Those who hear the voice of god in their heads are delusional.

I've been asking you, and I would respect your answer, (and not concerning other fields).

I could answer it but I am trying another approach - its not a difficult question (although there are a variety of answers on ecan give) and it is surely something we do practically everyday, since we encounter doctors, lawyers, police officers, tradesmen, etc etc as well as your neurologists and PhD Professors

if that general principle you use to determine the qualification of these people is bouyant then it should also act as a lead in to determining the qualification of a saintly person.

so go ahead
I could answer it but I am trying another approach

Don't try "another approach", (which is actually your usual approach of not answering questions). I would have thought you'd do it straight away, (considering it is "not a difficult question").

So please, without resorting to answering in terms of police officers/lawyers etc ... go ahead, shoot.
M*W: We've heard it time and again. Some of the christians on this forum hear the voice of god in their heads. They've admitted it. They believe it. They worship it.

I call this a delusion. They're sick people.
Am I alone here, or do you agree?

I agree! Anyone who doesn't believe exactly that same as we believe, then we should denigrate them, call them nasty names, oust them from our society and keep them from ever voting!

Baron Max
Hey Med Woman, if you can't defeat 'em, ban 'em, way to go, I just love your intellectual honesty, ahahahaha.

M*W: To whom are you referring to "defeat?" "Defeating" someone was not my intention. I specifically referred to "those who hear voices in their head." These people are incapable of honest discussion and debate. They believe what they will, but they cannot back-up anything they say, except for referring to the "voices in their head -- the voice of god," etc. That's all. I would rather hear a good argument for one's religion, so responding to that argument would be worthy of the research I put into answering it. How can anyone reply to voices in someone else's head whom they believe to be god talking to them? The only thing that can be said is "get professional help." No one on this forum should be put into a position of responding to someone who is delusional. It could have serious and dangerous consequences when dealing with someone who is emotionally unstable. And using their delusions for comic relief is not funny.
Don't try "another approach", (which is actually your usual approach of not answering questions). I would have thought you'd do it straight away, (considering it is "not a difficult question").

So please, without resorting to answering in terms of police officers/lawyers etc ... go ahead, shoot.

if one does not have a process to rely on to determine the qualification of persons beyond their jurisdiction, one is a mad man - I have such a process, and I am sure I am not unique - I'm am trying to determine whether you are unique.

If you cannot determine whether a doctor is qualified or not (and you are not versed in medicine) then the chances of you determing whether a saintly person is qualified are next to nil.
if one does not have a process to rely on to determine the qualification of persons beyond their jurisdiction, one is a mad man - I have such a process, and I am sure I am not unique - I'm am trying to determine whether you are unique.

Assume I am.. answer the damn question. I am a doctor - I'm not entirely clued up on the lives of teachers, mechanics, airplane pilots etc. However, all it takes is 5 minutes and I can know the process that these people go through to become qualified. They do not shy away under the pathetic little statements that you consistently attempt.

It is really not as hard to determine who is qualified or not as you try to make out. What I want is your statement on what these people must go through to be considered qualified. You asked:

"However if, as an atheist, one could theoretically accept the concept that god exists, is there any reason tha t he could not speak to someone?"

I have brought up that reason that you have mentioned many times - that people are unqualified and therefore cannot get close to god in any way. I went on to say:

"Well according to you, the possibility of it being true is entirely dependant upon qualification. Thus if you were right it would be easy to work out who are the blatant fakes, and then get round to discussing evidence for 'qualified claims' later on. To do that of course one would need to know exactly what is needed to make a person "qualified" to be able to tell who is and who isn't, and who is therefore full of shit when they say god speaks to them.

If you recind your earlier statements and now say even the unqualified can engage in conversation with a god, you would need to work out how we are supposed to tell the real cases from the fraudulent ones. Content of message is really not sufficient."


A) We would need to know exactly what is needed to make a person "qualified"

B) If the unqualified can engage in conversation with a god, we would need to work out how we are supposed to tell the real cases from the fraudulent ones.

Answers are welcome, non-answers are not. Either answer what has been posed or quit replying. I don't have the time to keep asking the same thing over and over to deaf ears.
Just because something is defined as a disease doesn't have to mean it is.
What's a "disease" anyway? Not being normal? In that case everyone is sick.
They believe what they will, but they cannot back-up anything they say, ...

Do you believe in "love"? Have you ever been in "love"? If so, can you back it up with rational, logical arguments and solid, scientific evidence?

No one on this forum should be put into a position of responding to someone who is delusional.

Is anyone forced to respond to anyone else on this forum?

By the way, I still believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.

