Third of Muslim Students Back Religious Killings

Sort of like the nakba. Only then it was 100% Jews who supported religious killings. So it would seem 2/3 of Muslims are still clueless.
yeah, muslims should be proud of their many accomplishments and contributions to society, like the suicide bombers and the holy jihad. that will surely solve the global warming issue.
You mean they should try the nakba instead? Thats a better strategy?
You mean they should try the nakba instead?

a plasma propulsion grid or an high tech bio mechanic exoskeletons suits doesnt sound like their area of expertises. however, they are known to be handy with explosives and shouting really loud! i hear they are very good with looking really scary, and they dont use perfume-but this are just nasty rumors probably.
the future of Islam?


or is it the lack of fresh caviar?
Every generation has their own. What do you think Jewish parents taught their children about Nazis? What do your grandparents still say about Nazis? I'm guessing they did not consider a one state solution, unlike the Palestinians.
Why? What do Israeli schools teach about the Nazis? That they were misguided human beings who should be understood in the socio-political context of the times?
Why? What do Israeli schools teach about the Nazis? That they were misguided human beings who should be understood in the socio-political context of the times?

sounds like a muslim school to me :p

Schools are dropping the Holocaust from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils, a Government backed study has revealed
sounds like a muslim school to me :p

Schools are dropping the Holocaust from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils, a Government backed study has revealed

If they have the holcoaust, they should also have the Jewish collaborators and the nakba.
If they have the holcoaust, they should also have the Jewish collaborators and the nakba.

and they should teach how in the battle of khibar their great prophet slaughtered an entire jewish tribe because they refused to convert to islam. but that is just teasing them, the ceiling might fall off, from all those muslims shouting allah akbar at once. its an hazardous program.
The title of this thread is misleading with the sole purpose to increase hatred and violence against innocent Muslims in the West.

The vast, vast majority of Muslims do not consider attacks on America or any European nation justified. Killing of civilians is a sin according to Islam.

That should answer the question.
Geez Diamond, how delusional of you. Can't you see the western nations defending themselves in the Muslim countries?
The title of this thread is misleading with the sole purpose to increase hatred and violence against innocent Muslims in the West.

The vast, vast majority of Muslims do not consider attacks on America or any European nation justified. Killing of civilians is a sin according to Islam.

That should answer the question.

The point is, a sizeable minority of muslims support or condone the killing of innocent civilians. Islam is simply the most violent and most offensive dogma there is to human rights. Wave a wand and turn them into secularists and the world is instantly a much better place.

If Europe gets Islamoficated with current birth rates, then we will enter a new dark age.
Islam is simply the most violent and most offensive dogma there is to human rights. Wave a wand and turn them into secularists and the world is instantly a much better place.

If Europe gets Islamoficated with current birth rates, then we will enter a new dark age.

That explains why the Muslim nations had 300 years of war of the barbarians, followed by centuries of colonial rule where the natives were either killed off or put into nigger reservations, followed by two world wars, a Holocaust, nuclear and chemical bombing, ongoing occupations, "we don't do body counts", supporting oppressive regimes, death squads, pointless wars, etc.

Yeah, make them atheist and the world will be a better place. Russia is so peaceful now, the Chinese could not get any better, Cambodia is a shining light to the world. The NATO countries are spreading democracy by the missile load. What more do we need? Ah some biased media propaganda would be nice.

Those Muslim nations! They simply will not recognise self determination of people! See how foreign populations have completely replaced natives in their lands. :bawl:
The point is, a sizeable minority of muslims support or condone the killing of innocent civilians. Islam is simply the most violent and most offensive dogma there is to human rights. Wave a wand and turn them into secularists and the world is instantly a much better place.

If Europe gets Islamoficated with current birth rates, then we will enter a new dark age.

You are a fear monger. Do you not realize that the sizeable minority of Muslims which support this come from Palestine and surrounding Arab countries, Chechnya, Iraq, and Afghanistan. These people are being bombed daily and have scores of dead civilians 1,000 x more than all "terrorist" attacks combined in this century. What is terrorism, if we define it by civilian deaths, we can't ignore America's crimes in the world against poor defenseless societies in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, and I'm sure I'm missing many other nations.

It is injustice which breeds these attacks, not any particular ideology. The American people supported the use of nuclear bombs in Japan, for instance. Is that not terrorism? Those who support the bombings of civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq, are they not terrorists?

Where do we draw the line?
You are a fear monger. Do you not realize that the sizeable minority of Muslims which support this come from Palestine and surrounding Arab countries, Chechnya, Iraq, and Afghanistan. These people are being bombed daily and have scores of dead civilians 1,000 x more than all "terrorist" attacks combined in this century. What is terrorism, if we define it by civilian deaths, we can't ignore America's crimes in the world against poor defenseless societies in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, and I'm sure I'm missing many other nations.

It is injustice which breeds these attacks, not any particular ideology. The American people supported the use of nuclear bombs in Japan, for instance. Is that not terrorism? Those who support the bombings of civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq, are they not terrorists?

Where do we draw the line?

Actually I was talking about a sizeable minority of muslims living in Britain. But of course it comes to no surprise to me that the sizeable minority may not be such a minority in islamic countries.