Tired of Sex?

Roman said:
Maybe you should try it with a real boy instead of Pinnochio.

I swear Roman, you made me choke on my orange juice!


Cottontop3000 said:
Is anyone else tired of sex? I am. It's lost its charm.
I would have to say that at the moment I am more tired of the aftermath of sex. Nearly 39 weeks and our spawn is still not ready to come out yet..:(

I'm not married. Internet porn is better than the real, nasty, smelly thing.
Errr ok... Maybe you should start dating women who actually use soap and wash themselves.

I think that's a big part of my problem. I'm tired of all the bullshit that comes along with the sex. Too many god-damned issues, beyond the sex itself, to deal with.
You're getting bullshit with your sex? Egads man!

Errmm Cotton, remember that it's the cows that are female... ergo the bovine that has nuts is not a cow but a bull.. ;)


Baron Max said:
And now that I'm old, fucking a old, wrinkled bag of meat n' bones is just about the last thing I would consider as exciting. A good blowjob is okay sometimes, but only if the old broad wears a sack over her head to hide all the wrinkles!!
Oh that's just nasty Baron!

What a pretty mental picture you have just given all of us.. Thanks for that Baron. And now I think I might go and burn hot coals through my eyes in the hope that the pain will erase said mental picture.


Superluminal said:
I would never leave my wife, but I would love to have lots of risk free (from a relationship point of view) sex with different women. Alas, our civilized nature rules this out. Ya win some, ya lose some...
I don't think it is "our civilised nature" that you should be worried about or afraid of if you decided to venture out and seize the day in 'lots of risk free sex'. What you should probably be afraid of is your wife waiting for you at home with a steak knife and the name Bobbit on her mind as she hacks away at your nuts and penis, before she puts them in a jar and sends you on your merry way. ;)


ReighStorm said:
I for one am not ashamed to say that I need it every other day. Love and almost worship it. As a matter of fact that's the one thing I will miss the most when I die (the climax).
Alrighty then..

Moving right along..


(Q) said:
So, I shouldn't be having sex everyday?
If you do, just don't think about Baron's words about the "old, wrinkled bag of meat n' bones".. Turn off central!


In all seriousness though, for those of you who claim that you are tired of sex....

If you're tired of sex, then just don't have it. Sheesh you make it sound like it is some form of punishment. If you don't miss it and you are so tired of sex that you have no interest in it, then simply keep the pants zipped up. No one is forcing you. If they are, then it is rape. Get a grip of yourselves... okay.. maybe bad choice of words considering the vivid comments some of you have made about your enjoyment of internet port... but simply don't do it or participate in sexual activities if it tires you that much or if you dislike it so much.
Bells said:
If you're tired of sex, then just don't have it. Sheesh you make it sound like it is some form of punishment. If you don't miss it and you are so tired of sex that you have no interest in it, then simply keep the pants zipped up. ....but simply don't do it or participate in sexual activities if it tires you that much or if you dislike it so much.

Ahh, but ones life-long partner might have some objections to that. What does one do then? Second to monetary issues, sexual issues causes most of the marital problems in the western world. In a marriage, one can't simply do whatever they want or not without consideration of their partner.

And, Bells, ye're right ....that "picture" I painted with words was pretty nasty and mean. But then again, it was the truth ...so should I tell her??? ;=)

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Ahh, but ones life-long partner might have some objections to that. What does one do then? Second to monetary issues, sexual issues causes most of the marital problems in the western world. In a marriage, one can't simply do whatever they want or not without consideration of their partner.
On the contrary. In a marriage one can do whatever they want to do 'without consideration of their partner'. However one does not do so out of consideration of the financial cost of the nasty divorce that will ensue when their partner decides to take them to the proverbial cleaners.

And, Bells, ye're right ....that "picture" I painted with words was pretty nasty and mean. But then again, it was the truth ...so should I tell her??? ;=)
If you do, just don't tell her as she's giving you a blowjob.. especially if her false teeth are still in her mouth. :D
Bells said:

I swear Roman, you made me choke on my orange juice!
Good. Die, butch.

