Three Experiments Challenging SRT

Then how do all object measure the same speed for light? If I was to throw a ball on a train, the person on the train would measure it to travel one speed, and someone not on the train would see it travel another speed. The ball will be seen to travel at two different speeds! So then how could they both see the ball to travel at the same speed if it is just a visible change? It is not just a visible change because they both measure light to travel at the same speed! It is not just like looking at a ball being thrown down a train. Something has to be going on in order for two objects traveling at different speeds to always measure something travel the same speed, no matter what speed they may be moving!

eh? my 2 cents... because "energy- light" can not be treated separately to mass. Energy has no independant of mass existance.
eh? my 2 cents... because "energy- light" can not be treated separately to mass. Energy has no independant of mass existance.

I was taught in school that photons had no mass, and have read that they have been theorized to not have mass because if they did, then traveling the speed of light would increase their mass to infinity. So then if it had no mass then, zero times infinity is still zero. A particle with mass cannot travel the speed of light. The only reason why light curves by a gravitational body is because it is following the curvature of spacetime. Energy without mass would act the same way. But, I don't think I have found any forum on the internet that has yet to reach a consenses on this matter or that is has among the scientific community. An object with mass will always measure the speed of light to be the speed of light faster than it is traveling. I take the side of light having no mass. I don't think anyone has been able to prove that light does have mass, and from my perpective it is a form of pure energy. If light did have mass, it would be too small to be able to detect. So we know for sure that it at least has very little or no mass.
... The only reason why light curves by a gravitational body is because it is following the curvature of spacetime. ...
Why "the only reason"?
You to see "the only reason".
You only.
The one reason only.

Look for another explanation for the known facts.
The explanations that you have found are an errors.
Why "the only reason"?
You to see "the only reason".
You only.
The one reason only.

Look for another explanation for the known facts.
The explanations that you have found are an errors.
The fact that light is affected this way, was Einsteins prediction of gravitational lensing. It was one of the reason why people started to accept his theories. I would hope more people than just me realize this here. In Einsteins theory, light would curve because of a gravitational body because it is following the curvature of spacetime. This is one way Eisteins theories are introduced when teaching them.
I theoretically proved the falsity of the statements of physicists that they were able to (allegedly) disperse the electrons to energies that are measured MeV, GeV and TeV.
FAN experimentally proved about that.
We did destroyed Einstein's Theory of Relativity, both theoretically and experimentally.
But in science it does not change anything, because theories of Zionists are protected by publication bans for scientific theories, materials of which contradict the dogma imposed Zionists on us.
Zionists offer to lie as much as you did before.
If you accept take Science that is based on lies and which is controlled by religious sects - you to have the right to it. I have no rights and opportunities to impose your opinion.
Continue to lie to themselves and others, and if a lies not prevent you from living happily.
Я теоретически доказал лживость заявлений физиков о том, что им удалось разогнать электрон до энергий, которые измеряются МэВ, ГэВ и ТэВ.
FAN доказал это экспериментально.

Теория Относительности Эйнштейна уничтожена как теоретически, так и экспериментально.

Но в науке это ничего не меняет, поскольку научные теории защищаются запретами сионистов на публикацию и финансирование работ, материалы которых противоречат догмам, навязанным нам сионистами.

Вам предлагают лгать так, как вы это делали раньше.
Если вас устраивает наука, которая строится на лжи и управляется религиозными сектантами, то у меня нет никаких прав и возможностей, чтобы навязывать вам иное мнение.
Продолжайте врать себе и окружающим, если ваша и чужая ложь не мешает вам жить счастливо.
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I theoretically proved the falsity of the statements of physicists that they were able to (allegedly) disperse the electrons to energies that are measured MeV, GeV and TeV.
FAN proved it experimentally.
We did destroyed Einstein's Theory of Relativity, both theoretically and experimentally.
But in science it does not change anything, because theories of Zionists are protected by publication bans for scientific theories, materials of which contradict the dogma imposed Zionists on us.

The correct term for this is Batshit Crazy.
I theoretically proved the falsity of the statements of physicists that they were able to (allegedly) disperse the electrons to energies that are measured MeV, GeV and TeV.
FAN experimentally proved about that.
We did destroyed Einstein's Theory of Relativity, both theoretically and experimentally.
But in science it does not change anything, because theories of Zionists are protected by publication bans for scientific theories, materials of which contradict the dogma imposed Zionists on us.
Zionists offer to lie as much as you did before.
If you accept take Science that is based on lies and which is controlled by religious sects - you to have the right to it. I have no rights and opportunities to impose your opinion.
Continue to lie to themselves and others, and if a lies not prevent you from living happily.

