Three Experiments Challenging SRT

I hope you are aware that you have just destroyed any possible credibility that your theories may have had?

Seems like a plan !

I don't know, I think Masterov like many others are totally frustrated with the way discussion takes place regarding Special Relativity. This is not a new phenonema and has plagued SRT since it was first accepted by the mainstream years ago. He has decided to lash out at those he has "secretly" or publically believed to be responsible for his frustration. IMO
At the moment I know of probably about 6 or so major issues regarding the logical consistancy of SRT, none of which can be discussed properly here or any where. So I can empathise with Masterovs frustration but I can not agree to his racist "venting" of this frustration.
I don't know, I think Masterov like many others are totally frustrated with the way discussion takes place regarding Special Relativity. This is not a new phenonema and has plagued SRT since it was first accepted by the mainstream years ago. He has decided to lash out at those he has "secretly" or publically believed to be responsible for his frustration. IMO
At the moment I know of probably about 6 or so major issues regarding the logical consistancy of SRT, none of which can be discussed properly here or any where. So I can empathise with Masterovs frustration but I can not agree to his racist "venting" of this frustration.

I don't know .. I had a soft spot for Masterov and his 'in your face' challenge concerning SRT. His recent post however, and particularly his juxtiposition of Nazis and 'evil Jews' in a conspiracy against any challenge of SRTwas well, beyond offensive. I don't even mind offensive, but it was kind of deranged - so much so, as to lead me to suspect the whole thing a set up. Anyway - enough of Masterov.

Since my earlier dialogue with a couple of other posters, who to their credit, helped me a great deal in understanding GR more, I've been spending a deal of time reading up on, and trying to come to terms with SRT. But I can't seem to do it. Which is strange for me, because in my life, I HAVE turned my mind to concepts alien to me, and eventually understood them, and often very quickly. No such luck with SRT. I still can't in any way whatsover, see how my twin, travelling at great speed away from the earth and then back, would arrive back younger than me. I can't do it.

What are the 6 or so major issues you refer to (in laymans terms please) ?

edit last line; main to major
I do not have the energy to answer every man.

Goebbels preached the superiority of German race.
Rabbis preach God's chosen people the Jews.

I see no difference in principle between preachings of Goebbels and preachings of Rabbis.
We have chauvinism in both cases.

ß íå èìåþ ñèë, ÷òîáû îòâå÷àòü êàæäîìó.

Ãåááåëüñ ïðîïîâåäîâàë ïðåâîñõîäñòâî íåìåöêîé ðàñû.
Ðàââèíû ïðîïîâåäóþò áîãîèçáðàííîñòü åâðååâ.

ß íå âèæó ïðèíöèïèàëüíîé ðàçíèöû ìåæäó ïðîïîâåäÿìè Ãåááåëüñà è ïðîïîâåäÿìè ðàââèíîâ.
Ìû èìååì øîâèíèçì â îáîèõ ñëó÷àÿõ.
I hate fascism, but that does not mean that I hate the Germans.

I hate Nazis.
I particularly hate the Nazis, who are hiding in sheep's clothing of victims of Nazism.
But this does not mean that I hate all Jews.
I do not believe that Jews are the Nazis.

Nazis can not be upset about the fact that they was the victim of Nazism.

ß íåíàâèæó ôàøèçì, íî ýòî íå çíà÷èò, ÷òî ÿ íåíàâèæó íåìöåâ.

ß íåíàâèæó íàöèñòîâ.
Îñîáî ÿ íåíàâèæó íàöèñòîâ, êîòîðûå ïðÿ÷óòñÿ â îâå÷üè øêóðû æåðòâ íàöèçìà.
Íî ýòî íå çíà÷èò, ÷òî ÿ íåíàâèæó âñåõ åâðååâ.
ß íå ñ÷èòàþ, ÷òî âñå åâðåè ÿâëÿþòñÿ íàöèñòàìè.

Íàöèñò íå ìîæåò îãîð÷àòüñÿ ïî ïîâîäó òîãî, ÷òî îí ñòàë æåðòâîé íàöèçìà.
I hate fascism, but that does not mean that I hate the Germans.

I hate Nazis.
I particularly hate the Nazis, who are hiding in sheep's clothing of victims of Nazism.
But this does not mean that I hate all Jews.
I do not believe that Jews are the Nazis.

