Those who hear the voice of god in their heads are delusional.

It is said there is a function in our brains that allows for modelling the behavior of others, called "mirror neurons", often deficient in autistic people. What if religion is a way of creating a model human in our brains as a way of percieving our own subconscious intuition?
M*W: GeoffP, if it was "hate," then I'd say I was out to kill them all. I have no desire to kill people, I just want to destroy the lies they believe.

Well, that still seems a bit extreme. I find that the Christian belief system isn't too objectionable. Bit preachy maybe. Of course, there's been poor application at times, but I don't find them the worst offenders overall.

Bonne soiree.

GeoffP: Well, that still seems a bit extreme. I find that the Christian belief system isn't too bjectionable. Bit preachy maybe. Of course, there's been poor application at times, but I don't find them the worst offenders overall.
Bonne soiree.

M*W: There are no accidents in the univese.
M*W: We've heard it time and again. Some of the christians on this forum hear the voice of god in their heads. They've admitted it. They believe it. They worship it.

I call this a delusion. They're sick people. They don't have enough knowledge to debate issues on the validity of christianity. They believe blindly in something they cannot explain.

I say that when a christian comes on board and states that he/she hears god's voice in their heads, they should be banned permanently. This is not logical nor is it reasonable. Sane people do not hear voices in their heads. After all, this is a scientific forum. Hearing voices in one's head is not scientifically validated. I think this would stop the preaching once and for all. There is no room for blind belief in this forum. Hearing voices in one's head is not rational. It's insane. This is a scientific forum. Anyone hearing voices in their head should be permanently banned. Those who profess hearing god's voice in their heads should go to a christian forum where they won't be questioned, and where there no debate is required to prove those voices are real.

Am I alone here, or do you agree?

Who are you to pass judgement on what someone believes to be true? How rational is the thought that someone should be excommunicated from society for simply believing in a god's ability to communicate with them? As odd as you may think it to be, people have a right to believe what they want - the same right you excersise when you call them on it. They have a right to follow whatever they want in life - as do you. If they have chosen to follow Christiannity - so be it. It is not your place to try and peg them as secondary citizen's because they choose to worship how they will.

People have the right to excersise choice, you must respect that - even if it pains you so.
People have the right to excersise choice, you must respect that - even if it pains you so.
but when that believe threatens your safety, should you not be allowed to live in peace, should you not be allowed to remove the offender from society, the religious threaten the lives of the multitude everyday, because they unfortunately control a lot of the govenments, many innocents are killed, because delusional religious nutters believe they are doing the right thing for their god.
but when that believe threatens your safety, should you not be allowed to live in peace, should you not be allowed to remove the offender from society, the religious threaten the lives of the multitude everyday, because they unfortunately control a lot of the govenments, many innocents are killed, because delusional religious nutters believe they are doing the right thing for their god.

So everyone who hears god in their heads are causing the deaths of innocents? If someone chooses to let god become a part of their life - I have no problem with that. However, when this part of their life threatens the lives of others, it should be dealt with just like anything else that would threaten someone's life - in that sense I agree.

However, as far as the OP went was simply a 'christian god' speaking to a follower of said religion. What's the problem? If they choose to accept the voice of god, that's all there is to it. You can harass them as much as you want, but it remains their choice, not yours.
If you talk to God, you are praying;
If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.

If the dead talk to you, you are a spiritualist;
If God talks to you, you are a schizophrenic.

--Thomas S. Szasz
If you talk to God, you are praying;
If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.

If the dead talk to you, you are a spiritualist;
If God talks to you, you are a schizophrenic.

--Thomas S. Szasz

Its not clear why god could not talk to someone - of course being a psychiatrist and a questionable one at that), and also a stauch anti-monotheist , its understandable how Mr Szasz could be judging monotheism by its worst stereotype (people suffering from schizophrenia) to reinforce his stereotypical views

Would we lay as a condition for understanding genetics that equal creedence be given to schizophrenics who talk about about genetics?
Its not clear why god could not talk to someone

It is subjective! even atheist can loose their minds! and hear the voice of Madalyn Murray O'Hair if they become schizophrenic! :D
mabufo: ho are you to pass judgement on what someone believes to be true? How rational is the thought that someone should be excommunicated from society for simply believing in a god's ability to communicate with them? As odd as you may think it to be, people have a right to believe what they want - the same right you excersise when you call them on it. They have a right to follow whatever they want in life - as do you. If they have chosen to follow Christiannity - so be it. It is not your place to try and peg them as secondary citizen's because they choose to worship how they will.

People have the right to excersise choice, you must respect that - even if it pains you so.[/QUOTE]

M*W: Your reading comprehension is lacking. There's a big difference from someone who has faith in a belief who practices whatever religion they want to, and someone who hears voices in their head they say is the voice of god! This is not passing judgment or excommunicating them from society. They are mentally ill and they need serious psychiatric help!

I would advocate the rights of people, even christians, but there has to be a line drawn between fantasy and reality.

I replied to a poster who said he heard god's voice talking to him telling him what to do and who to be around. Wouldn't one's on conscience tell a person that?

We see it all too often here on sciforums -- people who hear god's voice in their heads. It is these same people who cannot discuss issues of their religion without getting judgmental themselves! In fact, they simply cannot discuss anything in a logical or reasonable manner or offer anykind of intellectual discussion about their religion. Whatever god tells them in their heads, that's what they believe, even presented with evidence to the contrary, they can't accept anything other than their brainwashing.

People can follow whatever they wish, but when they start saying that they hear voices in their heads, there is no point in them being on sciforums. They're incapable of honest debate, and seeing as how this is a SCIENCE FORUM, they are in a place where religion IS debated. It is my opinion that those individuals who are suffering from mental illnesses shouldn't be allowed to participate in religious discussion. They are already mentally fragile, and someone might post something that would send them off the deep end.

As for you, is there anything that you would like to discuss regarding religion, or are you here to join the ranks of the christian martyrs?
As for you, is there anything that you would like to discuss regarding religion, or are you here to join the ranks of the christian martyrs?

When did I say I was a Christian? It seems to me like you are the one with some sort of bias on the subject of god and Christianity.

They're incapable of honest debate, and seeing as how this is a SCIENCE FORUM, they are in a place where religion IS debated.
You huge bias aside, wouldn't you say that's a bit of a contradiction? Who would you debate religion with if you had your way?

You speak about Christianity like it's an affliction, when in reality it's something that people choose for themselves, just as you chose the path of harassing them for it. In fact, your whole argument is so incredibly ridiculous - I thought at first, it was a joke. The very idea that Chrisitians suffer from a mental illness on account of being practicioners of a faith that they chose, is insane.

You need to excersise a little more self control with your opinions.
You speak about Christianity like it's an affliction, when in reality it's something that people choose for themselves, just as you chose the path of harassing them for it.

Have you ever picked up a history book? The ones doing the harrasing, killing, tourturing are and have been mindless theist zealots!

In fact, your whole argument is so incredibly ridiculous - I thought at first, it was a joke.

this only shows your lack of reading comprehencion!

thought at first, it was a joke. The very idea that Chrisitians suffer from a mental illness on account of being practicioners of a faith that they chose, is insane.

Like she asked, and I ask again, re-read the opening post! your lack understanding the English language or what?