Those who hear the voice of god in their heads are delusional.

Heh, you're not related to MewSkitty are you?
Somehow I doubt it. My dear relative spends all her time either going to pray on people (for cash of course :mad: which I find unforgivable and absolutely disgusting ) or watching Christian cable TV and even going so far as to laying her hands on the damn TV set when they are trying to cure someone on one of those shows. It frightens the hell out of me because she was an intelligent, artistic, talented, loving and rational human being before she found God with all her zeal. Now she is just a religious nut. There is no other way to explain it. Her whole life has become God, to the detriment of everything and everyone else, including her children.

Her excuse? God told her to do it and to keep doing what she's doing. It is not only embarrassing but also terrifying. As far as we can see, the person we once knew has disappeared only to be replaced by some religious person. She is no longer who she was. She goes so far as to go up to strangers and tell them God told her something about them.
Is your answer that you can understand the processes innvolved in whatever is beyond your jurisdiction in other fields of expertise in 5 minutes. Consideringthat it usually takes 1-3 years in academies of higher education, it appears to be a tall claim.

It wasn't an "answer" to anything, it was a statement attempted, (yet again), to get you to answer the questions I have posed. Am I not making myself clear or what? Answer the questions.

As for your quote, I didn't say I could become a qualified airplane pilot in 5 minutes, but that I could know the process that a person would go through to become a pilot, (e.g he needs at least 1000 hours of flight time, a JAA approved degree in whatever etc)..

I think you're being purposely obtuse to avoid having to answer anything when I haven't even asked a great deal from you.

i agree - it is not a difficult question - but since it seems on this forum there are academic tendencies to render simple things incomprehensible, I am awaiting your answer (assuming of course you don't want to stick with your first one)

If you agree that it's not a difficult question.. answer it. What there certainly is a tendency to, it's you avoiding answering anything. Given your last bit, (including the bit in brackets), it seems you haven't even been paying attention to what's been written. I am asking you what process a man must go through to be consider 'qualified' - and thus able to communicate with god. I cannot answer that because I don't know, which is why I'm asking you, as to why you're refusing to answer.. I have no idea - unless you're too gutless to say "I don't know". What is the problem exactly?

and the route to getting to this point is the discussion of general principles - since you seem to indicate that it is easy to determine the general principles one applies to determine whether a person is qualified in fields beyond one's jurisdiction, and you are eager to get the ball rolling, it s not clear why you just simply don't say what the general principles are

It's not clear? Am I writing in Chinese? Let me make "it clear" yet again..

I want you to tell me the processes that one must go through to be considered 'qualified', (having the ability to communicate with god).

If I wanted my own answer, I'd just sit at home talking to myself. I want your answer. Do you understand that?

That... wasn't... really... an.. answer. Try again.

so tell us what the general principles are you would apply

It's like talking to a brick wall. Hello? Anybody home? Answer the damn question.

If you can't answer just say you can't. I wont laugh.
Somehow I doubt it. My dear relative spends all her time either going to pray on people (for cash of course :mad: which I find unforgivable and absolutely disgusting ) or watching Christian cable TV and even going so far as to laying her hands on the damn TV set when they are trying to cure someone on one of those shows. It frightens the hell out of me because she was an intelligent, artistic, talented, loving and rational human being before she found God with all her zeal. Now she is just a religious nut. There is no other way to explain it. Her whole life has become God, to the detriment of everything and everyone else, including her children.

Her excuse? God told her to do it and to keep doing what she's doing. It is not only embarrassing but also terrifying. As far as we can see, the person we once knew has disappeared only to be replaced by some religious person. She is no longer who she was. She goes so far as to go up to strangers and tell them God told her something about them.

You can always prove her wrong, capture it on video, and socially chastize her within the family :). All you have to do is get her to state that 'God' does not make mistakes and then catch her in the act of false assertion.

Show everyone in the family (including her) the evidence over and over and over again.
But It fits Lg just as well! LOL....

