Three Experiments Challenging SRT

This is why scientists stick to measuring proper length.

We've established (I think) that proper length doesn't change. So it must have to do with some .. improper length ? .. I don't know, you seem to be disinclined to explain it.

The contraction is dependent on multiple factors, the most important being the relative speed between rod and observer. There are other factors (there is no such thing as a perfectly rigid rod) but given your stubborn refusal to read (and learn) mainstream science, I will leave you to bask in your ignorance.

Mainstream science does a fantastic job at explaining the world and all, to a non scientific audience. I can't recall one other area (except QM maybe, but let's put that aside for the moment) where science doesn't admirably and unambiguously explain itself to the satisfaction of enquiring, but non scientific minds.

Sounds like you, Quantum Quack and Masterov went to the same "school". Now you are coming out of the closet.

You are seeing ghosts where there are none. I didn't even go to school .. to speak of - I had to leave at middle high school to support my imigrant, destitute, poverty stricken family. How does that fact, however, put you into place of keener understanding of reality than I ?

Cut to the chase - can you tell me in Modern English, WHY the rod, in purely relative motion, contracts, and what is the physical mechanism (not some imaginary reference frame) that makes it do so ?
You are seeing ghosts where there are none. I didn't even go to school .. to speak of - I had to leave at middle high school to support my imigrant, destitute, poverty stricken family. How does that fact, however, put you into place of keener understanding of reality than I ?

You are not destitute now, why do you refuse to buy an inexpensive book (the one I recommended) and learn? Or you could try a class at the local college, they aren't very expensive and you seem to be retired, hence you have all the time in the world.

Cut to the chase - can you tell me in Modern English, WHY the rod, in purely relative motion, contracts, and what is the physical mechanism (not some imaginary reference frame) that makes it do so ?

The mechanism is simple, it is due to the relative motion. The math has been explained earlier.
You are not destitute now,

Very true ..

why do you refuse to buy an inexpensive book (the one I recommended) and learn? Or you could try a class at the local college, they aren't very expensive

It has absolutely nothing to do with expense. I have already given the answer to your question, in a variety of ways, and also in my previous post. It revolves around my belief that science should be able to explain it to me without me having to learn another language. I don't really want to go over this again and again though.

and you seem to be retired, hence you have all the time in the world.

I am curious as to how you came to these two asumptions.

The mechanism is simple, it is due to the relative motion. The math has been explained earlier.

OK - won't labour it any further, as we're going round in circles. I appreciate your efforts a great deal though. Thanks.
The mechanism is simple, it is due to the relative motion. The math has been explained earlier.

Is "relative motion" really the physical "mechanism"? Isn't it essentially just a mathematical "value of a relative measurement" by the observers involved according to their respective frames of reference?
We've established (I think) that proper length doesn't change. So it must have to do with some .. improper length ? .. I don't know, you seem to be disinclined to explain it.

Mainstream science does a fantastic job at explaining the world and all, to a non scientific audience. I can't recall one other area (except QM maybe, but let's put that aside for the moment) where science doesn't admirably and unambiguously explain itself to the satisfaction of enquiring, but non scientific minds.

You are seeing ghosts where there are none. I didn't even go to school .. to speak of - I had to leave at middle high school to support my imigrant, destitute, poverty stricken family. How does that fact, however, put you into place of keener understanding of reality than I ?

Cut to the chase - can you tell me in Modern English, WHY the rod, in purely relative motion, contracts, and what is the physical mechanism (not some imaginary reference frame) that makes it do so ?


The proper measurement, length, time, velocity, etc. is made where the event occurs. For instance you decide to walk to the store and you measure the time it takes on your wristwatch and you also count the steps you take to get there. The time it takes measured by your wristwatch as you walk to the store is the proper time and the distance to the the store is the proper length [distance]. These measurements occur in the proper frame of the event, you walking to the store, and subsequently these measurements are invariant. Remote coordinate observers who measure the time it takes you to walk to the store on their wristwatch and measure and meter the distance from their remote coordinate frame may or may not get the same time and distance that you get depending on the relative velocity between the frames and depending on the difference in position in the gravitational field or both. By using relativistic transformation equations to transform coordinates the remote observer will agree with the measurements made in the events proper frame, you walking to the store. If you use the relativistic transformation equations to transform to the remote observers coordinates you will agree with the measurements made there. The proper frame of the spacetime event is not frame dependent. All measurements are invariant. The spacetime event measurements made from remote coordinates are frame dependent. Not invariant. Look at the analogy I wrote down for you. The gravitational reason the measurements for time [ticks], distance [length], and velocity can be very close to the same or very different is the same reason I explained in the analogy. The other reason they can be very different is the relative velocity between the frames is very large. We usually don't notice big differences because we live in the weak field where the gravitational well is really shallow and we only deal with relativistic velocities in places like the LHC [experimentally]. One place where we have to account for very small relativistic effects is the GPS. We have to account for large relativistic effects at LHC and all other particle accelerator experiments.