I would have to say that at the moment I am more tired of the aftermath of sex. Nearly 39 weeks and our spawn is still not ready to come out yet..:(
Spawn is a good word for your progeny.

Errr ok... Maybe you should start dating women who actually use soap and wash themselves.
You stinky whore. You do, all the time? Your stinking up my room all the way from aussie land.

You're getting bullshit with your sex? Egads man!
What, you aren't taking up a lot of space in your little shack?
Errmm Cotton, remember that it's the cows that are female... ergo the bovine that has nuts is not a cow but a bull.. ;)
I'm so glad you are choosing to be a dumb cunt. Makes my life more bearable.

In all seriousness though, for those of you who claim that you are tired of sex....

If you're tired of sex, then just don't have it. Sheesh you make it sound like it is some form of punishment. If you don't miss it and you are so tired of sex that you have no interest in it, then simply keep the pants zipped up. No one is forcing you. If they are, then it is rape. Get a grip of yourselves... okay.. maybe bad choice of words considering the vivid comments some of you have made about your enjoyment of internet port... but simply don't do it or participate in sexual activities if it tires you that much or if you dislike it so much.
What the fuck are you on, bitch?! Marriage?! You are clueless. Truly. :)
Cottontop3000 said:
Good. Die, butch.

Spawn is a good word for your progeny.

You stinky whore. You do, all the time? Your stinking up my room all the way from aussie land.

What, you aren't taking up a lot of space in your little shack?
I'm so glad you are choosing to be a dumb cunt. Makes my life more bearable.

What the fuck are you on, bitch?! Marriage?! You are clueless. Truly. :)
My my, nice to see you are still the charming, small minded, humourless and pathetic individual that you were before I went away for a week or so Cotton.

Good to see that garbage never loses its particularly rotten scent, no matter how much one tries to spray it with deodoriser.

What the fuck are you on, bitch?! Marriage?! You are clueless. Truly.
And did I mention marriage when I said that if you are that tired of sex that you simply should not have it? Maybe it is time for you (as our resident caveman that is) to take some time out and in the meantime gain some form of understanding in regards to reading and comprehension.
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Cottontop3000 said:
I said "die" butch.
Again, how charming! Now be the good little caveman and go back to beating your little chest in your little cave.



Sniffy said:
Instant gratification takes too long.....
It is much better to prolong the act and make the end result that much more worthwhile.
Bells said:
Again, how charming! Now be the good little caveman and go back to beating your little chest in your little cave.:rolleyes:
Who ever said I was trying to be charming? You wouldn't think it possible. I could care no less. What's your fucking point? I see you haven't one, so I will brush you off like I would a pesky little fly.

It is much better to prolong the act and make the end result that much more worthwhile.
You sound like a typical christian. You may, now, put your head back in the sands of either australia or south africa.
Cottontop3000 said:
You sound like a typical christian. You may, now, put your head back in the sands of either australia or south africa.
Right... You consider real sex to be a "nasty, smelly thing" and you call me a Christian?

LOL! Pissant funny!

What makes you think that I am a Christian cotton? Do you fail to understand, yet again, what I had actually said?

I shall simplify it for you since it appears that you need simple terms to understand. I did not say to wait to have sex. What I did say was that prolonging the actual act makes the end result more worthwhile.

Do. You. Understand. Now.??
Bells said:
Right... You consider real sex to be a "nasty, smelly thing" and you call me a Christian?
Did I draw a link between sex being a "nasty, smelly thing" and christians? I think you did, actually. Sorry, you seem to be having a little trouble with your brain-pan.
LOL! Pissant funny!
I fucking hate people that think that what they say is "LOL! Pissant funny!" Intellectually challenged, more like.
What makes you think that I am a Christian cotton? Do you fail to understand, yet again, what I had actually said?