Maybe I just don't follow his posts too closely. Does he have voices talking to him? If he is schitzo and his belief is rooted in this then he's on an entirely different level in terms of being reality-challenged.
You can always prove her wrong, capture it on video, and socially chastize her within the family :). All you have to do is get her to state that 'God' does not make mistakes and then catch her in the act of false assertion.

Show everyone in the family (including her) the evidence over and over and over again.

Since when has derision changed anyone's mind?

If you think that disagreeing and offering excellent reasons for your thinking will change anyone’s mind, you might be new on this planet.- Scott Adams
Since when has derision changed anyone's mind?

If you think that disagreeing and offering excellent reasons for your thinking will change anyone’s mind, you might be new on this planet.- Scott Adams

It isn't intended to change the looney's mind. Its intended to motivate the family to remove the problem from their lives and alleviate the strife.
You can always prove her wrong, capture it on video, and socially chastize her within the family :). All you have to do is get her to state that 'God' does not make mistakes and then catch her in the act of false assertion.

Show everyone in the family (including her) the evidence over and over and over again.

We are talking about a woman who when I was quite ill in hospital with pregnancy complications when expecting my first child, decided to bring her band of merry prayers to the hospital and attempt to force some form of exorcism on my belly because she thinks that my atheism has resulted in "my spawn being the devil's spawn" and because at the time, my now husband and I were not married but were happily in a relationship together for 5 years. To say that I was upset would be an understatement. I had to buzz the nurse and they had to call security. I forgave her because she is someone I have loved since, well since I can remember and because she had always been a part of my life. Her reason? God told her my son was in danger of falling into the hands of the devil.

As an atheist, I have not baptised my son. Not too long ago at a family reunion/gathering at her home, my little boy went missing from where he had been playing with his little cousins. In our desperate search through the house and yard calling his name, I heard him crying in the bathroom. She, her husband and her friend had decided to baptise my son by locking him in the bathroom with them, filling up the bath and were attempting to immerse him into the water while chanting prayers. My son was hysterical, as was I and the rest of my family. Her brother managed to virtually open the door by forcing the lock and we all rushed in there to find my son being pushed completely under the water screaming the whole time while all of them stood there praying. Apparently God told her my son needed to be baptised or christened if the devil were not to claim him. The only thing that prevented me from calling the police and having her arrested was the look of abject horror on the face of her teenage son. Since then, she has been banned from entering my property or having contact with my son and I basically avoid attending any family gatherings if she is there. And being pregnant and not doing as well as I'd hoped with this pregnancy as well, I'd rather avoid the stress of having to be in close proximity with someone who thinks that I am some kind of evil spawn that must be saved because God told her to. I honestly do not need the stress of her delusions at the moment.

No amount of filming, derision, explaining reason or anything else will help her where she is now. I grieve the loss of someone I loved as though she had died. As in a way she has died because the person she was has disappeared. She is now a fundamentalist Christian and I actually believe that if someone told her to strap a bomb to her body to blow up the devil worshippers (atheists, muslims, or anyone who is not christian) because God gave them a message, she would actually do it.

So no, I won't show her any evidence to the contrary as it would fall on deaf ears. Any opposition she faces she blames on the work of the devil. The only voice she listens too now is the voice of God that only she can hear. Delusional? Definately yes.
It isn't intended to change the looney's mind. Its intended to motivate the family to remove the problem from their lives and alleviate the strife.

You can't "remove" a family member from your life. You can only avoid running into them or stop them from coming over.:rolleyes: Twenty years down the line though, they are still around (as I have discovered to my own chagrin).
Maybe I just don't follow his posts too closely. Does he have voices talking to him? If he is schitzo and his belief is rooted in this then he's on an entirely different level in terms of being reality-challenged.
I guess you don't follow my posts too closely - usually I present a concept, along with the general principles it is built on ... also occasionally with a scriptural quote from the vedas.

The only voices I have in my head seem to say, "why do you bother responding to persons who say, "but that it total BS"?"

