Three Experiments Challenging SRT

Your text do not have arguments.
Such methods of the opposition are not acceptable to to scientific controversy.

It's been established add infinitum that your arguments are scientifically specious. What you think is irrelevant.
Provide one experiment where your theory is being used for research. Name one physicist who uses your theory for research. Whining in a public science forum doesn't count.

BTW unless you can answer my query there is NO controversy.
I could not translate it into Russian.

If you can't understand mathematics and English you should, at the least, find a forum to post in using your native tongue. Citing 'translation' is the reason you can't respond is intellectually dishonest
If you can't understand mathematics
See my monograph in order for you to make sure that I do possess the tools.
Whining in a public science forum doesn't count.
I do not have the habit of whining.
you should, at the least, find a forum to post in using your native tongue.
Do not tell me what I should do, and I will not say - where you need to go.
What you think is irrelevant.
Why not?
Is it because I was not born a Jew?
Provide one experiment where your theory is being used for research. Name one physicist who uses your theory for research.
See topic.
BTW unless you can answer my query there is NO controversy.
Please answer this simple question:


Why is the distance between the mirrors (L) is absolute?

If $$L'=L\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}$$ then $$\Delta t'=\Delta t$$.

Why is the distance between the mirrors (L) is absolute?

If $$L'=L\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}$$ then $$\Delta t'=\Delta t$$.


Because the resulting coordinate transformation does not form a symmetry group, and so would have no obvious physical interpretation as well as directly contradicting the principle of relativity.

This exact answer has already been explained to you many times. Why are you asking a question over and over again that has already been answered for you?
Because the resulting coordinate transformation does not form a symmetry group, and so would have no obvious physical interpretation as well as directly contradicting the principle of relativity.

This exact answer has already been explained to you many times. Why are you asking a question over and over again that has already been answered for you?
1. Have you tried to write the coordinate transformation for a case of relative spatial scales and absolute time?
What have you got?

2. LT describe visual coordinates.
LT has an indirect relationship for real coordinates.
Relativistic effects are visual.
Requirements of symmetry for visual effects is superfluous.

3. Transverse Doppler effect (which is a consequence of the relativity of time) violates the principle of causality.
Therefore relativity Einstein can not be physical.

1. Вы пробовали записать преобразования координат для случая относительных пространственных масштабов и абсолютного времени?
Что у вас получилось?

2. LT описывают визуальные координаты.
К реальным координатам LT имеет косвенное отношение.
Релятивистские эффекты являются визуальными.
Требования симметрии для визуальных эффектов является лишним.

3. Поперечный эффект Доплера (который является следствием относительности времени) нарушает принцип причинности.
Поэтому релятивизм Эйнштейна не может быть физичным.
1. Have you tried to write the coordinate transformation for a case of relative spatial scales and absolute time?
What have you got?

In 1+3 dimensions, you get something that either isn't a group, violates invariance of c, or includes symmetries (such as dilation) that are not observed in physics.

2. LT describe visual coordinates.

False. The Lorentz transformation is an exact symmetry of modern physics as of 2012, including electromagnetism, relativistic mechanics, and the Standard Model. The Lorentz transformation is also a local symmetry in general relativity.

Your misunderstanding is contradicted by the very definition of relativity. See e.g.:

The Principle of Relativity – The laws by which the states of physical systems undergo change are not affected, whether these changes of state be referred to the one or the other of two systems in uniform translatory motion relative to each other.

This is describing a velocity-dependent symmetry in physics, and not a "visual effect". You have already admitted you don't understand relativity. You never will as long as you cling to misconceptions like this.

3. Transverse Doppler effect (which is a consequence of the relativity of time) violates the principle of causality.
Therefore relativity Einstein can not be physical.

False. The Lorentz transformation is known to preserve the temporal order of timelike separated events (i.e. such that $$c | \Delta t | \,\geq\, \Delta r$$). Relativity thus does not predict causality violations provided there is no superluminal communication.
In 1+3 dimensions, you get something that either isn't a group, violates invariance of c, or includes symmetries that are not observed in nature.
You received this conclusion out of nowhere.
False. The Lorentz transformation is an exact symmetry of modern physics as of 2012, including electromagnetism, relativistic mechanics, and the Standard Model. The Lorentz transformation is also a local symmetry in general relativity.
Real coordinates (of stars and galaxies, for example) do not depend on the speed of EME.
The visual coordinates depends on speed of light .
LT describe the visual coordinates of stars and galaxies.
But we do know that the stars and galaxies are still not where we see them.
It seems strange that I have to convince you of that.
False. The Lorentz transformation is known to preserve the temporal order of timelike separated events (i.e. such that ). Relativity thus does not predict causality violations provided there is no superluminal communication.
If one twin sees delay of time of another, then the other (the latter twin) will be see the acceleration of the first twin.
Otherwise violate the principle of causality.
But LT argue that both twins will observe time dilation.
You received this conclusion out of nowhere.

