Those who hear the voice of god in their heads are delusional.

Maybe some day the question will be asked if there is any objective evidence for the objective assertions being made.
well until then I guess we will just have to perceive everyone's posts as mere voices in our head

heh. this infraction system is funny. It amazes me so many people care about it.
steady on there or someone will give you an infraction for blaspheming the infraction system
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M*W: No. Thinking is one's own thoughts. That's different than hearing "voices" in one's head. When people hear "voices" in their heads, it's some other voice telling them this or that. It's not their own thoughts.

Could, theoretically speaking, our thoughts not be a kind of trickle down effect of a higher being? How do we know our thoughts are truly not the thoughts of someone else.... Think of it as our bodies are robots in a form... and our thoughts is part of our soul.... Some one may very well have more than one soul in their body... and hypothetically, I don't want to offend anyone, if God does exist, then why wouldn't he want to talk to us?
Could, theoretically speaking, our thoughts not be a kind of trickle down effect of a higher being?

If we were to consider this option I would be very worried. Every minute around the world there's rape/murder/theft and whatever else apparently not thought up by the person but by a god. What would that say of this god where he puts thought of rape and murder in people's heads?
Let's not forget the serial killer "Son of Sam" heard voices in his head and we all know how this story turned out.:eek:
Could, theoretically speaking, our thoughts not be a kind of trickle down effect of a higher being? How do we know our thoughts are truly not the thoughts of someone else.... Think of it as our bodies are robots in a form... and our thoughts is part of our soul.... Some one may very well have more than one soul in their body... and hypothetically, I don't want to offend anyone, if God does exist, then why wouldn't he want to talk to us?

M*W: "Trickle down effect," I don't think so. That would be kinda scary to be a messenger of a higher being. I want to know for sure that what I'm thinking are my own thoughts, so when I voice them. I'm pretty confident that my thoughts are my own, and I refuse to be anyone's robot.

Also, if there were a soul, it is what I would call bioelectric energy which is physically natural and in no way supernatural. With that said, I don't believe there are necessarily individual forces of energy but one life force (bioelectric energy) that never dies but returns to the whole.

What I am understanding that you are saying reflects more on those individuals who hear voices in their heads that aren't their own. Schizophrenics have such thoughts that plague them oftentimes. But there are those schizophrenic thoughts that the beholder seems to be comfortable with.

Anytime someone feels they have thoughts that aren't their own, they really should seek psychiatric help. There are medications that work wonders on these types of delusions.

I am an atheist. Therefore, I don't believe a god exists, so no supernatural entity can get into my head and take over my thoughts. This actually works as effectively or even better than psychiatric medication.
the voices in your head, because there is no objective evidence that I am existing

The voices in my head tell me that there is plenty of objective evidence that you exist. Do your voices tell you otherwise? Does your voice like Ricola?

while establishing the parameters of one's false ego as sacred is certainly a popular contemporary religion, I would hardly declare it as bonafide

Careful, you might get an infraction.
Hey Med Woman, I asked you this before, but you never responded, must be a hard one, do you have a conscience?

M*W: Sorry, I must have missed you, but you were on ignore. I believe all humans and maybe even some higher animals have a conscience. I believe we all innately have a sense of right and wrong. Animals, vegetables and minerals, newborn babies and small children, are all atheists like me.
A one year old human has a conscience? Wrong.

M*W: A one-year old has a one-year old conscious. I've delivered thousands of babies, and I can guarantee you that the first thing they do when they're first born is cry. The second thing they do is breathe. The third thing they do is learn to manipulate. So, yes, they do have a conscience.
M*W: A one-year old has a one-year old conscious. I've delivered thousands of babies, and I can guarantee you that the first thing they do when they're first born is cry. The second thing they do is breathe. The third thing they do is learn to manipulate. So, yes, they do have a conscience.
That would have to be the truest and most honest thing I have seen written about babies! Beautiful!:)

IceAgeCivilizations said:
A one year old human has a conscience? Wrong.
Why not? My 15 month old has one and acts like he does.. sometimes. Sometimes he simply does not care if he knows he's doing something wrong and will do it anyway. Until he gets caught and then he looks quite guilty. He's also quite sneaky. So yes, I would definately say that one year old's have a conscience. Sometimes they listen to it and sometimes they prefer to ignore it. Most timest hey just ignore it and go what they heck.

For example, my son knows it is wrong to use his tonka truck to roll sand in from his sandbox into the living room. So he only attempts to do it when he thinks we aren't watching him. As soon as he looks up and realises we are looking at him, he veers the truck away from the living room door and toddles back to the sandpit looking back at us. If we look away from him, he turns the truck right back around again and pushes it really fast for the living room door.. until he sees us looking at him again. We don't even have to say a word. Sometimes we watch him and then turn away on purpose just to see how sneaky he actually is. So he goes back and forth with a tonka tip truck full of sand trying to sneak past us into the living room.:)
That would have to be the truest and most honest thing I have seen written about babies! Beautiful!:)

M*W: Thanks, Bells. That's when they're the cutest! When their conscience is showing their thoughts! I can just see your little guy with his Tonka truck full of sand trying to sneak it into the living room knowing full well he's not supposed to! They do try, you know. I guess that is the ultimate show of their will, but work hard to change it, don't we?
Toddlers are sneaky only because they don't like to be reprimanded, no sense of right and wrong there, just staying out of trouble.

M*W: No one likes to be reprimanded. That's just human nature. If a child is staying out of trouble, they have a conscience. They do have a sense of right and wrong. It's old grumpy farts that have no conscience.