Thread For Christians Only.

Angelic being is right in everything he says. I can't believe you atheists are such dunces you can't see it...
Hapsburg said:
Supposing that the monotheistic myths are true, which they aren't.

Actually, most of them are true, but they're hard to understand since they were written to people who lived thousands of years ago. They can appear very ridiculous and primitive to us if we don't know how to convert them back to their original form.

Monotheism is the same thing as polytheism. Polytheism says that there is one light with many aspects-- one God with many characteristics. Monotheism was created to create simplicity.
SkinWalker said:
I'm still stuck on the lack of geologic evidence to support the tsunami event. I don't mind speculating on the possibilities, this certainly can give rise to directions of investigation, such as looking for volcanic/tectonic evidence that could trigger a tsunami. But in modeling this supposed tsunami, my first question would be what amount of energy would be required to displace enough water for enough time to allow even 1 fast runner to get through?

The minimum width of the Red Sea is about 26km and there is a trench at its medial line that is up to 2500 m deep. The average depth is about 500m.

Speculation is fine, but, as I said, the story as told is myth. There's little chance that even one person fled via the Red Sea on foot while being chased by Egyptians. There's that middle trench that has to be crossed. There is, however, a better chance that a group of people walked out into the Red Sea basin to pick up fish as the waters drew back only to be swallowed by the wave -an event observed by their friends who were high enough up on the bank to survive.

Such an event would certainly be passed down in oral history. It is a good story, exciting to tell, exciting to hear, and can be used to make a point about particular beliefs... whatever those beliefs are.

In fairness - I suppose the same could be said of your scientific myth that your ancestor was a baboon like creature who liked to walk on all fours and then decided to try walking on all two?

Tell me, which of these two 'myths' sounds incredulous?

My point is that you seem to think yourself as more qualified then me - A Christian - when it comes to anything concerning The Holy Scriptures. You even presume yourself to be one of the foremost experts of human history?

I speak as a humble Christian, and I follow GODS LAWS.

You dont even know what you are - Find your Baboon ancestor first - prove to me that she/he is not a scientific myth - otherwise keep your comments as assumptions.

If you notice - I structure my statements to allow room for other opinion - you speak as if you state facts - yeah internet facts - and we all know most of those are just assumptions.

Thank you

or as baboons wouls say - hoo! hoo! - Heh! HEH!
Allow me to embolden your boldest.

What is the storage capacity of the human brain? And how do you quantify one that has reaced maximum? Try speaking as though you are genuinely interested in discussion and less like one who is merely interested in trading insults.
SkinWalker said:
AB replies..
You would not know.

You are aware of nothing - believe me when I tell you this.
Two points here AB. First you seam to have little problem with making many assertions and opinions and show us very little evidence how you come to such conclusions. Why do you suppose the atheists here are aware of nothing. What something are we missing, and why are we missing it? You need to stop making these blind assumptions and start answering the questions you have been given. Trust me if you start to do this others here will respect you more and give you the credit you deserve. Otherwise you will simply come across as another Christian fundie, and will either be ignored at best or attacked on your faulty, irrational logic.

The second thing is be careful of your ad hom attacks. Generally speaking people don't like to be called dunce even in a playful manor. This is the reason why your other thread got closed a few week ago.
In fairness - I suppose the same could be said of your scientific myth that your ancestor was a baboon like creature who liked to walk on all fours and then decided to try walking on all two?
You see the problem SkinWalker was speaking about the parting of the Red Sea and you're attempting to change the subject and talk about evolution. Logically speaking there's no connection between the two theories. Please stick to the subject at hand if you want to debate him.

If you notice - I structure my statements to allow room for other opinion - you speak as if you state facts - yeah internet facts - and we all know most of those are just assumptions.
Again I don't see where he states that the facts he mentioned above are "internet facts" only. If you want references to his facts perhaps you can ask him, and he might give them to you. Then we can all evaluate weather or not they are just speculations.
EmptyForceOfChi said:
go and give your money to a priest who rapes young boys.

"god loves you feel the rod of god"

For your information I dont give my money to anybody that I believe can help themselves - I only help those that are helpless.

Thank you.
EmptyForceOfChi said:
if christianity is all you say it is why is it that nearly 100% of wars are over your peacefull religion?

Did not The Christ say that 'he who lives by the sword shall be slain by the sword'? Did He not say that 'if someone hits your left cheek, turn and give the other cheek'?

A Christian knows no violence - AND YES - alot of individuals have used Christians to do their evil work - something that is still going on now.

In my previous statements i call such people - 'misguided individuals' - but let me tell you something - as a Christian if anyone dares to threaten my family, my neighbors , my country , if given the chance, I will do my best to take that person out.

If he hurts me - it is okay, but there is no way i will sit down and let that person hurt the people I care about.

I cannot apologise for the horrific deeds of the past by the church or by people that were evil or misguided.

But I can assure you that in these end times it will never happen again. Those horrific deeds of the past shall remain what they are - the past.

Thank you.
Wow. AB replies with his best. And says nothing that can be rated above an adolescent riposte.

Strawman arguments about baboons don't make a discussion. Nor do the "you know nothing" and "all you have are 'internet facts'" whines.