Note the typical example of "jumping down smb.'s throat" of a scientific by Zionist Inquisition:

The forum sought to discuss the results of experiments FAN

Moderator E-Eater reports the following:

is not the place to discuss someone's uneducated nonsense, even if of Chinese.

After that topic is closed.
Обратите внимание на типичный пример действия сионистской инквизиции.

На форуме была предпринята попытка обсудить результаты экспериментов FAN

Модератор E-Eater сообщает следующее:

Здесь не место обсуждать чей-то малограмотный бред, хотя бы и китайский.

После чего тема закрывается.
The evidence is that for a free particle: energy, momentum and velocity are related by $$E \vec{v} = c^2 \vec{p}$$ and $$E^2 - \left( \vec{p} c \right)^2 = \left( mc^2 \right)^2$$ and that experiments designed to compare the performance of this model to the Newtonian or Masterov model always favor (Special) Relativity. ... Fan's experiment, if not his paper, supports Special Relativity over Newton and over Fan's pet theory which Masterov also rejects. ... The evidence says your position is in the wrong and therefore is no reason for me to change my opinion.

You assume, without evidence on your side and ignore evidence not on your side.
Physics assumes, then tests those assumptions and rejects them if they don't agree with the universe.
Thus, what you are doing is not physics.

Note the typical example of "jumping down smb.'s throat" of a scientific by Zionist Inquisition:

The forum sought to discuss the results of experiments FAN

Moderator E-Eater reports the following:

is not the place to discuss someone's uneducated nonsense, even if of Chinese.

After that topic is closed.

1) By your unsupported accusation of "zionist" you show that you often make claims which are nothing more than uneducated nonsense
2) You avoid education and instead of reading, understanding and making an argument to the above quoted posts, you simply invent reasons to ignore them.
3) At no point in these 60+ pages do you support your claims with evidence or arguments in their favor. You offer as evidence only Fan's paper which does not support either your or Fan's claims.
4) You blame your uneducated state (i.e. your claimed inability to understand English) to explain why we should forgive your uneducated nonsense (making claims without supporting them with evidence or logical argument and ignoring evidence and logical argument which counter your claims).
5) You blame an imaginary conspiracy for the choices made to follow evidence and logical argument
6) You make up lies about what the content of widely taught and well-understood physical theories are

Where have you offered evidence that what you post is not uneducated nonsense?


1) С неподдерживаемый обвинению в «сионистском" вы показали, что вы часто делают заявления, которые являются не более чем необразованные ерунда.
2) Вы избегаете обучения ничего. Вместо чтения, понимания и ответа из аргументов в вышеуказанной статье, вы просто придумали плохие причины, чтобы игнорировать их.
3) В более чем 60 страниц, Вы никогда не поддерживаем ваше заявление с доказательствами. Вы никогда не используют логические аргументы для вашей претензии. Вы предложили в качестве доказательства документ Фан, который не поддерживает тезис Фан, или ваш тезис. (Вы никогда не понимал, что претензии Фан не было ваше требование.)
4) Вы продолжаете обвинять вашего необразованные состоянии (т.е. ваша утверждал, неспособность понять, на английском языке), чтобы объяснить, почему мы должны прощать глупые необразованные письменной форме (без предоставления доказательств или логических аргументов и игнорировании доказательств и логических аргументов противостоять вашим требованиям).
5) Вы виновны в погоне мнимого заговора. Ученые следуют доказательств и логических аргументов. Научно идеологии = "Реальность такова, важно". Ваша оппозиция кажется, необразованные (потому что вас не знает наука), и кажется, глупо (вы пишете о вещах, которые важны для вас, но не являются реальными.)
6) Вы составляющие ложь о содержании широко преподается и хорошо понимал физических теорий.

Где вы предлагали доказательства того, что то, что вы пост не необразованного глупости?


