Thread For Christians Only.

Angelic Being said:
oh, here we go again.....

Well that reply confirms that this thread is a gigantic waste of time. Goodbye "Christians Only" thread, it's been... interesting... :rolleyes:

I hope sane forum members do the same, and let Angelic Being find a brick wall to argue with.
KennyJC said:
Well that reply confirms that this thread is a gigantic waste of time. Goodbye "Christians Only" thread, it's been... interesting... :rolleyes:

I hope sane forum members do the same, and let Angelic Being find a brick wall to argue with.

and thus leaves the quitter!!!!! to a quitters thread at that....

goodbye!!! finally!!!
And god created the Heavens and the Earth and ALL life upon it
Even great steaming Faggots like ME!
Bless you (Sneeze at will)
Angelic Being said:
this is an old issue that has already been solved on this thread or in my previos thread - now take your whining self and get off this thread - because that is really outdated behaviour..

right, i forgot that this reply was neither childish or uhhh duncy? yeah. good reply. not a waste of time at all. thanks for enlightening us.
charles cure said:
right, i forgot that this reply was neither childish or uhhh duncy? yeah. good reply. not a waste of time at all. thanks for enlightening us.

i am doing so but you are so blinded that you cannot see the Truth.

thanks anyway for visiting this thread. May i suggest you taking hasbeen with you???
bbcboy said:
And god created the Heavens and the Earth and ALL life upon it
Even great steaming Faggots like ME!
Bless you (Sneeze at will)

your point is??

keep your thinking to yourself - because it really is ugly and distasteful.

advice: dont visit this thread anymore.

SnakeLord said:
Everyone else thinks you're a c***. :D
Precisely. People here like me better than him. Do you how much you have to piss people off to do that? Quite a bit, and yet jadon has achieved such a level of ignorance, stupidity, and idiocy that he has pissed all of us off.
jadon/A B: Intelligent Design, is'nt possible it's flawed.
god erred, he created you, a full grown human amoeba.
Angelic Being, I should apologize for calling you an intolerant bigot, not because it's not true, but because as a Christian I am to forgive all men. I believe that we all should be tolerant of each others' shortcomings and faults. In your case, you have been indoctrinated against Mormonism by your teachers, clergy, friends, etc., so naturally you find it easy to denigrate us as "non-Christian cultists." I believe that this belief of yours is due to ignorance rather than malice.

Go read the Book of Mormon and then tell me it isn't a Christian book. Go attend an LDS Sacrament Meeting and then come back and say we are a cult.

And for gosh sakes have a little tolerance towards those who don't share your exact same beliefs. Calling everyone who disagrees with you "unforgivable" sounds like you are making a judgment that only God may justly make. You are not God. God did not tell you to judge your fellow men. Get off the high horse and realize that we're all in this together, and that we all deserve a little slack and toleration from each other.
Angelic Being said:
i am doing so but you are so blinded that you cannot see the Truth.

thanks anyway for visiting this thread. May i suggest you taking hasbeen with you???

do you ever get tired of acting like a self-righteous sanctimonius idiot? because just watching you make a complete fool of yourself with the inflexibility and complete ridiculousness of your every stance on any given subject tires me right the fuck out. honestly.
Angelic Being said:
but in fact you are about to see the emergence of Spirit Filled people like me - who will be helped by The Holy Spirit - to bring back the true teachings of The Holy Scriptures, and of The Christ


I was once like you, with my faith as hard as a brick. The problem with a brick is that it cannot bend and closes your mind to what God is. Pick up the book called "Velvet Elvis" by Rob Bell. It is a bestseller at your local Christian bookstore, so they should have it in stock. He has an amazing calling at the Mars Hill Bible church.

A lot of his sermons are online in MP3, so enjoy!

Angelic Being said:
soon all false doctrines will be exposed for what they really are - the work of the devil.
Amen! And start with me! Expose me for what I really am!
jayleew said:
I was once like you, with my faith as hard as a brick. The problem with a brick is that it cannot bend and closes your mind to what God is. Pick up the book called "Velvet Elvis" by Rob Bell. It is a bestseller at your local Christian bookstore, so they should have it in stock. He has an amazing calling at the Mars Hill Bible church.

A lot of his sermons are online in MP3, so enjoy!

Amen! And start with me! Expose me for what I really am!
M*W: Mars Hill, NC? I know people there!
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Mars Hill, NC? I know people there!

No, I think his church is in Michigan, but the MHC is all around the country. Rob Bell teachs in Grand Rapids.
Angelic Being said:
Can you clarify what Scripture? just give an outline of the verses.
I have given enough, please read my posts about Moses and the Israelites at least, and don't be so hasty! I am a slave to Christ.

Angelic Being said:
in fact Adam and Eve were perfect - having being Created by HIS OWN HANDS.
"were" being the operative word. The moment they chose to disobey is the moment they became imprefect.
(Q) said:
I am a slave to Christ.

Wasn't slavery abolished?

I don't know...are you married? ;) If you are, you will know what it means to be a slave by choice, assuming you are in "healthy", and mutually giving relationship.
jayleew said:
I don't know...are you married? ;) If you are, you will know what it means to be a slave by choice, assuming you are in "healthy", and mutually giving relationship.

the phrase "a slave by choice" is a contradiction in terms. having a choice implies freedom to choose. slavery is the denial of the freedom to choose. it doesnt really work. you cant be a slave by choice, slaves are bound against their will to serve someone at their own cost.