Thread For Christians Only.

c7ityi_ said:
You Christians are better than others, aren't you?

No, I'm afraid we have the potential to be the worst, that is why I am criticizing the Christian religion, not God.

When it comes to morality, we are exactly the same as non-Christians. The only difference in us is Christ who sustains us, but we are held to a higher standard and will face a worse punishment if we screw up, scripture says so. God despises the hypocritical Christian, and it angers him. It would be better to have not been a Christian.
If all religions are wrong, then how can one teaching be the right teaching?

There are two answers to that.

All religions are wrong and manmade.
Only one religion is right.

The first answer is self-evident, but the second requires that each person would had to have god revealed to them, and without them talking to one another, be able to explain their view of god in detail. Each explanation would have to be identical in order for that religion to have credibility.

Further to that, everyone in the world would also have to agree.

Which of the two answers is more plausible?

Our desires distort our perception of God.

Would your desires distort your perception of an apple? Can we both agree an apple is an apple if one were revealed to us?
(Q) said:
If all religions are wrong, then how can one teaching be the right teaching?

There are two answers to that.

All religions are wrong and manmade.
Only one religion is right.
I agree, I have proposed support for this opinion in my previous response that only one religion is right.

(Q) said:
The first answer is self-evident, but the second requires that each person would had to have god revealed to them, and without them talking to one another, be able to explain their view of god in detail. Each explanation would have to be identical in order for that religion to have credibility.
We have several accounts recorded in the Bible, so does that mean it is credible?

(Q) said:
Further to that, everyone in the world would also have to agree.
Why? If God was known to all, free will would cease to exist as we would have no choice, but to believe in God.

(Q) said:
Our desires distort our perception of God.

Would your desires distort your perception of an apple? Can we both agree an apple is an apple if one were revealed to us?

Yes, but what if you saw the stem, and I saw the color?
Now, I don't know in what way God would reveal Himself to you, and I think that He might allready have done that.

You know, if you took the time to actually read my posts to you, you'd realise we've already been through this and I've already given you the answer:

There have been no answers given by any gods. If there had have been we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Now, you can say 'he might have', as many times as you like - it doesn't in any way change the reality of the situation.

You can't do anything without God

Let's be accurate about this: You can't do anything without gods, I can.

No one can see God and live.

What that means is: Nobody has seen god. As such nobody has the justification to even say one exists. As a result of that, saying one exists, humans can't do anything without it etc etc is an excercise in stupidity.

It just sounds like excuses to you, and you think less of people that talk to you. To me it sounds you need to work on that

Let's quickly go back to something you said earlier in your response:

"I don't know you".

You were right the first time - you don't know me. Kindly stop trying to pretend that you do. Not only is it wrong, it's also rude.

I wonder how you would handle Gods appearance...

Given your earlier statement it can only be stated that I would die, as would you and as would everyone else. Duh, do you even pay attention to your own statements?

Sorry. I just hope you allow yourself to feel relieved and let life continue.

Really? Oh I'm so glad you've helped me. Lol.

I'm sorry for laying blame on you, I am just going on my experience that I find out in my own impatience that God was always there and I was foolish to doubt. I'm just trying to relate my own experiences with God, so that it could help you understand at least, not the existence of God, but that your situation was not any different between you and I.

Our situations were different.

I just made a different choice and became agnostic.

Became? So you were religious to begin with? Dude, I've always been an atheist.

As I recall, there was an occasion in the scripture where Gideon tested God's existence. Not tempting, but testing.

Good for him. I can only say that if god doesn't want to be tested he shouldn't have made humans with the express nature to test things. That's idiocy.

I left the door cracked because of if God is real, there is a lot at stake.

Ah, a 'coward christian'. I consider them worse than the standard christians because they have no self respect.

Perhaps God sees you as a fire-builder, but fire consumes.

Then 'perhaps', if he has a problem with it, he souldn't have fucking made me that way.

Problem? I see it as a strength to admit one will never have all the answers.

And a serious weakness to then say: "the clouds are alive!". You've never seen this or any other god, you're going on the word of people you've never met and will never know that lived several thousand years ago and thought the world was a pancake - only because you don't have any self respect whatsoever. You're afraid that if you're wrong the very same being you believe in will send you to an eternal lake of fire, and through that fear you place your belief in him and pretend to the world that you actually love this being that has got you so scared you must believe in him just incase it's true.

It's truly sickening.

It is also a credit to the might of God.

No, it's a lack of credit to the might of your brain.

Science is too hasty and often changes its conclusions due to new evidence.

Dude, you religious nuts change your conclusions with every sentence you write. Don't think for one nanosecond that your cloud fairy beliefs can even begin to stand up against science. I know you wish it could, but the fact is it can't. It is because of science that you're even alive.

