Thiaoouba Prophecy?

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The book teaches us to be in touch with our spirituality, and overall a message of peace and love. Oh no! how horrible!
Just because Chalko had questionable motives doesnt mean all he said was 'rubbish'.
Then why doesn't the book simply give the "message" rather than espouse false "facts" and incorrect "science"?

It's 1:47 in the morning, and I got about half way through this thread and I couldn't believe the level of which some of you guys, particularly you, SkinWalker, who has been trolling all throughout this thread, have gotten to simply to prove whether or not this book is 'valid' or 'invalid'
Yeah, way to miss the point of the thread. :rolleyes:
What is the ONLY way to KNOW for sure?

Charlie4, I applaud the time and effort you put in replying in this topic and the coherence in what you analyzed! :bravo:
It seems you summarized everything very well and there's not much to be said except one thing which curiously you also provide the answer, check your latest post carefully:

What appears to be the main sentance of the whole book appears to be the most hypocritical also.

"Believing is not enough, you must know."

What has the book given us that can in any way let us know for sure?

I believe you meant to quote the phrase: "Believing is not enough: you need to KNOW".

The phrase is enigmatic in that it can be interpreted in a few contradicting ways however only one meaning holds the key to its riddle (I find it similar to a recursive algorithm that refers to itself within).

I wouldn't say this if I didn't see that you're close, very close to getting it!!
Actually you may very well have figured it out already ;)

Question and answer and (even if unknowingly) you provide both! Well done again!!:thumbsup:
Over the past few years I have skimmed over this thread, I added to it a couple of times and found that it was pretty heavy going and decided to give it a swerve. I am adding to it this time because really I found the post of Charlie4 to be liberal and readable, also I had some time to kill and some things on my mind.
I’m also writings this to add my own thoughts and to correct a couple of things which I picked up.
1, "The believing is not enough you need to know" was added by Mr Chalko not Michel. That`s Toms message, The book was reprinted and the name changed due to Toms influence on Michels presentation. When Michel started presenting his story he had no props or anything and his presentation was simply bad .Tom helped him get himself together at least to make it presentable to the public. That is a fact. The original book had a simple cover which Thao and Michel, I had a original copy bad in 1997 but the first time I read the book I did not take it seriously.
Tom helped put this presentation together and used to sell this video.

2, What few people know is that the writer of the book does not even want to talk about his experience with anyone. Even those that once were authorized to talk about the book have trouble talking with him about the book, simply because he just wants to get on with his life. He did what he was asked to do now he wants to get on with his life. Before he gave up talking about the book he became very emotionally disturbed. In short he was having trouble living here knowing everything that he had been through, he would often have crying spells to which people would try and console him. After he could not take anymore he handed over the managing of the book to other people and got on with his life and left Australia. He moved to a place in Vietnam which is buy the water. He liked this place according to him because it reminded him of the place he stayed on Thiaoouba.
3, Although for some time claiming to be a writer, he was never a writer, we wrote one another book, which was average, he did a rough manuscript for another book about Nature but lost the manuscript and never really did anything with it. In some sense I think of him as a victim. He never really made money from it, the book is available for free. The clothing that was made by Mr Chalko barely makes any money, there is not really much to it. You have the Meanwells out there running their short course and selling audio recording of interviews with Michel and that is about as far as you can go. The deeper you try and go pretty soon you hit rock bottom. I can say all of this because I live in Australia and personally know all of these people. Personally I don’t believe in making money off this book or information.
Which brings me to my next point….
Is the book true?, the only people that could tell you that are those that are believers…simply because there is no proof…anyway you want to turn it around , look at it, argue about it, slag on each other, there is no proof.
Personally I have an issue with that with out getting into great details to send a man back to a planet with such a story with out a dim of proof is a bit like sending a man to war with a wooden spoon and plastic fork. How on earth you can expect people to believe such a story is not only a leap of faith but it is such a leap that one could only assume those that are leaping are doing it for their own reasons, not because anything is actually going to catch them. They believe what they want to believe.
That sounds harsh but I have not met one person that surrounds the book that has had any proof what so ever. And I have met them all.
It’s this point above which I think is the greatest hurdle to TP. Even though the book makes sense and has reasonable steps in action to take the world in a better direction.
In TP Thao says the reason they allowed Christ to behave in a way that was magical was because the level of indifference and disbelieve was such that if he did not behave in such a way people never would have believed the message that he was sent to bring, that is, of the immortality of consciousness. That we don’t live one time but many. Its a simple message. So they have this guy that heals the deaf dumb and blind, walks on water to give that simple message…you follow?...well I guess he can do all that so what he is saying must be true..right?,
So, 2000 years later we have returned to a point that is worse then we were previously and they send Michel!!!!!!......just think it over.I guy with bad English, poor attention to detail, and no magic powers….Just think about it…I guess the point I’m trying to make, even if this story was true, this man is going to not only fail but is going to resent you….which is what happened. In the end he threw his hands in the air and went I just want to get on with my life to hell with it all.
Anytime I have seen people amass around this book, such as forums ect, it goes nowhere, which is no surprise. And in the end they all end up with getting on with their lives because they realize sooner or latter that (a) none of the locals really care (b) Believing in it can’t really help you. In actual fact it would not matter if the book was true simply because it has zero support structure. Its like a dropping a bucket of die in a small lake. Who notices?, who cares?.Which brings you to the ultimate question of, if you were really trying to communicate with a planet and had great spiritual power and technological powers is this how you would conduct your operation?, consider it?.What would you do?, now ask your self what did they do?
It is unsurprising to see so many people go this book is utter rubbish….I think if it was true it would have far more foundation from those that supposedly were the architects of its manifestation because even the guy that wrote the book has walked away from it and that is a indisputable fact.
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For those who do not understand, from what I have read in this thread are either unwilling or not capable of seeing truth.