The proper measurement, length, time, velocity, etc. is made where the event occurs. For instance you decide to walk to the store and you measure the time it takes on your wristwatch and you also count the steps you take to get there. The time it takes measured by your wristwatch as you walk to the store is the proper time and the distance to the the store is the proper length [distance]. These measurements occur in the proper frame of the event, you walking to the store, and subsequently these measurements are invariant. Remote coordinate observers who measure the time it takes you to walk to the store on their wristwatch and measure and meter the distance from their remote coordinate frame may or may not get the same time and distance that you get depending on the relative velocity between the frames and depending on the difference in position in the gravitational field or both. By using relativistic transformation equations to transform coordinates the remote observer will agree with the measurements made in the events proper frame, you walking to the store. If you use the relativistic transformation equations to transform to the remote observers coordinates you will agree with the measurements made there. The proper frame of the spacetime event is not frame dependent. All measurements are invariant. The spacetime event measurements made from remote coordinates are frame dependent. Not invariant. Look at the analogy I wrote down for you. The gravitational reason the measurements for time [ticks], distance [length], and velocity can be very close to the same or very different is the same reason I explained in the analogy. The other reason they can be very different is the relative velocity between the frames is very large. We usually don't notice big differences because we live in the weak field where the gravitational well is really shallow and we only deal with relativistic velocities in places like the LHC [experimentally]. One place where we have to account for very small relativistic effects is the GPS. We have to account for large relativistic effects at LHC and all other particle accelerator experiments.

Hi brucep; thanks for the above - I haven't ignored it. I presently find myself in a position where I am unable to give it or this discussion (or any other discussion) the consideration it deserves, due to significant time constraints. Hopefully, when things ease up, in a week, or two, or three .. I'll be able to again get involved. Thanks again.
I asked the very simple and straightforward question to that confessor SRT can not give a simple and clear answer.
This short question are killed SRT (as a scientific theory) faster shot killer. My question has turned SRT into open nonsense.

SRT scientific theory ever been.
SRT is a PR-project, which was promoted Jewish lobby.
SRT existed for a hundred years as a scientific theory only efforts of the Jewish lobby.

This simple question demonstrates the crisis in science, which is a consequence of the fact that scientific theories did not protected in the scientific debate, but it did lobbying by techniques that can not be used in science.

ß çàäàë î÷åíü ïðîñòîé è ïîíÿòíûé âîïðîñ, íà êîòîðûé èñïîâåäíèê SRT íå ìîãóò äàòü ïðîñòîé è ïîíÿòíûé îòâåò.
Ýòîò êîðîòêèé âîïðîñ óáèë SRT (êàê íàó÷íóþ òåîðèþ) áûñòðåå âûñòðåëà êèëëåðà. Ìîé âîïðîñ ïðåâðàòèë SRT â îòêðîâåííóþ ÷óøü.

SRT íèêîãäà íàó÷íîé òåîðèåé íå áûëà.
SRT ÿâëÿåòñÿ PR ïðîåêòîì, êîòîðûé áûë ðàñêðó÷åí åâðåéñêèì ëîááè.
SRT ïðîñóùåñòâîâàëà ñòî ëåò â êà÷åñòâå íàó÷íîé òåîðèè ëèøü óñèëèÿìè åâðåéñêîãî ëîááè.

Ýòîò ïðîñòîé âîïðîñ íàãëÿäíî äåìîíñòðèðóåò êðèçèñ â íàóêå, êîòîðûé ÿâëÿåòñÿ ñëåäñòâèåì òîãî, ÷òî íàó÷íûå òåîðèè íå çàùèùàþòñÿ â íàó÷íîé ïîëåìèêå, à ëîááèðóþòñÿ ìåòîäàìè, êîòîðûå â íàóêå ïðèìåíÿòü íåëüçÿ.
I asked the very simple and straightforward question to that confessor SRT can not give a simple and clear answer.
This short question are killed SRT (as a scientific theory) faster shot killer. My question has turned SRT into open nonsense.

SRT scientific theory ever been.
SRT is a PR-project, which was promoted Jewish lobby.
SRT existed for a hundred years as a scientific theory only efforts of the Jewish lobby.

This simple question demonstrates the crisis in science, which is a consequence of the fact that scientific theories did not protected in the scientific debate, but it did lobbying by techniques that can not be used in science.