Nazis can not be upset about the fact that they was the victim of Nazism.

ß íåíàâèæó ôàøèçì, íî ýòî íå çíà÷èò, ÷òî ÿ íåíàâèæó íåìöåâ.

ß íåíàâèæó íàöèñòîâ.
Îñîáî ÿ íåíàâèæó íàöèñòîâ, êîòîðûå ïðÿ÷óòñÿ â îâå÷üè øêóðû æåðòâ íàöèçìà.
Íî ýòî íå çíà÷èò, ÷òî ÿ íåíàâèæó âñåõ åâðååâ.
ß íå ñ÷èòàþ, ÷òî âñå åâðåè ÿâëÿþòñÿ íàöèñòàìè.

Íàöèñò íå ìîæåò îãîð÷àòüñÿ ïî ïîâîäó òîãî, ÷òî îí ñòàë æåðòâîé íàöèçìà.

It does NOT matter what you say now. You've clearly exposed your bigotry and racism and it's simply a matter of time until a mod spots it and we shall be rid of you FOREVER! Hurray!!!!!!

In fact, I'm going to hasten your departure by going back and reporting each and every one of your hateful posts!!!! Normally, I would say "farewell" but I don't wish YOU to fare well !!!
The crisis in science is due to the fact that science is occupied by Nazi lobby that lobbies scientific theories, the authors of which are members of Jewry, which in their environment cultivates chauvinist ideas chosen by God.

Einstein's theory is the symbol and proof that the Jews - the most intelligent among us, that is proof of God's chosen people and the exclusivity of the Jewish nation.
Therefore, the Jewish lobby was used to protect SRT methods that scientists use is not accepted.
Moreover, I think that such methods immoral and despicable.

So, your anti-relativity stance is motivated by racism, pure and simple. This has no room in a science forum.
The crisis in science is due to the fact that science is occupied by Nazi lobby that lobbies scientific theories, the authors of which are members of Jewry, which in their environment cultivates chauvinist ideas chosen by God.

Einstein's theory is the symbol and proof that the Jews - the most intelligent among us, that is proof of God's chosen people and the exclusivity of the Jewish nation.
Therefore, the Jewish lobby was used to protect SRT methods that scientists use is not accepted.
Moreover, I think that such methods immoral and despicable.
So, your anti-relativity stance is motivated by racism, pure and simple. This has no room in a science forum.
Racism - set of beliefs, which are based on the provisions of the mental and physical disparity of human races and the decisive influence of racial differences in the history and culture.

Show me my racism.
Racism - set of beliefs, which are based on the provisions of the mental and physical disparity of human races and the decisive influence of racial differences in the history and culture.

If the propaganda of "Jews God's chosen people" is not preaching racism, then what is racism?

Why these sermons of rabbis is better than sermons of Goebbels about the superiority and exclusivity of the German race?
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If the propaganda of "Jews God's chosen people" is not preaching racism, then what is racism?

It is neither propeganda nor racism. Jews invented teh diety Yaweh and as such can deem themselves the chosen prople of that deity.

All the religions preach that they are the right religion and the other religions are wrong,
I don't know .. I had a soft spot for Masterov and his 'in your face' challenge concerning SRT. His recent post however, and particularly his juxtiposition of Nazis and 'evil Jews' in a conspiracy against any challenge of SRTwas well, beyond offensive. I don't even mind offensive, but it was kind of deranged - so much so, as to lead me to suspect the whole thing a set up. Anyway - enough of Masterov.

Since my earlier dialogue with a couple of other posters, who to their credit, helped me a great deal in understanding GR more, I've been spending a deal of time reading up on, and trying to come to terms with SRT. But I can't seem to do it. Which is strange for me, because in my life, I HAVE turned my mind to concepts alien to me, and eventually understood them, and often very quickly. No such luck with SRT. I still can't in any way whatsover, see how my twin, travelling at great speed away from the earth and then back, would arrive back younger than me. I can't do it.