I cannot put my faith in my perception of the evidence.

So with overwhelming stupidity you put your 'faith' in your perception of a total lack of evidence.

I pity you, truly.

We can speculate the meaning: Those who leave Christianity are like I was. First, I claimed to be a Christian, then I didn't as reason entered in. Faith like that is worthless and might as well had never been.

At the time they would have sworn blind that they have a relationship with this being and so on. At the end of the day you're all like this. You haven't seen, heard or had a relationship with shit other than a malfunctioning part of your brain. When you 'see the light', god slips down the toilet bowl.
I agree, I have proposed support for this opinion in my previous response that only one religion is right.

Would you not entertain the first answer, not even a little?

We have several accounts recorded in the Bible, so does that mean it is credible?

It would be if all were able to duplicate those accounts without reading the bible.

I think it better to not include the bible, since god should be in everyones mind. Why would we need someone elses accounts, they are but only several views?

If God was known to all, free will would cease to exist as we would have no choice, but to believe in God.

Not really, if god was in all mens minds, and that knowledge came from god, we would still have the free will to reject it.

Yes, but what if you saw the stem, and I saw the color?

Funny. But I meant the entire apple, as god would want himself revealed.

The key here jay, is that most theists assume their concepts of god based on what they want from religion. I wouldn't advocate that at all because it is egotistical.

If gods message was to know him, he would reveal himself to all equally and unequivocally, and then allow each person to decide to accept him. There would be no question in anyones mind who or what god was and whether he existed or not. The choice then, would be ours to make.

That, imho, would be his intent.
(Q) said:
Cain would have had numerous sisters

Where in the bible does it state that? Or did you just make that one up yourself?

Did you forget about the Land of Nod?

No I did not.

Nod means the land to the East - Dunce!!!
Horseman42 said:
Another good example how you throw out assertions, but cannot back them up with any facts. Please prove that at one time incest was acceptable and did not lead to genetic deformities. Simply stating that it was because Adam's children were only one generation from being created by god means nothing.

Incest as meant in The Holy Scriptures mainly referred to brother and sister sexual relations - it was described back then as an abhorent act.

After a couple of generations the ' earth was filled with multitudes of people' - this would be in a span of 1000 years after the creation of Adam and Eve.

When The Creator was certain that there had become enough genetic diversity, HE then gave instructions for the banning from then on the union of a brother and sister.

If you were to believe that Adam lived for 960 years and that subsequent generations after him lived up to 500 years and more, then you have to admit that these ones had a genetic structure that was less contaminated with faults as we have today - the reason for the average life span today being less then 80 years.

Thank You.
superluminal said:
Ha! Stupid, weak minded, idiotic, brain dead, blathering moron. So genetics are the only reason not to have incest? What about brothers/sisters, fathers/daughters who have vasectomies or tubal ligations? Is it ok then? Also, genetic diversity of parents helps to mediate the effects of inbreeding (whis is less dangerous than you think. Do some research.)

The first generations "close to god" would have been genetically pure and would have resulted in horrible mutations. So, god condones incest. Cool.

Stop your rambling - you really have an overactive imagination!!!

You did not get my point - Alas!!!!!
Nod means the land to the East - Dunce!!!

Wrong. "Nod" is the Hebrew root to the verb to wander.

Cain was cursed to 'wander,' not exiled to the 'land of the wanderers.'

Should I call you the dunce?
SnakeLord said:
If I did, we would not be discussing this. The post that I responded to was the one that said: "To find god all you need to do is ask". I have not found god, although I have asked. As such the statement made By FreedomCry is false, and number 1 can safely be excluded.

I really did need the answer. My son had just died.

Why? Could he not have made himself known to me and told me my child was in heaven? Of course you could be right though - perhaps my son is in hell, because as god clearly states in the bible: he punishes children for the sins of their fathers. While telling me he'd done that wouldn't make me like him, it would clarify his existence.

However, regardless to any of that number 3 would again shows FreedomCry's statement as false - and that's all I was debating against.

So in other words: god wanted me to remain an atheist. Thus I am only an atheist because god wants me to be, and am doomed to hell because god wants me to be.

A) You are completely irrelevant to the discussion. You are not an "all-loving" god, and nobody made the statement that "all you have to do is ask", with regards to you. If you go back you'll see my original post was that FreedomCry's statement was wrong. It still is wrong.

However, what you're saying is that all these atheists that have at one time or another asked for god to make himself known have been refused, (because god was worried that getting to know him would be a bad thing for them), are forced into remaining as atheists - and ultimately doomed to hell because of it. I thought hell was as bad as it gets, so the excuse that god wont say 'hi' because he think's it's bad for them is seriously weak.