How 'bout you? What do you believe in? Peace and harmony and goodwilll for all mankind? Utopia? That all people should live together happily and in harmony? That war is not necessary? What do you believe in?

Baron Max
Do you believe in "love"? Have you ever been in "love"? If so, can you back it up with rational, logical arguments and solid, scientific evidence?

You will find she can, it's simple chemistry. Now, your turn..
I will never understand those who proclaim to have received "messages from God". And they act as though others who view them dubiously are insane for not hearing or receiving those "messages". My cousin is one such person, who along with her religious friends, appear to get "messages" from God about anything and everything. She is, in short, a loon.

When her father (my uncle) was on his death bed on the last day he spent alive, she and her little friends decided to pray around his bedside. The rest of us were a bit 'iffy' about it, but he was her father and she was going through a traumatic time. Issues arose when one of her religious friends (prayer buddies apparently) came bolting out of her chair and proclaimed loudly that she had just received a "message" from God that my uncle would be cured. My uncle at that point was in some form of coma, gasping for breath due to massive heart failure. My aunt (his wife and the mother of the "loon") became quite distressed and the prayer buddies were asked to leave. It was obvious my uncle was not going to last the day. And in their selfish zeal to prove they were correct, one of them spun towards me and told me that she'd received a message that I was suffering some pain in my ring finger. She had seen me nervously playing with my ring on said finger just moments before. That was it for me. I very nearly lost it. The only thing that kept me quiet was the fact we were in a room in a hospital cardiac ward. So I merely informed her the twirling ring thing I do is something I do when nervous or upset. The look on her face would have been comical if the situation we were facing were not so tragic. We ended up having to get the hospital staff to get them out of the room. So they, and my cousin, retired to the waiting room to pray for the miracle they were sure was going to come because they got a "message" that he was going to be cured. He sadly passed away 2 hours later.

I would have thought they'd have learnt their lesson, but it continues. At any gathering, my cousin is now known to leap up and start saying she's "just received a message from God" while her moronic husband starts chanting 'praise the lord' and then they both kneel down and start praying avidly, much to the embarrassment of her children and the rest of her family members. Action of a sane person? Somehow I doubt it.

Thankfully I am well away from it as I am seen to be the anti-christ due to my lack of belief. I rarely see her and she has been forbidden from entering our property due to her and her friends constant prayer harrassment lately during a very difficult time in my and my husbands life quite recently.
Assume I am.. answer the damn question. I am a doctor - I'm not entirely clued up on the lives of teachers, mechanics, airplane pilots etc. However, all it takes is 5 minutes and I can know the process that these people go through to become qualified. They do not shy away under the pathetic little statements that you consistently attempt.
Is your answer that you can understand the processes innvolved in whatever is beyond your jurisdiction in other fields of expertise in 5 minutes. Consideringthat it usually takes 1-3 years in academies of higher education, it appears to be a tall claim.
It is really not as hard to determine who is qualified or not as you try to make out.
i agree - it is not a difficult question - but since it seems on this forum there are academic tendencies to render simple things incomprehensible, I am awaiting your answer (assuming of course you don't want to stick with your first one)
What I want is your statement on what these people must go through to be considered qualified. You asked:

"However if, as an atheist, one could theoretically accept the concept that god exists, is there any reason tha t he could not speak to someone?"

I have brought up that reason that you have mentioned many times - that people are unqualified and therefore cannot get close to god in any way.
I never said all people are unqualified, I said that anyone who has not appied a process is most likely unqualified - just like a scientific researcher without a uni degree usually doesn't get far
I went on to say:

"Well according to you, the possibility of it being true is entirely dependant upon qualification. Thus if you were right it would be easy to work out who are the blatant fakes, and then get round to discussing evidence for 'qualified claims' later on. To do that of course one would need to know exactly what is needed to make a person "qualified" to be able to tell who is and who isn't, and who is therefore full of shit when they say god speaks to them.

If you recind your earlier statements and now say even the unqualified can engage in conversation with a god, you would need to work out how we are supposed to tell the real cases from the fraudulent ones. Content of message is really not sufficient."
and the route to getting to this point is the discussion of general principles - since you seem to indicate that it is easy to determine the general principles one applies to determine whether a person is qualified in fields beyond one's jurisdiction, and you are eager to get the ball rolling, it s not clear why you just simply don't say what the general principles are


A) We would need to know exactly what is needed to make a person "qualified"

B) If the unqualified can engage in conversation with a god, we would need to work out how we are supposed to tell the real cases from the fraudulent ones.

Answers are welcome, non-answers are not. Either answer what has been posed or quit replying. I don't have the time to keep asking the same thing over and over to deaf ears.
so tell us what the general principles are you would apply to determine whether this is in fact a correct scientific diagram

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