But AB is riled and has got his wish, which was clear from the method he/she chose to open the thread. The idea was to bait the atheists & agnostics into an argument so he/she could practice his/her debatz skilz against the big, bad heathens.

AB has probably even checked out some of my past posts with the believers of other cult nonsense in the Pseudoscience subforum in his/her quest to sharpen skills. Did you take note of the exchange I had with nutters like ufotheatre, AB? Sure you did. The pathology is clear... we've seen it before.

And the single best argument AB has? The same one religious nutters always fall back on: "you can't prove my god doesn't exist, therefore he does!" I'm paraphrasing, of course, but not much.

In short, AB, you're pathetic. I don't say that with agression. I say with true, genuine pity. You came for a fight. You think your use of the word "dunce" is taken personally and the reality is that, while it is slightly annoying because it interrupts the flow of thoughts in your posts, it merely increases the pity we feel for you. But it isn't nearly the insult you hope it to be. As I said in an earlier post, it is the boldest comment you've dared to make.

That's what's pitiful. Everything else is straw.

I hope you find what you're looking for, AB.
Damn SkinWalker.... you're a straight ass when you wanna be.

As a non-denominational Christian, I find the Book a good place for introspection and wisdom, but I take it with a grain of salt. Even if I don't accept the Creation Story in Genesis as the literal truth, I still find great comfort in the what it is still able to tell me.

Yet, I still recognize it for what it is... a good story. It's the emotion and the symbology of the story that's important: good & evil; trust in God; etc.

But Angelic Being, I have to agree with Skin that you're pokin' for a fight. You really didn't say anything about his arguments except "yer wrong." Teh DUNCE thing is gettin' old too.

Yenald Looshi
snakelord, I am sorry God did not answer you in a way you could hear or understand. I often wish God would answer me, and usually God doesn't respond in any way I can accept. I am sorry to hear about your loss.
The only God I can accept loves you and your son, and holds nothing against either of you, not the father's sins, or your your son's father's sins, or a lack of belief caused by a lack of manifestation of God. I wish I could show that God to you, but I think God would have to show ME more clearly for me to be able to do that.

Also, ANGELIC, Satan is an angelic being - remember that before you help him alienate people from God's love.

The creator loves you all.

EDIT - p.s. Cottontop, sorry i dropped out of our fun little spat, but I had a bit of a meltdown, and didn't have any time for scrapping.
as a Christian..., I will do my best to take that person out.

Clearly, a fine example of Christian morals and ethics, who value their theist based decision making process over a knee-jerk reaction. :D

Once again, your one dimensional thinking process precedes you. The reason couldn't possibly be the fact that userid registration requires at least 3 symbols, could it? :rolleyes:
Angelic Being said:
In my previous statements i call such people - 'misguided individuals' - but let me tell you something - as a Christian if anyone dares to threaten my family, my neighbors , my country , if given the chance, I will do my best to take that person out.

thou shalt not kill?
charles cure said:
...the sun actually cannot be said to go around the earth in any sort of proveable way...
It can be said, and proven mathematically - it was indicated in an expriment called the Michelson-Morley experiment. Basically the point is that motion is relative but you're right, it doesn't seem useful to say the Sun orbits the earth.
...the astronomers who conceived the geocentric model did so having only observed bits of the phenomona of celestial bodies moving through the sky in different positions at different times of the year...
Incomplete, yes, but they observed what they were aware of - they observed what they could.
...they combined their incomplete analysis with an incorrect assumption that god would have placed us at the center of the universe and then tried to gather evidence for that premise as a conclusion instead of arriving at a conclusion through empirical analysis...
I still can't accept this - not from what I know about the development of Astronomy - what is your source of this information?
...therefore they mistook belief for knowledge and came to the wrong conclusions about the structure of the universe because of it...
Yes, they did but I don't think that incident is isolated in time - we may be in their shoes right at this moment. That is why I state there is a fuzzy line between belief and knowledge. point was to dilineate the difference between belief and knowledge. the thrust of the argument was that the geocentric model failed because it was based initially on an acceptance of belief and not independently verifiable knowledge...
Yes, I do think there was a certain "mindset" involved in the failure to accept the heliocentric model however I doubt belief in god(s) had much to do with as opposed to belief by itself. I did and I do get the thrust of your argument.
in a larger context i was saying that knowledge furthers the goal of understanding the realities of ourselves and our environment, belief puts forth a possible, but not proveable explanation for observable phenomena and then attempts to justify itself by either eradicating phenomena that contradict the explanation offered by the belief, or altering the belief itself to include the disparate information. science is not a belief. scientific statements and claims are based on what we know now, as we progress forward, the claims are proved and disproved as the new information dictates, but the past claims are never rendered useless, they become part of a body of supporting evidence for further understanding of the issue. this is not so with belief, particularly religious belief.
Frankly, while I swing with the general gist of what you sate I still do not think that the line between belief and knowledge is so clear cut at present (as stated before), and I mean scientific knowledge.
Angelic Being said:
...or as baboons wouls say - hoo! hoo! - Heh! HEH!...
Applause :D Well done! I'll be smiling for the whole evening. :)
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SkinWalker said:
Speculation is fine, but, as I said, the story as told is myth.
Check this complemented by this out when you have the time SkinWalker - it may neligibly affect your capacity to formulate likely scenarios.