Thread For Christians Only.

SnakeLord said:
I would ask why he didn't just make more than 2 people and avoid the whole problem in the first place? This god of yours certainly seems limited.

Actually, I sometimes wish that adam and eve been removed and for a new begining to happen.

But the thing is - Who am I to want to suggest an alternative to The Creator?

And if The Creator had done what I said above - dot you think that the devil would have won the debate?

Oh, and it is only you that is limited.

Thank you.
Arent we talking about the same thing?

Obviously not.

If he wandered he would be wandering to the east obviously.

No, its not obvious. He could have gone north, south or west. It just happened to be east.

What is obvious though, is that I know scriptures better than you. HA!

SnakeLord said:
He's dead, dickhead. It's a fact of life that you might come to understand when you've grown up.

However, as you obviously missed it the first time: I do not have a choice in the matter - so sayeth god:

2 Corinthians 4:4
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

I am an unbeliever because god wants me to be - because he has blinded me. Instead of thinking you're making a point by typing in caps, how about you switch your brain on and then try a proper response? If you cannot manage that then I would ask that you not bother talking to me. I hate to say it but I do not have the energy to waste time arguing with mental deficients.

You might want to take this time - the god you mentioned is the god of this system of things - the devil.

Any way the choice is yours.
Who am I to want to suggest an alternative to The Creator?

A thinker?
(Q) said:
Arent we talking about the same thing?

Obviously not.

If he wandered he would be wandering to the east obviously.

No, its not obvious. He could have gone north, south or west. It just happened to be east.

What is obvious though, is that I know scriptures better than you. HA!


No, because when this issue was brought up, - I pictured cain as looking to the most fertile parts of the region - which would have been the east.

Later generations would come to associate the east as the place for the wanderer cain that the word NOD would come to mean two things - wanderer and east.

Ayway the important thing is that cain did not get Redemption for his sins.


Thank You.
I pictured cain as looking to the most fertile parts of the region - which would have been the east.
Later generations would come to associate the east as the place for the wanderer cain that the word NOD would come to mean two things - wanderer and east.

Yeah, right. :rolleyes:
(Q) said:
I pictured cain as looking to the most fertile parts of the region - which would have been the east.
Later generations would come to associate the east as the place for the wanderer cain that the word NOD would come to mean two things - wanderer and east.

Yeah, right. :rolleyes:

Actually you know nothing about The Holy Scriptures!!!


Thank You.
But the thing is - Who am I to want to suggest an alternative to The Creator?

Your god does not give you the right to speak?

And if The Creator had done what I said above - dot you think that the devil would have won the debate?

The serpent did win.

You might want to take this time - the god you mentioned is the god of this system of things - the devil.

The devil is a god? Interesting..

However, did I not ask kindly that you not bother posting to me unless you were going to switch your brain on first? If you have a disagreement with the biblical text, or what I have said then please point out why, explain how it is wrong. Don't think you can just cast everyone off as some devil worshipper because they show you to be wrong. It is very naive.
Angelic Being said:

Actually you know nothing about The Holy Scriptures!!!

I'm always fascinated by those that assert others "know nothing" about the mythology of a religion, particularly when this mythology is dependent upon printed texts that are readily available and accessible. Why is it assumed that because someone doesn't believe that said mythology is fact equates to their not knowing the mythology's contents?

I would assert that is often the believer that doesn't "know the holy scriptures" for the main reason that very often this believer refuses to educate his/her self on texts outside of the cult doctrine: texts of other (often older) cults; texts of other civilizations (often older); archaeological record; geologic record; etc.

So, in all actuality, it is probably you that knows little of your own doctrine.

Angelic Being said:

You have the brail version?
SnakeLord said:
Your god does not give you the right to speak?

The serpent did win.

The devil is a god? Interesting..

However, did I not ask kindly that you not bother posting to me unless you were going to switch your brain on first? If you have a disagreement with the biblical text, or what I have said then please point out why, explain how it is wrong. Don't think you can just cast everyone off as some devil worshipper because they show you to be wrong. It is very naive.

Isn't it you that is bothering me in my thread?

You have some messed up mumbo jumbo view of The Holy Scriptures.

Notice that the Scriptures give god instead of GOD?

Anyway there must be another relation of yours who can righteously call for the ressurection of your son in that day - as for you you will not see his smile when The Creator raises him up in Paradise.
This has got to be one of the funniest threads I've ever read. (unintentionally so, I'm sure). Why is it that when people are trying to be really serious they almost always end up making twits of themselves? :p :D
SkinWalker said:
I'm always fascinated by those that assert others "know nothing" about the mythology of a religion, particularly when this mythology is dependent upon printed texts that are readily available and accessible. Why is it assumed that because someone doesn't believe that said mythology is fact equates to their not knowing the mythology's contents?