ß çàäàë î÷åíü ïðîñòîé è ïîíÿòíûé âîïðîñ, íà êîòîðûé èñïîâåäíèê SRT íå ìîãóò äàòü ïðîñòîé è ïîíÿòíûé îòâåò.
Ýòîò êîðîòêèé âîïðîñ óáèë SRT (êàê íàó÷íóþ òåîðèþ) áûñòðåå âûñòðåëà êèëëåðà. Ìîé âîïðîñ ïðåâðàòèë SRT â îòêðîâåííóþ ÷óøü.

SRT íèêîãäà íàó÷íîé òåîðèåé íå áûëà.
SRT ÿâëÿåòñÿ PR ïðîåêòîì, êîòîðûé áûë ðàñêðó÷åí åâðåéñêèì ëîááè.
SRT ïðîñóùåñòâîâàëà ñòî ëåò â êà÷åñòâå íàó÷íîé òåîðèè ëèøü óñèëèÿìè åâðåéñêîãî ëîááè.

Ýòîò ïðîñòîé âîïðîñ íàãëÿäíî äåìîíñòðèðóåò êðèçèñ â íàóêå, êîòîðûé ÿâëÿåòñÿ ñëåäñòâèåì òîãî, ÷òî íàó÷íûå òåîðèè íå çàùèùàþòñÿ â íàó÷íîé ïîëåìèêå, à ëîááèðóþòñÿ ìåòîäàìè, êîòîðûå â íàóêå ïðèìåíÿòü íåëüçÿ.

To bad you don't possess the tools or will to understand the answer. Your problem. Show us one example where science uses your theory for research. Show us one scientist who would agree with your analysis. I'm fed up with ethnic slurs coming from your pie hole.
To bad you don't possess the tools or will to understand the answer. Your problem.
I? You don't possess the tools?
It's false.
See my monograph in order for you to make sure that I do possess the tools.
Show us one example where science uses your theory for research. Show us one scientist who would agree with your analysis.
Virtually all printed scientific journals are controlled by the Jewish lobby.
Attempts to publish scientific work (the content of which contradict SRT) Jewish lobby nip in the bud.

Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (controlled by the Jewish lobby) took three overbearing regulations that prohibit the publication, public discussion and funding scientific papers that contradict SRT.

For example:
The Jewish lobby is not allowed to publish me my monograph (even) as a preprint because I rejected this lobby.

Jewish lobby dismissed scientists (non-Jews), which have age more than 40 years.

I'm fed up with ethnic slurs coming from your pie hole.
Give a quote in which I made "ethnic slurs".
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Virtually all printed scientific journals are controlled by the Jewish lobby.
Attempts to publish scientific work (the content of which contradict SRT) Jewish lobby nip in the bud.

Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (controlled by the Jewish lobby) took three overbearing regulations that prohibit the publication, public discussion and funding scientific papers that contradict SRT.

For example:
The Jewish lobby is not allowed to publish me my monograph (even) as a preprint because I rejected this lobby.

Jewish lobby dismissed scientists (non-Jews), which have age more than 40 years.

Give a quote in which I made "ethnic slurs".

WTF?? This guy is completely losing it - assuming he ever had 'it'!
I? You don't possess the tools?
It's false.
See my monograph in order for you to make sure that I do possess the tools.
Virtually all printed scientific journals are controlled by the Jewish lobby.
Attempts to publish scientific work (the content of which contradict SRT) Jewish lobby nip in the bud.

Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (controlled by the Jewish lobby) took three overbearing regulations that prohibit the publication, public discussion and funding scientific papers that contradict SRT.

For example:
The Jewish lobby is not allowed to publish me my monograph (even) as a preprint because I rejected this lobby.

Jewish lobby dismissed scientists (non-Jews), which have age more than 40 years.

Give a quote in which I made "ethnic slurs".

Your theory is meaningless nonsense so it contradicts reality including any theory which describes real natural phenomena. Your inability to accept your theory is nonsensical means you're either intellectually dishonest or 'tool less ignorant'. Both, according to my analysis of your ability to complete any meaningful scientific analysis. The slur is your stated belief that a specific ethnic group is responsible for others thinking your 'stupid irrelevant theory' is nonsensical and not allowing it to be published. You need to shut up and face the music that your theory is rubbish and will never be published because it's rubbish. I'm not Jewish so your going to have to find a different excuse why I think your theory is RUBBISH and shouldn't even be published in a non peer reviewed public science forum. So put a cork 'in the whining ethnic slur' and go away.
Your theory is meaningless nonsense so it contradicts reality including any theory which describes real natural phenomena. Your inability to accept your theory is nonsensical means you're either intellectually dishonest or 'tool less ignorant'. Both, according to my analysis of your ability to complete any meaningful scientific analysis. The slur is your stated belief that a specific ethnic group is responsible for others thinking your 'stupid irrelevant theory' is nonsensical and not allowing it to be published. You need to shut up and face the music that your theory is rubbish and will never be published because it's rubbish. I'm not Jewish so your going to have to find a different excuse why I think your theory is RUBBISH and shouldn't even be published in a non peer reviewed public science forum. So put a cork 'in the whining ethnic slur' and go away.
Your text do not have arguments.
Such methods of the opposition are not acceptable to to scientific controversy.
I hate Fascists.
Fascists killed the father of my mother in the 1945th year.
But this does not mean that I hate all Germans.