And he wont show himself to you at your asking either - which is what my first post was all about - to debunk FreedomCry's claim of "all you have to do is ask". It's no longer a case of just asking, indeed no - you have added all kinds of qualifying criteria to it: from waiting for a decade to somehow thinking that an eternity of hell is less "harmful" to me than god saying 'hi'.

So now asking god to come to you is testing him? This guy seemingly has a whole load of excuses for remaining non-existant. But then perhaps it's not him, but just you?

I'm sure if I had have come in this post stating how I asked for god and he came down and filled my heart with joy, you'd be telling me how awesome god is and that he loves his children and "never lets them down" and is always there for them yada yada yada - but because I said he never did, you instantly pull out your book of one million and one excuses for a non-existant deity and think it will work. Give it up.

All you've ended up doing is arguing my point that "all you have to do is ask", is wrong. We're all in agreement here, including god - who stated in the bible:

2 Corinthians 4:4
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

As an undeniable result of that, it stands that one can only find god if god wants them to, one can only believe in jesus if gods wants them to - and man is doomed to hell if god wants them to be.

If you are telling the truth then YOUR UNBELIEF WILL MAKE YOU NOT SEE YOUR SON.
When The Creator was certain that there had become enough genetic diversity, HE then gave instructions for the banning from then on the union of a brother and sister.

I would ask why he didn't just make more than 2 people and avoid the whole problem in the first place? This god of yours certainly seems limited.

If you were to believe that Adam lived for 960 years and that subsequent generations after him lived up to 500 years and more, then you have to admit that these ones had a genetic structure that was less contaminated with faults as we have today - the reason for the average life span today being less then 80 years.

I love how you religious fundies switch whenever it suits you. The reason for the life span of today is because god got pissed at humans. Don't you even read the bible?
Huwy said:
Oh how convenient for you!! How come it doesn't mention that important detail in the almighty bible? Perhaps because it was written by human beings?

Isn't genetics - and the science of genetics and genetic defects, kind of a science thing, that contradicts the bible?
OH I SEE! "God" must have CLONED "Eve" from "Adams" RIB!!! WOW!

Don't call me a dunce, I'm studing a double bachelors degree in Science at University. I don't believe there are any academic requirements to become a priest.

By the way, it was 1992 when the Vatican apoligised to Galileo, and admitted that infact, the world was ROUND after all....

So?, whats your point? - the Vatican was always wrong on that issue. The prophet Job had declared clearly that the earth was round 3000 years ago.
Cris said:
AB Jadon,

I think you have that in reverse.

So, you aren’t a sinner then? Nice example of arrogance.

LOL. More like a pack of hyenas who can smell weakness a mile off and are here for the kill.

If you are a descendent of A &E, as you seem to believe then you must also be a sinner – doesn’t that make you scared and insecure as well according to your assertion?

Naturally – the Creator is fickle and unjust – as expected from Christian insanity.

I suppose a pack of hyenas would do damage to a LION? - standard description of Christians in The Holy Scriptures.

You Dunce.!!!
If you are telling the truth then YOUR UNBELIEF WILL MAKE YOU NOT SEE YOUR SON.

He's dead, dickhead. It's a fact of life that you might come to understand when you've grown up.

However, as you obviously missed it the first time: I do not have a choice in the matter - so sayeth god:

2 Corinthians 4:4
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

I am an unbeliever because god wants me to be - because he has blinded me. Instead of thinking you're making a point by typing in caps, how about you switch your brain on and then try a proper response? If you cannot manage that then I would ask that you not bother talking to me. I hate to say it but I do not have the energy to waste time arguing with mental deficients.
jayleew said:
No, I'm afraid we have the potential to be the worst, that is why I am criticizing the Christian religion, not God.

When it comes to morality, we are exactly the same as non-Christians. The only difference in us is Christ who sustains us, but we are held to a higher standard and will face a worse punishment if we screw up, scripture says so. God despises the hypocritical Christian, and it angers him. It would be better to have not been a Christian.

Correct, but the punishment is death or 'cutting off' from the Ressurection.
(Q) said:
Nod means the land to the East - Dunce!!!

Wrong. "Nod" is the Hebrew root to the verb to wander.

Cain was cursed to 'wander,' not exiled to the 'land of the wanderers.'

Should I call you the dunce?

Arent we talking about the same thing? If he wandered he would be wandering to the east obviously.

Whatever, the thing is that his descendeants would be wiped out in the Great Flood if there were any around and I doubt that there would have been any good descendants of his.

Thank you.