I would assert that is often the believer that doesn't "know the holy scriptures" for the main reason that very often this believer refuses to educate his/her self on texts outside of the cult doctrine: texts of other (often older) cults; texts of other civilizations (often older); archaeological record; geologic record; etc.

So, in all actuality, it is probably you that knows little of your own doctrine.

You have the brail version?

A myth is not fact Dunce - your arrogance has made you blind and stupid - The Scriptures is Fact- when I as a Christian speak I speak of this fact.

You as an atheist cannot see that so what in the world makes you think that you know more then Me???

You speak of facts by your contemporaries, by fallible human beings, and sometimes people like you dont even know what you are talking about - you like to hear the sound of your own voice.

Believe me you dont want to argue on The Holy Scriptures with me.
Xylene said:
This has got to be one of the funniest threads I've ever read. (unintentionally so, I'm sure). Why is it that when people are trying to be really serious they almost always end up making twits of themselves? :p :D

Classic evidence that what I speak of is the Truth - Oh I am sorry - you would not know that since you are not a Christian.
Angelic Being said:
A myth is not fact Dunce

That, sir, is a very un-Christlike thing for you to say.

Angelic Being said:
- your arrogance has made you blind and stupid - The Scriptures is Fact- when I as a Christian speak I speak of this fact.

Facts are things that have some verifiable and testable characteristics. Very little in your scriptures can live up to that.

Angelic Being said:
You as an atheist cannot see that so what in the world makes you think that you know more then Me???

I might not know more than you. But I think it's very probably the case, based upon your wild claims to date (i.e. that "scriptures is fact").

Angelic Being said:
You speak of facts by your contemporaries, by fallible human beings,

Sir, it was "fallible human beings" that wrote your precious scriptures.

Angelic Being said:
Believe me you dont want to argue on The Holy Scriptures with me.

Try me.

A myth is not fact Dunce
Not necessarily. A myth is not inherently untrue, but is usually unverifiable and imaginable, a good example is the Christian mythology.

The Scriptures is Fact-
The 300 year research of Q pretty much established that the Christian gospels were virtually entirely mythological.

when I as a Christian speak I speak of this fact.
That you might imagine it is fact of course has no bearing on whether it is true especially since more credible scholars have shown Christianity is mythological.

You as an atheist cannot see that so what in the world makes you think that you know more then Me???
Common sense.

You speak of facts by your contemporaries, by fallible human beings, and sometimes people like you dont even know what you are talking about - you like to hear the sound of your own voice.
Are you talking at your mirror again?

Believe me you dont want to argue on The Holy Scriptures with me.
I believe you – your interpretations are pretty much guaranteed to be quite bizarre, and arguing with that would be worthless.

I suppose a pack of hyenas would do damage to a LION? - standard description of Christians in The Holy Scriptures.
A single lion will run from a pack of hyenas?

You Dunce.!!!
Isn't it you that is bothering me in my thread?

In your dreams, pipsqueak. If you go back you'll see my engagement into discussion came with a rebuttal to FreedomCry's claim on page 3. I then had a further discussion with a couple of people, such as Cottontop - until you came charging in thinking that a mass use of caps would somehow help support an argument. An argument you're yet to make.

Once again I notice you cannot provide any substance with which to try and refute the biblical claim I made. Others have at least tried to do so by saying: "Well, he says other things in other parts of the bible", but that merely shows god contradicts himself. However, at least they had the courage to try.

You have some messed up mumbo jumbo view of The Holy Scriptures.

And this is now the third time I have given you opportunity to straighten it out. Explain to me how that quote is wrong, explain how my 'view' of it is wrong.. You can't can you? You haven't answered any questions I have asked of you, haven't provided anything to refute the biblical quote I used - in fact, you're just a useless coward who hasn't got the brains or balls to do anything other than type in caps and put lots of exclamation marks on the end as if that somehow means something. Pathetic.

Notice that the Scriptures give god instead of GOD?

Ah, it's a different god. K, I got mistaken into thinking there was only one. Nm.

Anyway there must be another relation of yours who can righteously call for the ressurection of your son in that day

None of my relatives are stupid enough to be religious.

as for you you will not see his smile when The Creator raises him up in Paradise.

That's not of any relevance or worth to anything.
(Q) said:
I agree, I have proposed support for this opinion in my previous response that only one religion is right.

Would you not entertain the first answer, not even a little?
Oh yes, I think that all religions are wrong and only one truth of God.