There is no material evidence because that would defeat the point.

The point is to recognize the truth of what is being said through individual common sense. The point is NOT to whine over not having material evidence.

There is no point in arguing. those who understand will understand. those who do not will not unless they want to. If they want to understand, they will ask. The ones who do not want to understand should not waste their time trying to justify their own insecure feelings about the truth against other people. If after reading this you find that you have been doing this, just think about it.

All things considered, I can logically reason that this book is based in fact, for those that want to listen. If you do not, you should not be here, wasting your time trying to justify yourself.

1. There are factual explanations that are stated in Thiaouuba Prophecy that are too fantastic to all have been made up from the mind fo one man. His invention of the alternate history of Earth, The planet of Thiaouuba, and Christ's true life are too complex, to different to have all been created by one man with mediocre knowledge of how the world works.
2. The truth stands, that Michel really has nothing to gain from selling the book. The price is enough to pay for the book, and nothing more.

As an afterthought, Some people who decided to criticise this book, having been counter critisized by people for Thiaouuba Prophecy, have ended up making eapes of faith themselves, ironically while critizing the others for their own supposed "faith". That is something i find rather amusing
Charlie4, I applaud the time and effort you put in replying in this topic and the coherence in what you analyzed! :bravo:
It seems you summarized everything very well and there's not much to be said except one thing which curiously you also provide the answer, check your latest post carefully:

I believe you meant to quote the phrase: "Believing is not enough: you need to KNOW".

The phrase is enigmatic in that it can be interpreted in a few contradicting ways however only one meaning holds the key to its riddle (I find it similar to a recursive algorithm that refers to itself within).

I wouldn't say this if I didn't see that you're close, very close to getting it!!
Actually you may very well have figured it out already ;)

Question and answer and (even if unknowingly) you provide both! Well done again!!:thumbsup:

Thanks for liking my post m8, but I have absolutely no idea what you mean by this? Any chance you could explain a bit?

Cheers catcess I liked your post. As I said before, it's all a bit sad really. I don't get why Michel is so sad as you say though, doesn't his book say that he gets to be reincarnated to a 'higher planet type' when he dies? surely he has that to look forward to?
Sure Charlie,

As you know we can write a whole encyclopedia about this subject and I want to avoid starting one :)

I will just mention this: many facts about TP cannot be proven, although there seem to be good "hints" toward the validity of a few, by this I specifically mean the existence of the Village of Shingo in Japan and its folklore (among others like the Aura Research, etc.), that apparently when under close scrutiny from linguistic experts seems to carry an ancient message in... Hebrew-Egyptian.

But since the main message in Thiaoouba Prophecy is of a spiritual nature we can leave people discussing every apparent external "proof". Probably very little (if anything) will come from there.

How many things can we really say we Know? I mean, please rule out everything we've learned from others! Where do we stand? How much do we really know... I bet close to nothing (at least in my case and I have a degree and extensive professional experience). And why? Because our knowledge is external and not our own. Our true knowledge comes from within, TP is the beacon: by concentration and meditation. We're even told of a successful way to organize a society towards the goal of a better, happier and more just existence.

I'm aware that for every argument I have many others can be raised against it but whoever is reading this honestly hopefully will get my point.
We reached a point of great material development however there's little purpose in it if we lost our bearings on the way and establishing the link with lost spiritual knowledge.

I confess Thiaoouba Prophecy inspired me the dream of a community which integrates the basic principles mentioned by Thao and the Thaori simple in its conception and aimed for the highest purpose in human existence.
Thanks for liking my post m8, but I have absolutely no idea what you mean by this? Any chance you could explain a bit?