You are confused about why I am posting here. I am not trying to prove anything to you. That's already been done ad nauseam in this thread and you've been shown to understand nothing about relativity. It took the first 15 pages just to explain what the equation $$(c \Delta t)^{2} \,-\, (\Delta x)^{2} \,=\, (c \Delta t')^{2} \,-\, (\Delta x')^{2}$$ really meant in relativity. I am simply calling you out on your lying. You asked:

Why is the distance between the mirrors (L) is absolute?

That has already been answered for you. Many times. Look it up if you really want to know, instead of wasting everyone's time.
See my monograph in order for you to make sure that I do possess the tools.I do not have the habit of whining.Do not tell me what I should do, and I will not say - where you need to go.Why not?
Is it because I was not born a Jew?See topic.Please answer this simple question:


Why is the distance between the mirrors (L) is absolute?

If $$L'=L\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}$$ then $$\Delta t'=\Delta t$$.


Nitwit. I'm going with przyk's comment in post #1166.
"Because the resulting coordinate transformation does not form a symmetry group, and so would have no obvious physical interpretation as well as directly contradicting the principle of relativity."

You're in a permanent orbit around the BIG dunce stool.
Nitwit. I'm going with przyk's comment in post #1166.
"Because the resulting coordinate transformation does not form a symmetry group, and so would have no obvious physical interpretation as well as directly contradicting the principle of relativity."

You're in a permanent orbit around the BIG dunce stool.
Unfortunately I was not able to adequately translate your text.
I did not see the scientific reasoning of your text.

You (apparently) trying to insult me, but Google can not translate adequately offensive language. This - the first.

Second: you can not have possibility to insult me by words inasmuch as your text have no cost argument.
Your attempts to insult me ​​remind me barking mongrel small dog from under a fence.

I am very pleased that the Nazis have negative feelings after reading my posts.


К сожалению, я не смог адекватно перевести ваш текст.
Я не увидел научной аргументации.

Вы (видимо) пытаетесь оскорбить меня, но Google не умеет переводить адекватно оскорбительные выражения. Это – первое.

Второе: меня невозможно оскорбить словами, за которыми не стоит аргументация.
Ваши попытки оскорбить меня напоминают лай беспородной шавки из под забора.

Я очень доволен тем, что нацисты испытывают отрицательные эмоции после прочтения моих постов.
Unfortunately I was not able to adequately translate your text.
I did not see the scientific reasoning of your text.

You (apparently) trying to insult me, but Google can not translate adequately offensive language. This - the first.

Second: you can not have possibility to insult me by words inasmuch as your text have no cost argument.
Your attempts to insult me ​​remind me barking mongrel small dog from under a fence.

I am very pleased that the Nazis have negative feelings after reading my posts.


К сожалению, я не смог адекватно перевести ваш текст.
Я не увидел научной аргументации.

Вы (видимо) пытаетесь оскорбить меня, но Google не умеет переводить адекватно оскорбительные выражения. Это – первое.

Второе: меня невозможно оскорбить словами, за которыми не стоит аргументация.
Ваши попытки оскорбить меня напоминают лай беспородной шавки из под забора.

Я очень доволен тем, что нацисты испытывают отрицательные эмоции после прочтения моих постов.

But the post did contain a reply which you did not address, and which must have translated adequately. The reply to your question was;

"Because the resulting coordinate transformation does not form a symmetry group, and so would have no obvious physical interpretation as well as directly contradicting the principle of relativity."

What is your response to that ?
"Because the resulting coordinate transformation does not form a symmetry group..."
LT describe the visual (unreal) coordinates (of stars and galaxies for example).
Physical coordinates of the objects are described by Galilean transformations.
Physical coordinates of the objects do not depend on the properties of electromagnetic wave.
LT describe the visual (unreal) coordinates (of stars and galaxies for example).
Physical coordinates of the objects are described by Galilean transformations.
Physical coordinates of the objects do not depend on the properties of electromagnetic wave.

Why would anyone believe you? It is clear that you are a member of the Quetzalcoatlian cabal trying to promot your socialistic capitalism through the destruction of relativity!

You should be ashamed.
Now you understand how we feel about your silly 'jewish lobby' rants! Ha ha ha indeed.
Relativism is an optical effect.
No more.
Релятивизм является оптическим эффектом.
Не более того.
Relativism is an optical effect.
No more.
Релятивизм является оптическим эффектом.
Не более того.

Your mama is an optical effect.