(Q) said:
We have several accounts recorded in the Bible, so does that mean it is credible?

It would be if all were able to duplicate those accounts without reading the bible.

I think it better to not include the bible, since god should be in everyones mind. Why would we need someone elses accounts, they are but only several views?
There are about 40 authors from mostly different time periods.

(Q) said:
If God was known to all, free will would cease to exist as we would have no choice, but to believe in God.

Not really, if god was in all mens minds, and that knowledge came from god, we would still have the free will to reject it.

By "reject" you mean not follow, correct?

Could you really have a choice? If you knew God DID exist and told you where your choice to not follow him would lead. Would you have a choice to NOT follow God?

(Q) said:
Yes, but what if you saw the stem, and I saw the color?

Funny. But I meant the entire apple, as god would want himself revealed.

Again, if God were to reveal his entire self leaving no question among men, would that make faith irrelevant, and us not having to prove ourselves true by having faith?

If you were marrying a rich spouse, would he or she 100% KNOW that you were not marry them, at least in-part, for their money (regardless of how you actually think you feel)?

What relationship is worth more?

(Q) said:
The key here jay, is that most theists assume their concepts of god based on what they want from religion. I wouldn't advocate that at all because it is egotistical.
We can agree on that. I have recently stepped away from what my own concept of God is based on what I wanted, letting God be who he is without my inhibitions which results in me having less answers concerning God than I had before. Many theists are unfortunately still trapped in their ego.

(Q) said:
If gods message was to know him, he would reveal himself to all equally and unequivocally, and then allow each person to decide to accept him. There would be no question in anyones mind who or what god was and whether he existed or not. The choice then, would be ours to make.

That, imho, would be his intent.

But, that is not his message. He wished to blind and mask himself to all but those who believe and seek him. Jesus told us this a few times. God's message to us is that he loves us and will save us through Jesus if we have faith.

So, you have no choice but to be blinded. But, it is not blindness from your is intelligence. If there is a God, we have made systems to explain God's creations, and in so doing, we have blinded ourselves to what the creation is and where it comes from.
SnakeLord said:
You know, if you took the time to actually read my posts to you, you'd realise we've already been through this and I've already given you the answer:

There have been no answers given by any gods. If there had have been we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Now, you can say 'he might have', as many times as you like - it doesn't in any way change the reality of the situation.
Sometimes you only have to see, not understand and judge. But if you constantly try to "build the world" then I guess you wouldn't allow any god in it. But you must let it come naturally. But don't expect God to show Himself for you, that's expecting too much, for me at least. Expect little things instead, just something that can show you on your way. Maybe a hint that your son is allright. Just something.

Let's be accurate about this: You can't do anything without gods, I can.
In my perspective; no one can do anything without God. You want me to try to figure out your perspective instead so that we can get accurate at your perspective? This is a discussion, people have different kind of views, discussing such simple things won't help.

What that means is: Nobody has seen god. As such nobody has the justification to even say one exists. As a result of that, saying one exists, humans can't do anything without it etc etc is an excercise in stupidity.
That's your claim not mine. To see is not the only justification to say something exists, if you say you *know* something exists that you have not seen and have not proven otherwise, then that is wrong. But as before, discussing these simple things won't help.

Let's quickly go back to something you said earlier in your response:

"I don't know you".

You were right the first time - you don't know me. Kindly stop trying to pretend that you do. Not only is it wrong, it's also rude.
I based my words on yours. I don't know you, but that wasn't such a big leap. So you say you don't think less of me? If not it surely sounded like it. I've seen you discussing earlier too, and to say you think less of them isn't wrong, at least the christian part of the people.

But if you feel I got you wrong, then say so.

The reason I brought it up, is because you seem to think christians like myself are complete idiots, what could a discussion based on that lead to? Nothing. What do I have to say to someone that thinks I'm a idiot, that my belief is idiotic and that thinks God is bad?

I try, but when I feel the discussion is onesided then it doesn't really matter what I say. Great things have come from those that appreciate eachothers oppinion and integrity - in which belief system is surely involved. No man has the higher authority.

Given your earlier statement it can only be stated that I would die, as would you and as would everyone else. Duh, do you even pay attention to your own statements?
Yes I do, but since you failed to understand that perspective I gave you another.

Really? Oh I'm so glad you've helped me. Lol.

Laughing out loud, eh?

Sorry, can't join you in your laugh.

But if you constantly try to "build the world" then I guess you wouldn't allow any god in it.

An incredibly daft statement. It's not a case of 'allowing' if the being exists and is shown to exist. In thousands of years man has accomplished nothing to show existence of such a being. If it was shown to exist then I would 'allow' it, because it exists.