Cheers catcess I liked your post. As I said before, it's all a bit sad really. I don't get why Michel is so sad as you say though, doesn't his book say that he gets to be reincarnated to a 'higher planet type' when he dies? surely he has that to look forward to?

It was once put like this by Michel, Imagine you you live your whole life in the ghetto, in the slums, in the dump. You scratch a living and it`s all you know, so in a sense you are o.k.

One day A wealthy family pulls up in a limo, they take you in, bath you feed you , most importantly they love you, they shower you in love, for the first time you have perspective.

Then after a month one night they take you back to the slums and dump you back and you never hear from them again.

And Michel has not herd boo from these people, nothing...hence he is determined to get on with his life, he does not even like talking about the book according to some.I personally think it is unacceptable,everybody needs support, and he has not be given enough.The book has some great points, I can`t fault it, however you can do anything with it, unless you get a lot of people who see the same thing.Those that get the book are the smallest of the smallest minority, but there could be a lot more if the information was supported, and it has not been.

The thing is the people of Thiaoouba talk about giving the people of Earth a helping hand ,I`m not sure they have really helped with this one, In my view to give Earth a helping hand they could do a little more then what they have done with this.This book has no smoking gun and it needs one.

Yes he may also reincarnate on a higher planet, depending on what he learns while he is here, but his suffering is on a different scale, firstly he came from a higher planet, he is here because of the mistakes he has made on that planet,this is "not in the Book" .His suffering is not linear.The best way I can explain it in the way I have rationalized it is that, ignorance is bliss.Most times we wander through our lives only focusing on couple of things, only when something is brought to our attention to we really suffer.

One of the things that Michel said is that the reason why we on these types of planets do not remember our past lives is because we would take our own lives.It seems a silly thing that life is held together by the fact that everyone thinks this is their only life.Take a look around, 99.9% of them think its all new, and they would have to to keep it up, because if you new you would Hop off at any time, most would, considering the place they came from.You see its all erased from your mind for a reason.

If you take the time to research NDEs you will note they all have the same experience, when it is not a case of their own projected religious beliefs, the light, the love, the thing they have searched for their whole life.

And you can remember some of your lives or bits of them, if it is helpful, however most people never do and in this time most are not even interested.
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Is this the same Dr Tom Chalko who has invented a super efficient chest fridge?

Dr. Tom Chalko in Australia has developed an external thermostat to convert any chest freezer into a chest fridge using only about 0.1kWh per day—the amount of energy used by a 100 watt light bulb in one hour.
I found this, I thought it would be good to add with my last post....
Actually a chest fridge is not a bad idea at all.
A chest freezer, with huge insulation, converted into a fridge, using a fairly simple regulator.
I think it would reduce power consumption greatly.
I like it. I might do it myself.

It's the same name.
But is it the same person?
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The reason I liked TP is because I was looking for something other than Christianity or Evoloution to consider. I was raised in a Christian cult and when, at 30, I rejected everything Christian, I felt somehow...empty.
I like the theory that there IS a higher power and that we came from somewhere.
I like being able to put Jesus is a different light without disregarding his importance. I like being able to respect him as an evolved being without worshipping his death as my only path to eternal life.
I have had a hard time logically, I just couldn't buy into evolution or heaven or all but, my intuition and experiences with telecommunication make it hard for me to be skeptical of things I can't prove. Some things just can't be proved.
I think there is so much more out there, this theory suits me. It gives me a kind of peace.
This forum has been great to read, I can't get anyone to read the book and have had no one to help give me perspective.
Prove it..don't prove it. I like it, it feels good.
i just wanted to add that i happened to meet Michel recently while backpacking in Vietnam, and although i've never been into the whole "abduction" stuff, i read his book just because after meeting him and talking with him i just thought this guy really does not seem like a bullshitter. He's a really nice, interesting and intelligent 80 yr old. Inspiring in fact! Other than that i'll leave you to make up your own minds on the book once you have read it. Its certainly a good message.
I read the book, this is real based on my own understanding. I wish more people are open minded.
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based on theories

This is a highly informative statement. It tells me that your reading has been limited in quality and quantity.
Speak for yourself. Which anomalies do you see going on around you? (I haven't suffered from paranoia since they stopped spying on me.)
Any thinking person can recognise the damage we are doing to our biosphere.If someone declares that is the case it is hardly evidence that everything esle they say is true.

Look, sorry. Youtube is hardly a viable source of scientific observations. Even suggesting it is, marks you out as being rather silly. (I think the phrase gullible was used earlier of another poster.)

