Those who hear the voice of god in their heads are delusional.

Tikes stay out of trouble to avoid punishment, only later do they understand why there is a right and wrong thing to do.
You obviously don't have children. If you did, you would understand and know that children do know the difference between right and wrong. It does show conscience and a lack of when they so choose.

We also know the difference between right and wrong and the reason we know is that when we do something wrong, we too are reprimanded and or punished. Now does conscience come into being when the notion of punishment for wrong doing becomes understood? Another topic altogether.

Everyone is born without a conscience. It is learnt. Knowing the difference between right and wrong is something that is taught from the moment you are born. It is not inate. We aren't born knowing what's right and what's wrong. Everything you know, say and do was learnt in some way or another.
What if they are perceiving something, and they only call it God because that's what it most closely resembles in their culture.
The voices in my head tell me that there is plenty of objective evidence that you exist. Do your voices tell you otherwise?

then it seems that you have answered your original q

Maybe some day the question will be asked if there is any objective evidence for the objective assertions being made.
Everyone is born without a conscience. It is learnt. Knowing the difference between right and wrong is something that is taught from the moment you are born. It is not inate. We aren't born knowing what's right and what's wrong. Everything you know, say and do was learnt in some way or another.

Now that! is something I've debated a few times. Tabula Raza. You are quite correct, we are born an empty slate, every creature, that lives does not come with innate knowledge. Such as instincts. Everything is learned, from the weaving bird, weaving his nest, to the baby learning to walk.
then it seems that you have answered your original q

Maybe some day the question will be asked if there is any objective evidence for the objective assertions being made.

It doesn't matter if I'm asking or answering the question. They are intended for the theist.
That'll be forever.

M*W: Then I guess I'll live forever, but I'm not going to hold my breath because christianity is dying worldwide. Even the christian leaders say so, and they're worried about it. See Christianity Today (you can find the issue(s) on the web, but I know you're too lazy to look them up. This is information you stay away from, because you're brainwashed to avoid it.

Just so we're clear on things, my personal mission is to rid the world of evil christianity.
Medicine, What if they are perceiving something, and they only call it God because that's what it most closely resembles in their culture.

M*W: Thanks for the question, spidergoat. I completely agree with you that if their perception of "god" is ingrained in their culture, it would be an heroic venture to try and convince them otherwise. Take the Mayans and Aztecs, for instance. Their culture believed the sun was god, so they built pyramids to reach on high so they could please their god (just like the ancient Egyptians). They sacrificed humans at the altar at the top of the pyramids, because this is what they THOUGHT their god wanted to provide them with crops and sustenance. So, their culture was tantamount to their "religion." In fact, it would be difficult to distinguish between culture and religion in those societies.

I hope I've answered your question.