Three Experiments Challenging SRT

I do not find my topic "Master Theory (edition 3)".

My topic has been removed?
Why my topic was deleted?
Please note that the link to my topic (Master-Theory (edition-3)) are valid, but this topic itself is not in the section no exist.

This fact is a good example for: what methods protected SRT to practised?
Maybe someone too incompetent to link to his own thread should be spending more time reading about physics and less time trying to pollute it.

The forum hides old topics with no new posts because this is a discussion forum, not a repository of information.
That would be too much like honest discussion though Rpenner and Masterov has a paranoid conspiracy theory to maintain.
I do not find my topic "Master Theory (edition 3)".

My topic has been removed?
Why my topic was deleted?
Please note that the link to my topic (Master-Theory (edition-3)) are valid, but this topic itself is not in the section no exist.

This fact is a good example for: what methods protected SRT to practised?

Nothing has been removed, the garbage you have been posting is intact, testimony of your ineptitude.
Nothing has been removed, the garbage you have been posting is intact, testimony of your ineptitude.
You do not publish my manuscript, but did not pull it in a thousand different directions.
You sent to the bin all of it.

I have to be satisfied with that?

Вы не стали публиковать рукопись, но и не порвали её.
Вы её отправили в мусорную корзину целиком.

Я должен быть удовлетворён этим?
Last edited:
You don't have a "MANUscript", you have a piece of "MANUre". Unpublishable.
You have the right to have this opinion.
But you can not have denomination of Democrats who brutally silencing opponents.

Science in which there is no democracy, turns to religion.
Therefore you are not a scientist.
You are a member of a religious sect, which occupied the science around the world.
The sect paralyzed the evolutionary processes in science.
As long as the scientific community did not banish from science sectarians Science in science returns.

Вы имеете право иметь такое мнение.
Но нельзя считать демократами тех, кто грубо затыкает рот оппоненту.

Наука, в которой нет демократии, превращается в религию.
Следовательно вы не являетесь учёным.
Вы являетесь представителем религиозной секты, которая оккупировала науку по всему миру.
Эта секта парализовала эволюционные процессы в науке.
До тех пор, пока научная общественность не изгонит из науки сектантов, Наука в науку не вернётся.
You have the right to have this opinion.
But you can not have denomination of Democrats who brutally silencing opponents.

Science in which there is no democracy, turns to religion.
Therefore you are not a scientist.
You are a member of a religious sect, which occupied the science around the world.
The sect paralyzed the evolutionary processes in science.
As long as the scientific community did not banish from science sectarians Science in science returns.

What does it matter ? It's not as though you, they, or anyone else will have some ultimate, undeniable truth anytime soon .. or anytime !

So what does it matter ? Can you progress into infinity ?