1) With an unsupported charge of "Zionist" you have shown that you often make statements that are nothing more than uneducated nonsense.
2) you avoid learning anything. Instead of reading, understanding, and response of the arguments in the above article, you just come up with a bad reason to ignore them.
3) In more than 60 pages, you will never support your claim with evidence. You never use logical arguments for your claim. You offered into evidence a document Fan that does not support the thesis Fan, or your thesis. (You never understood that claim Fan was not your claim.)
4) You continue to blame your uneducated state (ie your stated inability to understand the English language), to explain why we should forgive stupid uneducated writing (no evidence or logical arguments and ignoring the evidence and logical arguments confront your requirements).
5) You are guilty of chasing imaginary conspiracy. Scientists follow the evidence and logical arguments. Scientific ideology = "The reality is important." Your opposition seems uneducated (because you do not know science), and it seems silly (you write about things that are important to you, but are not real.)
6) Do you make up a lie about the content of widely taught and understood physical theories.

Where you offered proof that what you post is not an uneducated nonsense?
You offer as evidence only Fan's paper which does not support either your or Fan's claims.
See Table 4:

I insisted that the temperature does not increase as SRT claimed.
FAN is experimentally shown it.
Linac’s working energy [MeV]68101215
Measured temperature increase [C]0.250.300.320.340.35

I have not talked about a conspiracy.
You talked about conspiracy .
You accuse me of something that I did not.

Я настаивал на том, что температура не растёт, как это утверждает SRT.
FAN показал это экспериментально.

Я не говорил о заговоре.
О заговоре говорили вы.
Вы обвиняете меня в том, чего я не делал.
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Note the typical example of "jumping down smb.'s throat" of a scientific by Zionist Inquisition:

The forum sought to discuss the results of experiments FAN

Moderator E-Eater reports the following:

is not the place to discuss someone's uneducated nonsense, even if of Chinese.

After that topic is closed.

Good for them. They do not have to endure your page after page of nonesense.
I have not talked about a conspiracy.
You talked about conspiracy .
You accuse me of something that I did not.

That leaves 3 choices:

1 You do not know what conspiracy means
2 You are lying
3 You are delusional.
That leaves 3 choices:

1 You do not know what conspiracy means
2 You are lying
3 You are delusional.
I know what conspiracy means.
This word does not fit within the meaning of this case.

I will try to explain again that there has been lobbying interests.

Zionists are interested in promoting exclusivity (God's chosen people) of Jews.
SRT and its author is a symbol and proof that the Jews are the most intelligent among us, which proves the uniqueness and God's chosen people the Jews.

Zionists (using huge finance) control virtually all scientific publications. (An exception may be Japan and China.) Therefore the Zionists have the ability (and use it) to prevent the publication of scientific articles, the content of which is contrary SRT.

So Zionists lobby their interests in science.
Я постараюсь ещё раз пояснить, что имеет место лоббирование интересов.

Сионисты заинтересованы в пропаганде исключительности (богоизбранности) евреев.
SRT и её автор является символом и доказательством того, что евреи являются самыми умными среди нас, что доказывает исключительность и богоизбранность евреев.

Сионисты (используя огромные финансы) контролируют практически все научные издания. (Исключением может быть Япония и Китай.) Поэтому сионисты имеют возможность (и пользуются ей), чтобы препятствовать публикации научных статей, содержание которых противоречит SRT.

Так сионисты лоббируют свои интересы в науке.
1) You are describing a conspiracy.
2) You misunderstand the content of SRT
3) You seem motivated by jealousy
4) As it is unscientific, in the extreme, to credit all members of a group for the work of one, your conspiracy theory doesn't make sense.
5) Your understanding of finance and the business of running a scientific journal seems deeply flawed.
6) Even if your baseless claims about the nature of scientific publishing were true, it doesn't explain why Fan's results were consistent with $$k > 0$$ when Newton predicts $$k = 0$$ and Fan predicts $$k < 0$$.
7) Even if your baseless claims about the motives of scientific publishers were true, it doesn't change the fact that science is whole and indivisible. States and nations and individuals do not own or control their contributions to the whole of human knowledge -- it is shared by all to the benefit of all.
8) Even if we lived in a universe where everything you claimed in the above paragraph was true, it doesn't change the empirical fact that Einstein's Special Relativity and General Relativity passed Fan's test as well as the tests of all others, including experiments before Einstein was born.
Moderator note: Masterov has been banned for 1 week for hate speech.

This is his second ban in the same thread for this. Let's hope we don't need to keep imposing more and more bans.
Masterov said ..

Zionists (using huge finance) control virtually all scientific publications. (An exception may be Japan and China.) Therefore the Zionists have the ability (and use it) to prevent the publication of scientific articles, the content of which is contrary SRT.

China and Japan - now there's a rather large exception .. over a quarter of the worlds population.

Which makes one wonder, how does the Chinese scientific establishment feel about Relativity, Einstein, etc. Anyone know ?