Bells said:
It is much better to prolong the act and make the end result that much more worthwhile.
Sounds typically christian to an ex-christian like me. It takes an ex to know one. Why must you deny yourself?! Stupid fucking christians. Hey, when was the last time you partook? 39 weeks ago? SO GOOD of you. Uptight bitch.

I shall simplify it for you since it appears that you need simple terms to understand. I did not say to wait to have sex. What I did say was that prolonging the actual act makes the end result more worthwhile.
How can you say that "prolonging the actual act makes the end result more worthwhile" and in the same breath say that "you did not say to wait to have sex?" Who needs a little remedial thought therapy? Me? You make me laugh, bitch.
Do. You. Understand. Now.??
The only worthwhile question is, do you? I'm not so sure, though, that that is even a worthwhile question in your case.

Before I reply to your last post, there are some things that I would like to say.

Firstly, that you totally failed to even recognise that my original post in this thread was meant to be a joke, as evidenced by the final paragraph where I said "In all seriousness now", shows a complete lack of understanding on your part. You take everything said out of context and blow it all out of proportion. And the result? You end up sounding like some kind of feral psychopath. If you cannot understand humour or take a joke, maybe you should not participate in internet forums. If you cannot reply to a post without vulgar abuse and threats, maybe you should not participate in internet forums.

How you have not yet been banned from this forum for your behaviour is frankly beyond me. Others have been banned for much lesser things, while you continuously threaten and abuse other members, who happen to disagree with you, in such vulgar ways that denotes you as being frankly moronic. You are repeatedly warned for your behaviour and yet you keep on going along the same lines. Maybe the powers that be are keeping you around as the resident psychopath, who knows? If this is how you behave outside in the 'real world', then I am amazed that you are still allowed to roam the streets.

As to your calling me and referring to me in such terms as "whore" and "dumb cunt", is that all you can do? Because I'm a woman and disagree with some of what you say, you refer to me as that? Because you fail to see a joke, you think you are making a valid point by referring to me in such terms? I can tell you now, from where I am sitting, it only makes you sound like a gormless and vulgar individual without a clue. I have had arguments and discussions with many people on here and frankly, even the dumbest ones have been able to actually structure their arguments and are able to reply and understand jokes, etc, so that they don't come off sounding like the lowest of the low like you have of late. There could be many reasons for your behaviour. Maybe you do have psychological issues or maybe you are simply out of booze, who knows? But do not think that you can ever intimidate people on the internet Cotton, you only end up looking and sounding like a fool.

Did I draw a link between sex being a "nasty, smelly thing" and christians? I think you did, actually. Sorry, you seem to be having a little trouble with your brain-pan.
I believe that it was you who brought the notion of Christianity into the fray. What's the matter Cotton, don't like it when it's thrown back in your face?

I fucking hate people that think that what they say is "LOL! Pissant funny!" Intellectually challenged, more like.
Yes, this coming from the individual who spends all of his time spouting vulgar abuses and threats to people on the internet. Believe me, I find your kind of behaviour to be more within the realm of the "intellectually challenged".

Sounds typically christian to an ex-christian like me. It takes an ex to know one. Why must you deny yourself?! Stupid fucking christians. Hey, when was the last time you partook? 39 weeks ago? SO GOOD of you. Uptight bitch.
Is there no end to your blindness? Have I ever said that I was a Christian?

So you think that pregnancy means no more sex? How simply 'simple' of you. As to when the last time I "partook", is that any of your business? Or do you live in hope that members on these forums will write out all the details of their sex lives so that you can sit there and fantasize and refer to it as some form of internet porn, since you've admitted that's what you prefer. Is that why you seem to start threads with such as this one and your 'bored housewife' thread in the hope that someone will actually cyber you?

How can you say that "prolonging the actual act makes the end result more worthwhile" and in the same breath say that "you did not say to wait to have sex?" Who needs a little remedial thought therapy? Me? You make me laugh, bitch.
Again, your lack of understanding and comprehension is making you look foolish. Maybe you should take time to read what is written before replying.

yeah, you're right sniffy. However, I don't like bells anymore.
Ya.. Boohoo.. :rolleyes:

Get over yourself Cotton. Not everyone will always agree with you. And coming out with such comments of 'I don't like them anymore' shows how low your maturity level actually is.
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I will never get tired of sex.

