyone else tired of sex? I am. It's lost its charm.
Stop for a few minutes. At least that helps me..... :D

No, seriously now. Stop having sex for a week. That might be enough to make you miss it. ;)

Yaba Daba :m:
TruthSeeker said:
Stop for a few minutes. At least that helps me..... :D

No, seriously now. Stop having sex for a week. That might be enough to make you miss it. ;)

Yaba Daba :m:

Shit, lightweight. I've gone upwards of 3 years at times. From summer of 2002 until 2 weeks ago was the latest. I still don't miss it.
Takes too much effort. I just don't have the strength anymore. (Now, it might be different if sweet, sweeeeeet little Gwyneth Paltrow showed up at my front door someday.)
Cottontop3000 said:
Now, it might be different if sweet, sweeeeeet little Gwyneth Paltrow showed up at my front door someday.

Perhaps ...but I'd guess that the fantasy would be much better than the reality! ...LOL! The anticipation of sex (fantasy?) is always better, has always been better, and I suspect that it'll still be better in ten years.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Why is it that people feel compelled to say something like that? Is it the innate principle that "I'm right, and you're wrong!"? If someone doesn't like something, why do others have to make that disparaging remark? For one thing, how could they possibly know? ...and yet they say it as if they do.

Baron Max
I was taking the piss...
If you bothered to consider the rest of my post you would've realised why. Lighten up ya old fart. I suppose you'll whine about that too now :p
Roman, try to make yourself a reputation with the ladies. Women talk about everything. Take advantage of this. If you can impress one lady in a group with your phallus or skill, you impress them all. Which is good for you. No need to pay for it.
Baron Max said:
Perhaps ...but I'd guess that the fantasy would be much better than the reality! ...LOL! The anticipation of sex (fantasy?) is always better, has always been better, and I suspect that it'll still be better in ten years.

Baron Max
You never had sex, have you? :rolleyes:

Yaba Daba :m:
(Q) said:
So, I shouldn't be having sex everyday?

You should, if you enjoy it. Maybe even if you don't. I think your genes need to be passed on, regardless of whether you like it or not.
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