Get real kid. Those are entertainment channels tasked with making money. There are many good programs on them. There is also much nonsense spun to attract audiences and hence advertising revenue.
I'm open minded. Pick out two insights you feel are especially valuable. Summarise them her, together with any associated evidence and I shall give them an objective examination and comment upon them.

Next, quit with the presumptions about my level of spiritual evolution.

It does not matter whether the message is good or not, what matters is whether the claims against which that message is delivered are valid. A good message can be corrupted by its association with nonsense.

Can you point to any occassion in the last 4.5 billion years when our world was not changing? Can you? I'm waiting.

Crap. You need to look into the records.

Although you are ignorant of grammar and proper paragraph construction. Neither, however, in any way validates or invalidates the claims of the book.

You are a trained nurse yet you believe such nonsense!:shrug: Remind me to saty away from your clinic.

Indulging in fantasies promoted by books like this will do nothing for me materially, but it will certainly diminsih me spiritually if I choose to beleive any of it.

Reading your rants will make people believe that your knowledge and wisdom are based on useless theories

.... I dont speak English ....
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Well I tried to read the "book" no go to boring for Me . It is Hard to read boring Fiction when you are dyslexic . So then I watched his video for a little bit . That was hard too. It is hard to watch people when they are talking about fiction and trying to pass it off as real stories . Maybe it gets better as he goes along . Yarns usually do. His mannerisms are a dead give away. All so the lack of enthusiasm about what he is selling tells Me he has not convinced him self , so I don't even think it is a Delusion. Some people have delusions they believe in and then in there minds they totally believe what they are saying . They are genuine even if it is there delusion.
teachings from the ancient Essene is similar to tp

Jesus teaches the following main points in regard to Heaven and Hell:

1. There is not only one Heaven and one Hell; rather, there are countless Heavenly realms and countless Hellish realms. Jesus said, "In God's house are many mansions" and "various realms". He describes "higher heavens" and "lower heavens"; he also describes "higher hells" and "lower hells". According to Jesus, the universe is a vast cosmic school system for the training and evolution of souls. There are various levels of the cosmic school system and each level consists of many planets, spheres and realms inhabited by sentient beings. SOME OF THOSE REALMS ARE SO VIOLENT, HATEFUL, DARK AND MISERABLE, THEY CERTAINLY DESERVE THE TERM "HELLISH". SOME REALMS ARE SO PEACEFUL, JOYFUL, LIGHT AND LOVE-FILLED, THEY CERTAINLY DESERVE THE TERM "HEAVENLY."

2. According to Jesus, each being lives in the realm of the universe they deserve to (including the planet they live on) -- according to the universal law of karmic justice (CAUSE and EFFECT). Jesus said, "And as they have sown in one life, so shall they reap in another." Beings who live in harmony with universal law -- the laws of God -- will progressively ascend to ever-higher, more-heavenly abodes of light and love. Beings who do not live in harmony with the laws of the universe will progressively fall into ever-lower, more hellish realms of darkness and pain.

3. Jesus teaches that Heaven and Hell are experienced first inwardly -- as inner states of being -- and then become manifest in our outer circumstances as well. Jesus said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you." But he also said, "What is on the inside will become manifest on the outside." In other words, if you create a heavenly consciousness via harmony with universal law -- heaven within -- you will later experience a more heavenly outer-realm -- including the planet you live on -- as well. Again, Jesus said: "And as they have sown in one life so shall they reap in another." (It should be noted that some angelic beings who are entitled -- according to karmic law -- to live in more heavenly realms, CHOOSE to take incarnation in a more hell-like realm in order to perform loving service for the benefit of other beings.)

In the ancient Essene New Testament, Jesus teaches the following five main points in regard to REINCARNATION:

1. Jesus teaches that souls reincarnate in order to gain experience in their quest for perfection. We read in The Gospel of the Holy Twelve:

"The soul is purified through many births and experiences."

In another passage of the same manuscript, Jesus states:

"So through many births will ye be made perfect."

2. Jesus teaches that all creatures -- not only humans -- must continue to reincarnate until sufficiently purified. Jesus said:

"As all creatures come from the unseen into this world, so they return to the unseen, and so will they come again till they be purified."

3. A third point made by Jesus on reincarnation is that there is a time of rest and reflection between lives:

"... and to them will be given space to consider, and amend their lives...."

4. Jesus taught that what we do in one life will follow us into our next life:

"The body that ye lay in the grave, or that is consumed by fire, is not the body that shall be, but they who come again shall receive other bodies, and as they have sown in one life, so shall they reap in another."

5. According to Jesus, once we are sufficiently perfected we need not reincarnate anymore:

from essene dot org

.. sometimes truth are hidden in some beliefs, all you need to do is understand it. Knowledge is nothing without understanding.