I hate Nazis.
Nazis, who disguise themselves in the garb of the victims of Nazism, cause the greatest my loathing.
But this does not mean that I hate all Jews.

My ancestors were not stupid and not poor people.
Jews the Nazis killed and robbed my father's father, his six brothers and their families in 1932 of year.
Pregnant woman with two small children stayed alive then.
This woman was pregnant with my father, and she died of hunger later.
My father and two of his brothers are looked for food in the garbage.
In this photo are my family in 1966.
My brother and I went to school in the first grade of this house.

View attachment 6007
Jewish Nazis, by lobbying their theory, rob us again.
Nazis forbade to publish my research work.
Jewish Nazis fired me from science in 2003.
They not only robbed me.
Jewish Nazis (by banned the publication of scientific works) rob us all.

As long as the scientific will not community is freed from the oppression of the Nazis in the sciences, Science will not be in science!
Я ненавижу фашистов.
Фашисты убили отца моей матери в 1945-ом году.
Но это не значит, что я ненавижу всех немцев.

Я ненавижу нацистов.
Нацисты, которые переодеваются в одежды жертв нацизма, вызывают наибольшее отвращение мое.
Но это не значит, что я ненавижу всех евреев.

Мои предки не были глупыми и бедными людьми.
Евреи-нацисты убили и ограбили отца моего отца, шестерых его братьев и их семьи в 1932-ом году.
Беременная женщина с двумя малолетними детьми осталась в живых тогда.
Эта женщина была беременна моим отцом, и она умерла с голоду позднее.
Мой отец и два его брата искали себе еду на помойке.
На этой фотографии моя семья в 1966-ом году.
Я и мой брат пошел в школу, в первый класс, из этого дома.

Евреи-нацисты, лоббируя их теории, снова грабят нас.
Евреи-нацисты запретили публиковать мои научные работы.
Евреи-нацисты уволили меня из науки в 2003-ем году.
Этим они ограбили не только меня.
Евреи-нацисты, запретами публикации научных работ грабят всех нас.

До тех пор, пока научная общественность не освободится от притеснений нацистов в науке, Науки в науке не будет!
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Einstein was also a Jew and he got his work accepted AND published - because it was proven correct.

You, on the other hand, have not proven ANY of your nonsense correct and never will.

And your continued hatred due to atrocities committed LONG ago - which no one can do *anything* about - only serve to warp your mind.
Einstein was also a Jew and he got his work accepted AND published - because it was proven correct.

You, on the other hand, have not proven ANY of your nonsense correct and never will.

And your continued hatred due to atrocities committed LONG ago - which no one can do *anything* about - only serve to warp your mind.
That was formerly (before).
We did not have Internet yesterday.
Jewish Nazis controlled scientific publishing.
Jewish Nazis forbade criticism of their theories.

Jewish Nazis can not forbid the publication on the Internet today.

Internet free science from Nazi oppression in many cases.
That was formerly (before).
We did not have Internet yesterday.
Jewish Nazis controlled scientific publishing.
Jewish Nazis forbade criticism of their theories.

Jewish Nazis can not forbid the publication on the Internet today.

Internet free science from Nazi oppression in many cases.

None of that has ANY bearing on what I said.

Internet or not, the REAL problem you have is that your claims are WORTHLESS and will never be accepted nor published by anyone BECAUSE they are worthless!
None of that has ANY bearing on what I said.

Internet or not, the REAL problem you have is that your claims are WORTHLESS and will never be accepted nor published by anyone BECAUSE they are worthless!
Fan's experiment shows the opposite.

Time will tell truth.
It already has - you and your nonsense will be ridiculed until the day it's completely forgotten.
He laughs best who laughs at the end (last).

When many facts of falsification of scientific results (in favor of SRT) will be officially recognized when it is proven that SRT is not a scientific theory, when it is proven that SRT is a PR-project of Zionist Nazis who occupied the scientific institutions around world, then the scientific community will do cleaned science from the Nazis - will you laugh at that time?

Когда факт подлога научных результатов (в пользу SRT) будет признан официально, когда будет доказано, что SRT не является научной теорией, когда будет доказано, что SRT является PR проектом сионистских нацистов, которые оккупировали научные учреждения по всему миру, тогда научная общественность станет очищать науку от нацистов – вы будете смеяться тогда?