PS - godless's response was after I gave him an infraction for inappropriate language, so it seems that the voices he was listening to in his head were still a bit bitter.
I think all those obsessing over an unkown woman on the internet are delusional

Hold on a second here: over 10k posts in just over 10 months? That's a thousand posts a month, or over 30/day. I assume you have to sleep, so that's about two posts per hour on average.

And you're calling me obsessed? Physician, heal thyself.

You should get into something less addictive, like EverQuest or online gambling.
You can't "remove" a family member from your life. You can only avoid running into them or stop them from coming over.:rolleyes: Twenty years down the line though, they are still around (as I have discovered to my own chagrin).

You can make the family member want to remove themself until the time the person gets their shit together. If everyone in a family turns against a member, they will be accelerated into confronting reality.
We are talking about a woman who when I was quite ill in hospital with pregnancy complications when expecting my first child, decided to bring her band of merry prayers to the hospital and attempt to force some form of exorcism on my belly because she thinks that my atheism has resulted in "my spawn being the devil's spawn" and because at the time, my now husband and I were not married but were happily in a relationship together for 5 years. To say that I was upset would be an understatement. I had to buzz the nurse and they had to call security. I forgave her because she is someone I have loved since, well since I can remember and because she had always been a part of my life. Her reason? God told her my son was in danger of falling into the hands of the devil.

As an atheist, I have not baptised my son. Not too long ago at a family reunion/gathering at her home, my little boy went missing from where he had been playing with his little cousins. In our desperate search through the house and yard calling his name, I heard him crying in the bathroom. She, her husband and her friend had decided to baptise my son by locking him in the bathroom with them, filling up the bath and were attempting to immerse him into the water while chanting prayers. My son was hysterical, as was I and the rest of my family. Her brother managed to virtually open the door by forcing the lock and we all rushed in there to find my son being pushed completely under the water screaming the whole time while all of them stood there praying. Apparently God told her my son needed to be baptised or christened if the devil were not to claim him. The only thing that prevented me from calling the police and having her arrested was the look of abject horror on the face of her teenage son. Since then, she has been banned from entering my property or having contact with my son and I basically avoid attending any family gatherings if she is there. And being pregnant and not doing as well as I'd hoped with this pregnancy as well, I'd rather avoid the stress of having to be in close proximity with someone who thinks that I am some kind of evil spawn that must be saved because God told her to. I honestly do not need the stress of her delusions at the moment.

No amount of filming, derision, explaining reason or anything else will help her where she is now. I grieve the loss of someone I loved as though she had died. As in a way she has died because the person she was has disappeared. She is now a fundamentalist Christian and I actually believe that if someone told her to strap a bomb to her body to blow up the devil worshippers (atheists, muslims, or anyone who is not christian) because God gave them a message, she would actually do it.

So no, I won't show her any evidence to the contrary as it would fall on deaf ears. Any opposition she faces she blames on the work of the devil. The only voice she listens too now is the voice of God that only she can hear. Delusional? Definately yes.

Like I told Sam, the intent is not to change her mind. The intent is to motivate your family (and yourself) to remove the problem.
I guess you don't follow my posts too closely - usually I present a concept, along with the general principles it is built on ... also occasionally with a scriptural quote from the vedas.

The only voices I have in my head seem to say, "why do you bother responding to persons who say, "but that it total BS"?"

Maybe some day the question will be asked if there is any objective evidence for the objective assertions being made.

PS - godless's response was after I gave him an infraction for inappropriate language, so it seems that the voices he was listening to in his head were still a bit bitter.

heh. this infraction system is funny. It amazes me so many people care about it.
Hold on a second here: over 10k posts in just over 10 months? That's a thousand posts a month, or over 30/day. I assume you have to sleep, so that's about two posts per hour on average.

And you're calling me obsessed? Physician, heal thyself.

You should get into something less addictive, like EverQuest or online gambling.

You're ascribing me with too much careful thought. Trolling is faster than you think.:D

Wouldn't even realise how much it was if leo did not keep reminding me!