Twelve years with the same person, and I am not tired at all. Neither is he, apparently.

Some tricks? Be open minded and make sure they are open minded. Don't get involved with people who have too much baggage or is co-dependant. Never get sexually involved with someone who associates love with sex and can't seperate the two. Consider porn a training tool, and not just an arousal tool. Communicate and make sure they can tell you what their wants/needs/desires are. Try not to have unrealistic ideals about sex, or about your partner's body... there is no perfect mold nor perfect shape. Make sure they aren't too sensitive, if they smell you should be able to tell them that without pain, and vice versa. Toys, straps, clamps, leather, cuffs and other such things are a good thing, not something to hide.

Just some ideas. I still get it 3-4 times a week, and it's still not enough.
Kotoko said:
I will never get tired of sex.

Twelve years with the same person, and I am not tired at all. Neither is he, apparently.

Some tricks? Be open minded and make sure they are open minded. Don't get involved with people who have too much baggage or is co-dependant. Never get sexually involved with someone who associates love with sex and can't seperate the two. Consider porn a training tool, and not just an arousal tool. Communicate and make sure they can tell you what their wants/needs/desires are. Try not to have unrealistic ideals about sex, or about your partner's body... there is no perfect mold nor perfect shape. Make sure they aren't too sensitive, if they smell you should be able to tell them that without pain, and vice versa. Toys, straps, clamps, leather, cuffs and other such things are a good thing, not something to hide.

Just some ideas. I still get it 3-4 times a week, and it's still not enough.

Well said!

Love and sex, while going hand in hand in many instances, are totally distinct from each other. And you are absolutely correct in saying that open and honest communication is vital. Good post!

Your misunderstanding is hilarious. Gosh you are such a dingus. I feel sort of bad for you!

Sounds typically christian to an ex-christian like me. It takes an ex to know one. Why must you deny yourself?! Stupid fucking christians. Hey, when was the last time you partook? 39 weeks ago? SO GOOD of you. Uptight bitch.
Hmmm 39 weeks? What was it for you? 2 1/2 years until a few weeks ago?

But that wasn't even Bells' point. Bells said prolong the sex act, not postpone. I'll explain a little more graphically so Cretintop can understand.

When engaging in any sort of sexual gratification, such as wrapping your meaty hand about your tiny cock and yanking up and down, you can vary the speeds. If you go fast and hard, gratification comes quickly, but is somewhat unfulfilling. What Bells was trying to say, though, was slow it down some. Tease that small, swollen appendage. Blue ball yourself a little. Wrap that fist about your member and pump hard and fast, then stop. Marvel that any woman would ever want to be near your chubby, white torso, then remember that's what the self service was for. Go back to yanking.

Are you registering any of this brickhead?
Roman said:

Your misunderstanding is hilarious. Gosh you are such a dingus. I feel sort of bad for you!
Hilarious.. yes. The caveman, chest thumping and 'misunderstanding' buffoons usually always amuse. Sadly, it (as in the replies from the individual) is all so predictable that it begins to bore. If it is not a threat, it is constant abuse and vulgarity. Maybe we should write slower and use simple words. Who the hell knows... But having to repeat oneself over and over again because of another's lack of reading and comprehension starts to wear thin and the amusement value begins to dissipate.
Bells, Roman, I don't care enough to respond to your crap. You two, among others, are some of the least intelligent people I have ever known. Don't you understand that it is this particular trait about you that causes me to want to simply revert to a caveman mentality? You act like you "know" something, then you jump all over me because you don't think I understand some of the shit you say. When, in actuality, I understand it too well, and thus don't care to respond to your childish, immature behavior in an intellectual or reasonable way. Get a grip, morons. You both are weak.