Thiaoouba Prophecy?

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It is just an example of exploring every possibilities.
Including fiction?
Oh yeah. You think TP is valid...

How can you prove a place or character is fictional?
Prove a character is fictional?
I said "probably" fictional since there no actual historical evidence for Jesus.
Including fiction?
Oh yeah. You think TP is valid...

Prove a character is fictional?
I said "probably" fictional since there no actual historical evidence for Jesus.

since evidence is needed, how do you know if historical evidence are valid?
Do you mean material evidence?
What sort of evidence do we have for, say, Julius Caesar?
What sort of "evidence" do we have for Jesus?

What do you mean by "material evidence"?
Are you claiming there's some evidence for Jesus?
What sort of evidence do we have for, say, Julius Caesar?
What sort of "evidence" do we have for Jesus?

What do you mean by "material evidence"?
Are you claiming there's some evidence for Jesus?

This is only my opinion. For me truth is proven by just thinking deeply.
Relative to Jesus, he was an enemy of the Jews and the Romans therefore records would not be carefully made. It would be like expecting the liberals to keep accurate records of the accomplishments of George Bush. These record would more likely contain misrepresentation, slander, negativity and denial. To get objective records you can't depend on the enemy who ran things for centuries.

Atheists are closer to the apes, than relgious people, based on their own respective beliefs. Apes can't reason or abstract which may be why atheist seem to have a hard time gaining a sense of perspective. They will evolve beyond that someday.
Relative to Jesus, he was an enemy of the Jews and the Romans therefore records would not be carefully made.
You think not?
In WWII (for example) who had extremely extensive records of what was going on in the Soviet Union? (So good in fact that these records were transferred to the USA later on). Oh that's right! Their enemy -the Germans. And then these records were added to by their newer enemy, the USA.

Atheists are closer to the apes, than relgious people, based on their own respective beliefs.
This is nonsense.

Apes can't reason or abstract which may be why atheist seem to have a hard time gaining a sense of perspective. They will evolve beyond that someday.
For an excellent example of the contrast in theist/ atheist "reasoning" and "sense of perspective" see my reply in the first response of this post.
What about the Soviet Union after WWII and book burning? The goal was to remove anything written and/or anyone who could speak things, that would interfere with the propaganda needed to assure power remained in power. The Soviet leaders were atheists, and and tried to create their own reality so younger generation would never know real history but only chosen history which they enforce with censor.

I modern times, the PC atheists are trying to alter even classical literature so the original records are more in the light with atheist philospophy. I don't trust atheists words when their actions tell another story.

Athesit claim to be from the apes since this is what evolution says. The religous don't see it that way. Humans will create their own perception of reality based on what they believe to be true whether true or not.

That being said, atheist will model on the apes since that is their expected foundation; monkey see and monkey do will be important, which is why there always the same arguments with the monkeys throwing feces at the religious patrons. Apes don't think, just copy and act.

The religious have their own perception of reality. It is based on a descent from something higher than human, and not ascent from something lower than human. Whether this is true or not, this reality foundation is not the ape standard, but a standard based on a foundation that can only be expressed in the future. This is why religions lasts for millenia.
What about the Soviet Union after WWII and book burning?
Which has what to do with the point?

I modern times, the PC atheists are trying to alter even classical literature so the original records are more in the light with atheist philospophy.
Examples please. There is no "atheist philosophy".

Athesit claim to be from the apes since this is what evolution says. The religous don't see it that way. Humans will create their own perception of reality based on what they believe to be true whether true or not.
Which may or may not actually be reality.

The religious have their own perception of reality. It is based on a descent from something higher than human, and not ascent from something lower than human. Whether this is true or not, this reality foundation is not the ape standard, but a standard based on a foundation that can only be expressed in the future. This is why religions lasts for millenia.
Blah blah blah...
Relative to Jesus, he was an enemy of the Jews and the Romans therefore records would not be carefully made. It would be like expecting the liberals to keep accurate records of the accomplishments of George Bush. These record would more likely contain misrepresentation, slander, negativity and denial. To get objective records you can't depend on the enemy who ran things for centuries.

This is true. The winners are the ones who create the historical records. But being a winner doesnt means they are always right. This is the reason why material evidence is not a good basis for exploring the truth, there is a possibility that you(us) are only hearing the one side of the story. The truth is always within us. We dont need knowledge on everything, we need understanding.
I spent a long time looking for proof, I thought the book needs a smoking gun.You can read my other posts.However there is something else and it is this.Even if you had proof it would change little.This last line takes time to understand.You have to take a look at the society we live in and how it operates.If you had proof a metal, a plant, some DNA, a photo, it would change nothing.It might for you, but for the general flow of things it would not.You see what needs change is our society that is what the book is about, we need to rise up and make a better world, that is our work.ETs jumping out of space ships saying "Hi", will not help.Before any one trys to argue with me just think it over, go out today and watch people. now ask your self... how many of them are really going to change?, and why not?, what keeps it all going around?