That's all there is to it and I'm certainly not asking for too much. You guys can't show it at all and as such have no choice but to fall back on: "you have to believe for no reason", which is simply ludicrous.

But don't expect God to show Himself for you, that's expecting too much, for me at least.

If the "all-loving" god can't manage something as simple as that, then there's a serious problem.

Maybe a hint that your son is allright.

My son isn't "alright" - he's dead.

In my perspective; no one can do anything without God. You want me to try to figure out your perspective instead so that we can get accurate at your perspective? This is a discussion, people have different kind of views, discussing such simple things won't help.

Let me explain this simply for you in the hope that it might lead you to some understanding:

I am an atheist. Your statement is akin to me telling you that you can't do anything without Lenny the Leprechaun. Completely stupid yes? A complete waste of time yes?

A) It didn't in any way aid the discussion,

B) It is totally unjustified, and without any worth or value.

C) It's far too sweeping to have any meaning..

What you're saying is:

A man can't be gay without god,
A man can't kill his neighbour without god,
A man can't go to hell without god.

What exactly do you mean "anything"? Can I pour myself some corn flakes without god? Can I wipe my botty without god?

What you do by saying we can't do anything without god, is make him entirely responsible for everything - he is responsible for our sins, he is responsible for our beliefs, he was the one that made Hitler kill millions of jews.

But anyway, you can't do anything without Lenny the Leprechaun.

That's your claim not mine. To see is not the only justification to say something exists

Ok then, how are you justified to say god exists?

But as before, discussing these simple things won't help.

Won't help what?

So you say you don't think less of me?

Without sounding harsh: I don't have the slightest care for you or about you. You're some unknown dude on the other side of the planet that has no impact on my life. What is there to think less of? I come here, have a discussion, log off, bonk the wife and go to sleep. What you believe is of zero consequence to me.

But if you feel I got you wrong, then say so.

I already did. Didn't you even read my post? Specifically the part that said: "Not only is it wrong".

The reason I brought it up, is because you seem to think christians like myself are complete idiots, what could a discussion based on that lead to?

Hopefully somewhere better than to tell me I can't do a shit, or smoke a cigarette without god.

What do I have to say to someone that thinks I'm a idiot, that my belief is idiotic

Why you asking me? You're your own person, (then again wait, no you're not.. you can't do anything without god - so bloody ask him).

and that thinks God is bad?

Well that's silly. I'm an atheist. It's like me telling you you think Lenny the Leprechaun is bad. It has no value.

However, let me explain that it is hard to discuss and debate an issue from a position of non-belief, (it leads to a very short discussion, and I like long discussions).

Basically you'd say: "god loves you", and I'd say: "no such being". That's the end of that. For the sake of a longer discussion I have little choice but to start on the basis of existence. It's the same when I discuss the latest Star Trek episodes with some friends. They'll ask: "who's the strongest alien?" - I could reply "it's all fake", but I actually prefer to discuss the matter from a position of existence - i.e "species 8472 kick borg ass".

Understand what I'm saying?

I don't think god's bad - because there is no such being. What I do discuss is matters that are in the bible, (that many christians consider to be the word of god), that quite clearly show god as anti-human. He has killed more humans than any other being in the history of the universe - and that just doesn't sit right with me. I guess my sense of morals differ to his, and yours.

I try, but when I feel the discussion is onesided then it doesn't really matter what I say.

That's a very shallow statement to make. Not once in our discussions have you agreed with me on anything. Should I now sit here saying this is a one-sided discussion all because we disagree or because you seemingly don't appreciate what I'm saying?

I'm not saying you shouldn't want me to agree with you - that in itself is fine, It's when you make statements like the last one that I must raise an eyebrow.

Great things have come from those that appreciate eachothers oppinion and integrity

While that's a very sweet and noble sentence, it's seemingly targetted solely at me. I can happily say the exact same thing right back at ya, but I generally don't try and stoop to such depths when I have little to say concerning the actual discussion at hand. If you think I'm going to just sign on the dotted line the second you make a claim, you might aswell pull up a chair - 'cause you're gonna be here a long time.

No man has the higher authority.

I disagree with that statement. I wont go into it because it is of no relevance to our discussion.

Yes I do, but since you failed to understand that perspective I gave you another.

What are you chatting about? That was the first post you'd made the statement that nobody can see god and live, and if you look at my quote you pasted, you'll see I agree. When did I "fail to understand" something that you only just mentioned and I instantly agreed with?

Sorry, can't join you in your laugh.

I didn't ask or expect you to.