What are the 6 or so major issues you refer to (in laymans terms please) ?

edit last line; main to major

As I said earlier this fora is not the right place to discuss any problems one may have with SRT.
The people who do respond, in the main, have not the slightest interest in whether SRT is logically consitant or not...and only seek to gain entertainment value from their disguised attempts at taking their own science seriously.
Why it is impossible to discuss SRT in a rational manner with a clever layperson or a crank or a moron is something they can only really answer...
I do how ever suggest that you get aquainted with SRT reasonably well, if you can before you question it's validity...
As I said earlier this fora is not the right place to discuss any problems one may have with SRT.
The people who do respond, in the main, have not the slightest interest in whether SRT is logically consitant or not...and only seek to gain entertainment value from their disguised attempts at taking their own science seriously.
Why it is impossible to discuss SRT in a rational manner with a clever layperson or a crank or a moron is something they can only really answer...
I do how ever suggest that you get aquainted with SRT reasonably well, if you can before you question it's validity...

OK, thanks. I understand what you say.

Concerning your last line, yes, that's what I've been trying, quite unsuccessfully to do. I was at one time prepared to write it off as my lack of any mathematical abilty, forget the persuit, and just move on. But in truth (and I have heard some well respected physicists say this) mathematics is but a language, like French for instance. So the fact that I can't speak 'maths' obviates any prospect of me understanding SRT ? I dont think so - it doesn't gell. It puts it into the realm of the mysterious - knowledge not available to common mortals ? I don't thinks so, and can't accept this.
As I said earlier this fora is not the right place to discuss any problems one may have with SRT.

Within the context of this discussion forum, this folder "Alternative Theories" is one of two folders, "that" discussion could take place.

That does not mean it would not be met with as much resistance from those defending the mainstream of science, as has the current discussion!

So.., if this is not the right fora, you should not have even raised the issue......

IOW go for it.
So the fact that I can't speak 'maths' obviates any prospect of me understanding SRT ? I dont think so - it doesn't gell. It puts it into the realm of the mysterious - knowledge not available to common mortals ? I don't thinks so, and can't accept this.
Not available to common mortals? Are you saying that common mortals cannot learn the math? There is a lot of evidence to contradict that statement...
You, a mere mortal, are plenty capable of learning the math. You won't learn it in your living room and yes, it will cost money to pay tuition.

You can learn French too. Mortals do learn to speak French and even the French learn to speak French at least reasonably well...

You can learn math and French at the same time, even. Although I wouldn't bother since only one of those languages is useful.

Yes, you must understand the Math in order to understand GR and SR. You must know English in order to understand Shakespeare.

You also need to understand math, physics and chemistry in order to really understand how your car works.
Not one bit of it is even remotely out of your reach.
If the propaganda of "Jews God's chosen people" is not preaching racism, then what is racism?
It is neither propeganda nor racism. Jews invented teh diety Yaweh and as such can deem themselves the chosen prople of that deity.

All the religions preach that they are the right religion and the other religions are wrong,
Strange argument.

Rbbis say that everyone who is not a Jew (we, goy) - animals.

Is it racism?

You're making an excuse as to why others won't accept your word on Relativity. It is a lame excuse. Stop trying to justify it and learn about your misconceptions about Relativity, instead.
OK, thanks. I understand what you say.

Concerning your last line, yes, that's what I've been trying, quite unsuccessfully to do. I was at one time prepared to write it off as my lack of any mathematical abilty, forget the persuit, and just move on. But in truth (and I have heard some well respected physicists say this) mathematics is but a language, like French for instance. So the fact that I can't speak 'maths' obviates any prospect of me understanding SRT ? I dont think so - it doesn't gell. It puts it into the realm of the mysterious - knowledge not available to common mortals ? I don't thinks so, and can't accept this.

Oh I totally agree with you... if you need to learn math to understand the ration-nal behind a theory then you have a problem with the theory...And if you can't explain the theory in straight forward ration-nal you have a problem with the theory and the math.

Of course this is referred to as word salad but really it is what happens prior to producing a mathematical rendition, either mentally or pubically. [Philosophy first then Math second]
Why it is impossible to discuss SRT in a rational manner...
Discuss scientific problem can be by a scientist.
Scientists are working to understand.

This controversy involves biased SRT-propagandists (PRasts).
PRasts represent Nazi lobby that has captured academic institutions around the world.
They do not seek to understand.
They are intended to make scientific discussion in a idle talk.
This is why there were discharged complicated mathematical computations, devoid of any meaning.

As long as the scientific community did not get rid of the domination and oppression of the Nazi gangs which seized scientific institutions around the world, science will have not Science!