The missing link is in the minds of people,is in the psyche.(a) they don`t care(b) their being brainwashed consistently.I`m finally understanding the proof is not the maker or breaker of this information.It is the minds of the people.

A point is this, The proof is a little deeper then just a material object.When you start to dig into the book it`s hard not to argue with.It extends right down to what they teach you in school.Example, we are not the first civilization, in fact we are the dregs of the others that came before us.The remnants of civilized society's.We are not civilized.I`ll say it again, the missing link to understanding this book is in the human psyche.

We live in a society were the Pyramids were built by men with hammers and ropes.They teach you this in school.How many of you have ever really researched the building of such a building?

See for a factual but bad presentation...

Something found recently...[/url]

As was once said to me, it is not that people have not read some book that they don`t understand.It is that they are not interested in understanding.We are a joke as a society,conscious cripples.

You give us a gem and we throw it away.You give us technology and we use it brainwash each other.You give us a planet and we destroy it.How? By fueling an economy that is based on endless consumption regardless of resources.And what fuels it?...Greed!You don`t need another car every 3 years.You don`t need another car every 10 years.You don`t need to walk around it latest fashion.They teach you to!.What you think is what they have taught you to think.


See this link, just take the time to think about how your own mind works and how it has been influenced and consistently influenced.

And it boils down to this...If we don`t change we disappear....and we can change...The book is not about proof it is about us as people, as a planet.
Example, we are not the first civilization, in fact we are the dregs of the others that came before us.The remnants of civilized society's.
I'm glad you stated there is no requirement for proof. Otherwise I'd be asking for yours on this.

See for a factual but bad presentation...
Um, no. It's not only bad it's fiction.
From a known crank.
I gave you post some thought , your logic on that last post is like a badly tuned string, now matter how you play it , it is always off key.
In your list of cranks you rolled Jarque fresco in with Ronald L Hubbard, do have any idea how laughable that is?
And yet you masquerade about...its fiction!!!...yes of course it is!!!...don`t you know?...they built them with ropes and cut down trees and hand tools.

oh another

Also I found proof on many parts of this info only because I took the time to search and it took years.However I am reminded when I encounter responses such as yours that no proof is a puppet of everything you read and see.You just sprout what ever they tell you.So your logic is based on the limitations of this society.The punch line is this, your always right and ultimately wrong.I could ask you how does that feel?,but then you can`t comprehend that.So you would not know.In fact your so sure of your self it`s hard to even open a intelligent dialog.But your proof as well, I can admire you in all your glory.You not actually here to learn anything, to open your mind, your here for the sport.The only thing you bring is a blade.You don`t bring your ideas, your aspirations, your imagination.

Still though I do ask you and I am sincerely interested in what proof do these 10 foot she males needs to provide? what will cut it? what would make it a unquestionable truth?...Let your logic run wild!
Dywyddyr..Mate... More Cranks!!! ...If you have read TP you`ll know they talk extensively about the immortality of consciousness.

It`s crank city!!! :eek:
I gave you post some thought , your logic on that last post is like a badly tuned string, now matter how you play it , it is always off key.

In your list of cranks you rolled Jarque fresco in with Ronald L Hubbard, do have any idea how laughable that is?
A crank is a crank. We haven't gone into detail about their specific brand of crankdom.

However I am reminded when I encounter responses such as yours that no proof is necessary
Um, wasn't that your contention?

Also I found proof on many parts of this info only because I took the time to search and it took years. a puppet of everything you read and see.You just sprout what ever they tell you.
Ah I see. You claim to have "years" of searching yet, because I disagree with you, you somehow think that I'm just regurgitating "what I've read and seen". False assumption.

You not actually here to learn anything, to open your mind, your here for the sport.The only thing you bring is a blade.You don`t bring your ideas, your aspirations, your imagination.
Yet another facile assumption.
Dywyddyr....Mate!!! more cranks...:eek:

Make sure you watch this really Cranks!!!
Dywyddyr....Mate!!! more cranks...:eek:

Make sure you watch this really Cranks!!!

When I read Thiaoouba Prophecy, I believe it instanly because the logic written is undeniable. I never expect that such proof and evidence like this can be found in our time (due to humanity's mindset). This is not in school textbooks, academics etc. :bravo: